QPainter::drawLine and QPainter::drawText with different color issue in Qt - qt

I am facing problem for drawing line and text with different color using QPainter. I am using the following piece of code to achieve this but it's not working. Both lines and texts are drawn using the color set for drawing Text.
void MyWidget::drawHorLinesWithText(QPainter & painter, const QRect & rect)
for(int i=0; i < 5; i++)
QPen penHLines(QColor("#0e5a77"), 1, Qt::DotLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::RoundJoin);
painter.drawLine(10, 50 - (5*(i+1)), 200, 50 - (5*(i+1)));
QString strNumber = QString::number((2)*(i+1));
painter.setFont(QFont("Arial", 8, QFont::Bold));
//QBrush brush(QColor("#00e0fc"));
QPen penHText(QColor("#00e0fc"));//Here lines are also drawn using this color
painter.drawText(5, 50 - (5*(i+1)) - 10), 20, 30, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter,
How would I set different colors for drawing lines and Texts. Any suggestions. Thanks.

This works for me with Qt 5.3; perhaps it was a bug in the version you were using?
#include <QtWidgets>
class Widget : public QWidget
Widget() {
resize(200, 200);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) {
QPainter painter(this);
for(int i=0; i < 5; i++)
QPen penHLines(QColor("#0e5a77"), 10, Qt::DotLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::RoundJoin);
painter.drawLine(10, 50 - (5*(i+1)), 200, 50 - (5*(i+1)));
QString strNumber = QString::number((2)*(i+1));
painter.setFont(QFont("Arial", 8, QFont::Bold));
QPen penHText(QColor("#00e0fc"));
painter.drawText(5, 50 - (5*(i+1)) - 10, 20, 30, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter, strNumber);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
Widget w;
return app.exec();
I increased the line width to 10 to see what's going on:

QPainter draw text using QBrush, not QPen. Text is rendered with glyph strokes then filled with current brush. Current pen only controls lines and strokes.


How to add curve path to connect flow widgets from two columns in qt?

