QuickBooks integration with ASP.NET - asp.net

Please provide some link or demo code for QuickBooks integration with ASP.NET.
I have App Token, OAuth Consumer Key, OAuth Consumer Secret.

You can get the developer documentation here https://developer.intuit.com/app/developer/homepage
First you need to signup as a developer and then have to create an app in the developer's dashboard: https://developer.intuit.com/app/developer/dashboard.
After creating an app you can get your client id and client secret in the app setting screen. Also you will find the sdk or similar code for your technology stack
here is a list of API endpoints from where you can fetch and post the data


Firebase authentication flow for backend

So I started a test project with Golangg which I expore different technologies and got into some google firebase for authentication provider for users. I implemented the flow with registering users which require user/password. After that I wanted to do login (only backend vie rest api) turns out you can't since go verify user by user/password you need the google sdk works with iOS Android Web C++ Unity. The only work around i could do is get user by ID which i saved in my db then issue custom token, which then needs to be verified by method
but this is not implemented in the Golang lib, you need to call rest api for this
https://identitytoolkit.googleapis.com/v1/accounts:signInWithCustomToken?key=[API KEY]
but there is a function for that in js. So if I only want to do the whole service backend I seems I can't do authentication with google Firebase.
How this whole flow should look like implementing only backend service?

I need to send product details to Google shopping Content API but first i need to generate oAuth token.How i will do it through function app

I need to send product details to Google shopping Content API but for using that i need to generate oAuth token with refresh token throgh Azure data factory.I have generated service account and client-secret json .How i will do it through function app?
Firstly, we need to understand that functions should not be used to do UI-related actions. In any app service the pop up for the login ( which allows to provide the credentials) will not be supported.
E.g. : To avoid this scenario , in case of AD auth we may use service principle where we feed the required credential to acquire the token. So if we want to use the google auth SDK we need to connect to the concerned team ( Google team) to understand if this is feasible at all.
For this you may check the Server-To-Server Service Account Authentication, as below:
In case you need any assistance in this, we would recommend you to reach out to the concerned support team.

Unknown user in my firebase user authentication (Flutter/firebase)

I developed an app to test the google login feature using flutter and google authentication. The project is a closed project and only I have access to it. But recently I saw that there was a google sign in from an unknown Email ID. How did the user login without the build of my app? Has my account been hacked? What is going on?
Anyone with knowledge of your project's API Keys can access your Firebase Project using simple CURL Commands.
This is why it's a good idea to add restriction to those API Keys
In case you haven't, go to https://console.cloud.google.com and
Select your project
Click the menu icon at the top left (hamburger icon)
Go to API & Services and then credentials
You can view the APIs for your Google Cloud Project (linked to your Firebase Project) and then set restrictions for the API keys, refresh them or restrict access to specific platforms like Android or iOS.
You can also set restrictions on which components of Firebase the API key is allowed to access. For example, if your project doesn't require the use of Cloud Firestore, you can ensure that the API Key cannot be used to make calls to the Firestore Database
All said and done, I would still recommend that you shoot a mail to the Firebase Support team at https://firebase.google.com/support/troubleshooter/contact
To anyone still wondering about this:
If you provide a native google sign in and the registered
email adresses look like this:
they are probably test accounts used to generate Google Plays Pre-Launch reports.
You can read about it in the Play Console Help here.
If your app has a sign-in screen and you want the crawler to test the
sign-in process or the content behind it, you need to provide account
Note that you do not need to provide credentials if your
app supports "Sign-in with Google,” which enables the crawler to log
in automatically.

Approval Request 2FA authentication

With Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator I generate a Time-based One Time Password (TOTP).
User need to insert the code in my website complete two factor authentication.
How to generate a push notification "Approval Request" in Authenticator App with a custom account?
Like described here:
Could not find any technical documentation
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You can't build that sort of integration with Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator.
One option you have is to check out the Authy push notification API. It uses the Authy app which is free to download for your users, and can perform authentication via push notification or drop back to in app code or even SMS.
Let me know if that helps at all.

