Visual studio pulling a cached page -

I think my visual studio is pulling a cached version of a webpage. See I am putting in code in the page, but when I run the website it never shows up.
And if I delete parts of the webpage, they still show when I run it.
I tried to rebuild but it still doesn't work.

When you say "putting code in the page," are you referring to the markup (aspx/ascx/cshtml/vbhtml/etc), or a code file (.cs, .vb)?
If you're modifying the code-behind file (webforms) or a controller (MVC), and you're (hopefully) using a web application project instead of a website project, you need to recompile the solution for your changes to take effect.


ASP.NET site not updating after changes

So, I have a pretty basic ASP.NET site that was built and published via ftp through VS. Original publication went fine, as did the first few updates. But now I've made page changes (css as well as in the aspx files) and they don't seem to get pushed to the server. I believe that my code behind (C#) files are being updated since there are a few visual elements I call in the code. When I look at the ASPX files, they have old dates and the code is the prior version. VS says the publishing succeeded, and the host (GoDaddy) says there's no caching or quota issues on their side. If I upload a new dummy page it goes through... so it looks like updated pages are the issue.
What am I missing?
If it's styles have you tried doing a hard-refresh on your browser? If everything is saying the files are updated then maybe you have a locally cached version.

Having Issues with setting up site/start page with Angular HelloWorld project in VS 2017

I know the VS Code is the tool most seen in Angular demos and I've tried them but I was going through a YouTube demo on using Visual Studio to develop a Hello World Angular app.I started out using NPM START to run the app then was following the instructions here to use the Visual Studio Start button to initiate the app.
The app was sometimes rerunning and sometimes not. I was thinking it had something to do with the startup folder but now I wish that I would have modified by startup page instead.
Here's what my folder structure looks like:
Anyways, I first I started messing with the application root URL. I tried changing it from
and some other values too. I confirmed that i wanted to create a virtual folder and played around entering multiple values. As a result, I noticed that my IISExpress icon in the tray started to show all of the URLS that I had entered
I wanted to try an undo these virtual folders that I created but I didn't know where they were stored. Finally, I saw that the last path that I specify is stored in the VS Project file but I don't know where all of the other sites are stored. I'd like to delete them. Is there some IIS Express config file?
The whole problem started when I was trying to get the initial the web page to come up and I was getting a "Forbidden" error. Now I think that it could possible be solve by setting my initial page to src/index.html, although the YouTube video didn't mention it.
Now, every time I hit the start button to run the web app, the following URL is displayed with an extra trailing slash after the html page name.
and I still get the forbidden error.
So, how do I clean up my IIS Sites that I don't need and set my startup params so that the web page comes up and displays index.html?

Reset Design With Visual Studio on Asp.Net

I am writing an ASP.NET webpage and accidentally I moved a control in the Design View and by trrying to put it back in position I completely destroyed the page layout.
I tried to delete the designer.cs file and Converting the page to a Web Application, cutting the code,saving pasting it and saving again, copying the code to a new Page. All with no result.
Is there an option like "Ignore the layout from the Design View" or similar?
The only solution I found was to delete the Project, download the last version from Team Foundation Service and work from there.

Any one know why changes made to a .aspx page in the designer are not saved by visual studio 2008?

im developing an website application but suddenly all changes i make to the page in the visual studio designer are not being saved for some reason. Every thing i do in the code behind file is saved with out any problem, also if i edit the .aspx file but in sourceview, the changes are saved, but if i drag a control from the toolbox onto the page designer and set some properties and then save, nothing will have been saved when i close and re-open the page, all changes are lost. Its confusing and i have no idea why.
Edit: also this happens on only one aspx file. All the other files edits are saved.
Edit: I have tried the hotfix here with no luck
I think it is just a bug in visual studio. I have also experienced this behaviour, you edit things in design view then switch back to source view and the markup does not reflect the cahanges you made in design view. I have noticed it particulary when adding/editing columns in a gridview. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. I have never been able to work out a pattern.
If you have any of the auto-generated files open in the editor, this can stop the designer from persisting its changes.

newbie question about css property set up in Web developer 2010 Express

I am relatively new in C# and ASP.NET MVC.
There is something unusual that happens and it could be a simple property setup...
I have a MVC Web app and a css file associated with it in my Content folder.
Now everytime I do some changes in the css file I don't see these changes when I run the app. It seems that whatever I do the app keeps on using the old file. I can see it when I do a View Source on the page.
I played a bit with the Copy to Output Directory property in Web Developer without any good results.
Am I really missing something here ?
Either restart casini, the web server for, the icon down by the clock or try hitting F5 in the browser a bunch of times.
Try clearing the cache in your browser.
