Application_BeginRequest not fired, global.asax not run at server -

For URL rewriting i have written code in global.asax
for just testing simply i'm trying to
string hurl = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToLower()
i have also configure
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"/>
this works in my local iis but i not run at my hosting server
giving 404 error.

Try switch Managed Pipeline Mode from classic to integrated in Application pool

OK so here is the way I fixed this... IIS needs to be told which files to handle. In my case I needed some handlers for *.js files and *.php files to redirect to an aspx or ashx files.
Locally it works just fine but when i deploy all i get is 404's.
So you need to go into IIS. Find your site configuration and add entries in your Handler Mappings (IIS7, in IIS6 I think its in Application configuration) to handle *.XXX and have whatever handler you have for *.aspx handle it (usually its System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory)
And it should be fixed. Hope this helps

I was able to fix this problem by publishing my web site using the option "delete all existing files prior to publishing", this option is located on the Publish wizard window, "Settings" > "File publish options".
In my case, for some unknown reason, execution of Application_BeginRequest on global.asax.cs was being ignored, I was able to confirm this problem adding a log entry within Application_BeginRequest, the log entry was never recorded.


HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden Error when accessing website

So I have all the updated code, the entire solution builds. It works on everyone else's machine, however when I try and access localhost/extranet on my machine, it gives me this error:
HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden
Detail Error Info:
Module DirectoryListingModule
Notification ExecuteRequestHandler
Handler 0x00000000
Requested URL http://localhost:80/extranet/
Physical Path C:\svn\K2\trunk\appteam\web\Chatham.Web.UI.Extranet\
Logon Method Anonymous
Logon User Anonymous
Now I tried going into IIS7, and enabling directory browsing, this removed the error, but still didn't bring up my website. I also tried going in and disabling the default document, re-enabling it, everything, nothing worked. I've also restarted IIS a few times to no avail.
Any ideas?
It sounds like your IIS is not processing the routing rules for your application and is trying to find a default.aspx, index.htm, etc. Since it cannot, it is wanting to display the directory listings (which is why you were getting the 404.14).
I just checked my dev setup and I think that your AppPool has to be set on Integrated as opposed to Classic on the Managed Pipeline for the AppPool. I have ran into this before, there may be ways to use the Classic Pipeline, but this would/should be the quickest way to resolve your issue. To check/change the pipeline mode, click on Application Pools from the menu on the left side of IIS, find your AppPool and look in the managed pipeline column. If it is set to Classic -> Right click the AppPool, choose basic settings, then change the dropdown from Classic to Integrated.
If I am incorrect, someone please feel free to correct me on this in the comments.
Edit - Just to add, you can run an MVC app in the Classic Pipeline mode, but you have to do the IIS 6 tricks to get it to work properly. Mainly, you need to turn on wildcard script mapping for MVC to work in Classic mode, If not it expects an .aspx file (or similar) to exist for it to handle the execution pipeline over to .NET from IIS.
Causes this error is removed Global.asax file from your root directory of your site.
To solve this problem add a Global.asax file to your project.
See here: How to add Global.asax file to ASP.NET MVC4 project
In IIS, you need to find out which app pool your application is running from. Just right click the web application under Sites>Manage Web Site>Advanced Settings. The first property should be the app pool.
Now, click Application Pools. You should see a column called "Identity". Add that user to the ACL of the C:\svn\K2\trunk\appteam\web\Chatham.Web.UI.Extranet\ directory. If it just says 'ApplicationPoolIdentity', it can be a little tricky figuring out the user. If it's just running under DefaultAppPool, you can use IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool.
My solution was because I didn't have ASP.NET installed via "Turn Windows Features on and Off" so it was simple. I figured it out by enabling directory browser and trying to go to my views folder which then gave a more descriptive answer and pretty much said that there was a problem with a module because ASP.NET is not properly installed. It then dawned on my to go and install it.
Change the 'start page' by right click on the page and select 'Set as Start Page' that you want to open first when the web application starts first. This might solve your problem. :)
Also make sure in IIS Application Pool settings that Enabled 32-bit Applications under Advanced Settings is set to FALSE. I spent hours trying to fix this and that was my issue. Windows Server 2012 IIS 8.5
I solved this problem by setting exact .net framework. My website was using v4.0 version of .net.
Workaround to handle the problem:
Open command line as an administrator
Go to directory "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319"
Execute the following: aspnet_regiis.exe -i
Open IIS and change Pipeline Mode of Your application to Integrated
Hope this helps
In my case the HTTP Redirection feature was missing on the server (with IIS 10).
Adding the feature resolved the issue and the site started to load fine.

How to make Asp.Net ignore my physical directory?

I'm creating my first FubuMVC application. I've got a physical folder Demo and a route that should handle the "/demo" url. For some reason, when I try to debug it in Visual Studio, it issues a permanent redirect to "/demo/", and then returns HTTP Error 404.20 - Not Found (No default document). When I route the same action to /demostuff, everything works just fine. I noticed that my application startup scripts are fired on the first request, but it's somehow not routed to Fubu's HttpHandler.
I'm using IIS Express.

