Save selected items when using caliburn.micro /Telerik RadGridView /Silverlight - caliburn.micro

I am using Caliburn micro(1.3)/MVVM and Silverlight. When I update the itemsource RadGridView, I lose the selected items. I found a blog about implementing a behavior to save the selected items when you are implementing MVVM. I can get the selected items, but I cannot set them back once the itemsource is refreshed. Can someoneshow me how to implement this using caliburn.micro and the RadGridVIew? I think the best way to go is to create a caliburn micro convention, but I can only find a reference for creating a convention for selectedItem, not selectedItems.
Can someone show me how to accomplish this? I tried the following, but it does not work.
private static void SetRadGridSelecteditemsConventions()
.AddElementConvention<DataControl>(DataControl.ItemsSourceProperty, "SelectedItem", "SelectionChanged")
.ApplyBinding = (viewModelType, path, property, element, convention) =>
ConventionManager.SetBinding(viewModelType, path, property, element, convention, DataControl.ItemsSourceProperty);
if (ConventionManager.HasBinding(element, DataControl.SelectedItemProperty))
return true;
var index = path.LastIndexOf('.');
index = index == -1 ? 0 : index + 1;
var baseName = path.Substring(index);
foreach (var selectionPath in
from potentialName in ConventionManager.DerivePotentialSelectionNames(baseName)
where viewModelType.GetProperty(potentialName, BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance) != null
select path.Replace(baseName, potentialName))
var binding = new Binding(selectionPath) { Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay };
BindingOperations.SetBinding(element, DataControl.SelectedItemProperty, binding);
return true;

You should use a behavior for this since the SelectedItems property is readonly.
Telerik has an example for this, only the example is not specific for caliburn.micro.
If you add the following class to your project:
public class MultiSelectBehavior : Behavior<RadGridView>
public INotifyCollectionChanged SelectedItems
get { return (INotifyCollectionChanged)GetValue(SelectedItemsProperty); }
set { SetValue(SelectedItemsProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectedItemsProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("SelectedItems", typeof(INotifyCollectionChanged), typeof(MultiSelectBehavior), new PropertyMetadata(OnSelectedItemsPropertyChanged));
private static void OnSelectedItemsPropertyChanged(DependencyObject target, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
var collection = args.NewValue as INotifyCollectionChanged;
if (collection != null)
collection.CollectionChanged += ((MultiSelectBehavior)target).ContextSelectedItems_CollectionChanged;
protected override void OnAttached()
AssociatedObject.SelectedItems.CollectionChanged += GridSelectedItems_CollectionChanged;
void ContextSelectedItems_CollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
Transfer(SelectedItems as IList, AssociatedObject.SelectedItems);
void GridSelectedItems_CollectionChanged(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
Transfer(AssociatedObject.SelectedItems, SelectedItems as IList);
private void SubscribeToEvents()
AssociatedObject.SelectedItems.CollectionChanged += GridSelectedItems_CollectionChanged;
if (SelectedItems != null)
SelectedItems.CollectionChanged += ContextSelectedItems_CollectionChanged;
private void UnsubscribeFromEvents()
AssociatedObject.SelectedItems.CollectionChanged -= GridSelectedItems_CollectionChanged;
if (SelectedItems != null)
SelectedItems.CollectionChanged -= ContextSelectedItems_CollectionChanged;
public static void Transfer(IList source, IList target)
if (source == null || target == null)
foreach (var o in source)
This behavior takes care of the synchronization between collection RadGridView.SelectedItems and MultiSelectBehavior.SelectedItems.
Now we need to have an ObservableCollection in the ViewModel
//Collection holding the selected items
private ObservableCollection<object> selectedGridItems;
public ObservableCollection<object> SelectedGridItems
if (selectedGridItems == null)
selectedGridItems = new ObservableCollection<object>();
return selectedGridItems;
if (selectedGridItems == value) return;
selectedGridItems = value;
NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => SelectedGridItems);
//Deselect all selected items in the gridview
public void ClearSelectedGridItems()
Last thing is bind the behavior in the view
<telerik:RadGridView x:Name="CustomLogs" AutoGenerateColumns="true" SelectionMode="Extended">
<local:MultiSelectBehavior SelectedItems="{Binding SelectedGridItems}"/>
Thats it, hope it helps you!


