Symfony2 run bin/vendors git error - symfony

I downloaded the latest symfony2 (2.0.10) and tried to run bin/vendors install but it prints the following:
Installing/Updating symfony
Cloning into /Users/i/sf2_proj/vendor/symfony...
error: Failed connect to; Operation timed out while accessing
fatal: HTTP request failed

try using git:// instead of http:// in your deps file

Changing http:// to https:// also works


Redmine is not working properly. How I can solve this issue?

Please help me with Redmine. I had a working Redmine at FreeBSD 11.2-RELEASE-p4 with Nginx and Passenger. But after some latest updates, my Redmine is not working properly.
I have an error in passenger.log:
[ E 2018-10-09 16:10:01.0750 42785/Tb
age/Cor/App/Implementation.cpp:221 ]: Could not spawn process for
application /usr/local/www/redmine: The application encountered the
following error: undefined method `active_record' for
(NoMethodError) Error ID: 8412e2de Error details saved to:
What can I do with these errors?
You should try to install the gems required, just go to where the redmine code is and type
bundle install
Restart nginx and see if keep saying the same error.

How to use VersionPress to clone across servers?

I would like to clone a WordPress site that is already in VersionPress to a new server.
The instructions are generally only listed for cloning on the current server. I have one server dedicated to Dev and another for Production
I tried the following command line:
wp vp clone
However after I login to the remote ssh server, I get this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function apply_filters() in /var/www/html/atwiki/wp-includes/load.php on line 317
Error: Cannot connect over SSH using provided configuration.
Any ideas?
Here's a blog post on how to achieve that today. We will have a more polished way in the future.

Failure installing sbt: "Server access Error:"

When I try to install error messages, it fails to download. I get error messages like this:
[error] Server access Error: No subject alternative DNS name matching found. url=
I can confirm, when accessing via my browser, that the certificate installed for the domain is actually the certificate for, and this seems to be the source of the error. It doesn't appear to be a DNS issue as (insecure) works.
Please see for the workarounds. Specifically "http" should not be used.
resolvers += Resolver.url("fix-sbt-plugin-releases", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
Edit: This issue is now resolved. No workarounds should be required.
As a temporary workaround, add the file ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/temp.sbt with the following contents:
resolvers += Resolver.url("fix-sbt-plugin-releases", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
You'll still see the error, but sbt will be able to find the dependency for which it is searching when accessing directly (the place to which presently redirects).
Upgrading nss package on CentOS worked for me.
sudo yum upgrade nss

Assertion failure when using puphpet

I am trying to use the hhvm, but then i try and run my test script i get an 502 Bad Gateway (nginx) error message
so i tried to run it in terminal and i get the following error message:
$ hhvm /var/www/public/test.php
Assertion failure: /tmp/tmp.3Ty7dCXWJ2/hphp/runtime/base/rds.cpp:426: void HPHP::rds::initPersistentCache(): assertion `s_tc_fd != -1' failed.
but when i run it using sudo it works!
$ sudo hhvm /var/www/public/test.php
hello world
What did i do wrong? i have tried updating the owner of a file and changed the permissions of hhvm, but this didn't work.
You shouldn't be getting assertion failures in a release build of HHVM. Can you please file an issue on GitHub so we can track the bug? Make sure to include your OS as well as the output of hhvm --version.

swagger-document-override/md-override-loader - FAILED

I am able to generate code using Autorest with my api when I host it on a server 2012R2 running IIS
However when I try to run it with the localhost url I get a could not read message.
I can read swagger.json in the browser
I am using the command
autorest --input-file=https://localhost:44348/api-docs/v1/swagger.json
--output-folder=generated --csharp --namespace=DD.MyApp.Connector
The output is
AutoRest code generation utility [version: 2.0.4283; node: v10.11.0]
(C) 2018 Microsoft Corporation.
Loading AutoRest core 'C:\Users\kirst\.autorest\#microsoft.azure_autorest-core#2.0.4289\node_modules\\autorest-core\dist' (2.0.4289)
Loading AutoRest extension '' (~2.3.79->2.3.82)
Loading AutoRest extension '' (2.3.55->2.3.55)
FATAL: swagger-document-override/md-override-loader - FAILED
FATAL: Error: Could not read 'https://localhost:44348/api-docs/v1/swagger.json'.
FATAL: swagger-document/loader - FAILED
FATAL: Error: Could not read 'https://localhost:44348/api-docs/v1/swagger.json'.
Process() cancelled due to exception : Could not read 'https://localhost:44348/api-docs/v1/swagger.json'.
Error: Could not read 'https://localhost:44348/api-docs/v1/swagger.json'.
After studying the issue on github I tried starting the api using dotnet run
but it did not help.
I tried running autorest in a dos command shell with admin priviledge
As per the github issue I can save the swagger.json to a file and generate the code by referencing the file.
That isn't a great solution.
Are you attempting to use https with localhost ? If you haven't put a certificate on there, you shouldn't be using https.
Try it with http://localhost...