WebService on IIS with IIS-Manager

I just created a simple test WebService with called
I can't access it from exteriour, cause Visual Studio don't allow this..
So I wanted to make a own IIS Webserver to host my Webservice, but
how do I add my "MyWebService.asmx" to the IIS with the IIS-Manager?
Hope someone can help me.. Google didnt help me a lot
You have to publish this WebService (right click on the project -> Publish) and host it using IIS like a regular Web Application.
Just create a new application, as you would do if you create a "real" ASP application
put, for completeness and to be sure the app is running a default.aspx into the root dir, which says something like "app is running!"
put the ASMX file into the directory (i think it will be place in the APP_CODE directory, but i'm not sure 100%)
config your webservice in the global.asax, without it nothing will happen (hint: also configure the help page for webservices, otherwise users accessing it will get the interface description in the browser)
A longer description of that can be found here:

ASP.NET HttpHandler and WebResource.axd issues

I need a simple HttpHandler to handle specific non-existant paths in my ASP.NET project. I'm using sitefinity 4. I wrote the handler but whenever I try to run the site, I get a frustrating error
The WebResource.axd handler must be registered in the configuration to process this request.
I was putting the handler in the system.web part of the config but it looks liek VS2010 still uses IIS 6 for it's built in web server so I went ahead and switched it to use IIS 7 (local) and moved the registration of the handler to system.webServer and it works when I hit a non existant url but if I try to go to the site normally (valid url) I get that dang error again.
It worked once, giving me the correct site on a valid url but now it just continues to give me trouble.
How can I resolve this issue? I don't want to add that entry to the config as it wasn't there when I created the project and it only started when I added my handler.
EDIT: Only happens when I use Path="*" so how do I do a wildcard? I don't want to map a handler to catch a 404 page.
Froget it. No one seems to know even though I know i'm not the only one who has needed to do this. I got 404 to work but ONLY when I request a file, not a folder so thats a bust.
I found that Global.asax will hit under integrated mode so I just moved my code to the Application_BeginRequest() and it's working just fine. If anyone else has a better answer I will give them credit.
for iis7 and iis7.5, handlers are registered in system.webserver. the httphandlers and httpmodules in system.web are ignored and are used for IIS 6 and classic mode.
i hope this was helpful!

ASP.NET 2.0 - How to use app_offline.htm

I've read about the app_offline.htm file which can be placed within the root of a .NET 2.0 application which will in essence shut down the application and disable any other pages from being requested.
I've placed the file in the root, and my site still loads. I went into default documents in IIS and set it to app_offline.htm and the site still loads (this might have been a caching issue though)
Anyway, has anyone run into issues using this? Am I doing something wrong?
I have used the extremely handy app_offline.htm trick to shut down/update sites in the past without any issues.
Be sure that you are actually placing the "app_offline.htm" file in the "root" of the website that you have configured within IIS.
Also ensure that the file is named exactly as it should be: app_offline.htm
Other than that, there should be no other changes to IIS that you should need to make since the processing of this file (with this specific name) is handled by the ASP.NET runtime rather than IIS itself (for IIS v6).
Be aware, however, that although placing this file in the root of your site will force the application to "shut down" and display the content of the "app_offline.htm" file itself, any existing requests will still get the real website served up to them. Only new requests will get the app_offline.htm content.
If you're still having issues, try the following links for further info:
Scott Gu's App_Offline.htm
App_Offline.htm and working around the "IE Friendly Errors" feature
Will app_offline.htm stop current requests or just new requests?
Make sure your app_offline.htm file is at least 512 bytes long. A zero-byte app_offline.htm will have no effect.
UPDATE: Newer versions of ASP.NET/IIS may behave better than when I first wrote this.
UPDATE 2: If you are using ASP.NET MVC, add the following to web.config:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />
Note that this behaves the same on IIS 6 and 7.x, and .NET 2, 3, and 4.x.
Also note that when app_offline.htm is present, IIS will return this http status code:
HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
This is all by design. This allows your load balancer (or whatever) to see that the server is off line.
Possible Permission Issue
I know this post is fairly old, but I ran into a similar issue and my file was spelled correctly.
I originally created the app_offline.htm file in another location and then moved it to the root of my application. Because of my setup I then had a permissions issue.
The website acted as if it was not there. Creating the file within the root directory instead of moving it, fixed my problem. (Or you could just fix the permission in properties->security)
Hope it helps someone.
Make sure that app_offline.htm is in the root of the virtual directory or website in IIS.
Make sure filename extensions are visible in explorer and filename is actually
I ran into an issue very similar to the original question that took me a little while to resolve.
Just incase anyone else is working on an MVC application and finds their way into this thread, make sure that you have a wildcard mapping to the appropriate .Net aspnet_isapi.dll defined. As soon as I did this, my app_offline.htm started behaving as expected.
IIS 6 Configuration Steps
On IIS Application Properties, select virtual Directory tab.
Under Application Settings, click the Configuration button.
Under Wildcard application maps, click the Insert button.
Enter C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_isapi.dll, click OK.
