Require minimum version of R package - r

I just noticed that there's no version argument to R's require() or library() functions. What do people do when they need to ensure they have at least some minimum version of a package, so that e.g. they know some bug is fixed, or some feature is available, or whatever?
I'm aware of the Depends stuff for package authors, but I'm looking for something to use in scripts, interactive environments, org-mode files, code snippets, etc.

You could use packageVersion():
# [1] ‘2.14.1’
if(packageVersion("stats") < "2.15.0") {
stop("Need to wait until package:stats 2.15 is released!")
# Error: Need to wait until package:stats 2.15 is released!
This works because packageVersion() returns an object of class package_version for which < behaves as we'd like it to (which < will not do when comparing two character strings using their lexicographical ordering).

After reading Paul's pseudocode, here's the function I've written.
use <- function(package, version=0, ...) {
package <- as.character(substitute(package))
library(package, ..., character.only=TRUE)
pver <- packageVersion(package)
if (compareVersion(as.character(pver), as.character(version)) < 0)
stop("Version ", version, " of '", package,
"' required, but only ", pver, " is available")
It functions basically the same as library(), but takes an extra version argument:
> use(plyr, 1.6)
> use(ggplot2, '0.9')
Error in use(ggplot2, "0.9") :
Version 0.9 of 'ggplot2' required, but only 0.8.9 is available

I am not aware of such a function, but it should be quite easy to make one. You can base it on sessionInfo() or packageVersion(). After loading the packages required for the script, you can harvest the package numbers from there. A function that checks the version number would look like (in pseudo code, as I don't have time right now):
check_version = function(pkg_name, min_version) {
cur_version = packageVersion(pkg_name)
if(cur_version < min_version) stop(sprintf("Package %s needs a newer version,
found %s, need at least %s", pkg_name, cur_version, min_version))
Calling it would be like:
check_version("ggplot2", "0.8-9")
You still need to parse the version numbers into something that allows the comparison cur_version < min_version, but the basic structure remains the same.


How to import sf to package to run a function that depends on lwgeom?

I'm building a package that imports {sf}, and more specifically I use st_length() in one of my functions.
I initially added only {sf} to my package "Imports", but when I checked it I got a few {lwgeom} related errors:
Running examples in 'gtfstools-Ex.R' failed
The error most likely occurred in:
> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
> ### Name: get_trip_speed
> ### Title: Get trip speed
> ### Aliases: get_trip_speed
> ### ** Examples
> data_path <- system.file("extdata/", package = "gtfstools")
> gtfs <- read_gtfs(data_path)
> trip_speed <- get_trip_speed(gtfs)
Error in sf::st_length(trips_geometries) :
package lwgeom required, please install it first
This error happens when the examples are running, but some similar errors happen with the tests.
Then I added {lwgeom} to Imports. The check runs fine, but in the end I get a note: NOTE: Namespaces in Imports field not imported from: 'lwgeom'
What's the best practice when dealing with cases like this? Should I just keep track of this note and send it as a comment to CRAN during the package submission process?
You can consider adding the {lwgeom} package in Suggests field of your package DESCRIPTION file. It should do the trick.
The Suggests != Depends article by Dirk Eddelbuettel refers to a relevant bit of Writing R Extensions (WRE) that might be useful to this case.
Section (suggested packages) reads (as of 2021-03-12):
Note that someone wanting to run the examples/tests/vignettes may not have a suggested package available (and it may not even be possible to install it for that platform). The recommendation used to be to make their use conditional via if(require("pkgname")): this is OK if that conditioning is done in examples/tests/vignettes, although using if(requireNamespace("pkgname")) is preferred, if possible.
However, using require for conditioning in package code is not good practice as it alters the search path for the rest of the session and relies on functions in that package not being masked by other require or library calls. It is better practice to use code like
if (requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) {
} else {
## do something else not involving rgl.
So while just adding {lwgeom} to Suggests works, we may stumble upon the issue where someone that runs a "lean installation" (i.e. without suggested packages) of my package won't be able to use the functions that rely on {lwgeom}.
More importantly, if an author of a package that I am importing decides to run a reverse dependency check on my package while not installing suggested packages, the check would fail because I'd have a few examples, tests and vignettes bits failing due to not having {lwgeom} available.
Thus, in addition to listing it in Suggests, I added some checks on examples and vignettes like suggested by WRE:
*examples/vignette context*
# the examples below require the 'lwgeom' package to be installed
if (requireNamespace("lwgeom", quietly = TRUE)) {
... do something ...
In the functions that require {lwgeom} I added:
if (!requireNamespace("lwgeom", quietly = TRUE))
"The 'lwgeom' package is required to run this function. ",
"Please install it first."
And added this bit to the tests of such functions (using {testthat}):
if (!requireNamespace("lwgeom", quietly = TRUE)) {
set_trip_speed(gtfs, "CPTM L07-0", 50),
regexp = paste0(
"The \\'lwgeom\\' package is required to run this function\\. ",
"Please install it first\\."
skip("'lwgeom' package required to run set_trip_speed() tests.")

