Require stronger password for some users based on roles -

I have a MVC 3 app. There are mainly two zones regarding security. The first one is mostly to prevent public access, but not really sensitive information. Password strength might be weak since there is not really much harm to do either.
Second zone(Area) is restricted. user must apply for access. If user gets access it gets a certain role(s). So each controller method autorizes the user based on that role.
I want these users to have to change password to a strong password on the next logon before they can go further and access the restricted content.
User A applies for access.
Access is granted. The password policy for
that user is changed as long as it has access. They MUST
change their password on the next logon, and they cannot change back
to a weaker password as long as they have that role.
Is there any secure way to implement this using the ASP.NET?
I've actually used Chris proposed solution and it works, but to handle the verification of the password itself I actually got some inspiration from Micah's proposed solution too. However, it turns out that overriding MembershipProvider.OnValidatingPassword does imply also having to implement 10 + abstract methods that I really do not need to solve this.
A better solution in my eyes was hooking on to the Membership.ValidatingPassword EVENT. I do this inn App_Start, then I implement my own password validation in the event handler and that solved my problem.
Just to share the solution with you i present it here, toghether with Chris solution this solved my problem and hopefully for someone else too:
void App_Start()
//To do custom validation on certain passwords set new event handler
Membership.ValidatingPassword += Membership_ValidatingPassword;
private void Membership_ValidatingPassword(object sender, ValidatePasswordEventArgs e)
//If the user is a new user, we let registration happen without strong password
if (e.IsNewUser) return;
MembershipUser membershipUser = Membership.GetUser(e.UserName);
Guid userId = Guid.Parse(membershipUser.ProviderUserKey.ToString());
//First check if the pwd is strong enough to be flagged, if so we flag it
//using regex to validate the password (20 char, 2 uppercase so on)
if (MyValidationClass.IsStrongPassword(e.Password, 20, 2, 4, 1))
//if the user does not already have a flag we set one
//If the user needs strong pwd, we cancel the operation and throw exception
if (MyValidationClass.NeedsStrongPassword(e.UserName))
e.FailureInformation =
new MembershipPasswordException("Password does not satisfy reqirements!");
e.Cancel = true;

You could write your own Authorize Attribute to accommodate both. You simply need to then use it on the relevant sections of your application:
For example:
public class HasChangedPasswordAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
UserRepository repo = new UserRepository();
var user = repo.GetCurrentUser();
bool hasSecurelyChangedPassword = user.HasSecurelyChangedPassword;
return hasSecurelyChangedPassword;
protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("/Account/ChangePassword");
The above will check that the user has securely changed their password. If not it will redirect them to a new page in which to change their password. Once they change it, set the flag as changed.
You can then use it like this:
public ActionResult MySecureAction()
You could obviously integrate both of these attributes into one, but for the sake of showing the example they are seperated above.

you will need override the MembershipProvider.OnValidatingPassword

Probably a simpler method would be check the strength of the password on the client-side when you user is attempting to enter a new password. Check out this list for some examples using JQuery.
In regard the transaction of upgrading and resetting the password, that's something your code can handle, i.e. a flag in the users table that redirects the user to a new registration page. But when they set the password (and presumably it matches the appropriate strength) it can then be submitted...


Is there a better way to implement role based access in ASP.NET framework?

