Box shadow does not cover div - css

It is my first qustion :)
Box shadow does not cover drop-down ul. See the screenshot, please - I am trying to solve it for a several hours but no result :(
It is strange I have gave z-index to parent element 500 and to the drop-down ul 1 but shadow is still under drop-down ul not over it.
Here is the link:
Hope someone will help me, thanks.

That's an issue regarding the stacking context.
The point is you can't place the block lower than the closest parent with non-static position and positive z-index. So, you have the z-index:100 on the #categories_block_top .tree li, so you can't place the ul under it.
To fix that (one of the ways) you can remove this z-index, then add position:relative;z-index:1; to the #wrapper and then add the negative z-index like z-index:-1; to an ul. Doing so you'll put it on the same level as the #wrapper, so it would be over the content after it, but under the box-shadow of the #subheader.

Prepend an inner (or inset) shadow on the first li element of the dropdown list.
I guess because the element will always be inside the main menu, the shadow won't work or appear above the sub list.


IE7 overflow issue

I have a ul with overlfow-y set to auto allowing me to have a nice scroll bar for all the li. However IE7 ignores all this and the list goes outside the container. see my code here.
I checked on the internet and the common solution was to put a position:relative to the outside div (registered_members) but it didn't work.
Thank you
Add position:relative to the ul tag. This will force IE to render the element tree correctly.

CSS width issue on absolute right positioned element

I have a drop down navigation that works perfectly when positioned via a left CSS property.
You can see that the dropdown adjusts to the width of the content, however I would like to position right. When I do the width of the drop down will not adjust to the content. You can see this behavior at the fiddle below.
Any help is appreciated, also any knowledge into what is causing this behavior is also appreciated.
The right: 100px in ul seems to be setting a width of 100px.
If that does not need to be positioned absolute, then use float: right; and use margin-right: 100px; instead.
Ok so basically, from what I can see, the issue was being caused by using the element (in this case ul) directly as the selector.
I believe this was interfering with the below ul elements within your CSS. Simply changing the first CSS rule from ul to your ID (Navigation_Main) fixes the issue.
Fixed example >
Have you tried using div's instead of the unorder list (ul) element. As you are using CSS to striping off all the default styling that makes a "ul" a list element why not use a div to start with. I can't guarantee it will solve the problem but it eliminates unnecessary CSS and you might beable to spot the issue more easily
And in reality shouldn't a ul only be used for bullet point items, in a text document?

magic with z-index

Okay, I have typical menu (ul>li>a). The mission is to draw background <div> (shadow, gradient etc) into an <li> element (ul>li>.shadow-bg-white)
(for example, the div is green bordered. all other borders are just for better visibility of problem) or
(for example, the div is bordered with green color)
If I hover over the items from left to right, everything is okay. However, if I hover over the items from right to left, items on the left side do not react to the :hover pseudo-class.
Every block has the CSS position property assigned, so z-index should work well, I hope.
At least, .shadow-bg-white z-index seems to be placed higher than the a item.
What solution can you recommend?
Benjam was on the general right track I think. I don't know your ultimate purpose, so the solution may not work in your case, but there is no other solution. The li you are hovering on must be set lower than the others so the div in it does not overlap them. Adding this:
#header-menu ul li:hover {
z-index: 498; /* one lower than your set z-index for li */
See here:
The reason it worked going left is that by default when items are at the same z-index the one coming later in the source order is given precedence, so as you move right you move down in your html source order and the hover is picked up on the new element with the same z-index. But when you move left, you are going up in the html source order so the one you were hovering on had precedence and the hover remains.
They don't react because they are being covered by the div, therefore the div is stealing the hover from anything below it.
If the div does not need to be covering all of the LIs, you might want to place it below the LIs with z-index. But I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do here, so I'm not sure if that solution will work for you.

How do I fix IE7 right float bug without changing order of content

I have list items, with a span, set to inline-block and floated right. This is the result
Here's a link to jsFiddle:
I've seen several suggestions to fix this by putting the span in front of the rest of the list item content, but I want a solution that doesn't jack up the markup. Anyone know of one?
The fix required can be found at
The fix is to add position:relative to the ul and add position:absolute and top:5px and right:0px to the span and remove the float.
The solution is to use Relatively Absolute positioning. More info on it can be found here

CSS float causing background image to appear incorrectly

I'm using a background image to add a custom bullet to list items in my content. In the content there are also images floated left. When an image and a list item are next to each other, the bullet appears where it would do if the image wasn't there, but the text wraps around the image.
Here is an example:
is there a way to make the bullet appear where is should (i.e. next to the text)?
In Firebug / Firefox (you'll have to check other browsers) I solved your problem adding a:
li {
Don't know why exactly, but that magical line solves lots of problems around floated stuff :-)
Edit: Solution if you can change the html slightly
If you have any control over the html, you could perhaps use paragraph tags instead of list items:
p.list_item {
background: transparent url(/++resource++stylesheets/images/bullet.gif) no-repeat scroll left 0.45em;
padding-left: 11px;
However, that would kind of change the semantic meaning of the list items...
This is an old topic... but thought I would add how I usually do this in case someone stumbles in here via a search...
If I have an image on the left, and plan to have graphic bulleted unordered list (UL) to the right of it, I place the image statement inside DIV tags, and add a float:left style to that DIV.
Then, I wrap my UL tags inside a DIV, and give that DIV a float:left style as well, causing it to appear to the right of the first DIV.
If I have additional text that I would like to resume UNDER my UL, then I give the second DIV a width that equals the total width of the page/column minus the graphic width - basically, to account for all of the space to the right of the image. That will force continuing text to flow directly under the UL DIV, and if the UL is shorter than the graphic, the text will flow to the right of the graphic and then under the graphic as expected.
If the UL extends lower than the graphic, then the text will just start under the image, as expected.
If you want the text to simply start UNDER the left graphic regardless of the height of the UL, then you could just apply a clear:both style to the ensuing , i.e.
In general this approach works so long as the UL isn't too much taller than the left image, because obviously in this scenario, the list itself isn't going to wrap under the image, leaving whitespace - so to make a long list look right may require some purposeful image sizing, or stacking a couple of images in the first DIV, or whatever other solution you might have.
If you really want to get whacky, I've had a few times where I've used the two DIV method described above, but setting the first DIV to position:relative, and placing the second DIV containing the UL INSIDE the first, with a position:absolute and of course top:??px and right:??px, set of course to absolutely position my UL to the right of the image. It takes the right kind of layout to use this method, obviously...
OK that's all I had to say, hope this makes sense & good luck to whomever!
Try wrapping your list items in a <p> tag, and then give that tag a left margin.
Why do you have div.fig width set to 0 in the html?
<div class="fig" style="width: 0px;"><img src="/images/43_Fescue.jpg" float="0"/></div>
Remove that and the list will float around the image.
Well, it's not the best fix from a stylistic point of view, but floating the images right avoids this problem. Thanks for everyones suggestions
If you want the whole ul to NOT float under the image try adding overflow:hidden to the ul