Xaramin form -calling variable from other .cs file

I am doing a quiz game in Xaramin. forms. and for the score function. if the user got a correct answer, I want the score will add 1.but in my case even the give the correct answer, the score is not adding.
I am also trying to bind to the "score" variable to a label. I want to know if i put a correct code or not.
private void submit_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
string answer = this.answer.Text;
string canswer = "correct";
if (answer != null)
string ranswer = answer.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
if (ranswer.ToLower() == canswer)
DisplayAlert("GoodJob", "You got the correct answer", "OK");
bindingModel b = new bindingModel();
(sender as Button).IsEnabled = false;
DisplayAlert("Unfortunately", "Your answer is wrong", "OK");
(sender as Button).IsEnabled = false;
public class bindingModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public int displayScore => Score;
public int score = 0;
void OnPropertyChanged(int score)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(score.ToString()));
public int Score
get => score;
if (score != value)
score = value;
<Label Text="{Binding Score}"/>
in your page constructor, keep a reference to your VM
bindingModel VM;
// this is your constructor, the name will match your page name
public MyPage()
this.BindingContext = VM = new bindingModel();
then in your event handler, you do NOT need to create a new bindingModel
// update the Count on the VM
There's two things broken here:
You are re-initializing your ViewModel instead of referencing the same instance
You are passing the wrong value into PropertyChangedEventArgs
1. Referencing the View Model
You are re-initializing the ViewModel every time by calling bindingModel b = new bindingModel();
Lets initialize the ViewModel once, store it as a field, set it as the BindingContext for our ContentPage, and reference that field in submit_Clicked
public partial class QuizPage : ContentPage
readonly bindingModel _bindingModel;
public QuizPage()
_bindingModel = new bindingModel();
BindingContext = _bindingModel;
private async void submit_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
string answer = this.answer.Text;
string canswer = "correct";
Button button = (Button)sender;
if (answer != null)
string ranswer = answer.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
if (ranswer.ToLower() == canswer)
await DisplayAlert("GoodJob", "You got the correct answer", "OK");
button.IsEnabled = false;
await DisplayAlert("Unfortunately", "Your answer is wrong", "OK");
button.IsEnabled = false;
2. PropertyChangedEventArgs
You need to pass in the name of the property to PropertyChangedEventArgs.
They way PropertyChanged works is that it announces the name of the property that has changed. In this case, it needs to broadcast that the Score property has changed.
Let's use nameof(Score) to pass in the string "Score" to PropertyChangedEventArgs:
void OnScorePropertyChanged()
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(displayScore)));
public int Score
get => score;
if (score != value)
score = value;

Intercept global event Xamarin Forms

In MainActivity.cs I have this method
public override bool OnKeyUp(Keycode keyCode, KeyEvent e)
if (keyCode.ToString().Equals("F1"))
App.Left = true;
App.Right = false;
else if (keyCode.ToString().Equals("F2"))
App.Left = false;
App.Right = true;
App.Left = false;
App.Right = false;
return base.OnKeyUp(keyCode, e);
In my Page class, how can I constantly check whether left or right are true and in case trigger an event?
Create a plugin using Dependency Service and your shared interface should look like this:
public interface IKeyEvent
event Action<KeyResult> OnKeyEvent;
public enum KeyResult {None, Left, Right};
Implement this for different platforms (Android/iOS/UWP) accordingly and bind it to PCL project. (Check dependency service implementation for help)
Link it to platform-specific KeyUp event.