Basically I've spent the last few days trying to figure out how to add simple Admin and Member roles onto a website I'm developing for a friend. (I am using ASP.NET Framework I know that Microsoft has a nice role based access feature built in which allows you to put something like [Authorize Role=("Admin") at the top of the controller; however I have not been able to get it to work at all and most of the resources I've found are for ASP.NET Core.
I've tried modifying my web.config file to enable the role based access (and hopefully migrate the roles and such to my database). But since I've been unable to figure any of this out, I've tried going a more hacky route. (**I am not an advanced programmer, I've been doing this for about a year now and am in no way a pro). This is what I've basically come up with in my attempt to verify if a user is an admin (which also didn't work).
public class AdminController : Controller
private LDSXpressContext db = new LDSXpressContext();
public ActionResult AdminPortal()
return View();
private ActionResult IsAdmin()
string name = User.Identity.Name;
//The User.Identity.Name stores the user email when logged in
var currentUserObject = db.accounts.Where(x => x.clientEmail == name);
Account currentUser = new Account();
foreach (var user in currentUserObject)
//I loop through the results, even though only one user should
//be stored in the var CurrentUserObject because it's the only
//way I know how to assign it to an object and get its values.
currentUser = user;
if (currentUser.role == 2) //the number 2 indicates admin in my db
return null;
//Even when this is hit, it just goes back and returns the
//AdminPortal view
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
Now I'm nearly positive that is is NOT a very secure way to check if a signed in user is an admin, but I was hoping that it would at least work. My idea was when someone attempted to access the AdminPortal, the IsAdmin method would run and check if the user is an admin in the database. If they are, then it returns null and the AdminPortal view is displayed, if they are not an Admin, then they are redirected to the Index view on the home page. However, the AdminPortal page is always displayed to any user and this doesn't seem to work either. I've even stepped into the code and watched it run over the return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); action, but then it jumps back to the AdminPortal method and just returns the AdminPortal view. So my question is:
1) If anyone happens to have experience with Role Based access in ASP.NET Framework, I would love some tips on how to get it set up
2) If all else fails and I need to use my hacky method, why does it continue to return the AdminView even when the user is not an admin.
**Note: I know I could create a function that returns true or false if the user is an Admin or not, and then have an if/else statement in the AdminPortal controller that will return on view for true and another for false, however I don't want to have to implement that onto every ActionMethod, it'd be nice to keep it down to one line, or just the [Authorize Role="Admin] above the controller if possible.
Thank you guys so much for any help provided, I've been trying to research and fix this for days now and decided to reach out and ask the community!
At a minimum, you'll want to make some adjustments to what you're doing:
public class AdminController : Controller
public ActionResult AdminPortal()
return View();
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
private bool IsAdmin()
bool isAdmin = false;
using(LDSXpressContext db = new LDSXpressContext())
string name = User.Identity.Name;
//The User.Identity.Name stores the user email when logged in
// #see
var currentUser = db.accounts.SingleOrDefault(x => x.clientEmail.Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
// If the email doesn't match a user, currentUser will be null
if (currentUser != null)
//the number 2 indicates admin in my db
isAdmin = currentUser.role == 2;
return isAdmin;
First off, DbContext instances are meant to used, at most, per the lifetime of an HTTP request. Moving it from the class / controller level and placing it within a using block makes sure that it's properly disposed.
Next, your IsAdmin function really just needs to return a true/false value based on your lookup, and then the AdminPortal action can decide what to do with that result.
Since email seems to be a unique field in your table, use the SingleOrDefault or FirstOrDefault LINQ extension to fetch a single matching record. Which one you use is up to you, but if it's truly a unique value, SingleOrDefault makes more sense (it will throw an exception if more than one row matches). Using the StringComparison flag with the String.Equals extension method makes your search case-insensitive. There are a few culture-specific versions of that, but ordinal matching is what I would normally use, here.
Implementing some version of the Identity framework is a bit too long for an answer here, but it's possible to implement a claims-based authentication scheme without too much work. That's something that probably needs a separate answer, though.

How do you disable a User When Using ASP Forms Persistent Cookie/Ticket?

