Find value of link source using advanced segment - google-analytics

I want to see how many transactions Facebook provides and the value of these in a webshop.
I have tried to do this in two different ways:
When I use the filter box and write facebook, i get 20 transactions from 30.000 visits.
When i add an advanced segments (Include source containing facebook), I get 60 transactions from 25.000 visits.
How can i verify which one is true?

Check your tracking code for proper setup, in most cases it is a reason for this kind of trouble (use ga debugger for chrome or at least firebug's network monitoring).
Check that you're comparing the same time periods. Consider data sampling inaccuracy if you deal with a high traffic volume.
For verification purposes try to mark your facebook links with utm tags and track your visits/transactions in Campaigns report.


Tracking a Search that leads to a sale in GA

This seems really basic but i am struggling with it
We have a client who runs a travel website.
They have a few different search bars eg Flights, Hotels, Carhire.
I am trying to track the performance of each... "What % of people completed a sale that ran a Flight search." Same for Hotel, and for Car hire
Any ideas for the best way to get this info in GA?
Many thanks
There are a few ways to get this information, each with their pros and cons. The options that I see immediately available are segments and goals.
Segments are great because they are retrospective and generally more flexible, with the ability to be changed if you find your criteria isn't quite right. You create here, and specify sessions that go through search results pages etc:
Then you can create another segment for booking confirmation page, and any other intermediary steps that you'd like to report on. The main con of segments is that you can only pull in 4 at a time, but if you have more you can pull them 4 at a time and copy+paste the data into an excel sheet or google sheet. Segments can also be pulled via the Core Reporting Api and DataStudio which makes them great for automating into dashboards.
Goals are cool because they pull into the default reports, and basically track sessions through a particular page, event or sequence. The main con I see and the reason is that I don't use them is that they only start tracking fro mthe time you create them , and if you change the configuration it does not impact historical data, so your data can get messed up quickly if you don't have sandbox GA views or sandbox goals for your testing before putting it into a dedicated goal slot. You can also only have 10 or 20 goals depending on your plan, so once data is tracked against that goal you can't remove or clear it.

Google analytics is not picking up 100% of active users by report

I made a report of access to custom users and only 25% of users appear, the other 75% I do not know what happened.
Are you using the free version of Google Analytics? If so, your data is likely getting sampled. Try reducing your date range to just a day or two and see if it shows 100% of users. You can also try simplifying your segment so that you are looking at fewer data points. Here are the Google docs explaining sampling.
Your report only matches a portion of your traffic. Maybe you have a report filter, or maybe you are using a segment. This can also happen if you are trying to use a metric/dimension that only a portion of your traffic has. eg: Trying to see users by EventCategory will only include the users that had at least one event, not necessarily the same as the total number of users on your site.

Google Analytics - Language (not set) &

I currently manage quite a few Google Analytics accounts for different websites and am trying to work out how to remove certain Anayltics spam from these accounts. I have previously added filters like excluding Russia visitors as the businesses are local UK based but I am now getting a lot of traffic from:
Language - not set
Page -
If i was to exlucde the above would that get rid of any actual visitors as well as spam or will it get rid of 100% spam?
If someone could help with this that would be brilliant.
Many Thanks
Filters based on countries or the name of the spam are not efficient because both can be easily changed by the spammers.
Also, it isn't possible to filter the (not set) entries in Analytics, this label is added after the visit is recorded when Analytics doesn't find a value for that dimension.
Instead what you should use
One hostname filter, this will help prevent the majority of the spam, whether it shows as referral, page, language, etc. and independently of the name used by the spammer.
A source filter for the sneaky crawlers which are far less frequent.
Here you will find detailed instructions on how to create the hostname filter and other measures you can take to prevent fake traffic.

Suspiciously high frequencies of certain counts with Google Analytics

I am working with Google Analytics data und during the analysis I saw that I have wierd distribution of visits. For instance, the minimum visits for a page is 89, wich also has the highes freq count in my dataset. Then I have 177 visits for a page with the second highest freq count. I find this pattern every month...
Does anyone know anything about that?
It sounds like you might have some combination of repeated trackers, heavy spam or over-impactful bot traffic.
Repeated trackers an be identified using Realtime reporting: if you click onto the Page Views tag, does each page load trigger only one page view?
Spam can often be identified using the Hostname. Run a custom report looking at Hostnames, and you can see if it's coming from or some equally scummy location.
Finally, bot traffic can be filtered out using an option in the view settings: try setting up a duplicate View with this setting on, and see how different the volumes are.

Google Analytics how to get metric for 'number of active users on website at any one time'

In Google analytics how can i get a metric to put "number of active users on website at any one time". I want to put it against past date periods.
I.E I was scrolling through the metrics, trying to add a widget to my dashboard but, I can't find this metric!
It looks like it's possible because google analytics uses it on their standard report, real-time, "current active visitors on website"
How can I achieve this?
Simply, you can't out of the box. There are some limitations in real-time reports and the ways GA counts unique visitors.
However, if you do not need a detailed analysis, this custom report might do the work (just import it for your Analytics Profile/View and click Customization tab). It basically shows the generic numbers (you can change them to fit your needs) according to hour of a day.
Add any secondary metrics to find out how numbers change in days/weekends etc. Or you can slice the data with segments and see if some traffic is more active in the morning etc.
Hope hits helps.
PS: Beware of data sampling...