Azure Mobile App Services or Web App Services for Mobile Applications and Web Admin Panel

I need advice as i am new in .net and azure, i am creating a architecture for a project which has its mobile application, web based admin panel and Website.
I am planning to host every thing in Azure. I am creating application in Xamarin. Application needs to have Push Notification, Offline Sync etc, features provided by Mobile App Services (Controller inherited from TableController).
I want to create 1 database which will be used by all 3 modules. I have already created a Mobile App Service and Database. Mobile application is using it as it was supposed to. Now i want to create a website and Web based admin panel and use the same database. Is this possible ?
What is the best way? Should i create a web project and perform operations on data via REST API? and use this API for Mobile Apps and Web based Backend?
I am really confused between different services from azure and which one to use. Should i use .Net Core or .Net. I need to know the best way to do it.
Edit 1 :
So far this is what i have done and i need to know if this will work fine in future when project get complex. I created database and back end via Azure Mobile App. Now i have created a .net MVC website and used RestSharp for CRUD operations in it. I have used the following code to perform the operations. Note the /tables/ part in the request url.
var client = new RestClient("http://xxxxxxx.azurewebsites.net");
var request = new RestRequest("/tables/request?ZUMO-API-VERSION=2.0.0", Method.POST);
string data = "{\"createdFor\":\"535862cf-e2b3-41de-99f9-88c47a77750c\",\"status\":\"IN_PROCESS\",\"createdBy\":\"7108147e-c11c-4d78-ac3d-d5d6c5eb78d0\",\"description\":\"Master room 5 door produces strange sound when opened or closed\",\"title\":\"Door Sounds Strange\"}";
request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json");
request.AddParameter("application/json", data, ParameterType.RequestBody);
var result = client.Execute(request);
Console.WriteLine("Content " + result.Content);
Get and post operations works fine. Is this a good way?
Thanks in advance
As the official document mentions about Mobile App Features:
Authentication and Authorization (AAD,Facebook, Google, Twitter and Microsoft Account,Custom authentication)
Data Store (SQL Database, Azure Table Storage,etc)
Offline Sync
Push Notifications (Client SDKS seamlessly integrate with the registration capabilities of Azure Notification Hubs)
Client SDKs (A complete set of Client SDKs that cover native development, cross-platform development,etc)
Per my understanding, if the build-in features provided by mobile app could totally meet your requirement, then Mobile App is better for you and it would save your time. For Web API application, you need to do all stuff by yourself.
Now i want to create a website and Web based admin panel and use the same database. Is this possible ?
I assumed that you could create a Azure Mobile App application (Mobile App) and a web application (Azure Web App) under your solution, and you could extract the DbContext related classes into a shared class library.
Should i use .Net Core or .Net. I need to know the best way to do it.
For choosing between .NET Core and .NET Framework, you could refer to the official document about choosing-core-framework-server.
Can you please take a look at edit 1, and suggest if this is the right way or it can create a problem.
Your code would work fine, since the mobile client SDK just wraps the common processing as your provided.
For accessing only by authenticated user, you need to add x-zumo-auth header with the authenticationToken after you logged.
Additionally, for your MVC application to retrieve the data from your mobile app (need authentication), you need to log with your mobile app and retrieve the authenticationToken for your subsequent requests against your mobile app. At this point, except for Custom authentication, otherwise you could only leverage Client-managed authentication and use JavaScript client library for Azure Mobile Apps in your MVC application for logging to mobile app and retrieve the authenticationToken, then you could send request from your front-end or pass the token to your back-end. For SPA, you could use both Client-managed authentication and Server-managed authentication.
Moreover, Adrian hall has wrote some useful tutorials about developing against azure mobile app, you could refer to Adrian hall's book.
For custom authentication using an Identity Database, you just pass the username and password to your mobile app, then it would validate the user info and generate the authenticationToken. While for Auth0, you firstly login with Auth0 provider, then pass the token to your mobile app.
My mobile application has its own signing up and sign in option with username and password.
For the connection Username-Password-Authentication from Auth0, it would manage the users for you, while using an Identity Database, the users would be stored in your storage and you need to manage them by yourself.
Per my understanding, both approaches could implement the custom authentication for you, but you need to choose the better one that matches your scenario.