I'm using the Forms Auth and ASP Universal Membership Provider in an MVC 3 Site. We're persisting the cookie for user convenience.
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.UserName, true)
When we disable a user in the Membership provider like this:
memUser.IsApproved = model.IsActive;
if they have the cookie they can still get in to the site. This is similar to what is described in this post:
We use Authorize attributes on our controllers, and I know that that is technically more Authorize than Authentication. But the certainly overloap so I'm trying to figure out what is the best MVC way to do a check that the user is not actually disabled? Custom AuthorizeAttribute that checks the user against the membership database? An obvious setting/method I'm missing with Forms auth to invalidate the ticket?
Here’s basically what I'm going with – we use a custom permission denied page which we we use to better inform user that they don’t have rights vs. they’re not logged in. And I added the IsApproved check. AuthorizeCore gets called when you put the attribute on a Controller or Action and if it returns false HandleUnauthorizedRequest is called.
public class CustomAuthorization : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
if (!filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated || !Membership.GetUser(filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name).IsApproved)
filterContext.Result = new HttpUnauthorizedResult();
// in the case that the user was authenticated, meaning he has a ticket,
// but is no longer approved we need to sign him out
var permDeniedRouteVals = new System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary() { { "controller", "MyErrorController" }, { "action", "MyPermissionDeniedAction" }, { "area", null } };
filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(permDeniedRouteVals);
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(System.Web.HttpContextBase httpContext)
// since persisting ticket,
// adding this check for the case that the user is not active in the database any more
return base.AuthorizeCore(httpContext) && Membership.GetUser(httpContext.User.Identity.Name).IsApproved;
public class MyController
Well, you're going to have to check the database regardless, the only question is how you want to do that. Yes, you could create a custom authorize attribute, or you could write some code for the OnAuthorize override in ControllerBase, or you could do it in Application_AuthenticateRequest.. lots of ways you could do it, depends on what works best for you.
The best way, of course, would be to not use a persistent ticket if this is an issue for you.
I pretty much always use Roles and a RolesProvider, even if there is just one role named "Login" - in part for this issue. This way, your Authorize attributes might look something like this:
Where Login represents a basic 'Role' that all "active" accounts must have to be able to log in at all; Every protected action is protected by this, at minimum.
That way, simply removing the "Login" role effectively disables the user... because, in my Roles Provider, I am checking the logged-in user's roles against the database or server-local equivalent.
In your case, your "Login" role could simply resolve to a check on the IsApproved field on your user model.

What is an anonymous username supposed to look like in a ProviderInfo object?

Per Microsoft's ProfileInfo definition, an unauthenticated profileinfo object has a username; naturally this must be keyed off of to persist/ reference profile information in a given session (I am assuming it is session-based). I'm guessing this is some guid or something, but I don't see where this is defined, created, tracked, etc. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Well... The question interested me so I've decided to do some research.
A bit of digging in documentation lead me first to Implementing a Profile Provider MSDN article, where I've found the following:
GetPropertyValues method
Takes as input a SettingsContext and a SettingsPropertyCollection
The SettingsContext provides information about the user. You can use
the information as a primary key to retrieve profile property
information for the user. Use the SettingsContext object to get the
user name and whether the user is authenticated or anonymous.
So, the determination of whether user is authenticated or not is generally done on higher level. Anyway, I took a look at code of Microsoft's default SqlProfileProvider implementation (namely, GetPropertyValues method implementation) and found out that it calls method private void GetPropertyValuesFromDatabase(string userName, SettingsPropertyValueCollection svc) which actually has the following code:
HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
string sName = null;
if (context != null)
sName = (context.Request.IsAuthenticated ? context.User.Identity.Name : context.Request.AnonymousID);
So, if we have a non-authenticated request then a user id is taken from HttpContext.Current.Request.AnonymousID property. Searching through MSDN for this property has revealed the following page: HttpRequest.AnonymousID property (System.Web). Although it still does not describe exact algorithm of generating this ID, but it provides information on how you can override this default algorithm if you want. All you need is to overload public void AnonymousIdentification_Creating(Object sender, AnonymousIdentificationEventArgs e) method in your web application. Also this page provides some information on how AnonymousID is persisted between calls (by default it's stored in .ASPXANONYMOUS cookie).
Example code:
void Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e)
// Initialize user count property
Application["UserCount"] = 0;
public void AnonymousIdentification_Creating(Object sender, AnonymousIdentificationEventArgs e)
// Change the anonymous id
e.AnonymousID = "mysite.com_Anonymous_User_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks;
// Increment count of unique anonymous users
Application["UserCount"] = Int32.Parse(Application["UserCount"].ToString()) + 1;
Summary: I have not been able to answer your original question on HOW this ID is created by default but I think that last code snippet will be enough for you to override this with any algorithm you want.

