QT/Phonon Video Recording - qt

I want to do the Video Recording in QT Phonon media framework.Has Qt/KDE's Phonon media framework abstraction implemented Video recording? If Phonon does not implemented then how to add functionality(As Phonon uses gstreamer as backend and we can easily do Video Recording using gStreamer)

Unfortunately Phonon only provides utilities for multimedia playback and as far as I know they do not plan to add recording functionality in the future. In order to perform video/audio stream recording you could use QtMultimedia module.


Qt 5.7 WebEngineView, HTML5 audio/video and WebRTC

Documentation suggests that the latest QtWebEngineView should support WebRTC and HTML5 audio (I also want WebAudio API).
I'm using QtQuick 2 and QT 5.7, and the QML WebEngineView (1.1) and WebView don't support getUserMedia nor HTML5 audio.
Is it possible to have access to WebRTC and Web Audio API using QML?
Or do I have to use C++ and calling the widgets directly? (everything is supported with the webenginewidgets/demobrowser example)
I never found a good solution to this, but recent versions of Qt don't have this issue. I ended up not going the Qt route.

how to achieve audio preloading in qt

I'm trying to use QMediaPlayer and QMediaList to play streaming audio. I want to add an audio preloading feature to my application, but I have no idea how to do it.
I have several questions here.
When does the audio loading happended? Does it happened when calling QMediaPlayer.play or QMediaList.addMedia?
Do QMediaPlayer or QMediaList do preloading in their implementations?
If QMeidaPlayer and QMediaList haven't implemented preloading, what can I do to add this feature? Does Qt support any methods to do audio loading outside qt but do audio playing in it?

OpenRTSP Qt integration for video rendering

I was trying to use Qt for playing live video for which Qt provides a phonon class. However, the limitation with this is that it is not capable of decoding RTSP packets on windows (since phonon uses Directshow on windows platform).
In order to make it capable of doing this, I am planning to now integrate openRTSP with Qt. Within openRTSP where can I find a pointer / handle to the video buffer or frame buffer so that I can pass on this to my Qt widget for display.
Has anyone attempted this before?
Any pointers on the correct approach for doing this would be highly appreciated.
Take a look at GStreamer and GStreamer Qt bindings. They provide VideoWidget etc so it should provide you enough code examples how you should do this: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/modules/qt-gstreamer.html

Video player in qt using Gstreamer or Phonon or VLC Player

Right now I am in no where :( I want to develop a video player where human will be detected using a detection algorithm which is already working in visual studio platform. My player should simply show the detection in video player. I want use QT framework for that. But the problem is I am not sure which one i should go for. There is option of using Phonon, GStreamer, and vlc player that can be use for my purpose but does anybody has any real experience like this kind of stuff ??
Thanks in advance !
GStreamer is a great cross-platform multimedia framework and I've used it many times, including a few projects involving Qt. Knowing GStreamer certainly adds a great skill to your arsenal but it will take some extra time to understand it's design and how it works.
I've never used VLC Player, and Phonon should be your last resort because it is dying.
Another option you might consider is QtMultimediaKit, which is a part of Qt Mobility. It's Qt all the way and may be an easier transition to your current set of skills.

Qt, QtWebKit and <video> support

What kind of source material support embedded QtWebKit browser has? Does it support MPEG-4, WebM or Theora and is this support available through compilation?
I was mostly looking desktop platforms (Linux)
QtWebKit is not video player, but it supports extensions like adobe flash, so if you embed some kind of flash player in html you displaying, it will play all videos which can be played in your OS with flash.
Another approach is to use Phonon module, which connects to your video codec system and could play all formats which have codecs installed for them.
Also, html5 support will be added in qt webkit version 2.2, which is still in alpha.
