Customizing Flex Slider plugin - wordpress

I've looked a looked and looked for the perfect rotating banner for my website I am creating and I found flex slider, of which I love as it gives you the circled just underneath and the left and right arrows as well. The option for face or slide is what I was looking for too, however I need a plugin that allows the user to upload an image to the banner like Useful banner Manager. (I'm not using UBM as I don't what each banner image to fade to white and then to the next image, but that's how it acts).
Does anyone know a great rotating banner plugin that is easy to follow for wordpress newbies (as this will be integrated into the websites I create for clients) either free or premium?
OR do you know how I might just add the upload option to the flex slider plugin?

If you know the data format that the Flex Slider uses you can simply create a custom post type called 'Banner', restrict the various stock metaboxes, leaving say, only the editor and media upload. Then your clients can simply create new 'banners' by creating a new banner post, and uploading its associated image. This is a nice, simple and easy to understand interface for clients, making it easy for them to add, remove, edit banners.
Then simply do a get_posts on your banners and provide the Flex slider with data in a format it expects.
This has the advantage of not requiring a plugin to create, which is useful if you are distributing themes.


Wordpress dynamic image slider plugin

I am new to wordpress and I am looking for special type of image slider.
The image slider is such that when the image slides the contents of the image comes after words from different sides and also goes out in the similar way and the next slides comes.
I have seen it on many websites and do not know how to make it and what is a suitable plugin for it.
The one similar image slider on one site is: or
Also tell me how can I search this type of slider on internet i.e. what is the name of these types of slider. is one that can mostly do what you're looking for. Note that the example you gave is much more complex than just a slider. While I was working at a motorcycle shop, I did their site with Slider Revolution. It's not the most amazing site, but you can get an idea of some things that Slider Revolution can do.

Customizing product slider, WooCommerce

Iam somewhat of a newbie when it comes to wordpress. so bear with me.
ive been trying to make a simple slider that will display 3 catagories.
- books
- Boardgames
- office supplies
iam making it for someone who dosnt want a web store but just wanting it to display items in a meaningfull and dynamik way.
what ive tried is installing the WooCommerce plugin to make all my products and then installing the product slider by pickplugins.
I like the way it looks and i want to make two more. but i see no option to choose between different catagories in the slider options, so if i make 2 more sliders it will just display the same items (all of them).
the site is:
and the slider i want is something like there is on the frontpage.
anybody fixed a similar problem??
Yes, I was once stuck into a same situation, in which we had to customize the slider. Basically you will have to play with the CSS and JS of the slider plugin which you have used to create the slider.
You can start of by having a look at the js and the css used by the slider. Refer the documentation of the slider if available, I am sure if they have any documentation you can have it customized easily by modifying some values in it. If not then you will have to check the JS code and try to hack it yourself to fit your needs.

WordPress Plugin for video banner?

I'd like to have a video banner on my WordPress site pages. I saw the following site ( and they have exactly what I would like to do on my site. However, I'm not sure what plugin they used to accomplish this. Could anyone just point me in the right direction?
I'm fairly new to WordPress, so if anyone can suggest what plugin to use, or if there is functionality already in place in WordPress for this how I can use it to get the effect I want.
As per the requirement to show what has been done so far to achieve the result I want, I have created a PHP page that uses the HTML 5 video tags to embed the video I want, with the PNG overlay. I then embed the page using an iframe tag from within WordPress. The problem is I have to create a new PHP page for each WordPress page I want with this layout when it needs a different video and overlay png image.
Thank you!!!
To avoid an opinionated answer on what I think is the best plugin to use, I just did a simple View Page Source on the site you posted and picked through to find where that video banner is displayed. It references a lot of classes and stuff labeled "mejs" which I think refers to a mediaelement.js plugin found here:

Creating custom social icons

I'm new to using AddThis, or any form of social media toolbars etc, however I have the following image:
I need to code this into a social icon, along with a Facebook version.
My initial idea was to just add that in as an image, and then position the text for the number of followers/tweets to be over the top of the grey portion, however I've found this to not work, is there any other method I could use?
With Twitter, you need to get a site key and use their API. Facebook provides a pretty simple copy/paste functionality and has the basic instructions for how to do it on their page.
If you check the HTML for the you can replace the image with your own.

Wordpress Featured Post

I am trying to find a good plugin that would take the 4 most recent news articles, or filtered for a category, and allow me to make a auto rotating slider. Which includes a large image, a title, and a excerpt (not content) from a post. And also taking the image, or featured image as the navigation of the slides.
Does anyone know of such plugin? I am having little luck finding one that does most of this.
I've used SlideDeck in the past. They offer a free version so you can play around with it, and with a little programming you can display anything you want in it. I ended up not using it because it was overkill for what I needed and just coded my own slider with jQuery.
