How to make a ASP.NET Webforms application testable? -

I am looking at a legacy enterprise application, which written using ASP.NET. No controls or web forms. This is how it works:
<%# Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="EmployeeList.aspx.cs" Inherits="EmployeeList" %>
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Security Check
// Load Template, get version 1.4 of active employee list
StringBuilder template = GetTemplate("Employee", "ActiveList", "1.4", true);
// Get list from database
using(SqlDataReader objReader = GetListFromDB())
//fills data
TUtils.Replace(template, ROW, "%name%", objReader[0]);
// return response
private StringBuilder GetTemplate(string x, string y, string v, bool z);
// returns template
private SqlDataReader GetListFromDB() {
// returns data reader
My question is, since we are not using web forms, is there a way to introduce NUnit in this event driven model (as shown above)?
Also, please avoid suggestions to move to ASP.NET MVC or other patterns, which we are considering, but wondering is there any way to convert this enterprise application testable.

This is absolutely possible. You should have a look on implementing MVP pattern with ASP.NET Webforms. There are several open source implementations but you can do a smaller specialized on your your own.
The basics are to move your code behind logic to a presenterclass. The presenter class has a reference to the page implementing an interface. The trick in your case will be to Mock the Page.Response object for your test. Thats why it´s hard to unit test it right way. The PageResponse Property contains a object deriving from HttpResponseBase and that´s the baseclass you should Mock in your tests and do your asserts on with your example. You could start with that and then extend your presenter with functionalty like Session, Request etc.
If you don´t have any markup at all probably you can just create the presenter in the view constructor and don´t bother of having and reference to the view.
To clarify: The big trick is to get the code out of the aspx.cs file. That beast is not testable.
Sample base class for Presenters:
public class Presenter<T> where T : class, IView
protected readonly T View;
protected Presenter(T view, ILogger logger)
View = view;
public virtual void page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
public virtual void page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
public virtual void page_Load(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
public HttpContextBase HttpContext { protected get; set; }
protected HttpRequestBase Request
get { return HttpContext.Request; }

Since most of your code is in the code-behind, I dont think that the usual testing approach with NUnit / Visual Studio testing framework will work well.
However, I think one possible approach is to use UI Testing frameworks like WATIN / Selenium. This will enable you to still write tests for the various functionality.
I have done something similar in the past by basically writing a test case for every UI action that results in a server postback. May not be ideal but it does allow you to automate your testing.


Application object cannot be used in ASP.NET web page

How to use Application object in the web page?
I thought it should be something like Session object.
But when I use Application, it shows the Reference like
Obviously, it's not the one I'm looking for.
Has it been discarded in .NET 4?
If yes, what should I use to replace the Application object.
Are you referring to this one
Page.Application Property
Gets the HttpApplicationState object for the current Web request.
this.Application["test"] = "some value";
inside a WebForm should work. And in the code behind it's the same story:
public partial class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Application["test"] = "some value";
The Application (HttpApplicationState) property is very much there.
Seems you have some references that are causing the confusion.
In your CS code on a Page you should be able to use it
this.Application["key"] = myObject;
It should work if you try to access it from an ASP.NET page. Application is a property of Page that returns the HttpApplicationState.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(Page.Application["Foo"] != null)
// ...
If you want to access it from a static context, you can use HttpContext.Current:
if (HttpContext.Current.Application["Foo"] != null){ }

using a static member in WebApp

I have this code
//file Globals.cs in App_Code folder
public class Globals
public static string labelText = "";
and a simple aspx page which has textbox, label and button. The CodeFile is:
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label1.Text = Globals.labelText;
protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
Globals.labelText = TextBox1.Text;
That is when I click on the button the Globals.labelText variable initializes from the textbox; the question is: why when I open this page in another browser the label has that value, which I set by the first browser, that is the static member is common for the every users. I thought that the every request provides in the individual appDomain which created by the individual copy of IIS process. WTF?
Yes you may use static variable to store application-wide data but it is not thread-safe. Use Application object with lock and unlock method instead of static variables.
Take a look at ASP.NET Application Life Cycle Overview for IIS 7.0 and ASP.NET Application Life Cycle Overview for IIS 5.0 and 6.0
No, static in this case is static in that manner only for the lifecycle of the process the request lives on. So this variable will be static the entire time you're processing a single request. In order to have a "static" variable in the manner you describe, you'd have to make it an application variable. Something like this:
//file Globals.cs in App_Code folder
public class Globals
// I really recommend using a more descriptive name
public static string LabelText
return Application("LabelText") ?? string.Empty;
Application("LabelText") = value;
By making it an application variable it should survive multiple page requests. A vulnerability it has though is that it will not survive an application pool recycle, and for large applications this can be problematic. If you truly want this variable to behave in a static manner reliably you're probably better off storing its state in a database somewhere.

