In web application, can we display the excel sheet in web page [ web page], is they any way to display rather tahn grid view, i tried in gridview but it is not displaying in a good format, can you please sujest me, how to display the excel sheet in web page.
i tried in gridview but it is not displaying in a good format
You should have to learn and experience the power of cascade style sheet.
You may use DataList, ListView, Repeator or you may construct your own control to display data on web-page.
If you are looking for an ASP.NET control which works similar to Excel then try using these answers.
Excel like server side control for ASP.NET
I am currently trying to implement a gridview with custom paging. I've gotten this to work by following the tutorial on ASP Snippets, located here:
This work well. However, I run into an issue. My gridview has template controls in it, which run code when used. For example, I have a button that, when clicked, replaces the cell contents with two different buttons. When I use the pagination technique given above, clicking on any template control (causing postback), erases my gridview. I realize that this is because I have to recreate the gridview on every postback because of the way the pagination is set up. However, when I recreate the gridview, the effects of my button are gone because it has been recreated. I'm not sure how to escape this..
Does anyone have any ideas?
For a specific pointed question,
I am looking to create a gridview with custom pagination that will allow for template controls and extended functionality.
Thank you
Generic information:
IDE: Visual Studio 2012
Language: VB.NET, ASP.NET
Database: SQL SERVER 2008 R2
I fixed this issue by programmatic ally resetting the states of my controls to match what they were before post-back.
I haven't had any issues since setting that up.
How can I save rich text format data using in database ? How to retrieve the same data in a gridview ?
I am trying to the take the input using texteditor provided in bootstrap framework.
I have found a solution to this question. One easy way for a begginner is to use Editor control in Ajax Control toolkit bundle. Editor control can be used like most of the other controls are used from the Ajax Control Toolkit(ACT) bundle. You need to add the ScriptManager from ACT bundle for the Editor control to work.
Helpful link : [Online Demo and Documentation of the Control]
The saved value can be fetched and binded into a label control or even a gridview to view on the webpage.
I'm developing an ASP.Net MVC2 project. What I need is that I want to print the view when user clicks a link.
You could use Javascript on a link
In combination with the answer from #M.Shuwaiee you can also take advantage of creating a style sheet specifically for the printer so your view can render more accurately for a paper layout. has some information on this.
Can i set any cell attributes dynamically of a report file from the c# code in its host 'report.aspc' page.
I have a db and have added a report.rdcl to my solution, i have also put a reportViewer component into my report.aspx page. I get the data displaying ok but i want to color certain rows etc based on data itself.
I have a database where i have the physical path where image of a person is stored .
now i want a code by which I can display the image of that person in a aspx window.
as I am new to & C#
can somebody provide me the full code of aspx page and the C# code behind it?
Here's a good example on how to connect to a database and display the data in ASP.NET: How to: Bind to Data in a Templated Control on MSDN.
Also there a lots of great tutorials on the ASP.NET "official" site.
Alright, now we got something to work with. Do you know if your HttpHandler is throwing any exceptions? Place a breakpoint in the HttpHandler code and hit F5 (Visual Studio) to launch the site in debug bug mode. Maybe you're not passing an image ID to the handler? Try and hardcode an ID in the .aspx for an image you know that exists in the database.
See if you can update your question and format the code: Just select the code sample and click the "code" button in the editor. It will indent the text and apply nice formatting, making it easier to read.
Also include your .aspx page so we can see what's going on there.