Doctrine Querybuilder issues in symfony2. Usage questions - symfony

Using doctrine for the first time in a project, and I'm having a few issues with the query builder.
First up, in a controller I used the following:
$conn = $this->get('database_connection');
$users = $conn->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM Users');
This worked fine and returns an array of users from my DB.
I then tried to use the query builder to fetch the forenames of all users. By looking at examples i found the following:
$conn = $this->get('database_connection');
$qb = $conn->createQueryBuilder();
->from("Users", "u")
->where(" = :user_id")
->setParameter('user_id', 1);
$query = $qb->getQuery();
$results = $query->getResults();
I get told that the gDoctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder::getQuery() method is not defined, which I found odd as almost all the examples I found use it.
I did a search and found Doctrine documentation but I'm now confused how to use it at all.
Would someone be kind enough to give me an example of how to use the above to retrieve the forename for the User with id 1. I'm sure that once I have a simple example that work I will be fine from there.
Now Resolved:
After looking at the Documentation (and with help from others), I found the general layout for the queryBuilder is as follows:
$conn = $this->get('database_connection');
$qb = $conn->createQueryBuilder();
$stmt = $qb->select("forename")
->from("Users", "u")
->where(" = :user_id")
->setParameter('user_id', 1)
$userNames = $stmt->fetchAll();
The general idea being that the execute method returns a Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement, with the parameters set as specified. From this statement you can call one of the various method stated here to get the results from the DB.
Hope this helps someone else who is having problems!

I think you might be confused slightly by the documents on doctrine and using it with symfony. From the error message you are getting a DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder. There is not a method getQuery for that object. You should be able to use the execute method to get the results you want.
Now with that being said the way I would do it is through either a repository class for the Users entity, or I would do
$em = $this->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
then do what you were doing before...


Doctrine duplicating query results?

I have the following code
$this->em = $this->container->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
$qb = $this->em->getRepository('CoreBundle:ServiceProvider')->createQueryBuilder('c');
$qb->select('count( as vencount');
$count = $qb->getQuery()->getOneOrNullResult()['vencount'];
which is write its returning a number of venues but the problem is that this number is mistaken because in the ServiceProvider table i have only 5 records but this query is returning 25. I tried to add a new record so they are 6 and yes the result was 36.
So I added group by the id and it fixed the issue anyone can tell me why is this happening ?
It's because when you create a query from a repository Doctrine assumes its a select and inject the select and from clausule's for you.
This is the sql you get from using the getRepository method:
SELECT count( AS sclr_0 FROM Entity i1_, Entity i0_
(Note that the entity is twice in the FROM).
Using just:
$qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();
$qb->select('count( as vencount');
You get:
SELECT count( AS sclr_0 FROM Entity i0_
Which is probably what you are looking for.
Another alternative is to get it from the repository but clear the sql parts with:
$qb = $this->em->getRepository('CoreBundle:ServiceProvider')->createQueryBuilder('c')->resetDQLParts();
But this way you lost the very purpose of using the repository in the first place.

Symfony2 Query with complex SQL in Repository

Bit of background first: we have a well evolved solution using Symfony1 and Propel which need to be migrated forward in time so I'm investigating migrating it to Symfony2.8 (with Doctrine).
I've not found a solution yet to having some SQL running it and then "hydrating" the results to object(s).
Any ideas.
Essentially I want to be able to do
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();
$conn = $em->getConnection();
$sql = "SELECT xxxx";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindValue(1, $siteId);
$rs = $stmt->execute();
while ($rs->getnext())
$entity[$icount] = new Entity();
$entity[$icount] = hydrate($rs);
(those knowing propel will recognise this)
And I do get that if there is more than one entity in the query this should be in a service class of some kind.
I'd look into native SQL queries in doctrine. You can run regular SQL queries and get them hydrated into doctrine objects, with a little extra work.
Documentation here

Symfony/Doctrine: fetching data as object , still get array

I have in my controller $id it's a foreign key
$query = $em->getRepository('SurgeryPatientBundle:Patients')->findPatientByUserID($id);
And in my repository file this function
public function findPatientByUserID($id)
return $this->getEntityManager()
->createQuery('SELECT p FROM SurgeryPatientBundle:Patients p WHERE p.user ='.$id.'')
I want get an instance of object but still get an array. Query with find($id) works good
Problem solves , I'm so stupid , I had invoked to $query[0]
You can use $query->getSingleResult(); as well
see here
If you want to grab the object, you shouldn't be using DQL. Doctrine entities have a find function that takes care of this for you.
Instead of all that code, you can just use (in your controller):
DQL is very powerful, but for simple lookups like this using the built in find methods will be more efficient & provide the entities as doctrine objects.

Silverstripe 3 query with variable

I have used the following query in Silverstripe 2.x projects:
$obj = DataObject::get_one('Post', "\"URLSegment\" = '$segment'")
Does anyone know how I would replicate this query in the new ORM?
I have tried :
$obj = Post::get()->filter("\"URLSegment\" = '$segment'")
$obj = Post::get()->where("\"URLSegment\" = '$segment'")
And neither appear to work.
The issue you're having is that DataObject::get() will return a collection of objects, whereas DataObject::get_one() will return a single object of the specified class. The Silverstripe 3 equivalent is:
$obj = Post::get()->where("\"URLSegment\" = '$segment'")->First();
With this scenario (as with SS2) you would need to make sure you're explicitly taking care escaping to avoid injection vulnerabilities. However the filter function will now take care of that for you. So what you really want now is:
$obj = Post::get()->filter('URLSegment', $segment)->First();
The related documentation is at:
DataList::create('Post')->filter(array('URLSegment' => $segment))->First();
will also work.

How to list user based on their roles in Symfony2 + Doctrine effectively

I have done this with this code
$users = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager()
->createQuery('SELECT tu FROM UserBundle:User tu')
$result = array();
foreach($users as $user){
$result[] = $user;
return $this->render('XBundle:Order:index.html.twig',
array('users' => $result));
But what is the simple way to achieve this same result ?
Update, additional info:
Our main problem is that user roles have a hierarchical structure.
So ROLE_EDITOR will automatically have ROLE_WRITER if I defined ROLE_WRITER under ROLE_EDITOR.
Thus I can't just use simple query, I think I also have to utilize security context component.
I don't know your schema, but I guess you could do an INNER JOIN and put your condition in the ON clause. Read this article about the query builder to figure out how to build your query.
Doctrine collections also have a filter method that takes a Closure as an argument.
