Tool to check if all website pages are working without error in ASP.Net? -

Presently i am working on a website it has around 50 pages and links. I need to make sure that all the pages are running fine before deploying to production. Is there any tool so that i can check on local machine that no page is displaying an error message of any kind.
Note:- i am making website using ASP.Net, SQL Azure, Window Azure.

You can try this -

I'm not pretty sure what do you want to check. If it's related with your business logic you have to check by yourself, or by some unit test framework. For windows azure deployment verification, I would like to recommend you to do as below:
1, Since you said you are using Windows Azure and SQL Azure, please have two server for testing. One to simulate the windows azure environment, installed Win08 x64 (R2 if you are using Azure OS 2.x), .NET Fx 4.0 (or 3.5.1 if you are using 3.5 SP1), Windows Azure SDK, IIS with URL rewrite. Do NOT anything else on this machine, for example VS, Win SDK etc. On another machine to simulator SQL Azure, just install SQL Server 08 R2.
2, Deploy your azure application on the first machine using CSPack, CSRUN, etc. and connect to the SQL Server on the other machine, test your application. If you are using storage service, firstly using the local emulator on the first machine.
3, Change to use real azure storage and test.
4, Change to use real SQL Azure and test.
5, Deploy your application on azure staging slot and test.
6, Swap to production slot.
In SDK 1.5 and later the Azure VS Tool have a feature to help you to verify if there's any assemblies you referenced in your project are missing on azure VM. So you can set them as Copy Local = True. There's also a website help you to verify the assemblies

Not entirely sure on what errors you might want to check, but if you just only want to check for broken links then there is a tool called Xenu that could help you. It will traverse all of the links and send back nice HTML reports on the broken links.

Would ELMHA help here?
Check out Wades post for Azure usage:


MYOB ODBC ASP.NET application issues during insert command from IIS 10.0

I am trying to develop a ASP.NET Web API for MYOB that runs within IIS. That will allow me to insert/update/select different pieces of information from a MYOB company file.
At the moment within development everything works perfectly from within VS 2015 using IIS Express. I can successfully execute a insert command on the MYOB ODBC connection in multi-user access mode while the company file is opened by atleast two other users.
However when run from within IIS no errors are displayed. However the ODBC driver returns successfully on the insert query despite no insert being completed and no records of errors in any log files.
Finally, i have given the application pool connected to the IIS Application/Website the identity of the system administrator account. So i am assuming this is not the issue.
Could someone please help me on this! Have I maybe setup the permissions and security protocols in IIS incorrectly? As this application works fine within IIS Express but not in IIS?
Thanks in advance for any help!
You eventually couldn't see an error because you are using Web API. You are just a client. But maybe the API has an error that you've couldn't be seen. is your API has a LOGS? or it has a return value when it might encountered an error?
Try to Double Check it.
I agreed there's a big difference between iis express and IIS itself(Not in VS, means other machine or in server)
Check it too.
1.) framework you are working mostly.
2.) make sure that your Web API is running.
3.) IIS set up.

Running compiled MVC 4 project locally on any Windows 7 PC w/o IIS

OK, so let's forget worrying about visible code.
I have a compiled MVC 4 app written with Web API, Backbone, & HTML 5 configured for CRUD storage locally in compact SQL included in the app. Data is received from the Internet via API and stored locally in Db. Local Db also through API sends data to some remote MVC Website Db.
What else must be done for the user, running Windows 7 on a local PC or tablet (w/ ample storage), other than providing a zip file download containing the complile app and sql db?
Would I need some prepackaged canned "Update to 4.5 Net, etc, etc to run MVC 4 locallly", or would I need to create some custom system update accompanyer, or need I do nothing as the App will work fine on a local PC running Windows 7 standard with no IIS?
You can't run without a web server of some sort. IIS is the answer (unless you want to fiddle with Mono on Linux).
Host the app on an accessible website and give the user a URL. That's why you used ASP.NET instead of creating a winforms application, right?
Control Panel - Programs and Features - Turn windos features On
Internet Information Services + .Net Framework 4.5
Thats u need.
You MIGHT be able to try WebMatrix 2 since it comes with IIS Express...

Windows Azure version backward

Today, I checked my windows azure website (built with a web service) And the version was not the same as yesterday. It's very strange, it seems that ther version went backward.
So I took my project in VS and reuploaded it. Then it was good
I am quite scared, is it a normal behaviour, I think not. But how to stop this behaviour. If I remember well it's not the first time it happens to my project.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Internally if there is any problem within Azure, It is the nature of Azure to Remove the troublesome VMs and Deploy a new VM with the "cspkg" File that we upload during application deployment either through Azure portal or through Visual studio directly.
In case You make any changes through RDP to the deployed application, there is no guarantee that the application will retain the Changes.
Further more if you face this again, it is better to contact Microsoft Support, They should help you out.
Here is the explanation of the Microsoft Support :
Any changes made with Web Deploy are temporary. It can only be used for development and testing and not intended for updating applications in production. When the role instance is restarted, the changes will be gone. We would suggest that you upgrade the deployment by uploading package files from the management portal or disabling WebDeploy while deploying.
You can read more about Web Deploy here

ASP.NET MVC intranet site deployment

Howcome I deploy my intranet ASP.NET MVC project?
What I've got so far:
project itself;
several client machines connected in a workgroup and server;
IIS Express 7.5, SQL Server 2008 R2 Express installed on a server.
It should be mentioned that though it's odd and unusual but server is just a machine without (even) server OS installed. Please note that it's not mine idea and is the environment I've got at the moment
I've read the instruction but it describes situation when you have Web Developer installed on the same machine.
Please help!
And Thanks!
This is the 100% manual approach, you might be able to access the remote web server via VS if authorization/permissions is lined up properly (much simpler, basically you just hit deploy):
Install IIS
Install .NET Framework 4
Install MVC
Register ASP.NET with IIS (just to be safe run it again)
Create Website via IIS Management Console (use a new directory for the website)
Put your files inside the new directory
Make sure permissions are setup properly
That's it

Windows Azure: Can I just use it like a standard Windows 2008 Server?

I've created an Azure server instance. I've deployed a simple application to it. As part of the deployment process I enabled Remote Desktop Connections.
I have some standard applications that run on Windows, is there something to stop me deploying these applications manually to IIS using Remote Desktop. I've read so much about having to migrate standard apps to Azure. I don't want to this as we will have customers who will still use Windows Server 2003/2008 so I don't want to have to maintain 2 versions.
Well, as I understand it, in theory you could deploy stuff using remote desktop. But when the instance shuts down/restarts you'll lose it all (unless you've built it into your startup scripts) and have to re-load everything each time. The main reason they suggest you have at least two instances is so that when one shuts down for updates etc there is always at least one other running.
The "Windows Azure Accelerator for Web Roles" project allows you to create an Azure web role which then enables you to use web deploy for all your other web sites - I'm guessing that will be a whole lot better approach and is definitely worth a look. Also, I believe is a good place to browse for info and ideas.
Using a startup task and the Azure Bootstrapper you can download, unzip, install almost any kind of 3rd party software that supports either xcopy deployment (just copy the files) or an unattended(silent) install.
Assuming you aren't using Azure storage or anything like that, there shouldn't be any difference with the IIS application. If you are using anything specific to Azure, you can use the RoleEnvironment.IsAvailable to test if you are running inside Azure or not. That will return true for the emulator as well. If you want to use Azure storage from both, you can add the settings in the web.config to use if not running in Azure.
