As an example I got a css class which applies to all labels within my website.
font-size: 18px;
Now after i install a external JS plugin i find that the plugin itself is affected by my base css.
<div class="plugin" />
//Dynamic html inserted by plugin
The plugin has its own stylesheet so how can i prevent my base css style touching any elements within the plugin div?
I must add that label was a very simple example. The actual layout is more complex with global styles touching various elements.
Don't make your css too general, try to be as specific as possible when you want to style only some of your elements. If you can't select your elements without affecting the plugin's elements add a class to them.
label{ /* too general, don't use this */
/* ... */
body > div > form > label{ /* more specific, but maybe still affecting your plugin */
/* ... */
label.noplugin{ /* use a class on non-plugin elements */
/* ... */
div:not(.plugin) > label{ /* affecting only children of div which are NOT
tagged with the plugin class */
/* ... */
So in your case a better way to style your label would be
<div class="plugin">
//Dynamic html inserted by plugin
*:not(.plugin) > label
font-size: 18px;
Please note that :not is unfortunately not supported by IE ≤8.
You need to do two things.
i) Give your parent container ID
ii) And style child label of container.
Here is fiddle workout.
I have a react component that will be embedded into an old website. The problem is that this website has some global styles with tag selectors, e.g:
p {
font-size: 14px;
Removing these styles from the website is not an option.
So is there any way I can prevent these styles from reaching my component apart from just overriding them?
Create a particular css file for this component and again assign the style for p in this page particularly. It will replace the global one.
You can use inline css because it has more preference than the external css.
You could wrap your .p inside your own class.
Example in plain HTML:
<div class = "you-wrapper">
And in you react code, add your own css:
.you-wrapper p { font-size: 15px; color:red;}
/* your css */
.your-wrapper * { all: unset; }
.you-wrapper p { font-size: 15px; color:red;}
I have a twitter widget which is loaded into the footer of my page. The problem is that it uses !important properties all over the place. And because my stylesheets are all loaded into the head, the widget's style sheets automatically override any of mine.
Do I really have to put a couple of separate styles in the footer of my document, below the widget, to get force this. Or is there a more semantic method?
I would go through and see if there is a way to make your CSS more specific than the selectors used in twitter. The rules of specificity will ensure that your !important styles override the twitter !important styles.
Otherwise, as a last resort and if !important is only used on classes in the Twitter CSS then you could assign an id to anything that is overridden to ensure that your selectors are more specific.
/* your style */
#anti_twitter {
color: blue !important;
/* twitter style */ {
color: red !important;
So using the code above, the links would come out blue.
<div id="myWrapper">
<div id="theDefaultId">
and you can use #myWrapper #theDefaultId { anything: value !important; }
theDefaultId is the id which the twitter widget uses and #myWrapper is an id defined by us.
This should work.
This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How do I prevent CSS inheritance?
Is there a way to declare the CSS property of an element such that it will not affect any of its children or is there a way to declare CSS of an element to implement just the style specified and not inherit any of the style declared for its parents?
A quick example
<div id="container">
<div class="sub">Content of the paragraph
<div class='content'>Content of the span</div>
form div {font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;}
/* Can anything go here? */
Under normal circumstances one would expect the text block "Content of the paragraph" and "Content of the span" will both be 12px and bold.
Is there a property to include in the CSS above in the "div.content" block that will prevent it from inheriting the declaration in the "#container form div" block to limit the style to just "content of the paragraph" and spare "Content of the span" including any other children div?
If you are wondering why, well, I created a particular CSS file that gives all the forms on my project a particular feel and the div elements under the form all inherit the feel. No problem. But inside the form I want to use Flexigrid but flexigrid inherits the style and it just looks useless. If I use flexigrid outside the form and such it won't inherit the forms css, then it looks great. Otherwise it just looks terrible.
Unfortunately, you're out of luck here.
There is inherit to copy a certain value from a parent to its children, but there is no property the other way round (which would involve another selector to decide which style to revert).
