Prevent Safari cuts with transform - css

I have an element that is positioned absolutely above another. The thing is the background element has a little JS to rotate on the Y axis depending on the mouse's movement. Unfortunately, I am seeing an issue in Safari that doesn't appear in Firefox or Chrome.
The background element cuts up through the foreground one, and I'd like to know if there is anything to prevent this, or have it behave like Firefox.
Edit: Updated example to include background image (gradient) which is more exact to what I see in my site. This bug does show up on both Windows and Mac (unlike previous example, sans background image, which was only on Windows)

There's definitely a bug, but I had to change your JSFiddle quite a bit. (Did you strip too much from your actual code?). I was able to recreate your issue by using -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d; while not using it (or making it flat) fixes the "cut" in my code.
Take a look at this JSFiddle with my version of the bug (commented out) and the fix. Notice that applying that -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d; does create your bug in Safari (Mac) while not in Chrome:
Hopefully that helps.

I would simply add a transform: translateZ(100px); to the container in the foreground where 100px is the width of the blue container divided by 2 as its transform-origin is the default 50% 50%. It wouldn't have the same effect as transform: scale(...); as long as the outer wrapper doesn't have a transform-style of preserve-3d.


css translateZ makes elements blurry

Here's a reproduction of my issue (codepen because apparently stackoverflow's iframe affects the rendering somehow):
When using transform: translateZ and perspective inner elements' edges and text become blurry. It works very differently in different browsers, too. In case it also depends on screen or OS, here are a few screenshots with descriptions:
In Google Chrome transform: scale(2) is fine. Text and inner elements become blurry depending on the width of the element with perspective, and it follows very strange logic, when I set the width to 847px or higher it breaks, lower looks ok:
In Mozilla Firefox text becomes blurry if perspective/translateZ combination is used, inner elements are fine, transform: scale(2) is ok as well. width doesn't seem to affect anything:
In Safari everything is hella blurry whatever I do:
Why is it blurry at all and how do I make it right? Using transform: scale(2) for everything isn't a viable option. Are there maybe some rules I should follow to help browsers render 3D transforms with text right?
Supporting Safari isn't a priority but would still be nice
Have you tried adding a custom -webkit to the browser?
I am probably late with this answer but I recently encountered the same behavior when implementing a parallax design for a website.
This is a problem related to text being rendered as bitmaps in Safari, which are not re-rendered on transform: scale(x); but instead blown up in size.
It is possible to manually trigger a re-render of the text in some cases, however this is very finicky and there's no guaranteed way to make it work.
A more comprehensive answer to this was provided by Jack in this thread:
Transform scale() Safari bug when used on elements with border

CSS Transform Scale makes text blurry

I have a hover effect that when it is triggered, the box enlarges. Only issue i have is that the text seems to blur during the transition and then goes sharp again when 'transformed'.
Before posting on here i decided to have a research and came across this post which seems to be the issue with mine as well:
How to force re-render after a WebKit 3D transform in Safari
I have applied their answer to my build and still the blurred effect happens. I have provided a link below and if anyone could advise me with what i have is possible to resolve that would be great!
eg of transition code:
While it's not equivalent, setting the width, height, left, top, font-size attributes in the :hover works without the blurring on Chrome.
.cta:hover {
width: 500px;
height: 500px;
font-size: 400%;
The only other work-around "might" be to use animation #keyframes and set a decent amount of them ~5 or 10, it might force a correction of the blurring between each keyframe.
I found this on
It appears if you set your transforms to also use
translate3d( 0, 0, 0)
it can fix it, but it does cause fonts to be a bit blurry on rotate/transform. See here:
I use Jquery and needed my slider's H3 tags to be fixed. Larger text wasn't blurry for me.
I wrote the line
$("#slider1_container").find("h3").css("-webkit-transform", "translate3d(0,0,0)").css("-webkit-text-stroke", "0.15px");
and that fixed it best for me. I needed the -webkit- in front of my transform. I don't know why, as others said not to use it. I uploaded an image of the way it looked with some different settings.