for android it would be like this:
[assembly: Dependency(typeof(KeyEventHandler))]
namespace YourNameSpace.Droid
public class KeyEventHandler : IKeyEvent
public static KeyEventHandler Current;
public KeyEventHandler()
Current = this;
public event Action<KeyResult> OnKeyResult;
public void RaiseKeyEvent(KeyResult key)
public override bool OnKeyUp(Keycode keyCode, KeyEvent e)
KeyResult keyResult = KeyResult.None; // need to reference YourNameSpace.Shared project to use this enum
if (keyCode == KeyCode.A)
keyResult = KeyResult.Left;
else if (keyCode == KeyCode.D))
keyResult = KeyResult.Right;
keyResult = KeyResult.None;
if (KeyEventHandler.Current != null)
return base.OnKeyUp(keyCode, e);
NOTE: Left and right keys are mapped to A and D of physical keyboard respectively, for some reason my Macbook's F1/F2 keys were not registering to simulator so I used A/D.
Hope this helps :)

User Control's child controls not getting instantiated

public partial class ChatUserControl : System.Web.UI.UserControl
UserChatClass ucc = new UserChatClass();
public ChatUserControl()
lblChatFriend = new Label();
txtChatMessage = new TextBox();
imgFriend = new Image();
rpChatMessages = new Repeater();
public string ChatFriend { get { return this.lblChatFriend.Text; } set { this.lblChatFriend.Text = value; } }
public string imgFriendUrl { get { return this.imgFriend.ImageUrl; } set { this.imgFriend.ImageUrl = value; } }
public object rpChatDataSource { get { return this.rpChatMessages.DataSource; } set { this.rpChatMessages.DataSource = value; } }
public Repeater rpChatMessagesToBind { get { return this.rpChatMessages; } set { this.rpChatMessages = value; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
ChatUserControl user1 = new ChatUserControl();
private void BindUserControls()
{ ChatUserControl user1 = divChatUserControlCover.Controls[1] as ChatUserControl;
user1.ChatFriend = row["username"].ToString();
user1.imgFriendUrl = "../../HttpImageHandler.jpg?username=" + row["username"].ToString();
DataSet dsCM = ucc.GetChatMessages(Session["username"].ToString(), row["username"].ToString());
user1.rpChatDataSource = dsCM;
user1.Visible = true;
<div id="divChatUserControlCover" runat="server">
Ok I have edited the code and now I have created properties. How do I call the DataBind method for rpChatMessages? I also cant see my usercontrol on page. Why
I'm not sure if your trying to reference the first label or second label. If its the second lable you can't just do chatMessage. you would have to do
((Label)rpChatMessages.FindControl("chatMessage")) due to scope of controls.
When you reference a component inside another component (ie Repeater) the child component no longer belongs to the document (implied this) but rather belongs to the control, ie
this.rpChatMessages { chatMessage }
I think you are just trying to pass a value to one control inside a UserControl if this is correct, declare a public property like this:
ASCX code behind
public string MyProperty
return this.lbl.Text;
this.lbl.Text = value;
Setting the value to the UserControl
private void BindUserControls()
ChatUserControl user1 = divChatUserControlCover.Controls[1] as ChatUserControl;
user1.MyProperty = row["username"].ToString();
Setting the value in the page markup
<uc1:ChatUserControl MyProperty='<%# Eval("some field") %>' ...
Edit 1
Remove that line
public object rpChatDataSource { get { return this.rpChatMessages.DataSource; } set { this.rpChatMessages.DataSource = value; }
And instead add a method
public void BindMyRepeaterOrWhatever(IEnumerable<Yourentity> data)
this.myDataBoundControl.DataSource = data;
You can change the IEnumerable<Yourentity> data for object data but if you can pass a strongly typed enumeration would be better
To my surprise I found why my user control's child controls dont get instantiated. Its because ChatUserControl user1 = new ChatUserControl() doesnt get its child controls initialized.
The proper way to create a new intance of user control is this way....
ChatUserControl user1 = (ChatUserControl)Page.LoadControl("~/ChatUserControl.ascx");

Unable to hook into PropertyChanged event using MVVM-Light

Greetings, creating my first MVVM based WPF app and trying to figure out why I'm unable to hook into the PropertyChanged event of a dependency property.