Why require() command is preferred within functions in R? [duplicate]

What is the difference between require() and library()?
There's not much of one in everyday work.
However, according to the documentation for both functions (accessed by putting a ? before the function name and hitting enter), require is used inside functions, as it outputs a warning and continues if the package is not found, whereas library will throw an error.
Another benefit of require() is that it returns a logical value by default. TRUE if the packages is loaded, FALSE if it isn't.
> test <- library("abc")
Error in library("abc") : there is no package called 'abc'
> test
Error: object 'test' not found
> test <- require("abc")
Loading required package: abc
Warning message:
In library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, :
there is no package called 'abc'
> test
So you can use require() in constructions like the one below. Which mainly handy if you want to distribute your code to our R installation were packages might not be installed.
print("lme4 is loaded correctly")
} else {
print("trying to install lme4")
print("lme4 installed and loaded")
} else {
stop("could not install lme4")
In addition to the good advice already given, I would add this:
It is probably best to avoid using require() unless you actually will be using the value it returns e.g in some error checking loop such as given by thierry.
In most other cases it is better to use library(), because this will give an error message at package loading time if the package is not available. require() will just fail without an error if the package is not there. This is the best time to find out if the package needs to be installed (or perhaps doesn't even exist because it it spelled wrong). Getting error feedback early and at the relevant time will avoid possible headaches with tracking down why later code fails when it attempts to use library routines
You can use require() if you want to install packages if and only if necessary, such as:
if (!require(package, character.only=T, quietly=T)) {
library(package, character.only=T)
For multiple packages you can use
for (package in c('<package1>', '<package2>')) {
if (!require(package, character.only=T, quietly=T)) {
library(package, character.only=T)
Pro tips:
When used inside the script, you can avoid a dialog screen by specifying the repos parameter of install.packages(), such as
install.packages(package, repos="")
You can wrap require() and library() in suppressPackageStartupMessages() to, well, suppress package startup messages, and also use the parameters require(..., quietly=T, warn.conflicts=F) if needed to keep the installs quiet.
Always use library. Never use require.
tl;dr: require breaks one of the fundamental rules of robust software systems: fail early.
In a nutshell, this is because, when using require, your code might yield different, erroneous results, without signalling an error. This is rare but not hypothetical! Consider this code, which yields different results depending on whether {dplyr} can be loaded:
x = data.frame(y = seq(100))
y = 1
filter(x, y == 1)
This can lead to subtly wrong results. Using library instead of require throws an error here, signalling clearly that something is wrong. This is good.
It also makes debugging all other failures more difficult: If you require a package at the start of your script and use its exports in line 500, you’ll get an error message “object ‘foo’ not found” in line 500, rather than an error “there is no package called ‘bla’”.
The only acceptable use case of require is when its return value is immediately checked, as some of the other answers show. This is a fairly common pattern but even in these cases it is better (and recommended, see below) to instead separate the existence check and the loading of the package. That is: use requireNamespace instead of require in these cases.
More technically, require actually calls library internally (if the package wasn’t already attached — require thus performs a redundant check, because library also checks whether the package was already loaded). Here’s a simplified implementation of require to illustrate what it does:
require = function (package) {
already_attached = paste('package:', package) %in% search()
if (already_attached) return(TRUE)
maybe_error = try(library(package, character.only = TRUE))
success = ! inherits(maybe_error, 'try-error')
if (! success) cat("Failed")
Experienced R developers agree:
Yihui Xie, author of {knitr}, {bookdown} and many other packages says:
Ladies and gentlemen, I've said this before: require() is the wrong way to load an R package; use library() instead
Hadley Wickham, author of more popular R packages than anybody else, says
Use library(x) in data analysis scripts. […]
You never need to use require() (requireNamespace() is almost always better)
and you will see:
library(package) and require(package) both load the package with name
package and put it on the search list. require is designed for use
inside other functions; it returns FALSE and gives a warning (rather
than an error as library() does by default) if the package does not
exist. Both functions check and update the list of currently loaded
packages and do not reload a package which is already loaded. (If you
want to reload such a package, call detach(unload = TRUE) or
unloadNamespace first.) If you want to load a package without putting
it on the search list, use requireNamespace.
My initial theory about the difference was that library loads the packages whether it is already loaded or not, i.e. it might reload an already loaded package, while require just checks that it is loaded, or loads it if it isn't (thus the use in functions that rely on a certain package). The documentation refutes this, however, and explicitly states that neither function will reload an already loaded package.
Here seems to be the difference on an already loaded package.
While it is true that both require and library do not load the package. Library does a lot of other things before it checks and exits.
I would recommend removing "require" from the beginning of a function running 2mil times anyway, but if, for some reason I needed to keep it. require is technically a faster check.
microbenchmark(req = require(microbenchmark), lib = library(microbenchmark),times = 100000)
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
req 3.676 5.181 6.596968 5.655 6.177 9456.006 1e+05
lib 17.192 19.887 27.302907 20.852 22.490 255665.881 1e+05

Fallback and optional dependencies in R packages the CRAN way?

