How long does it take to build MacVim from source? - xcode4

I am trying to install MacVim in my Macbook Pro from Homebrew. However it "got stuck" at
xcodebuild -project MacVim/Macvim.xcodeproj ARCHS="x86_64" ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCHS="NO"
for nearly 6 hours. Last time I remember building from source that took me so long was the Open Office.
By the way. I am running Lion. I know there is no stable version of MacVim for Lion yet but I guess this shouldn't be a problem building it. I have Xcode 4 installed with Command Line Tools.
Am I missing something?
Thanks in Advance.

Problem solved. What happened is that I installed the command line tools for xcode but its path was not properly configured. For example, to compile MacVim it required xcodebuild to run. The only reference for xcodebuild I found in my system was in /usr/bin so I set the path to that location. Even though xcodebuild was being found by make, it would get stuck forever and not returning any erros (weird). I tried to build other application purely based on gcc and it got stuck with no errors too. Finaly I found the correct path for command-line tools for Xcode 4.3. The code to set it up is:
sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/


Build Qt from source failed without any errors

I want to build Qt 5.4.1 form source with MSVC2013 under windows 10 condition.
However, when I do the configuration, it just stopped without any errors.
I downloaded and unzip it.
I installed active perl ver5.2.6, python 3.7.6, ruby devkit 2.7.6 and added there path to environment variables.
And then, in the Developer Command Prompt for VS2013, typed
path_of_src\qtbase\configure -platform win32-msvc2013
then it shows me the following messages and just stopped configuration.
+ cd qtbase
+ ...\qt-everywhere-enterprise-src-5.4.1\qtbase\configure.bat -top-level -platform win32-msvc2013
Qt: Untested Windows version 10.0 detected!
This is the Qt
(and I even did not put -top-level option)
I think some words and process should be followed after 'This is the Qt' sentence, but there wasn't.
Also it doesn't show me any error messages so I'm stuck in a labyrinth now...
Please let me know if you have any idea or need further information.
Thank you in advance.
Best wishes,

Qt Creator qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" on Ubuntu 20.04 [duplicate]

