Retrieving Linkedin Group discussion posts -

I am making an application in which i have to make connnect to linkedin and after connecting i've to retrieve group discussion posts and all other information that i can retrieve related to group
I dont know where to start :(
I have APIkey and SecretKey
Can anyone provide the sample code

I dont know where to start
The documentation of the API you are trying to use is generally a good place to start.
Here's how I would proceed if I was at your place:
Head over to the documentation
Read it carefully
Start designing a POC (proof-of-concept). Could be a simple console application in which you attempt to consume the API.
Once you have a working POC integrate it into your actual application
If in between those steps you encounter some specific problems you shouldn't hesitate to show your progress here and ask some real question instead of give-me-the-code type of questions.


Automatically export Google Analytics Atibution (beta)

I'm searching for a way to access the GA Attribution (beta) project data automatically.
Especially I need this table (screenshot 1).
I want to extract it automatically every day, but I cant seem to find any API for that.
Is there a way to get this data automatically?
I thought about using a webscraper, but I'm not sure if that's allowd/possible on GA.
Thank you in advance.
As off 22.02.2022:
Thanks for contacting Google Analytics 360 support team. I hope you
are doing good!
I have reviewed your chat and understand that you are looking for
option of downloading Model comparison table using API.
I would like to inform that we have already received several request
from clients on this and our engineers are in the process of reviewing
the request (feature request). I would like to inform you that I have
added your details to the list of interested clients and I am looking
forward to it.
Please note that feature request implementation completely depends on
our engineers so it is really difficult to provide an estimated
timeline but I am positively looking forward for the same. If you
still have anymore questions on the same you may reach out to your
partner manager and discuss further.
I hope this email helps, in case you have any further questions please
feel free to reply and I will be glad to assist further.

I am a app developer and I am unable access Create Passenger Name Record API

I have sent couple of emails to support team for become a sabre customer, I have submitted the application to get the access at following link.
Pls let us know if I am missing anything?
Access to the PNR (Passenger Name Records) requires a contract with Sabre. They only give this access to travel agents or companies writing services for travel. There is also associated fees. Also you need to be aware there are costs for every PNR you create. So its not as easy as just getting access to the PNR.
I know this is not the answer you want but its how it works.
If your just trying to build out a small booking engine I would suggest getting into Expedia's API toolkit. Much easier and allot less expensive to get into.

Can I restrict Bing Autosuggest API to suggest only technical skills?

My application let users capture and organize their online learning experiences. For this we ask for users' learning interests during onboarding. Just wanted to check if I can make use of AutoSuggestion API to provide suggestions to users. Here the intention of users is to enter something related to learning interest like JAVA, AWS, Oracle, Geography, digital marketing, SEO etc.
Ex. if user enters "ja", the application should show java, java script. Currently I get the following responses: java, jacobsconnect, jamba juice, jack in the box etc. Am using Test API console for Auto Suggest API. It finally makes this HTTP request
HTTP/1.1 Host: Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key:
I can build a curated list of skills and implement auto-fill. But am just curious to know if I can use Auto Suggest API instead. I couldn't find any useful information through their online documents.
I have got the following response from Azure service team and unfortunately the requested feature is not possible with Autosuggest API. Please find their response below:
Hi! We wanted to follow up and let you know that the service team informed us the functionality requested in your SO post is not part of the AutoSuggest API. They have, however, noted your interest in this type of behavior and appreciate the feedback.

Custom Identity for custom database

I am using WebApi for the first time and I want to implement token authentication for my existing users stored in the database, but I have been unable to find any good solutions to do this. I already referred to many solutions found on Google, but I have not been able to understand what mistake I am making when I implement them.
Please, if someone could give any source sample, that would be a great help.
I have had success using this approach to generating tokens link. There are 5 parts to the article and helps with understanding some of the concepts of token generation, reissuing tokens, enabling CORS, and using OAuth2.

Integrating an issue, feature request and bug tracking system into an existing ASP.NET Web App

I have an existing application that is currently in production for more than 3 years now. That application was developped based on internal and user requirements. That application is also using Google Analytics to detect different usage metrics to understand more what users are doing and which part of the system is most requested. But... we understand now that we are not so well connected to client's need's and more importantly, we don't receive a lot of feedback from them and when we receive feedback, that feedback is sent to many different people so most of the time they are lost or missing some valuable informations. Here is my question: is there some free (or paid) products that can be incorporated into an existing application that can provide the following functionnalities:
For my users:
Send feedbacks
Log bugs
Submit feature request
Ask questions
Be able to follow an issue, bug or feature and subscribe to it
Be able to rate answers
Be able to include attachments
Be able to vote for issues to prioritize them
For me:
Respond to all of these issues and be able, in some way, to see and analyze all of this data to properly populate our product backlog with what user needs
My real need will be to have something like Telerik has implemented. Is there something that can be incorporated into an existing application?
Thanks in advance
What about User Voice? It's a great system to collect user feedback. Not sure if you'd get the integration you're looking for. For the rest of your requirements it seems it would work really well.
