ASP.NET Session in different domains -

I open a link using'') with some parameters from my main site(say MySite1)
where I have no control over the OthersSite1 and it is in another domain, but have full control on MySite1.
The issues is I loss Session of MySite1 even if I close the opened window of OthersSite1.
How does this happen?
I tried with''), it works well.
Any thoughts ...?


Using equivalent in firefox causes ,NET session variables to go away. Why? How can I fix?

I have an application which runs in Adobe/Apache Flex with a .NET middle tier.
To run reports I need them to run in a separate window so I use;
navigateToURL(url, "_blank");
This works swimmingly in all browsers (IE, Chrome & Edge) except Firefox (FF). The app has been around for quite a while, and I can't imagine that it never worked in FF, but it doesn't with the last couple of releases.
The symptom is that the .NET "Current.Session.SessionID" changes to a new ID for both the original browser window as well as the new browser window. This causes it to lose all session variables, of course.
The problem only seems to manifest itself if I use "POST" to send variables to the popup window. If I use "GET" everything works fine. An added "bonus" is the "Post" parameters being sent to the new window disappear. So my report doesn't run, and the original window "loses its mind since the session ID changes."
As a test I dusted the cobwebs off and created two ASPX pages which did
<form method="post" name="TestForm" action="TestWopen2.aspx" target="_blank">
The problem was not exhibited in that environment on any browser including FF.
This leads me to believe that Adobe Flex (Flash) is mucking things up a bit.

How to reload a page in DukeScript

DukeScript is quite clever in the way it handle changes to the Model so that code is hot-swapped at runtime, see for example here.
One thing it doesn't seem to handle at Runtime though is changes to the HTML layout. Given it runs in a WebView, a kind of a browse, it would nice just to be able to reload the page without having to stop and restart the app.
So, I've tried adding a "reload" button, but I can't find an easy way to do that after the initialization:
invoke("onPageLoad", args).
showAndWait() does what it's supposed to do, it doesn't return until the browser is closed. There doesn't seem any way to act on the underlying instance of a WebView and its thread.
Ha ha, simple but effective solution:
Note: Toni Epple says NetBeans would just detect the change, no reload needed.

ASP.NET ScriptManager not setting history points?

I have an Ajax enabled website, with some calls to the Script Manager to set history points like so:
if (uxScriptManager.IsInAsyncPostBack)
uxScriptManager.AddHistoryPoint("x", taxid.ToString());
This works just fine 90% of the time.
However, about 10% of the time, the history points stop being set. This seems to happen when I've clicked around a bit and then start using the back button to go back pretty far (usually 6 or 7 steps in the history).
Has anyone else noticed/seen this behavior? The code I've got that picks up the state information from the history points to rebuild the page seems to work fine.It's just sometimes the script manager seems to forget to set the history point.
I've noticed some strange behavior with the script manager - after the third or the fourth click back, is seems to break and the Ajax calls no longer work. The user needs to reload the page in order for the history to start working again. Anyone seen this type of behavior? (I'd think if I wasn't doing it right, it wouldn't work at all...)

Open Default page without Addressbar, Menubar & Statusbar in ASP.NET

How can I open my Default.aspx page without Addressbar, Menubar & Statusbar?
Remember it's the user with an already-opened web browser that chooses to visit your website, effectively Default.aspx page, whether or not the browser is launched by you or a program while testing your website. So a bit of client-side/JavaScript "magic" is needed to modify or fake the desired result based on an already existing browser window...
Using JavaScript, you can launch a new window with those features turned off, and close the old window. For example, IE's args are specified here.
It provides an example
varCustomFeatures = 'titlebar=no, status=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes, scrollbars=no,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,left=0,top=0,height=';, '_blank' , varCustomFeatures,true);
Details may vary between browser in which case you will likely need to employ browser detection.
You can't.
However, you can create a popup windows without the bars in Javascript using open method, like this:
open("MyPage.aspx", "MyWindow", "toolbar=no,status=no,menubar=no");

Programmatically open a new tab in ie7

I am developing web applications with c#, Aspnet 3.5, and Ajax 2.0.
Question - I run Application_1 in ie7. I would like to programmatically start running Application_2 from Application_1 in a new tab, no matter what the client settings are.
Until now I have been opening Application_2 in a new window from Application_1 using
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), UniqueID, "'theurl',' width=800, height=500'); ", true);
I would like to do something similar to open a new tab.
Unfortunately there is no way to control whether the window opens in a new tab or new window. This is a user setting that can't be overridden in code.
Here is Microsoft's justification if you're interested.
"Regarding script, there is no "target='_tab'" feature or any direct access to tabs from script beyond what is available with multiple windows today. We are working on balancing the default behavior for whether a window opened from script opens as in a new frame or a tab."
You could inform your user that by holding ctrl+shift and clicking a link will open in a new tab.
As Paul already noted, this cannot be done via any script or code.
I think it's best to let your users decide (via their individual browser settings) how they want to open the new page - in a new window or in a new tab in the same window.