I would like to add a fallback dependency to my package. Problem is I want to do it CRAN compliant and can't figure out how to do it properly.
More specificly, I want to use data.table's fread / fwrite. Other than that I do not want to have a full data.table dependency. If data.table is not installed, my package should just fall back to using standard read.csv and write.csv.
I've seen this similar thread: Proper way to handle optional package dependencies
and also used a technique similar to what #Hadley suggested in the comments:
req <- require(data.table)
} else {
This does work, but when running CHECK I get a NOTE:
'library' or 'require' call to ‘data.table’ in package code.
Please use :: or requireNamespace() instead.
Which means I won't get it past CRAN's supervisors...
What's the correct way to handle this?
Just as the text says:
replace your (outdated) call to require() with one to requireNamespace()
Then, in the TRUE cases, call the package.
I often use :: to refer to the suggested package.
So mocking this up (and note, untested) I'd do
myreader <- function(file) {
if (requireNamespace("data.table", quietly=TRUE)) {
dat <- data.table::fread(file)
} else {
dat <- read.csv(file)
## postprocess dat as needed
Searches at GitHub are useful with user:cran l=R yourTerm so try this one. I use the very idiom in a number of packages.

Search all existing functions for package dependencies?

I have a package that I wrote while learning R and its dependency list is quite long. I'm trying to trim it down, for two cases:
I switched to other approaches, and packages listed in Suggests simply aren't used at all.
Only one function out of my whole package relies on a given dependency, and I'd like to switch to an approach where it is loaded only when needed.
Is there an automated way to track down these two cases? I can think of two crude approaches (download the list of functions in all the dependent packages and automate a text search for them through my package's code, or load the package functions without loading the required packages and execute until there's an error), but neither seems particularly elegant or foolproof....
One way to check dependancies in all functions is to use the byte compiler because that will check for functions being available in the global workspace and issue a notice if it does not find said function.
So if you as an example use the na.locf function from the zoo package in any of your functions and then byte compile your function you will get a message like this:
Note: no visible global function definition for 'na.locf'
To correctly address it for byte compiling you would have to write it as zoo::na.locf
So a quick way to test all R functions in a library/package you could do something like this (assuming you didn't write the calls to other functions with the namespace):
Assuming your R files with the functions are in C:\SomeLibrary\ or subfolders there of and then you define a sourceing file as C:\SomeLibrary.r or similar containing:
if (!(as.numeric(R.Version()$major) >=2 && as.numeric(R.Version()$minor) >= 14.0)) {
stop("SomeLibrary needs version 2.14.0 or greater.")
if ("SomeLibrary" %in% search()) {
currentlyInWorkspace <- ls()
SomeLibrary <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
pathToLoad <- "C:/SomeLibraryFiles"
filesToSource <- file.path(pathToLoad,dir(pathToLoad,recursive=TRUE)[grepl(".*[\\.R|\\.r].*",dir(pathToLoad,recursive=TRUE))])
for (filename in filesToSource) {
suppressWarnings(sys.source(filename, envir=SomeLibrary))
},error=function(ex) {
cat("Failed to source: ",filename,"\n")
for(SomeLibraryFunction in ls(SomeLibrary)) {
if (class(get(SomeLibraryFunction,envir=SomeLibrary))=="function") {
outText <- capture.output(with(SomeLibrary,assign(SomeLibraryFunction,cmpfun(get(SomeLibraryFunction)))))
cat("The function ",SomeLibraryFunction," produced the following compile note(s):\n")
rm(list=ls()[!ls() %in% currentlyInWorkspace])
Then start up R with no preloaded packages and source in C:\SomeLibrary.r
And then you should get notes from cmpfun for any call to a function in a package that's not part of the base packages and doesn't have a fully qualified namespace defined.

What is the difference between require() and library()?