Code in the parent view model:
void createClients()
var clients = from client in Repository.GetClients()
select new ClientViewModel(Repository, client);
foreach (var client in clients)
client.PropertyChanged += onClientPropertyChanged;
Clients = new ViewableCollection<ClientViewModel>(clients);
Clients.CollectionChanged += onClientsCollectionChanged;
// Never gets called
void onClientPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.PropertyName == "Name")
ViewableCollection is a simple extension of ObservableCollection to encapsulate a View.
In the ClientViewModel the setters are being called but RaisePropertyChanged isn't working as I would expect, because onClientPropertyChanged isn't being invoked. Both view models inherit from ViewModelBase.
public string Name
get { return client.Name; }
if (value == client.Name) return;
client.Name = value;
If I wire up PropertyChanged to a method inside the ClientViewModel then it is being fired, so I'm stumped as to why this isn't working in the parent view model. Where am I going wrong?
This SO question explains the problem; ObservableCollection protects the PropertyChanged event.
One solution is to use MVVM-Light Messenger:
void createClients()
var clients = from client in Repository.GetClients()
select new ClientViewModel(Repository, client);
Clients = new ViewableCollection<ClientViewModel>(clients);
Clients.CollectionChanged += onClientsCollectionChanged;
Messenger.Default.Register<PropertyChangedMessage<string>>(this, (pcm) =>
var clientVM = pcm.Sender as ClientViewModel;
if (clientVM != null && pcm.PropertyName == "Name")
// ...
createClients() should be refactored, but for consistency with the question code I'll leave it in there. Then a slight change to the property setter:
public string Name
get { return client.Name; }
if (value == client.Name) return;
string oldValue = client.Name;
client.Name = value;
RaisePropertyChanged<string>("Name", oldValue, value, true);

How to Optimize this method

private static void ConvertToUpper(object entity, Hashtable visited)
if (entity != null && !visited.ContainsKey(entity))
visited.Add(entity, entity);
foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in entity.GetType().GetProperties())
if (!propertyInfo.CanRead || !propertyInfo.CanWrite)
object propertyValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(entity, null);
Type propertyType;
if ((propertyType = propertyInfo.PropertyType) == typeof(string))
if (propertyValue != null && !propertyInfo.Name.Contains("password"))
propertyInfo.SetValue(entity, ((string)propertyValue).ToUpper(), null);
if (!propertyType.IsValueType)
IEnumerable enumerable;
if ((enumerable = propertyValue as IEnumerable) != null)
foreach (object value in enumerable)
ConvertToUpper(value, visited);
ConvertToUpper(propertyValue, visited);
Right now it works fine for objects with lists that are relatively small, but once the list of objects get larger it takes forever. How would i optimize this and also set a limit for a max depth.
Thanks for any help
I didn't profile the following code, but it must be very performant on complex structures.
1) Uses dynamic code generation.
2) Uses type-based cache for generated dynamic delegates.