Example of Asynchronous page processing in webforms (.NET 2.0)

Can someone provide me with a simple example of Asynchronous page processing in ASP.NET Webforms 2.0 (I'm using VS 2010, so new syntax like lambdas are ok)?
I have some long running requests that I don't want tying up IIS threads.
For simplicity's sake, let's say my current code looks like this:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string param1 = _txtParam1.Text;
string param2 = _txtParam2.Text;
//This takes a long time (relative to a web request)
List<MyEntity> entities = _myRepository.GetEntities(param1, param2);
//Conceptually, I would like IIS to bring up a new thread here so that I can
//display the data after it has come back.
How can I modify this code so that it is asynchronous? Let's assume that I already set async="true" in the aspx page.
I think I figured out how to get what I'm looking for. I've put the example code in an answer here. Feel free to point out any flaws or changes that can be made.
I asked some folks on the ASP.NET team. Here's their emailed response to me, and now, to you.
All that code ends up doing is spinning up a new thread and performing delegate invocation on that thread. So now there are two threads running: the request thread and the new thread. Hence this sample actually has worse performance than the original synchronous code would have had.
See for a sample on how to write and consume async methods in ASP.NET.
Here is a simple example of asynchronous processing.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(ThreadProc));
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state => Dokimes_Programming_multithread_QueryWorkThead.ThreadProc2());
Debug.Write("Main thread does some work, then sleeps.");
// If you comment out the Sleep, the main thread exits before
// the thread pool task runs. The thread pool uses background
// threads, which do not keep the application running. (This
// is a simple example of a race condition.)
// Thread.Sleep(4000);
txtDebug.Text += "ended";
// This thread procedure performs the task.
static void ThreadProc(Object stateInfo)
// No state object was passed to QueueUserWorkItem, so stateInfo is null.
Debug.Write(" Hello from the thread pool 1.");
static void ThreadProc2()
// No state object was passed to QueueUserWorkItem, so stateInfo is null.
Debug.Write("Hello from the thread pool 2.");
Other way
You can use the PageAsyncTask, see here a full example:
Something like
clAsynCustomObject oAsynRun = new clAsynCustomObject();
PageAsyncTask asyncTask = new PageAsyncTask(oAsynRun.OnBegin, oAsynRun.OnEnd, oAsynRun.OnTimeout, null, true);
I think I discovered how to do what I wanted to accomplish... though it may not be the best way, feel free to chime in.
At the time of writing there was only one answer in this thread, by Aristos. While he gave an example of executing an asynchronous request, what I wanted was a way to tell ASP.NET to execute some long running method, release the IIS thread so it can be available to service other requests, and then come back when the method finished.
Here's what I came up with, using the same (or similar) example in the question:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Web.UI;
namespace WebApplication2
public class MyEntity
public string Name { get; set; }
public class MyRepository
public List<MyEntity> GetEntities(string param1, string param2)
return new List<MyEntity> {new MyEntity {Name = "John Smith"}};
public partial class Default : Page
private readonly MyRepository _myRepository = new MyRepository();
private List<MyEntity> _myEntities;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void DoStuffWithEntities()
Response.Write("<br/><br/><b>" + _myEntities[0].Name + "</b><br/><br/>");
protected void _btnProcess_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
AddOnPreRenderCompleteAsync(BeginExecution, EndExecution, null);
private void GetEntities()
string param1 = _txtParam1.Text;
string param2 = _txtParam2.Text;
//This takes a long time (relative to a web request)
_myEntities = _myRepository.GetEntities(param1, param2);
private IAsyncResult BeginExecution(object sender, EventArgs e, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
var t = new ThreadStart(GetEntities);
return t.BeginInvoke(callback, null);
private void EndExecution(IAsyncResult result)
//Conceptually, I would like IIS to bring up a new thread here so that I can
//display the data after it has come back.

