Closing Parent and Child View Controller - parent-child

I am trying to figure out how to close both a parent view controller and a child view controller at the same time. I have created a delegate and can dismiss the child view controller from the parent. I want to add code to dismiss the parent also so I can return to the main menu. Any suggestions on what I need to add to dismiss the parent at the same time?
Here is my code:
Child View Controller
- (IBAction)endGamePressed:(id)sender
[delegate pitchCounterViewControllerDidCancel:self];
Parent View Controller
- (void)pitchCounterViewControllerDidCancel:(PitchCounterViewController *)controller
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

In practice you should try and avoid making a ViewController dismiss itself.
In your pitchCounterViewControllerDidCancel: method, you need to make a delegate call (as per the child controller, that is executed by the parent of the Parent View Controller.
- (void)pitchCounterViewControllerDidCancel:(PitchCounterViewController *)controller
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
[delegate parentControllerDidFinish:self];


How do I set up a Tab Bar Controller within an existing Navigation Controller?

I'm pretty new to iOS. I'm building an app and am running into an issue. I have a navigation controller with a table view controller atop its stack. When I select a row in that table view controller, what I'd like to see is a collection view with the following:
The nav bar with the name that appears on the selected cell as the navigation item title.
A collection view as the main interface
a tab bar with the collection view, and an imagePickerController
Here's what my code looks like:
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
NewTabBarController *tbc = [[NewTabBarController alloc] init];
UIImagePickerController *takeAPicture = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
UITabBarItem *tabItem = [takeAPicture tabBarItem];
[tabItem setImage:[UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:#"CameraIcon.jpg"]];
[tabItem setTitle:#"Take a photo!"];
UICollectionViewFlowLayout *photoFlow = [[UICollectionViewFlowLayout alloc] init];
PhotoCollectionViewController *photoHub = [[PhotoCollectionViewController alloc] initWithCollectionViewLayout:photoFlow];
[tbc setViewControllers:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:photoHub, takeAPicture, nil]];
NSArray *items = [[items accessor] allItems];
Item *item = [items objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]];
[photoHub setItem:item];
[photoHub useLayoutToLayoutNavigationTransitions];
[[self navigationController] pushViewController:tbc animated:YES];
Then in my PhotoCollectionViewController implementation I have:
#syntesize item;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
UINavigationItem *itemHeader = [self navigationItem];
[itemHeader setTitle:[item itemName]];
UITabBarItem *tabItem = [self tabBarItem];
[tabItem setImage:[UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:#"itemImage.jpg"]];
[tabItem setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Photos of %#", [item itemName]]];
My problem is that when I select the cell, The collection view loads, and I can see the cells I have set up in the collection view, but the nav bar item has no title, and the tab bar item has "Photos of (null)" and no image. The "Take a photo!" text appears, but the image does not.
Do you guys have any idea how I can restructure this to make everything flow correctly. I must be doing something wrong in the way I'm utilizing tab and nav controllers.I don't want there to be any tabs until this stage in the app, which is 3 or 4 VCs in already. Should I be using a tab bar controller from the App Delegate onward?
The problem here is that you are pushing tab bar controller onto a navigation controller stack. The view controllers of a tab bar will have a navigation item, but their navigation items aren't shown when the view controller is on screen. Instead, the tab bar controller's navigation item is on screen.
You could use self.tabBarController.navigationItem, but then each view controller will have to modify the navigation item every time it's brought on/off screen, which is really messy.
If you're going to use a UITabBarController, I would recommend either presenting it modally, or having it be the root view controller on your UIWindow. It's tough to get it working right as a view controller in a navigation controller's view controller stack.
Your tab bar item not showing its name is a separate issue. It's because viewDidLoad is getting called before you set your item instance, specifically it's getting called when you call [tbc setViewControllers:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:photoHub, takeAPicture, nil]];
You can confirm this by breakpointing in view did load, where you'll see that item is nil. If you haven't already, you should overload your setItem: method in PhotoCollectionViewController, and have that method also update your UI.

Rewiring actions of parent to a child viewmodel

So here's my screnario. I have a toolbar at the top (office style), with buttons. This is hosted in a shell. Some of those buttons are applicable only to certain child view models as they get loaded. Ideally what I would like to happen is have the buttons repositioned to child view model as it gets created (I kind of got this working by settings Action.Target="ActiveItem" on them. This doesn't solve the problem fully though:
a) When the child viewmodel is closed and there is no active item, I want them to reposition to Shell as the target so they can be set to "default" state.
b) I noticed that when child viewmodel is closed and the shell being the conductor has it ActiveItem=null, the hooks from the action are still bound to the living instance of the last viewmodel, so doesn't looks like it got disposed of. Memory leak?
Any suggestions how to implement this scenario?
What about adding a property to your ShellViewModel which points to the action target and updating it when stuff gets activated/deactivated:
public class ShellViewModel
public object ActionTarget
get { return _actionTarget; }
_actionTarget = value;
NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => ActionTarget);
// Then when the active item changes just update the target:
public override NotifyOfPropertyChange(string propertyName)
if(propertyName == "ActiveItem")
if(ActiveItem == null) ActionTarget = this;
else ActionTarget = ActiveItem;
Now bind to that:
<SomeMenu cal:Action.Target="{Binding ActionTarget}" />
Not sure if that will work or not but I'm sure I've done something similar in the past. (You may also have to explicitly call NPC on your actions before they will update after you have changed ActiveItem)