public class VisitorManager : HashSet<object>
delegate void Visitor(VisitorManager manager, object entity);
Dictionary<Type, Visitor> _visitors = new Dictionary<Type, Visitor>();
void ConvertToUpperEnum(IEnumerable entity)
// TODO: this can be parallelized, but then we should thread-safe lock the cache
foreach (var obj in entity)
public void ConvertToUpper(object entity)
if (entity != null && !Contains(entity))
var visitor = GetCachedVisitor(entity.GetType());
if (visitor != null)
visitor(this, entity);
Type _lastType;
Visitor _lastVisitor;
Visitor GetCachedVisitor(Type type)
if (type == _lastType)
return _lastVisitor;
_lastType = type;
return _lastVisitor = GetVisitor(type);
Visitor GetVisitor(Type type)
Visitor result;
if (!_visitors.TryGetValue(type, out result))
_visitors[type] = result = BuildVisitor(type);
return result;
static MethodInfo _toUpper = typeof(string).GetMethod("ToUpper", new Type[0]);
static MethodInfo _convertToUpper = typeof(VisitorManager).GetMethod("ConvertToUpper", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
static MethodInfo _convertToUpperEnum = typeof(VisitorManager).GetMethod("ConvertToUpperEnum", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
Visitor BuildVisitor(Type type)
var visitorManager = Expression.Parameter(typeof(VisitorManager), "manager");
var entityParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "entity");
var entityVar = Expression.Variable(type, "e");
var cast = Expression.Assign(entityVar, Expression.Convert(entityParam, type)); // T e = (T)entity;
var statements = new List<Expression>() { cast };
foreach (var prop in type.GetProperties())
// if cannot read or cannot write - ignore property
if (!prop.CanRead || !prop.CanWrite) continue;
var propType = prop.PropertyType;
// if property is value type - ignore property
if (propType.IsValueType) continue;
var isString = propType == typeof(string);
// if string type but no password in property name - ignore property
if (isString && !prop.Name.Contains("password"))
#region e.Prop
var propAccess = Expression.Property(entityVar, prop); // e.Prop
#region T value = e.Prop
var value = Expression.Variable(propType, "value");
var assignValue = Expression.Assign(value, propAccess);
if (isString)
#region if (value != null) e.Prop = value.ToUpper();
var ifThen = Expression.IfThen(Expression.NotEqual(value, Expression.Constant(null, typeof(string))),
Expression.Assign(propAccess, Expression.Call(value, _toUpper)));
statements.Add(Expression.Block(new[] { value }, assignValue, ifThen));
#region var i = value as IEnumerable;
var enumerable = Expression.Variable(typeof(IEnumerable), "i");
var assignEnum = Expression.Assign(enumerable, Expression.TypeAs(value, enumerable.Type));
#region if (i != null) manager.ConvertToUpperEnum(i); else manager.ConvertToUpper(value);
var ifThenElse = Expression.IfThenElse(Expression.NotEqual(enumerable, Expression.Constant(null)),
Expression.Call(visitorManager, _convertToUpperEnum, enumerable),
Expression.Call(visitorManager, _convertToUpper, value));
statements.Add(Expression.Block(new[] { value, enumerable }, assignValue, assignEnum, ifThenElse));
// no blocks
if (statements.Count <= 1)
return null;
return Expression.Lambda<Visitor>(Expression.Block(new[] { entityVar }, statements), visitorManager, entityParam).Compile();
It looks pretty lean to me. The only thing I can think of would be to parallelize this. If I get a chance I will try to work something out and edit my answer.
Here is how to limit the depth.
private static void ConvertToUpper(object entity, Hashtable visited, int depth)
if (depth > MAX_DEPTH) return;
// Omitted code for brevity.
// Example usage here.
ConvertToUppder(..., ..., depth + 1);
What you could do is have a Dictionary with a type as the key and relevant properties as the values. You would then only need to search through the properties once for the ones you are interested in (by the looks of things IEnumerable and string) - after all, the properties the types have aren't going to change (unless you're doing some funky Emit stuff but I'm not too familiar with that)
Once you have this you could simply iterate all the properties in the Dictionary using the objects type as the key.
Somehting like this (I haven't actually tested it but it does complile :) )
private static Dictionary<Type, List<PropertyInfo>> _properties = new Dictionary<Type, List<PropertyInfo>>();
private static void ExtractProperties(List<PropertyInfo> list, Type type)
if (type == null || type == typeof(object))
return; // We've reached the top
// Modify which properties you want here
// This is for Public, Protected, Private
const BindingFlags PropertyFlags = BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly |
BindingFlags.Instance |
BindingFlags.NonPublic |
foreach (var property in type.GetProperties(PropertyFlags))
if (!property.CanRead || !property.CanWrite)
if ((property.PropertyType == typeof(string)) ||
(property.PropertyType.GetInterface("IEnumerable") != null))
if (!property.Name.Contains("password"))
// OPTIONAL: Navigate the base type
ExtractProperties(list, type.BaseType);
private static void ConvertToUpper(object entity, Hashtable visited)
if (entity != null && !visited.ContainsKey(entity))
visited.Add(entity, entity);
List<PropertyInfo> properties;
if (!_properties.TryGetValue(entity.GetType(), out properties))
properties = new List<PropertyInfo>();
ExtractProperties(properties, entity.GetType());
_properties.Add(entity.GetType(), properties);
foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in properties)
object propertyValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(entity, null);
Type propertyType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
if (propertyType == typeof(string))
propertyInfo.SetValue(entity, ((string)propertyValue).ToUpper(), null);
else // It's IEnumerable
foreach (object value in (IEnumerable)propertyValue)
ConvertToUpper(value, visited);
Here is a blog of code that should work to apply the Max Depth limit that Brian Gideon mentioned as well as parallel things a bit. It's not perfect and could be refined a bit since I broke the value types and non-value type properties into 2 linq queries.