You will have to revert style changes manually:
div { color: green; }
form div { color: red; }
form div div.content { color: green; }
If you have access to the markup, you can add several classes to style precisely what you need:
form div.sub { color: red; }
form div div.content { /* remains green */ }
Edit: The CSS Working Group is up to something:
div.content {
all: revert;
No idea, when or if ever this will be implemented by browsers.
Edit 2: As of March 2015 all modern browsers but Safari and IE/Edge have implemented it: (thanks, #Lea Verou!)
Edit 3: default was renamed to revert.
Can't you style the forms themselves? Then, style the divs accordingly.
/* styles */
You can always overrule inherited styles by making it important:
/* styles */ !important
CSS rules are inherited by default - hence the "cascading" name. To get what you want you need to use !important:
form div
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: bold;
// any rule you want here, followed by !important
This seems painfully simple, but I can't work out how to do it:
I want every link on my site to have a specific style on mouseover, so I use
a:hover {
/*style goes here*/
The thing is, I don't want that style applied to links that are images, but
a:hover img {
/*reset style*/
doesn't work. What should I try instead?
Your attempt is restyling the image element, not the a element, which is why it doesn't work (see here for an explanation of CSS selector syntax). Unfortunately, there is no syntax for selecting the parent of an element, so as others have said, you will have to create a special class for image links.
For links that are images, use a different css class instead of referencing all anchor tags.
The only way to do it is to put a class on the as that enclose imgs, like so:
<img src="image.jpg" alt="Image" />
And then select it in CSS with
a.imagelink:hover {
/* styles */
Try this:
a:hover {
/*link style goes here*/
Select all images with links when hovered and set another style.
a:link:hover img {
/* hovered, linked image styles */
This will select only images that have links and are hovered over.
Works in Weebly as well.
Is there some kind of "not" CSS selector?
For example when I write the following line in my CSS, all input fields inside an tag with class classname will have a red background.
.classname input {
background: red;
How do I select all input fields that are OUTSIDE of a tag with class classname?
With current browser CSS support, you can't.
Newer browsers now support it- see Sam's answer for more info.
(See other answers for the alternatives in CSS.)
If doing it in JavaScript/jQuery is acceptable, you can do:
Mozilla supports negation pseudo-class:
:not(.classname) input {background: red;}
See also:
Note that the negation pseudo class is in the Selectors Level 3 Recommendation and works in recent versions of Firefox, Chrome and Safari (at least). Sample code below.
<title>Negation pseudo class</title>
<style type="text/css">
div {
border: 1px solid green;
height: 10px;
div:not(#foo) {
border: 1px solid red;
<div id="foo"></div>
<div id="bar"></div>
<div id="foobar"></div>
Wouldn't you do that by setting the 'global' background to red, then using the classname to alter the others?
input { background: red; }
.classname input { background: white; }
I would do this
input { /* styles outside of .classname */ }
.classname input { /* styles inside of .classname, overriding above */ }
There is no way to select the parent of matched elements with CSS. You would have to use JavaScript to select them.
From your question I assume you have markup that looks more or less like this:
<form class="formclassname">
<div class="classname">
<input /> <!-- Your rule matches this -->
<input /> <!-- Your rule matches this -->
<input /> <!-- You want to select this? -->
<input /> <!-- You want to select this? -->
One option is to add a class to a higher element, say the <form>, and write a rule to style all of the inputs of the form. I.E:
.formclassname input {
/* Some properties here... */
.formclassname > input {
/* Some properties here... */
If you want to select them based on the fact that they are not inside of an element with a specific class, you're out of luck without the use of JavaScript.
I think the closest you can get is to only affect direct descendants with a declaration
This code for example will only affect input fields directly under divs with class "maincontent"
div.maincontent > input {
// do something
Inputs are a bit annoying because, unlike most other html elements, there isn't necessarily a way of resetting all the css properties back to their default value.
If the styling is non-critical (ie a nice to have but doesn't affect functionality) I would use jQuery to get an array of all the inputs, check their parents, and then only carry out the styling on those outside that div. Something like:
$('input').each(function() {
if($(this).closest('.classname') == false)
// apply css styles
(By the way, I'm no jQuery expert, so there might be some errors in the above, but in principle something like this should work)