CSS: Transition on shadow filter

so I'm trying to cast a shadow onto a non-rectangular object in a png file with transparency. That works so far, but when I try to add a transition effect on hovering over the image, the filter seem to max out their set value and then quickly bounce back to the actual set value when the timer from the transition feature is up. I'm running Chrome 28 Mac but also appears on Safari.
I have demonstrated this effect here:
transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
-webkit-filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 13px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9));
Recommendations anyone who to fix this and make the transitions smooth?
I'd check to see if this works and happens in Firefox. If I had to guess, I'd say it's a bug in Webkit (checking in Firefox can help confirm that it's a browser bug and not a bug in your code). You can file a bug report for it here:
That said, in order to work around it, you might have to reconsider how you're going about solving your problem.
For example, if you're doing it for text, you can use the text-shadow property, which is animatable.
If it's an actual image, you could resort to making a "shadow image" that you could fade the opacity on (if you're using this on a content image), or swap to (if you're swapping background images).
Edit I found this tutorial, which may be of use to you. It's an image cross-fade effect, like what I previously suggested. It has a few different variations (including a pure CSS one), so you can probably adapt it to make it work for you. Basically, you add a background to the img, then fade in/out the img element itself to create the effect. I'd agree that it's not ideal (your -webkit-filter technique is arguably superior, if it worked properly in the browsers).
That does look like a bug. It looks like the shadow radius is being treated differently while the animation is in progress (and accelerated filters are applied). I've logged this for Chrome as
As a workaround, you can apply -webkit-transform: translateZ(0) to the element with the shadow, which will force it to always be accelerated.

CSS3 rotating flip card - flickering?

See the grey box on this page:
When you hover it it's suppose to flip over and show the other side. It works in Chrome, but for some reason i'm getting a lot of flickering during the animation. I tried fiddling around with the rules and even adding a container around the box, but no success.
I read this question, among others: Why is rotateY (flip) css3 animation flickering in Chrome?
The problem seems to be that elements with backface-visibility: hidden; cannot have backgrounds. So, as a workaround, i thought i could have an element inside .front and .back and give that element a background. That didn't work, still flickered.
Other than that, i'm also not sure why it only works in Chrome/webkit. I do have the necessary prefixes for everything, so it should work, shouldn't it?
Any suggestions?
Works fine after moving the backface-visibility: hidden; to the .front and .back instead of .card. The flickering disappeared. Now i'll just have to come up with some fallback for non supporting browsers.

CSS3 Transform affecting other elements with chrome/safari

I have an issue where my css3 transformations are effecting other elements on the page and even causing them to sort of flicker. I saw another post about this but they didn't have a resolution with the issue. when you scroll over the navigation you see an animated css3 transformation. It works fine in firefox without flickering but with chrome and safari the effect is very obvious, you see it in the drop down menu items as well as the footer text.
Working solution for flickering elements during transition in Chrome is to set up CSS for parent node:
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
The solution for me was to apply the bellow css to the parent of all affected elements.
-webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
This is a known issue with Macintosh text rendering on Chrome 22 (and apparently Safari). GPU acceleration causes MacOS to switch from subpixel to greyscale antialiasing which makes the font weight appear to decrease noticeably.
As the OP notes below, the fix is to apply -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased - which applies grayscale anti-aliasing at all times. If you do this, you'll probably want to increase your font-weights all around since greyscale anti-aliased text looks notably thinner than sub-pixel
You can get the same effect by applying properties that cause the content to always be GPU accelerated (such as back-face-visibility: hidden) but because these are not guaranteed to cause GPU acceleration in future browser versions - it is more future proofed to simply specify greyscale.
I was having the same issue in Chrome but not Firefox.
The temporary fix is to add a web-kit fix and remove the transition:
-webkit-transition: none;
