Can I use an XLL add-in with SpreadsheetGear - xll

I have a custom add-in that I need to use in SpreadsheetGear. Can I directly reference the XLL file, or is there a way of making an interface or wrapper to access it?

SpreadsheetGear has no APIs to interface with XLL files. There are APIs to create your own custom functions within SpreadsheetGear, so you could re-implement your custom functions using this API. I couldn't say whether it's possible to write some sort of wrapper around your XLL using SpreadsheetGear's Custom Function API.
For more information on our Custom Function API, see the SpreadsheetGear.CustomFunction namespace in our documentation (
There's also a sample in the SpreadsheetGear Explorer Solutions for C#/VB (found in the "SpreadsheetGear 2010" folder under the Start Menu...assuming you have SG installed on your machine) that demonstrates building a simple custom function (under Calculations > Custom Functions).


how to develop a custom connector in SailPoint

I am novices to the field of Identity and Access management.
Till now I know, Sail point has provided the some direct connectors to integrate the known systems like LDAP, HR systems, OIM, Databases..
And sailpoint also provided the support for disconnected applications with the use of Custom connectors.
Here, My question is how to develop a custom connector..?
I do not have jar file provided by sailpoint which contain "AbstractConnector" class.
So that I can write my own class and develop..?
I also so not understand, what to do with that class?(if i have a jar)
How sailpoint will refer to that class..
Do we need to deploy that class to somewhere...
Here I am expecting the complete flow to develop and deploy the custom connector..
If anyone is working please help..
If you unzip your identityiq.war, you'll find a JAR file called WEB-INF/lib/connector-bundle.jar. This is the JAR where you'll find AbstractConnector. Once you've written your connector code, you will need to compile it and bundle it into a JAR file, which you will place into WEB-INF/lib.
Finally, you will need to update the ConnectorRegistry object (under Configuration on the debug screen) to reference the new class, which will make it available as an Application type. If it has custom connection parameters (as most do), you will also need an xhtml page that will be embedded into the Sailpoint UI to prompt the user configuring the Application.
If you have Compass access, they have a whitepaper called Custom Connectors that you will find helpful.
All that said, I encourage you to try to find a way to use an out-of-box connector if possible.
Most of the times it will be better if you use the DelimitedFile connector, you can import a CSV of identity data, and make it work within Sailpoint's workflow. You will be able to map fields, correlate accounts and create multi-valued group memberships rapidly. Of course, this means that Sailpoint will not be connected directly to the application, and you will have to develop a workflow to extract the identities and upload them. But at least, you can integrate without going the Custom Connector way.

Interacting with OptaPlanner through CLI instead of GUI

I am looking for a way to interact with OptaPlanner directly from the command line interface (CLI) without having to use the graphical user interface (GUI).
More specifically, I am looking to pass an XML file to the Employee Rostering function, and to get the solved XML back. Ultimately, I am looking to interact with OctaPlanner from my PHP application.
Any documentation for this?
Here is some what of an example of what I which to achieve:
The UI is only for the examples. Take a look at which solves without a UI.
Or, if you're looking for a more enterprise approach, use OptaPlanner Execution Server (also ASL), which exposes everything as REST api's.

Custom Report in alfresco?

Currently i am generating a report (we are getting files are uploaded within a time stamp).
I am getting all files and folders.Iterating the result and checking created date one by one.That is taking too much time approx 8 min to revert with resuls.Can anyone tell me is there any alfresco report api that i can use? or using solr how to fetch the result?
I like to follow an approach which is maybe not really orthodox. Usually, you don't want to report on all documents, only document using a specific type or aspect. So, what I do is to create a Java behaviour on onCreate, onUpdate and onDelete that updates a custom database with only the metadata that I'm interested in. Then, I can connect any OOTB reporting tools such as Pentaho, Jasper or Tableau. You have of couse some other traditional alternatives, such as:
Using this module developed by a community member:
Or using the module provided by Alfresco:
SOLR/Lucene is not an option, querying DB directly is not an option either (performance wise).
I would suggest using one of the options available (AAAR for instance) or developing something on your own following the same principles.
I did little bit investigation on this and found below link.
I think you can user auditService in alfresco and get your things done.There are few alfresco webservices(related to audit) already available which will allow you to filter response.In case if you need to customize it , than you can create webscript and use auditService in it.
You can use below url for browsing all your alfresco webservice.

how to create a new folder using alfresco api

I have uploaded file in this directory CompanyHome/site/testsite/documentlibrary/test.
Now I want to create new folder called childfolder under above directory [CompanyHome/site/testsite/documentlibrary/test/childfolder] and move the under it.using Alfresco API how do i create child folder and move the file under newly created childfolder?
This really depends upon what version of Alfresco you're using and what API you want to use to do it. For example, assuming that you want to do this via a REST API then you have the option of CMIS, the recent "Public API" or the internal WebScript based API.
Alternatively, you might want to do this by using the JavaScript API and WebScript develop your own WebScripts.
There are lots of ways to achieve this - perhaps you can provide some more information on the overall picture of what you're trying to do and where you're trying to do this (e.g. as an extension of Share maybe?).
It's possible to create a folder within Share and if you do so whilst you have browser developer tools open you'll be able to see the exact REST API calls that are used.

DevExpress XtraGrid ExportToXls is not working on all desktops: what are its prerequisites?

What are the prerequisites for the XtraGrid's ExportToXls method? To accomplish this, does some DLL have to be included in addition to the XtraGrid DLL? Does the export use Office interop behind the scenes? I am trying to get to the bottom of a problem where it works on some machines and fails on others.
What are the prerequisites for the XtraGrid's ExportToXls method?
To accomplish this, does some DLL have to be included in addition to the
XtraGrid DLL?
Source: Export Methods and Settings and GridControl.ExportToXls(String,XlsExportOptions) Method
The XtraGrid control provides a set of methods that allow you to export data in various formats. These methods export data using routines implemented in the XtraPrinting Library.
GridControl.ExportToXls(String) Method method indirectly calls the DevExpress.XtraPrinting.PrintingSystemBase.ExportToXls method of the XtraPrinting Library. If this library is not available the method does nothing. For details on the ExportToXls method see the DevExpress.XtraPrinting.PrintingSystemBase.ExportToXls topic
Does the export use Office interop behind the scenes?
Regarding this you need to ask the DevExpress guys for clearification. As per my understanding, it does not require any Microsoft Office interop dll references.
The GridControl.ExportToXls method indirectly calls the PrintingSystemBase.ExportToXls method of the DevExpress Printing Library (DevExpress.Printing.v12.2.Core.dll). If this library is not available the method does nothing. Thus you should only reference the DevExpress.Printing.v12.2.Core.dll library in your project. There is no any Office references needed.
For general information on exporting data in the GridControl refer to Export Overview.
To get guaranteed assistance with your specific problem contact with DevExpress Support directly.