How to pass an NSString from modal view to parent view

I have a parent view and a modal view with a text box. What I am trying to do is pass whatever is entered into the text box from the modal view and then pass it to a label in the parent view which updates the label to what was entered. I hope that made any sense.
I have been pulling my hair out for a couple of weeks trying to figure this out with no luck. I found many examples and tutorials about segues and passing between views that are being pushed but nothing about modal views and passing back to the parent view.
I have been trying to understand this and need a good example. I kind of understand the prepare for segue concept but for some reason, I just can't figure this one out. Any help on this would be much appreciated and you would be my hero for life lol.
In my project that uses segues, here's how I did it (note that I'm new to iOS, so there's probably "better" ways, and this may be obvious to the iOS veterans):
The short version: define a callback protocol in your modal view controller's .h file. When your modal view controller closes, it checks to see if the presenter implements that protocol and invokes those methods to pass along the data.
So like you said, let's say your modal view controller just gathers a single string value from the user and then they click OK or Cancel. That class might look like this:
#interface MyModalViewController : UIViewController
I'm suggesting you add a protocol like this to the same header:
#protocol MyModalViewControllerCallback
-(void) userCancelledMyModalViewController:(MyModalViewController*)vc;
-(void) userAcceptedMyModalViewController:(MyModalViewController*)vc
Then in MyModalViewController.m, you add a viewDidDisappear with code similar to this:
-(void) viewDidDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
UIViewController* presenter = self.presentingViewController;
// If the presenter is a UINavigationController then we assume that we're
// notifying whichever UIViewController is on the top of the stack.
if ([presenter isKindOfClass:[UINavigationController class]]) {
presenter = [(UINavigationController*)presenter topViewController];
if ([presenter conformsToProtocol:#protocol(MyModalViewControllerCallback)]) {
// Assumes the presence of an "accepted" ivar that knows whether they
// accepted or cancelled, and a "data" ivar that has the data that the
// user entered.
if (accepted) {
[presenter userAcceptedMyModalViewController:self withInput:data];
else {
[presenter userCancelledMyModalViewController:self];
[super viewDidDisappear:animated];
And finally in the parent view, you implement the new #protocol, e.g. in the .h:
#interface MyParentViewController : UIViewController <MyModalViewControllerCallback>
and in the .m:
#implementation MyParentViewController
-(void) userCancelledMyModalViewController:(MyModalViewController*)vc {
// Update the text field with something like "They clicked cancel!"
-(void) userAcceptedMyModalViewController:(MyModalViewController*)vc
withInput:(NSString*)s {
// Update the text field with the value in s

storyboard navigation Item link to a uiviewcontroller

I create a split view project, on the iPhone's storyboard, i drag a bar button item to the navigation right and change the style Add, and i drag a view controller to the storyboard, so i use control-drag to build the link, and change the uiviewcontroller's custom class "AddViewController", when i run the project and push the DetailViewController, it is black view.
And i have input the code on the AddViewController.m
-(void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
UIStoryboard *storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:#"MainStoryboard_iPhone" bundle:nil];
UIViewController *vc = [storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"AddViewController"];
[vc setModalPresentationStyle:UIModalPresentationCurrentContext];
[self presentModalViewController:vc animated:YES];
i found the reason
On the my create "AddCreateViewController", i should comment the function.
- (void)loadView
// If you create your views manually, you MUST override this method and use it to create your views.
// If you use Interface Builder to create your views, then you must NOT override this method.

How can we listen to an event dispatched in PopUpWindow inside the parent component?

I have a warning Popwindow with 2 buttons 'Submit' and 'Cancel'.
On clicking submit I invoke a function and dispatch 'submit' Event with bubble true. I want to handle this inside my parent application. I have already registered the event with the parent container as well as the popup instance.
Inside Parent.mxml :
private function launchWarningPopUp():void {
var win:Warning = PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, Warning, false ) as Warning;
win.addEventListener(SubmitQuizEvent.SUBMIT_QUIZ, submissionDone);
this.addEventListener(SubmitQuizEvent.SUBMIT_QUIZ, submissionDone);
private function submissionDone():void{'Inside SubmissionDoneTwo');
Inside Warning.mxml:
private function submitHanlder():void {
dispatchEvent(new SubmitQuizEvent(SubmitQuizEvent.SUBMIT_QUIZ,true));
The event should bubble to Parent.mxml.
Am I doing something wrong here or is it simply not possible ?
I am stuck here, any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You should add your event listener to the systemManager because popups are direct children of the system manager
You are correct. the popup is not a child of the component that creates it. It is, as Florian said, a child of systemManager and events don't bubble as you might expect.
I was unable to catch this event inside my function as the signature was missing. After I add this the code worked.
private function submissionDone(event:SubmitQuizEvent):void{'Inside SubmissionDone with signature');
I am facing another issue now.
The event is captured only when I use ' win.addEventListener....' and not with 'this.addEventListener ............'.This is surprizing to me.
If Parent.mxml is parent of 'win' then the events triggered inside 'win' should bubble and should be caught by the parent. This is not happening.
Is 'win' not considered child of the Parent.mxml ? And is treated as external component ?
Please let me know your view on this ??