Separation of concerns in cause hierarchy mess

I’m designing a back office web site, one that will enable administrators to manage content, products, prices and such. I have two issues I’d like to solve in a base class that each page controller (i.e. code-behind class) will extend, and these are:
Storing of ViewState on disk, and
User validation.
Furthermore, I would like each page controller to follow the same design when it comes to setting event handlers, populating the form and saving the data. I would like to solve this issue by creating abstract methods that the page controllers implement.
Now, creating a base class that caters for ViewState storage and user validation, and furthermore defines how and when event handlers are set, forms are populated and data is persisted to me is too much of a mess. I like a high degree of separation of concerns and I’m drawn towards creating three base classes:
FileSystemStatePage : System.Web.UI.Page
(storing of ViewState)
SecurePage : FileSystemStatePage
(user validation)
PageBase : SecurePage
(abstract, defines methods for setting event handlers, form population, saving)
Now I am quite happy with the separation of concerns, but I’m not thrilled about the deep class hierarchy. What if I find myself in the need of user validation but not ViewState on disk? So... do you guys usually solve these issues?
public class FileSystemStatePage : Page
protected override void SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium(object viewState)
// Serialize ViewState...
// Save to disk...
protected override object LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium()
// Read file content...
// Deserialize and return...
public class SecurePage : FileSystemStatePage
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
if (!ValidateUser()) Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx");
protected virtual bool ValidateUser()
return LoginHelper.LoggedInSystemUser != null;
public abstract class PageBase : SecurePage
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
protected abstract void SetEventHandlers();
protected abstract void Populate();
protected abstract void OnCancel(object sender, EventArgs e);
protected abstract void OnSave(object sender, EventArgs e);
I'd have to say, with no particular solution, that a good separation of concerns is actually disrupted in the above nested hierarchy. It appears that the functional pieces should be further separated as to not be included every time the other is needed.
Why is it necessary that you have viewstate and validation in the same space? Why not separate it altogether?

RhinoMocks Event Subscription

Being new to RhinoMocks and Unit Testing, I have come accross an issue that I cannot seem to find a resolution to (no matter how much documentation I read).
The issue is this: I have created an Interface that exposes 5 Events (to be used for a view in ASP.NET and the MVP Supervisory Controller pattern..... I know, I should be using MVC, but that's a whole other issue). Anyway, I want to test that when a certain event fires on the view, we'll call it "IsLoaded", that a method inside of my Presenter is called and, using Dependency Injection, a value is returned from the Dependency and set to the view. Here is where the problem starts: when I use Expect.Call(Dependency.GetInfo()).Return(SomeList), the Call never executes (without the mock.ReplayAll() method being invoked). Well, when I invoke the ReplayAll method, I get ExpectationExceptions because of the Subscription by the Presenter object to the other Events exposed by the View Interface.
So, for me to test that IView.IsLoaded has fired, I want to verify that IView.ListOfSomething has been updated to match the list I passed in via the Expect.Call(). However, when I set the expectation, the other Event subscriptions (which occur straight out of the constructor for the Presenter) fail the #0 Expectations of the test. What I get is, view.Save += this.SaveNewList tosses up a RhinoMocks ExpectationViolationException.
My million dollar question is this: Is it necessary I set expectations for ALL of my events (via [Setup]), or is there something that I'm missing/not understanding about how Unit Testing or RhinoMocks works?
Please bear in mind I am extremely new to Unit Testing, and therefore RhinoMocks. If it appears I don't know what I'm talking about, please feel free to point that out.
I'm working on a project where we used MVP and rhino mocks as well. What we did was simply expect all event subscriptions in every test.
private void SetupDefaultExpectations()
_mockView.Initializing += null; LastCall.IgnoreArguments();
_mockView.SavingChanges += null; LastCall.IgnoreArguments();
Then we built a extension method on IMockedObject (from RhinoMocks) to trigger events in the unit tests and un-wrap exceptions so that they can be expected in the standard NUnit way.
static class IMockedObjectExtension
public static void RaiseEvent(this IMockedObject mockView, string eventName, EventArgs args)
EventRaiser eventraiser = new EventRaiser(mockView, eventName);
eventraiser.Raise(mockView, args);
catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
throw ex.InnerException;
public static void RaiseEvent(this IMockedObject mockView, string eventName)
RaiseEvent(mockView, eventName, EventArgs.Empty);
This could then be used from the unit test like this
Presenter presenter = new Presenter(_mockView, dependency);
(_mockView as IMockedObject).RaiseEvent("SavingChanges");
To eliminate duplication between presenter tests we have refactored this to a BasePresenterTest base class which sets up this basic structure for all presenter tests and exposes helper methods to the sub class.
public abstract class BasePresenterTest<VIEW> where VIEW : IBaseView
protected MockRepository _mocks;
protected VIEW View { get; private set; }
protected abstract void SetUp();
protected abstract void TearDown();
protected abstract void SetupDefaultExpectations();
public virtual void BaseSetUp()
_mocks = new MockRepository();
View = _mocks.CreateMock<VIEW>();
public virtual void BaseTearDown()
View = null;
_mocks = null;
protected virtual void BaseSetupDefaultExpectations()
//Setup default expectations that are general for all views
protected virtual IDisposable Record()
IDisposable mocksRecordState = _mocks.Record();
return mocksRecordState;
protected virtual IDisposable Playback()
return _mocks.Playback();
protected void RaiseEventOnView(string eventName)
(View as IMockedObject).RaiseEvent(eventName);
This eliminates alot of code from the tests in our project.
We still use a old version of RhinoMocks but I will try to update this once we move to a later version.