I wrote application for linux which uses Qt5.
But when I am trying to launch it on the linux without Qt SDK installed, the output in console is:
Failed to load platform plugin "xcb". Available platforms are:
How can I fix this? May be I need to copy some plugin file?
When I use ubuntu with Qt5 installed, but I rename Qt directory, the same problem occurs. So, it uses some file from Qt directory...
when I create in the app dir "platforms" folder with the file, the app still doesnot start, but the error message changes:
Failed to load platform plugin "xcb". Available platforms are:
How can this happen? How can platform plugin be available but can't be loaded?
Use ldd (man ldd) to show shared library dependencies. Running this on
.../platforms$ ldd
shows that xcb depends on in addition to and (and many other system libs). Add to your collection of shared libs and you should be ready to move on.
As was posted earlier, you need to make sure you install the platform plugins when you deploy your application. Depending on how you want to deploy things, there are two methods to tell your application where the platform plugins (e.g. platforms/plugins/ are at runtime which may work for you.
The first is to export the path to the directory through the QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH variable.
QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH=path/to/plugins ./my_qt_app
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH=path/to/plugins
The other option, which I prefer is to create a qt.conf file in the same directory as your executable. The contents of which would be:
More information regarding this can be found here and at using qt.conf
I tried to start my binary, compiled with Qt 5.7, on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS where Qt 5.5 is preinstalled. It didn't work.
At first, I inspected the binary itself with ldd as was suggested here, and satisfied all "not found" dependencies. Then this notorious This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" error was thrown.
How to resolve this in Linux
Firstly you should create platforms directory where your binary is, because it is the place where Qt looks for XCB library. Copy there. I wonder why authors of other answers didn't mention this.
Then you may want to run your binary with QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1 environment variable set to check which dependencies of are not satisfied. (You may also use ldd for this as suggested in the accepted answer).
The command output may look like this:
me#xerus:/media/sf_Qt/Package$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1 ./Binary
QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() checking directory path "/media/sf_Qt/Package/platforms" ...
QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "/media/sf_Qt/Package/platforms/"
Found metadata in lib /media/sf_Qt/Package/platforms/, metadata=
"IID": "org.qt-project.Qt.QPA.QPlatformIntegrationFactoryInterface.5.3",
"MetaData": {
"Keys": [
"className": "QXcbIntegrationPlugin",
"debug": false,
"version": 329472
Got keys from plugin meta data ("xcb")
loaded library "/media/sf_Qt/Package/platforms/"
QLibraryPrivate::loadPlugin failed on "/media/sf_Qt/Package/platforms/" : "Cannot load library /media/sf_Qt/Package/platforms/ (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `Qt_5' not found (required by ./"
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb"
in "".
Available platform plugins are: xcb.
Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
Aborted (core dumped)
Note the failing library. Copy it to your libraries path, in my case it was the same directory where my binary is (hence LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.). Repeat this process until all dependencies are satisfied.
P.S. thanks to the author of this answer for QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1.
I tried the main parts of each answer, to no avail. What finally fixed it for me was to export the following environment variables:
Ubuntu 16.04 64bit.
I got the problem for apparently no reasons. The night before I watched a movie on my VideoLan instance, that night I would like to watch another one with VideoLan. VLC just didn't want to run because of the error into the question.
I google a bit and I found the solution it solved my problem: from now on, VLC is runnable just like before. The solution is this comand:
sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/platforms/ /usr/bin/
I am not able to explain what are its consequencies, but I know it creates some missing symbolic link.
Since version 5, Qt uses a platform abstraction system (QPA) to abstract from the underlying platform.
The implementation for each platform is provided by plugins. For X11 it is the XCB plugin. See Qt for X11 requirements for more information about the dependencies.
There might be many causes to this problem. The key is to use
before you run your Qt application. Then, inspect the output, which will point you to the direction of the error. In my case it was:
Cannot load library /opt/nao/plugins/platforms/ (/opt/nao/bin/../lib/ version `ZLIB_1.2.9' not found (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
But that is solved in different threads. See for instance
Probably this information will help. I was on Ubuntu 18.04 and when I tried to install Krita, using the ppa method, I got this error:
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "".
Available platform plugins are: linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, wayland-egl, wayland, xcb.
Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
I tried all the solutions that I found in this thread and other webs without any success.
Finally, I found a post where the author mention that is possible to activate the debugging tool of qt5 using this simple command:
After adding this command I run again krita I got the same error, however this time I knew the cause of that error. cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
This error prevents to the "xcb" to load properly. So, the solution will be install the `" right? However, when I run the command:
sudo apt install libxcb-xinerama
The lib was already installed. Now what Teo? Well, then I used an old trick :) Yeah, that one --reinstall
sudo apt install --reinstall libxcb-xinerama
TLDR: This last command solved my problem.
I ran into a very similar problem with the same error message. First, debug some by turning on the Qt Debug printer with the command line command:
