How can I Protect some pages through authentication? -

I have many pages in web application, i want display some pages to all including anonymous user and some pages should be protected from anonymous user can it is possible through authentication and authorization.. if it is possible then please tell me how......

There is built in functionality in ASP.NET for this. See ASP.NET Authorization on MSDN for an introduction.
You can specify what roles are allowed to access different pages/paths. With a membership and role provider you get a built in handling of users and roles. If you are in a corporate environment you probably want to integrate with Windows authentication, otherwise there is a good SqlMembership provider that handles all the user storage in the database in a secure way.

If you want to keep away from building an authentication system into your application you're best bet is to look at putting the pages that need protection into a separate directory on the webserver, then using : to protect them.
This of course assumes you're using apache.
It is no longer recommended to use the .htaccess files.


SSO between ASP.Net and JSP

I built an ASP.Net MVC 4 application which uses forms authentication by means of a custom membership provider inheriting from the Simple Membership.
Everything is working fine, but now I have a new requirement: I need to integrate a JSP application with mine.
This means that it has to authenticate against the same user database of my application and that they should somehow share the session in order to achieve a kind of Single Sign-On among the two applications (if an user is already authenticated in the ASP.Net application, he should be able to access the JSP application without logging in again, and vice-versa).
What architecture do you suggest me to use?
I would like to change as little as possible the ASP.Net application.
If you need to auhtenticate accross different domains:
You can implement your own security token service (like facebook, google does) Here is some ready to use implementation:
If the sites are running on the same domain (subdomain), then you can try to share an authentication cookie within these domains.
An explaining article: membership

I'm writing an MVC application, using ASP.Net Membership for security. The application will allow multiple websites to run from the same app and database.
The websites running on the app will be completely independent from each other. The users of those sites will have access to their site only.
If I'm using one web.config, one MVC app and one database, can I achieve site specific security using ASP.NET membership?
Presumably I'll only have one application key so won't be able to use that to differentiate between sites. I thought about using Roles but will be exposing roles to site administrators -- and don't want admins to add / configure roles for a different site to their own users.
This potential problem has only just occurred to me so any help will be greatly appreciated.
You could you have them as sub sites of the main site (with web.config setup there) and therefore, the authentication permeates through the sub-sites.
There is an ApplicationName property that the roles provider uses to filter roles on. Try setting that property before fetching roles.
Something like this should work:
Roles.ApplicationName = "MyAppName";
var authorized = Roles.IsUserInRole("Some.user", "admin");
I haven't tried this, it is a static property and could give you weird results, so be careful. The best way to do this would be to implement your own provider so you could do something like Roles.IsUserInRole("some.user","admin","MyAppName").

Is it possible to have both Forms Authentication and Windows Authentication in an ASP.NET site?

I have a site where the vast majority of the content will be secured using Forms Authentication. However there is one sub folder that will be used internally by the administrative staff. I would like to secure this folder using Windows Authentication. Is that possible? Would I have to make the admin folder a virtual directory?
CLARIFICATION: There is no need for the administrative staff to access the main site. They are really two separate sites/apps. Regular users will access the main application via Forms Authentication (and never access the admin folder). And admin users will access the admin application via Windows Authentication (and never access the main site).
Yes, it's possible but you have to build a custom membership provider or an interface to allow for it. It is not possible to specify individual authentication methods on sub-folders unless they are in completely separate projects/application domains.
One method to accomplish this would be to use an LDAP membership provider and change the ldap connection based on the username (if there is a discernible method of doing this).
One other method would be to provide a separate website that uses the Windows authentication to perform the login and then constructs a custom cookie for the user and transfers them back to the original website identifying the individual as a member of the administrative staff.
Then the folder could be secured using the <location> elements in the web.config.
If I was going to build a site with Mixed authentication, I would setup the site to use webforms. I would then setup a virtual application inside of this application that consisted of the same forms auth web.config information but set to use Windows Auth.
On the login page of the windows auth site after you validate their credentials I would then manually call FormsAuthentication to create the auth token. At this point you can then redirect the user to the Forms Auth site and they should be logged in (as long as all the forms auth cookie information is the same for both sites, this might also include needing to setup the same machine keys for both applications).
I haven't done this specifically but this should definitely be a viable (and probably one of the most optimal) solutions.
It may be as simple as right-clicking on the admin folder in Windows Explorer and setting the rights in the Security tab.
Put the administration site in its own application - by right clicking on the folder in IIS manager and and choose convert to application.
Once that's done you can adjust the authentication method on the application by highlighting the application folder in IIS manager and then choosing authentication and adjusting them (or you can do it the hard way via web.config if you can't remote into the machine).

ASP.NET Login roles?

I need to secure my website without using the ASP.NET built in login controls or the Forms Authentication.
Its need to support "normal" users and admin users.
Any suggestion? Thanks
Well, it's impossible to build anything in ASP.NET without a tag = )
I can't tell exactly what you are asking, so I will try to go over the whole groundwork.
ASP.NET Provides Different Authentication Models
You can use ASP.NET's built in authentication with Membership and Roles
You can write your own ASP.NET membership model
You can use another ASP.NET authentication model, such as Shibboleth, Windows/IIS, and others, see JD's post.
You can skip all of these and use your own "authentication", perhaps it is stored as a simple Session variable
ASP.NET Provides Different Controls
There is a handly Login control that integrated with ASP.NET's built in membership making things very easy.
If you don't want to use that, you can simply use ASP TextBoxes, Buttons, etc, and basically create your own login form.
In adition to JD's and rlb.usa's posts you can also use opemid or windowslive id authentication perhaps. both of these have membership providers for Checkout Codeplex for those; however if you want a truly customazieable solution perhaps its best for you as rlb.usa pointed out a simple session variable solution.
Perhaps you want to use Windows Authentication (rather than Forms Authentication) with ASP.NET? You should choose Windows authentication if your user accounts are maintained by a domain controller or within Active Directory and there are no firewall issues. I think this is what you are after. Here's a decent write up.
Umm, a quick response is for you to checkout Authentication features provided by IIS. These include Kerbros, NTLM, Basic Auth, just to name a few.

ASP.NET 2.0 Security Membership Provider Pattern

I am creating a website in ASP MVC. Can anyone give me some advice on using the built-in membership provider in the following way.
I want my users to create an Administrative account for themselves and then create accounts for the people in their organization, or the people that they want to give access to.
I guess in a Database it will look something like this:
Companies have Administrators. Administrators can give users access.
I am sure this pattern is used all over the place, I am just not sure how to implement it. Especially using the membership providers.
There is nothing special in implementing this. It can be easily accomplished by built-in features of ASP.NET 2.0:
Configure Web site to use membership (via web.config)
Enable role management (via web.config <roles enabled="true"> tag)
Add administrator accounts to Administrators role.
Control access to the administrative pages by using [Authorize(Roles="Administrators")] attribute in the controller action.
Require authentication on other non-admin actions ([Authorize])
When I did this, I used the Membership Provider for authentication however, the organization concept I created externally from the Provider. You could use the Profile Provider.
As for roles I would still use the Roles within the ASP.Net Membership Model.
You can create a role for those people and name it something like organizational-admin, though that's a bit long, you catch my drift :). And give those the power to create users with a regular user role. At least that's how i did it in one of my applications.
Ofcourse you'll keep the admin to yourself or to the person who is in charge of this particular site.
Gu's blog has a small example of how to implement the roles in an action filter.