private static void ConvertToUpper(object entity, Hashtable visited, int depth)
if (entity == null || visited.ContainsKey(entity) || depth > MAX_DEPTH)
visited.Add(entity, entity);
var properties = from p in entity.GetType().GetProperties()
where p.CanRead &&
p.CanWrite &&
p.PropertyType == typeof(string) &&
!p.Name.Contains("password") &&
p.GetValue(entity, null) != null
select p;
Parallel.ForEach(properties, (p) =>
p.SetValue(entity, ((string)p.GetValue(entity, null)).ToUpper(), null);
var valProperties = from p in entity.GetType().GetProperties()
where p.CanRead &&
p.CanWrite &&
!p.PropertyType.IsValueType &&
!p.Name.Contains("password") &&
p.GetValue(entity, null) != null
select p;
Parallel.ForEach(valProperties, (p) =>
if (p.GetValue(entity, null) as IEnumerable != null)
foreach(var value in p.GetValue(entity, null) as IEnumerable)
ConvertToUpper(value, visted, depth +1);
ConvertToUpper(p, visited, depth +1);
There are a couple of immediate issues:
There is repeated evaluation of property information for what I am assuming are the same types.
Reflection is comparatively slow.
Issue 1. can be solved by memoizing property information about types and caching it so it does not have to be re-calculated for each recurring type we see.
Performance of issue 2. can be helped out by using IL code generation and dynamic methods. I grabbed code from here to implement dynamically (and also memoized from point 1.) generated and highly efficient calls for getting and setting property values. Basically IL code is dynamically generated to call set and get for a property and encapsulated in a method wrapper - this bypasses all the reflection steps (and some security checks...). Where the following code refers to "DynamicProperty" I have used the code from the previous link.
This method can also be parallelized as suggested by others, just ensure the "visited" cache and calculated properties cache are synchronized.
private static readonly Dictionary<Type, List<ProperyInfoWrapper>> _typePropertyCache = new Dictionary<Type, List<ProperyInfoWrapper>>();
private class ProperyInfoWrapper
public GenericSetter PropertySetter { get; set; }
public GenericGetter PropertyGetter { get; set; }
public bool IsString { get; set; }
public bool IsEnumerable { get; set; }
private static void ConvertToUpper(object entity, Hashtable visited)
if (entity != null && !visited.Contains(entity))
visited.Add(entity, entity);
foreach (ProperyInfoWrapper wrapper in GetMatchingProperties(entity))
object propertyValue = wrapper.PropertyGetter(entity);
if(propertyValue == null) continue;
if (wrapper.IsString)
wrapper.PropertySetter(entity, (((string)propertyValue).ToUpper()));
if (wrapper.IsEnumerable)
IEnumerable enumerable = (IEnumerable)propertyValue;
foreach (object value in enumerable)
ConvertToUpper(value, visited);
ConvertToUpper(propertyValue, visited);
private static IEnumerable<ProperyInfoWrapper> GetMatchingProperties(object entity)
List<ProperyInfoWrapper> matchingProperties;
if (!_typePropertyCache.TryGetValue(entity.GetType(), out matchingProperties))
matchingProperties = new List<ProperyInfoWrapper>();
foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in entity.GetType().GetProperties())
if (!propertyInfo.CanRead || !propertyInfo.CanWrite)
if (propertyInfo.PropertyType == typeof(string))
if (!propertyInfo.Name.Contains("password"))
ProperyInfoWrapper wrapper = new ProperyInfoWrapper
PropertySetter = DynamicProperty.CreateSetMethod(propertyInfo),
PropertyGetter = DynamicProperty.CreateGetMethod(propertyInfo),
IsString = true,
IsEnumerable = false
if (!propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsValueType)
object propertyValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(entity, null);
bool isEnumerable = (propertyValue as IEnumerable) != null;
ProperyInfoWrapper wrapper = new ProperyInfoWrapper
PropertySetter = DynamicProperty.CreateSetMethod(propertyInfo),
PropertyGetter = DynamicProperty.CreateGetMethod(propertyInfo),
IsString = false,
IsEnumerable = isEnumerable
_typePropertyCache.Add(entity.GetType(), matchingProperties);
return matchingProperties;
While your question is about the performance of the code, there is another problem that others seem to miss: Maintainability.