I know this question is somehow hard to describe, so a picture may help, as following:
I'm developing application in qt-5.15.x. Say I have a window or widget or something else which can layout two columns of widgets(customized, call it rectangle here), I want to:
drag and drop one item up or down within same column by mouse
connect two widgets from two different columns with a customized curve path by mouse
all elements(rectangle and curve item) have mouse events: move, hover, click and key event
the contents of window or widget can scroll vertically due to more and more items will be added
Before this, I have implemented bazier curve, graphicsview with customized widgets and connecting these widgets with bazier curve, but all these widgets don't lay on line(horizontally or vertically).
So my question is not about how to implement it in detail, but just a guide - what widget , layout or event something else in qt I can use, or which document I can refer to. I have searched a lot, but with no results.
OPs requirement can be achieved by simply deriving a widget from QWidget and overriding the paintEvent().
Beside of that, the derived widget still can contain children and layout managers, so that both can be combined.
Sample code testQWidgetPaintOverChildren.cc to demonstrate:
#include <QtWidgets>
class Canvas: public QWidget {
using Link = std::pair<int, int>;
std::vector<Link> _links;
void addLink(int from, int to)
_links.emplace_back(from, to);
virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pQEvent) override;
void Canvas::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* pQEvent)
const int lenTan = 64;
QPainter qPainter(this);
auto drawCurve = [&](const QPoint& qPosFrom, const QPoint& qPosTo) {
QPainterPath qPath;
qPath.cubicTo(qPosFrom + QPoint(lenTan, 0), qPosTo - QPoint(lenTan, 0), qPosTo);
const QObjectList& pQChildren = children();
for (const Link& link : _links) {
const int from = link.first;
if (from >= pQChildren.size()) continue; // invalid from index
const QWidget* pQWidgetFrom
= dynamic_cast<const QWidget*>(pQChildren[from]);
if (!pQWidgetFrom) continue; // shouldn't happen
const int to = link.second;
if (to >= pQChildren.size()) continue; // invalid to index
const QWidget* pQWidgetTo
= dynamic_cast<const QWidget*>(pQChildren[to]);
if (!pQWidgetTo) continue; // shouldn't happen
const QPoint qPosFrom
= pQWidgetFrom->pos() + QPoint(3 * pQWidgetFrom->width() / 4, pQWidgetFrom->height() / 2);
const QPoint qPosTo
= pQWidgetTo->pos() + QPoint(1 * pQWidgetTo->width() / 4, pQWidgetTo->height() / 2);
//qPainter.drawLine(qPosFrom, qPosTo);
drawCurve(qPosFrom, qPosTo);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
qDebug() << "Qt Version:" << QT_VERSION_STR;
QApplication app(argc, argv);
// setup GUI
Canvas qCanvas;
qCanvas.setWindowTitle("Test Draw Over Children");
qCanvas.resize(320, 240);
QGridLayout qGrid;
#define ITEM(ROW, COL) \
QLabel qLbl##ROW##COL("txt "#ROW", "#COL); \
qLbl##ROW##COL.setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); \
qLbl##ROW##COL.setFrameStyle(QFrame::Box | QFrame::Plain); \
qGrid.addWidget(&qLbl##ROW##COL, ROW - 1, COL - 1)
ITEM(1, 1); ITEM(1, 2);
ITEM(2, 1); ITEM(2, 2);
ITEM(3, 1); ITEM(3, 2);
ITEM(4, 1); ITEM(4, 2);
qCanvas.addLink(1, 8);
qCanvas.addLink(5, 2);
// runtime loop
return app.exec();
Qt Version: 5.15.1
The drawback of this first attempt is that the links are drawn under the children. In the case of the QLabel, this isn't visible as QLabels are mostly transparent. Replacing them by QPushButtons makes this obvious.
This can be solved by using two widgets, one as container for children, the other for drawing the links, and ensuring that the second widget has the same position and size than the first.
Improved sample code testQWidgetPaintOverChildren.cc:
#include <QtWidgets>
class Widget: public QWidget {
using Link = std::pair<int, int>;
struct Canvas: public QWidget {
std::vector<Link> links;
using QWidget::QWidget;
virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pQEvent) override;
} _canvas;
explicit Widget(QWidget* pQParent = nullptr):
{ }
void addLink(int from, int to)
_canvas.links.emplace_back(from, to);
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* pQEvent) override
void Widget::Canvas::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* pQEvent)
const int lenTan = 64;
QPainter qPainter(this);
auto drawCurve = [&](const QPoint& qPosFrom, const QPoint& qPosTo) {
QPainterPath qPath;
qPath.cubicTo(qPosFrom + QPoint(lenTan, 0), qPosTo - QPoint(lenTan, 0), qPosTo);
const QObjectList& pQChildren = parent()->children();
for (const Link& link : links) {
const int from = link.first;
if (from >= pQChildren.size()) continue; // invalid from index
const QWidget* pQWidgetFrom
= dynamic_cast<const QWidget*>(pQChildren[from]);
if (!pQWidgetFrom) continue; // shouldn't happen
const int to = link.second;
if (to >= pQChildren.size()) continue; // invalid to index
const QWidget* pQWidgetTo
= dynamic_cast<const QWidget*>(pQChildren[to]);
if (!pQWidgetTo) continue; // shouldn't happen
const QPoint qPosFrom
= pQWidgetFrom->pos() + QPoint(3 * pQWidgetFrom->width() / 4, pQWidgetFrom->height() / 2);
const QPoint qPosTo
= pQWidgetTo->pos() + QPoint(1 * pQWidgetTo->width() / 4, pQWidgetTo->height() / 2);
//qPainter.drawLine(qPosFrom, qPosTo);
drawCurve(qPosFrom, qPosTo);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
qDebug() << "Qt Version:" << QT_VERSION_STR;
QApplication app(argc, argv);
// setup GUI
Widget qWinMain;
qWinMain.setWindowTitle("Test Draw Over Children");
qWinMain.resize(320, 240);
QGridLayout qGrid;
#define ITEM(ROW, COL) \
QPushButton qBtn##ROW##COL("txt "#ROW", "#COL); \
qGrid.addWidget(&qBtn##ROW##COL, ROW - 1, COL - 1)
ITEM(1, 1); ITEM(1, 2);
ITEM(2, 1); ITEM(2, 2);
ITEM(3, 1); ITEM(3, 2);
ITEM(4, 1); ITEM(4, 2);
#undef ITEM
qWinMain.addLink(1, 8);
qWinMain.addLink(5, 2);
// runtime loop
return app.exec();
Qt Version: 5.15.1

How to write a text around a circle using QPainter class?

The question is simple ! I want something like this. Either using QPainter class or using Qt Graphics Framework:
There are several ways to do this using a QPainterPath specified here.
Here is the second example from that page:
#include <QtGui>
#include <cmath>
class Widget : public QWidget
Widget ()
: QWidget() { }
void paintEvent ( QPaintEvent *)
QString hw("hello world");
int drawWidth = width() / 100;
QPainter painter(this);
QPen pen = painter.pen();
QPainterPath path(QPointF(0.0, 0.0));
QPointF c1(width()*0.2,height()*0.8);
QPointF c2(width()*0.8,height()*0.2);
//draw the bezier curve
//Make the painter ready to draw chars
QFont font = painter.font();
qreal percentIncrease = (qreal) 1/(hw.size()+1);
qreal percent = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < hw.size(); i++ ) {
percent += percentIncrease;
QPointF point = path.pointAtPercent(percent);
qreal angle = path.angleAtPercent(percent); // Clockwise is negative
// Move the virtual origin to the point on the curve
// Rotate to match the angle of the curve
// Clockwise is positive so we negate the angle from above
// Draw a line width above the origin to move the text above the line
// and let Qt do the transformations
painter.drawText(QPoint(0, -pen.width()),QString(hw[i]));
int main(int argc, char **argv)
QApplication app(argc, argv);
Widget widget;
return app.exec();

