CSS-Less class extend class with pseudo class - css

I was wondering how I could do something like the following with less css:
.btn {
color : black;
.btn:hover {
color : white;
.btn-foo {
&:hover {
Of-course this is just an example, what need to point is if there is any way to extend the pseudo-class in order to avoid re-type the properties of :hover pseudo class everywhere I need them. I know I could create a mixin for that but I'm wondering if I could avoid it.

If you can't modify external files just redefine the selectors, and add missing states:
.btn {
// not adding anything here, won't affect existing style
&:hover {
// adding my own hover state for .btn
background: yellow;
// this will make your foo button appear as in external style
// and have the :hover state just as you defined it above
.btn-foo {
Better now? :)
You don't need pseudo class. It will just work :)
Try this:
.btn {
background: yellow;
&:hover { // define hover state here
background: green;
button {
Each <button class='btn'> element you create will inherit whatever was defined, including hover state. I think it's one of the main amazing features of LESS.
Hope this helps.

In Less 1.4.0(1.4.1?)
.btn {
color : black;
.btn:hover {
color : white;
.btn-foo:extend(.btn all) {
Expands to this:
.btn-foo {
color: black;
.btn-foo:hover {
color: white;
Be cautious though, this:
.btn {
color : black;
.btn:hover {
color : white;
.abc .btn {
margin: 2px;
.btn-foo:extend(.btn all) {
Will output this:
.btn {
color : black;
.btn:hover {
color : white;
.abc .btn {
margin: 2px;
.btn-foo:extend(.btn all) {
I have not looked into SASS more than half an hour, but I believe the later case is its default (or only) #extend behavior.


SCSS Nesting and extend

When I do a yarn build of the scss below I can only see the .select-list__item:hover in the compiled css, I am not seeing anything else from the class such as .select-list__item--selected I am not sure what the issue here is.
%select-list__item {
&:hover {
background: red;
&--selected:hover {
background: #00FF00;
.select-list__item {
#extend %select-list__item;}
I believe it is to do with how placeholders (ie: %chosen-name) are meant to be used.
Although this is not explicitly pointed out in the documentation they are meant to be small bits that are reusable.
At my company, we use one for our generic button styles (margin, padding, font) and we extend that into all of our buttons (primary, secondary, tertiary).
A potential solution for your use case:
%select-list__item {
&:hover {
background: red;
background: blue;
.select-list__item {
#extend %select-list__item;
&--selected:hover {
background: #00FF00;
Or here's another - bit of an OTT solution for the example but you get the idea:
%select-list__item {
&:hover {
background: red;
background: blue;
%selected-list__item {
background: #00FF00;
&:hover {
background: #00FF00;
.select-list__item {
#extend %select-list__item;
&--selected {
#extend %selected-list__item

make focused button look like non-focussed button

Within a specific div, I want to make focused buttons to look exactly like non-focused buttons.
Is there a way I can express that in sass/scss?
Something similar to this:
.myDiv {
> button {
&:focus {
#extend &:not(&:focus)
Alternatively, can I disable all rules that are applied only because of the definition for pseudo-class :focus ?
You can simply overwrite the default styling by doing this below
.myDiv {
> button {
&:focus {
outline: none;
If you needed to use extend, you could do something like this
%no-focus {
outline: none;
.myDiv {
> button {
&:focus {
#extend %no-focus;
However, I advise you read this article from the a11y project - which explains why in terms of it's not good to un-style :focus'd elements in terms of accessibility.
You could use placeholder selectors. Something along the lines of this:
%button {
color: red;
button {
#extend %button;
&:focus {
color: green;
.myDiv {
> button:focus {
// Extend from %button again, thus overriding through specificity.
#extend %button;
Here, I explain simply. Please see the code below.
<div class="mydiv">
<button>My Button</button>
* {
outline: none;
.mydiv {
button {
border: 1px solid #000;
&:focus {
border:1px solid #ccc;

SASS / SCSS hover when using &__* syntax to reach parent selector

Yes yes, I had a hard time trying to define my question.
The general case is like this:
in sass/scss I have a button with some variants:
.button {
/* generic button styles here */
&__icon {
color: green;
And now I wish to use some hover styles on this, per variant. But because I use the &__* I can't seem to grasp how to do this without rewriting the parent class name.
.button {
/* generic button styles here */
&__icon {
color: green;
&:hover {
.button__icon {
color: red;
^^ this works but is pretty manual
Is there a way in sass that allows to access the parent class and get something like:
&:hover {
&__icon {
But this time the &__icon should reference the parent.
The html to this would look somewhat like this:
<button type="button" class="button">
<span class="button__icon">+</span>
.button {
$root: &;
&__icon {
color: green;
&:hover #{$root}__icon {
color: red;
.button {
$root: &;
&__icon {
color: green;
#{$root}:hover & {
color: red;

How to capture extra css class in addition to the pseduo class in this less (css) code?

It is my existing less code:
.my-form {
.form-control {
&:focus {
border-color: blue;
It will set the border color of .form-control to blue whenever it gets the focus.
Now in addition to the focus event, I want to set the border color to blue when the '.my-form' element has an additional class 'active'.
I can repeat myself, but it is not ideal:
.my-form {
.form-control {
&:focus {
border-color: blue;
.my-form.active {
.form-control {
border-color: blue;
But this does not work obviously:
.my-form {
.form-control {
& .active {
border-color: blue;
I think I can define a function to set the border color. But is there any way I can express this more concisely? Hopefully it can be next to the &:focus selector.
I think what you want to do is this:
.my-form {
.form-control {
&:focus, .active& {
border-color: blue;
.active & would output
.active .my-form .form-control
.active& would output
.my-form.active .form-control

SCSS selector pick

I just started to using sass/scss and i have a small issue. Let's assume this code:
.button {
&:hover {
Everything is awesome and works as it supposed to. But.. Let's say I want to do different hovers depending of tag. So, if the tag is a span to show a color and if the tag is a a to show another color.
Is this possible without repeating some part of the selector?
No. Remember that in the end everything compiles to CSS.
The way to do it would be the following:
.button {
.green {
&:hover { color:black; }
.red {
&:hover { color:black; }
You would need to add a class though.
You could use the mixin approach but it's going to be more verbose.
I would do it like this:
.button {
color: red;
&:hover { color: black; }
span.button:hover { color: green; }
a.button:hover { color: blue; }
Have a play yourself here: http://tinkerbin.com/CBuHSGfV