While you might think this is not as important as the performance problem you are having, having code that is more readable and maintainable will make it easier to solve problems with it.
Here is an example of how your code might look like, after a few refactorings:
class HierarchyUpperCaseConverter
private HashSet<object> visited = new HashSet<object>();
public static void ConvertToUpper(object entity)
new HierarchyUpperCaseConverter_v1().ProcessEntity(entity);
private void ProcessEntity(object entity)
// Don't process null references.
if (entity == null)
// Prevent processing types that already have been processed.
if (this.visited.Contains(entity))
private void ProcessEntity(object entity)
var properties =
foreach (var property in properties)
this.ProcessEntityProperty(entity, property);
private IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetProcessableProperties(Type type)
var properties =
from property in type.GetProperties()
where property.CanRead && property.CanWrite
where !property.PropertyType.IsValueType
where !(property.Name.Contains("password") &&
property.PropertyType == typeof(string))
select property;
return properties;
private void ProcessEntityProperty(object entity, PropertyInfo property)
object value = property.GetValue(entity, null);
if (value != null)
if (value is IEnumerable)
this.ProcessCollectionProperty(value as IEnumerable);
else if (value is string)
this.ProcessStringProperty(entity, property, (string)value);
private void ProcessCollectionProperty(IEnumerable value)
foreach (object item in (IEnumerable)value)
// Make a recursive call.
private void ProcessStringProperty(object entity, PropertyInfo property, string value)
string upperCaseValue = ConvertToUpperCase(value);
property.SetValue(entity, upperCaseValue, null);
private string ConvertToUpperCase(string value)
// TODO: ToUpper is culture sensitive.
// Shouldn't we use ToUpperInvariant?
return value.ToUpper();
While this code is more than twice as long as your code snippet, it is more maintainable. In the process of refactoring your code I even found a possible bug in your code. This bug is a lot harder to spot in your code. In your code you try to convert all string values to upper case but you don't convert string values that are stored in object properties. Look for instance at the following code.
class A
public object Value { get; set; }
var a = new A() { Value = "Hello" };
Perhaps this is exactly what you wanted, but the string "Hello" is not converted to "HELLO" in your code.
Another thing I like to note is that while the only thing I tried to do is make your code more readable, my refactoring seems about 20% faster.
After I refactored the code I tried to improve performance of it, but I found out that it is particularly hard to improve it. While others try to parallelize the code I have to warn about this. Parallelizing the code isn't as easy as others might let you think. There is some synchronization going on between threads (in the form of the 'visited' collection). Don't forget that writing to a collection is not thread-safe. Using a thread-safe version or locking on it might degrade performance again. You will have to test this.
I also found out that the real performance bottleneck is all the reflection (especially the reading of all the property values). The only way to really speed this up is by hard coding the code operations for each and every type, or as others suggested lightweight code generation. However, this is pretty hard and it is questionable whether it is worth the trouble.
I hope you find my refactorings useful and wish you good luck with improving performance.