and rerun the application. For me this revealed the following:
"Cannot load library /home/.../miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyQt5/Qt/plugins/platforms/ ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)"
"Cannot load library /home/.../miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PyQt5/Qt/plugins/platforms/ ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)"
Indeed, I was missing and Next, check your architecture using dpkg from the linux command line. (For me, the command "arch" gave a different and unhelpful result)
dpkg --print-architecture #result for me: amd64
I then googled " ubuntu 18.04 amd64", and likewise for, which yields those packages on That told me, in retrospect unsurprisingly, I'm missing packages called libxkbcommon-x11-0 and libxkbcommon0, and that installing those packages will include the needed files, but the dev versions will not. Then the solution:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libxkbcommon0
sudo apt-get install libxkbcommon-x11-0
So, I spent about a day trying to figure out what was the issue; tried all the proposed solutions, but none of that worked like installing xcb libs or exporting Qt plugins folder. The solution that suggested to use QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1 to debug the issue didn't provide me a direct insight like in the answer - instead I was getting something about unresolved symbols within Qt5Core.
That gave me a hint, though: what if it's trying to use different files from different Qt installations? On my machine I had standard version installed in /home/username/Qt/ and some local builds within my project that I compiled by myself (I have other custom built kits as well in other locations). Whenever I tried to use any of the kits (installed by Qt maintenance tool or built by myself), I would get an "xcb error".
The solution was simple: provide the Qt path through CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and not though Qt5_DIR as I did, and it solved the problem. Example:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/username/Qt/5.11.1/gcc_64
I faced the same problem when after installing Viber. It had all required qt libraries in /opt/viber/plugins/.
I checked dependencies of /opt/viber/plugins/platforms/ and found missing dependencies. They were,,,
So I resolved my issue by installing missing packages with this libraries:
apt-get install libxcb-xkb1 libxcb-icccm4 libxcb-image0 libxcb-render-util0
I like the solution with qt.conf.
Put qt.conf near to the executable with next lines:
Prefix = /path/to/qtbase
And it works like a charm :^)
For a working example:
Prefix = /home/user/SDKS/Qt/5.6.2/5.6/gcc_64/
The documentation on this is here:
All you need to do is
pip uninstall PyQt5
conda install pyqt
Most of the problem of pyqt can be fixed by this simplest solution.
In my case, I needed to deploy two Qt apps on an Ubuntu virtualbox guest. One was command-line ("app"), the other GUI_based ("app_GUI").
I used "ldd app" to find out what the required libs are, and copied them
to the Ubuntu guest.
While the command-line executable "app" worked ok, the GUI-based executable crashed, giving
the "Failed to load platform plugin "xcb" error. I checked ldd for, but this too had no missing dependencies.
The problem seemed to be that while I did copy all the right libraries I accidentally had copied also libraries that were already present at the guest system.. meaning that (a) they were unnecessary to copy them in the first place and (b) worse, copying them produced incompatibilities between the install libraries.
Worse still, they were undetectable by ldd like I said..
The solution? Make sure that you copy libraries shown as missing by ldd and absolutely no extra libraries.
In my case missing header files were the reason libxcb was not built by Qt. Installing them according to resolved the issue:
yum install libxcb libxcb-devel xcb-util xcb-util-devel mesa-libGL-devel libxkbcommon-devel
Folks trying to get this started on Ubuntu 20.04 please try to run this and see if this solves the problem. This worked for me
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y libxcb-xinerama0
I link all Qt stuff statically to the generic Linux builds of my open source projects. It makes life a bit easier. You just need to build static versions of Qt libraries first. Of course this cannot be applied to closed source software due to licensing issues. The deployment of Qt5 apps on Linux is currently a bit problematic, because Ubuntu 12.04, for example, doesn't have Qt5 libraries in the package repositories.
I had this problem, and on a hunch I removed the Qt Configs from my environment. I.e.,
rm -rf ~/.config/Qt*
Then I started qtcreator and it reconfigured itself with the existing state of the machine. It no longer remembered where my projects were, but that just meant I had to browse to them "for the first time" again.
But more importantly it built itself a coherent set of library paths, so I could rebuild and run my project executables again without the xcb or qxcb libraries going missing.
I faced the same situation, but on a Ubuntu 20.04 VM.
TL;DR: Check file permissions.
What I did:
I copied the Qt libs required to /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ and added it to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
I copied the platforms folder from Qt to my application directory and added it to QT_PLUGIN_PATH
I ran ldd on the executable and in the offending (ldd, and it complains about some dependencies although ldconfig listed them as found. (0x00007ffee19af000) => not found => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7cb18fb000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7cb183c000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7cb1820000) => /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f7cb0fd4000) => not found
I used export QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1 for further info. It complains about missing files, although they are there.
What I found:
For some reason, when copying to the VM through the shared folder the files permissions were not the correct ones.
Thus, I ran: sudo chmod 775 * on the libs and voilĂ .
I solved the issue through this
pip uninstall opencv-python
pip install opencv-python-headless
This seems to have been a problem with the cv2 Python package and how it loops in Qt
sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/...."adapt-it"..../qt5/plugins/platforms/ /usr/bin/
It creates the symbolic link it's missed. Good for QT ! Good for VLC !!