What is the difference between require() and library()?
There's not much of one in everyday work.
However, according to the documentation for both functions (accessed by putting a ? before the function name and hitting enter), require is used inside functions, as it outputs a warning and continues if the package is not found, whereas library will throw an error.
Another benefit of require() is that it returns a logical value by default. TRUE if the packages is loaded, FALSE if it isn't.
> test <- library("abc")
Error in library("abc") : there is no package called 'abc'
> test
Error: object 'test' not found
> test <- require("abc")
Loading required package: abc
Warning message:
In library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, :
there is no package called 'abc'
> test
So you can use require() in constructions like the one below. Which mainly handy if you want to distribute your code to our R installation were packages might not be installed.
print("lme4 is loaded correctly")
} else {
print("trying to install lme4")
print("lme4 installed and loaded")
} else {
stop("could not install lme4")
In addition to the good advice already given, I would add this:
It is probably best to avoid using require() unless you actually will be using the value it returns e.g in some error checking loop such as given by thierry.
In most other cases it is better to use library(), because this will give an error message at package loading time if the package is not available. require() will just fail without an error if the package is not there. This is the best time to find out if the package needs to be installed (or perhaps doesn't even exist because it it spelled wrong). Getting error feedback early and at the relevant time will avoid possible headaches with tracking down why later code fails when it attempts to use library routines
You can use require() if you want to install packages if and only if necessary, such as:
if (!require(package, character.only=T, quietly=T)) {
library(package, character.only=T)
For multiple packages you can use
for (package in c('<package1>', '<package2>')) {
if (!require(package, character.only=T, quietly=T)) {
library(package, character.only=T)
Pro tips:
When used inside the script, you can avoid a dialog screen by specifying the repos parameter of install.packages(), such as
install.packages(package, repos="")
You can wrap require() and library() in suppressPackageStartupMessages() to, well, suppress package startup messages, and also use the parameters require(..., quietly=T, warn.conflicts=F) if needed to keep the installs quiet.
Always use library. Never use require.
tl;dr: require breaks one of the fundamental rules of robust software systems: fail early.
In a nutshell, this is because, when using require, your code might yield different, erroneous results, without signalling an error. This is rare but not hypothetical! Consider this code, which yields different results depending on whether {dplyr} can be loaded:
x = data.frame(y = seq(100))
y = 1
filter(x, y == 1)
This can lead to subtly wrong results. Using library instead of require throws an error here, signalling clearly that something is wrong. This is good.
It also makes debugging all other failures more difficult: If you require a package at the start of your script and use its exports in line 500, you’ll get an error message “object ‘foo’ not found” in line 500, rather than an error “there is no package called ‘bla’”.
The only acceptable use case of require is when its return value is immediately checked, as some of the other answers show. This is a fairly common pattern but even in these cases it is better (and recommended, see below) to instead separate the existence check and the loading of the package. That is: use requireNamespace instead of require in these cases.
More technically, require actually calls library internally (if the package wasn’t already attached — require thus performs a redundant check, because library also checks whether the package was already loaded). Here’s a simplified implementation of require to illustrate what it does:
require = function (package) {
already_attached = paste('package:', package) %in% search()
if (already_attached) return(TRUE)
maybe_error = try(library(package, character.only = TRUE))
success = ! inherits(maybe_error, 'try-error')
if (! success) cat("Failed")
Experienced R developers agree:
Yihui Xie, author of {knitr}, {bookdown} and many other packages says:
Ladies and gentlemen, I've said this before: require() is the wrong way to load an R package; use library() instead
Hadley Wickham, author of more popular R packages than anybody else, says
Use library(x) in data analysis scripts. […]
You never need to use require() (requireNamespace() is almost always better)
and you will see:
library(package) and require(package) both load the package with name
package and put it on the search list. require is designed for use
inside other functions; it returns FALSE and gives a warning (rather
than an error as library() does by default) if the package does not
exist. Both functions check and update the list of currently loaded
packages and do not reload a package which is already loaded. (If you
want to reload such a package, call detach(unload = TRUE) or
unloadNamespace first.) If you want to load a package without putting
it on the search list, use requireNamespace.
My initial theory about the difference was that library loads the packages whether it is already loaded or not, i.e. it might reload an already loaded package, while require just checks that it is loaded, or loads it if it isn't (thus the use in functions that rely on a certain package). The documentation refutes this, however, and explicitly states that neither function will reload an already loaded package.
Here seems to be the difference on an already loaded package.
While it is true that both require and library do not load the package. Library does a lot of other things before it checks and exits.
I would recommend removing "require" from the beginning of a function running 2mil times anyway, but if, for some reason I needed to keep it. require is technically a faster check.
microbenchmark(req = require(microbenchmark), lib = library(microbenchmark),times = 100000)
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
req 3.676 5.181 6.596968 5.655 6.177 9456.006 1e+05
lib 17.192 19.887 27.302907 20.852 22.490 255665.881 1e+05