ASP.NET prevent the same user being logged in multiple times

I have a requirement for an ASP.NET web application whereby the same user is not allowed to be logged in multiple times. I think this is to prevent people from sharing usernames and passwords.
The problem I am having is that unless a user explicitly logs out of the system it is hard to tell if he is still logged in and using the system or not.
Hence the only reliable way I can think of to implement this is to log to database the user id, IP address and timestamp every time a user makes an interaction with the system and lock anyone else out who is not from that IP address if they try and log in within ten minutes of the last date logged in this table.
Can anyone think of a better way to manage this?
If you use ASP.NET MembershipProvider you can do something like this:
protected void Login1_LoggingIn(object sender, LoginCancelEventArgs e)
if (Membership.ValidateUser(Login1.UserName, Login1.Password))
int time = Membership.UserIsOnlineTimeWindow;
MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(Login1.UserName, true);
if (user != null)
if (user.IsOnline)
lblMessaggeIsOnLine.Visible = true;
e.Cancel = true;
lblMessaggeIsOnLine.Visible = false;
you can use SessionEnd event in global.asax if your session state mode is not SqlServer.
for example:
your config:
<sessionState timeout="15"></sessionState>
after 15min your sessionend event triggered and you can sign out user
You are right. You need to manage the user log-ins and act accordingly. Let me knonw whether you are using your own provider or using ASP.NET provider. The default provider has some options within it.

Refresh ASP.NET Role Provider

simple question...
Given I have an ASP.NET site, which uses a [custom] RoleProvider,
Is there any way in which I can somehow "refresh" the provider without forcing the user to log out of the site and log back in?
I'm looking for something that would be akin to a fictional method
Specifically, I am looking at this for if an administrator changes a user's roles, the user sessions could maybe refresh themselves every 10 minutes or something.
I assume you have something like this in your web.config:
<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="..."
The roles are cached in a cookie , so you can force them to refresh by deleting the cookie. This method worked for me. I added the cookieName attribute so that I don't rely on's default. For your scenario, though, you may be able to just set the cookieTimeout attribute to something reasonable and be done with it.
This method won't update the roles immediately, of course. They will be updated on the next page load after you delete the cookie.
Refresh just need to delete the cookie:
For C#: Roles.DeleteCookie(); // Works as Roles.Refresh()
If you don't want to use cookies you can use Session object to cache the roles.
like this:
public override string[] GetRolesForUser(string username)
System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState Session = HttpContext.Current.Session;
if (Session["roles"] == null)
Session["roles"] = MyDataProvider.Security.GetRolesForUser(username);
return (string[])Session["roles"];
When you need to update the roles for this user you can do
Session["roles"] = null
depend on the custom role provider used.
Just call a "update my role" function on every request? (bad way but at least your sure to update it)
The roles are cached in a cookie (encrypted of course). The simplest solution will be to disable caching in the web.config file. You will loose some performance.
Else you must somehow resend the auth cookie. One major problem is that many browsers will not accept cookies on redirects with method post.
The other solution that worked for me:
1) In a aspx methodod log the user out and store the username in the session
//Add User to role reviewer and refresh ticket
Roles.AddUserToRole(User.Identity.Name, Constants.ROLE_REVISOR);
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(User.Identity.Name, false); //Might work in some browsers
Session["REFRESHROLES"] = User.Identity.Name;
Response.Redirect("someprotectedurl?someid=" + someid);
2) In the loginpage sign the user in again if username is stored in session
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string returnUrl = Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"];
if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl) == false)
if(Session["REFRESHROLES"] != null)
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(Session["REFRESHROLES"].ToString(), false);