Draw a cosmetic filled ellipse in QT

I want to draw a filled ellipse in QT that would not change its size when zooming in and out. For now I have the following:
QPen pen = painter->pen();
QBrush brush = painter->brush();
painter->drawEllipse(p, 2, 2);
When I zoom out a gap between the boundary and the filling appear. So it looks like 2 concentric circles. And when I zoom in the filling overgrows the boundary and the disk gets bigger and bigger. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks!
I would instead look to the ItemIgnoresTransformations flag, which will make the item itself "cosmetic", rather than just the pen. Here's a working example:
#include <QtGui>
class NonScalingItem : public QGraphicsItem
{ setFlag(ItemIgnoresTransformations, true); }
QRectF boundingRect() const
{ return QRectF(-5, -5, 10, 10); }
void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
QPen pen = painter->pen();
QBrush brush = painter->brush();
painter->drawEllipse(QPointF(0, 0), 10, 10);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QGraphicsScene *scene = new QGraphicsScene;
QGraphicsView *view = new QGraphicsView;
NonScalingItem *item = new NonScalingItem;
/* The item will remain unchanged regardless of whether
or not you comment out the following line: */
view->scale(2000, 2000);
return app.exec();

Qt: How to draw a dummy line edit control

I have a QPainter, and a rectangle.
i'd like to draw a QLineEdit control, empty. Just to draw it, not to have a live control. How do I do that? I have tried QStyle::drawPrimitive to no avail. nothing gets drawn.
QStyleOption option1;
option1.init(contactsView); // contactView is the parent QListView
option1.rect = option.rect; // option.rect is the rectangle to be drawn on.
contactsView->style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_FrameLineEdit, &option1, painter, contactsView);
Naturally, i'd like the drawn dummy to look native in Windows and OSX.
Your code is pretty close, but you would have to initialize the style from a fake QLineEdit. The following is based on QLineEdit::paintEvent and QLineEdit::initStyleOption.
#include <QtGui>
class FakeLineEditWidget : public QWidget {
explicit FakeLineEditWidget(QWidget *parent = NULL) : QWidget(parent) {}
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) {
QPainter painter(this);
QLineEdit dummy;
QStyleOptionFrameV2 panel;
panel.rect = QRect(10, 10, 100, 30); // QFontMetric could provide height.
panel.lineWidth = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth,
panel.midLineWidth = 0;
panel.state |= QStyle::State_Sunken;
panel.features = QStyleOptionFrameV2::None;
style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_PanelLineEdit, &panel, &painter, this);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
FakeLineEditWidget w;
w.setFixedSize(300, 100);
return app.exec();

Animated QGraphicsItem with dashed pen

I'd like to create a rotating circle drawn with a Qt:DotLine pen, using the Graphics View Framework. Using QGraphicsItemAnimation, I can rotate other shapes but not the circle. The program below demonstrates the problem: instead of the rectangle and the circle rotating together, the circle jerks around while the rectangle rotates gracefully.
#include <QApplication>
#include <QGraphicsView>
#include <QGraphicsItem>
#include <QTimeLine>
#include <QGraphicsItemAnimation>
QRectF rect (int r)
return QRectF (-r, -r, r * 2, r * 2);
void setupRot (QTimeLine *timeline, QGraphicsItem *item)
QGraphicsItemAnimation *animation = new QGraphicsItemAnimation;
animation->setRotationAt (1, 360);
QObject::connect (timeline, SIGNAL(finished()), animation, SLOT(deleteLater()));
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app (argc, argv);
QGraphicsScene scene;
QTimeLine *timeline = new QTimeLine;
timeline->setDuration (3000);
timeline->setCurveShape (QTimeLine::LinearCurve);
QObject::connect (timeline, SIGNAL(finished()), timeline, SLOT(deleteLater()));
setupRot (timeline, scene.addEllipse (rect (50), QPen (QBrush (QColor ("blue")), 8, Qt::DotLine)));
setupRot (timeline, scene.addRect (rect (60)));
scene.addEllipse (rect (40), QPen (QBrush (QColor ("red")), 8));
scene.setSceneRect (-100, -100, 200, 200);
QGraphicsView view (&scene);
view.show ();
timeline->setLoopCount (0);
return app.exec ();
p.s.: I've found some sample code on the web where people are creating intermediate animation steps manually, like this:
const int steps = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < steps; ++i)
animation->setRotationAt (i / (float)steps, 360 / (float)steps * i);
Is this just a sign of people not understanding the concept of interpolation, or is there some advantage of setting (seemingly superfluous) control points?
Which version/platform? If I run your code as is (or slowed down 2x), the dotted circle rotation looks as good as the rectangle in Windows with Qt 4.7.