Project ERROR: Could not find feature when running qmake on any qt module

i am following guide written in here:
everythng runs smooth (needed to add fonts) - I can run and debug an application on my device from my pc.
But if I try to install any module (qtdeclarative, qt3d, qtquickcontrols, qtquickcontrols2) it just tells me no for a lack of some feature.
For examplee:
git clone git:// -b 5.9.0
cd qtdeclarative
~/raspi/qt5/bin/qmake -r
Gives me lots of positive code, but ends with:
Reading /path/to/raspi/qtdeclarative/src/quick/
Project ERROR: Could not find feature qml-network.
Similar thing applies for the rest.
Could anyone tell me what to do?
to make it worse same thing happens on 5.9.2 but 5.7 isn't compatible with rpi3
Try to do
without the -r option. It worked for me.

Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x50501) with this library (version 0x50201)

I have installed Shadowsocks-Qt5 within the code sudo apt-get install shadowsocks-qt5 in terminal, and then I can find the launch icon by searching, but it won't open when I click the icon. Then I tried to use terminal to open it, but the error comes out as below:
~ ss-qt5
Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x50501) with this library (version 0x50201)
[1] 8875 abort (core dumped) ss-qt5
I searched many answers but no one work. I think the key may be the default Qt library, but I don't know how to set default Qt library, the system on my computer is Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
How to solve this problem?
I just had this error when attempting to run Qt Creator after doing a system update. For me, I was attempting to run Qt Creator 4.10.0-rc1 (based on Qt 5.13.1) that I had manually installed to ~/Qt along with Qt 5.13.0, and my system has Qt 5.12.2 installed.
I was getting the following error:
Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x50c02) with this library (version 0x50d00)
Doing an strace when running revealed that it was attempting to load plugins from the system directory. I finally discovered the culprit was the environment variable QT_PLUGIN_PATH was set (in my case to /usr/lib64/qt5/plugins:/usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/kcms).
After unsetting this variable, Qt Creator started up and worked.
After so many months of trying to fix this issue, this helped me.
sudo apt install qt5-style-plugins.
I was facing a similar issue, and even after 4 hours of debugging, I got nowhere. Finally, I found the following way to keep separate Qt versions, posting here so that other people find it.
Suppose you installed Qt in ${QtRoot}, extend the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH:
export PATH=${QtRoot}/bin:${PATH}
You can make a wrapper function / script to manage separate Qt installations like this:
export PATH=${QtRoot}/bin:${PATH}
After running this your application will likely run fine.

Cannot cmake kde-connect

I am trying to install kde-connect following this.
Although my kubuntu version is 14.04, I wanted to compile them so that I can have the latest version. But when I followed the instructions to compile, i get the following error.
-- Found Qt-Version 5.2.1 (using /usr/bin/qmake)
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
used as include directory in directory /home/vinaychandra/Downloads/t/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp
CMake Error: Internal CMake error, TryCompile configure of cmake failed
CMake Error at /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake:1311 (message):
Unable to compile a basic Qt application. Qt has not been found correctly.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
/usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindKDE4.cmake:95 (find_package)
CMakeLists.txt:7 (find_package)
Please point out how to correct this.
I have tried giving -DQT_QT_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/share/qt4/
then it tells that You must build your code with position independent code if Qt was built with -reduce-relocations.
Your cmake by default uses a different QT version.
So, you must explicitly tell him which version of QT he have to use for this job.
This one
Is wrong because you mustn't give QT position explicitly.
All you need is to use the right qmake.
So, give'em this flag and you'll be happy!
Since most of kde applications are not ported to Qt5, you need Qt4.x for building kdeconnect(don't know x, mine is 4.8.6).
Also Qt4 installer is not available (I think !), so you have to build it also from source. Building Qt4 is quite easy, just download the source and run the usual commands.
After building it, it qmake name will be qmake-qt4 in /usr/bin.
So for building kdeconnect, first run its cmake, then a Cmaketextcache.txt file will form.
In that change the path of qmake (i.e somewhere written /usr/bin/qmake to /usr/bin/qmake-qt4) and also the path of qt include dir to (I think /usr/include/qt5 to /usr/include/qt4), and run the cmake again.
If some packages are missing, then you have to install it.
But with the above changes, you will get a make file to install it.
Unfortunately, the cited documentation is lagging behind the current state of kdeconnect. I ran into similar problems but I managed to solve them by installing the following required packages from the Kubuntu repositories:
I trust these are all of them. I installed kdeconnect from the latest git commit and it seems to run fine.
This answer comes a bit late, but this is the first Google search result for the question. In systems with qtchooser (Kubuntu, Ubuntu at least), this can be fixed by running first:
export QT_SELECT=qt4
This makes all of the Qt build tools to default to the Qt4 version instead of Qt5. You can check which Qt version is active by running:
qmake --version
Try kde connect install on ubuntu:
(in 18.04 & 19.04 it works with simple sudo apt install kdeconnect
Install kde connect on android device (google play store is where I installed from)
Invoke kde connect from desktop
Invoke kde connect from android and search device.
Your ubuntu will be found / initiating a search from desktop results in android phone pulled up for pairing
Accept pairing request
Provide access to folders
Try clicking on a video/image file for transfer
I could see the new file transferring in /Downloads folder of desktop
allowing/disallowing desktop to access sms, notifications etc are now a choice
Note: Pl treat this with pinch of salt. This appears very simple, effective for a main reason it worked for me in no time.
