Deserializing json data from jquery post method directly to string array -

Is there a way to deserialize an array sent by jquery post method to directly c# string array(string[])?
I tried posting data like this
function(response) {}, 'json');
And trying to consume it like this in C# class
string jsonData = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream).ReadToEnd();
var selectedTeams = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<string[]>(jsonData);
It didn't work and ofcource it should not as there is no property selectedTeams[] in string[]
I am aware of the way to define a class something like this
class Teams
public string[] SelectedTeams{get;set;}
and then do the deserialization.
But I think that is an unnecessary defining a class so isn't there a way to directly convert json array to c# string array
Thanks in advance.

Figure it out!
Using stringified array object rather than direct named json parameter to pass as data solved my problem
I am now posting like this
var Ids = new Array();
$.post(url, JSON.stringify(Ids), function(response) {}, 'json');
And now able to deserialize json response directly to string array like this
string jsonData = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream).ReadToEnd();
var selectedTeams = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<string[]>(jsonData);

you could develop your own class, but I would suggest you use this:


getting string like when I return a list

The result I am getting
I am getting like the format as below when I use the postman.
Question: How do I remove []? I tried to remove ToList() but it didn't work.
Question: Why I am getting a string like result instead of json?
controller method
public IEnumerable<ClientModel> GetClients()
var clients = ClientHelper.GetAllClients();
var result = (from c in clients
select c).ToList();
return Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<ClientModel>>(result);
Use this namespace
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
var json_result = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(result );
You must get json data in json_result

How to return IEnumerable list of objects with WebApi?

I have an object called PostMapDB and a method which retrieves a list of those objects. I would like to be able to pass this list and retrieve the data using webapi.
The code bellow gets me an error:{"":["The input was not valid."]}
public string Get(PostMapDB list)
IEnumerable<PostMapDB> dataOfPosts = list.getAllPosts().OrderBy(x => x.Date);
var data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataOfPosts, new JsonSerializerSettings()
ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver()
IgnoreSerializableAttribute = false
return data;
How does your request to server looks like?
What's the definition on PostMapDB?
Make sure you're passing data in a right way.
Probably the attribute FromBody would help:
public string Get([FromBody] PostMapDB list)

Serialize JSON from dynamic ignoring a C# keyword

I'm using and all I need from it is the simplest form of creating a JSON string to send up as an HTTP POST. For that reason, I don't want to create a new custom object just to be able to serialize it correctly. So I chose the dynamic method in
The JSON that I need looks something like this:
root: {
header: {
namespace: "",
name: ""
body: {
email: email
item1: "",
item2: ""
item3: "",
item4: ""
So I tried to do the following:
dynamic httpRequestBody = new JObject();
httpRequestBody.root = new JObject();
httpRequestBody.root.header = new JObject();
httpRequestBody.root.header.namespace = ""; = "name;
But since "namespace" is a C# keyword, it doesn't let me use it. Is there a way to get around it since I need "namespace" as part of the JSON? If not, what's the simplest way of creating this JSON string?
To clarify, I don't have a very strong opinion against creating my own little class and serialize it, but it feels like since all i need is to send some jSON up and forget about it, I should be able to create it on the fly.
Rather than upcasting your JObject to be dynamic, keep it as an explicitly typed variable. JObject implements IDictionary<string, JToken> which can be used, along with the implicit conversion operators from primitive types to JToken, to set a property value of any name to any primitive value or other JToken:
var header = new JObject();
header["namespace"] = ""; // Here we use the implicit operator from string to JToken
header["name"] = "name";
httpRequestBody["root"]["header"] = header;
Using explicit typing also allows for compile-time checking of code correctness, and may improve performance.
Demo fiddle here. custom XML DateTime serialization

Is there a way to override the XML DateTime serialization in Servicestack.Net like we can do with JSON:
JsConfig<DateTime>.SerializeFn = date => new DateTime(date.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Local).ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss");
I want to do the same thing for all XML DateTimes.
I just found out I can hook into the XML serialization with this:
this.ContentTypeFilters.Register("application/xml", SerializeXmlToStream, DeserializeXmlFromStream);
public static void SerializeXmlToStream(IRequestContext requestContext, object response, Stream stream)
using (var sw = new StreamWriter(stream))
This returns the same XML as without this hook. If someone has any idea how I can change the serialiazation of DateTime to a custom format with this or any other global way please let me know.

ASP.NET WebMethod Returns JSON wrapped in quotes

I have an page with a WebMethod on it to pass JSON back to my javascript.
Bellow is the web method:
public static string getData(Dictionary<string, string> d) {
string response = "{ \"firstname\": \"John\", \"lastname\": \"Smith\" }";
return response;
When this is returned to the client it is formatted as follows:
{ \"d\": \"{ \"firstname\": \"John\", \"lastname\": \"Smith\" }\" }
The problem is the double quotes wrapping everything under 'd'. Is there something I've missed in the web method or some other means of returning the data without the quotes? I don't really want to be stripping it out on the client everytime. Also I've seen other articles where this doesn't happen.
Any help would be appreciated thanks.
I assume that you want to return the JSON representation of the object
but your method signature is returning a string. The ASP.Net framework serialisation is correctly serialising the string response. Put another way, if your function was
string response = "foo";
return response;
You would not be surprised if the output was
It just happens that response has double quotes that need to be escaped.
You obviously just want to get at the object. You have 2 options: -
1) use eval in your javascript to turn the string into an object e.g.
function onSuccessCallback(retval) {
var obj = eval(retval.d);
2) or (and this is my prefered solution) have your method return an actual object and let the JSON serialisationof the framework do the heavy lifting for you
public static object getData(Dictionary<string, string> d) {
var response = new { firstname = "John", lastname="Smith" };
return response;
You will see that this generates the response that you probably originally expected (e.g.
{"d":{"firstname":"John", "lastname":"Smith"}}
Actually this entire issue exists because you're trying to out-think ASP.Net web services. You need to setup a class for your data to be returned and use that class (or List(of YourClass)) to queue up results and return them.
A great article explaining all this (a very common pitfall) is:
I had a similar issue with my code. I was trying to return an XmlDocument as JSON to a calling script but returning XmlDocument from the WebService returned an empty set of arrays (as XmlDocument is NOT serializable!).
If i set the ScriptService with the attribute ResponseFormat.JSON then my JSON was double-escaped.
The way to out-fox ASP.NET is to tell ASP.NET that you're returning XML and then it won't double-escape your JSON ;-)
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Xml)]
public String MyJSONWebService(String sParam1, String sParam2, String sParam3)
... do stuff.....
XmlDocument oXMLDocument = new XmlDocument();
sJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(oXMLDocument.SelectSingleNode("autnresponse"));
return sJSON;
I know it's a hack but .....
