How to Handle Domain name in MVC Routing -

I am trying to use routing to redirect my user to another URL, if he enters my website through the IP address.
Or if possible please tell me if it possible to handle domain name by routing. As I can use routing for Controller and for Action, but can I also handle Domain in there or not?
I am currently using it like following, but I am unable to handle Domain:
new { controller = "Controller", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional });

If you're using IIS 7, it may be better to implement this at web server level.
This way, the proper status code will be returned to the browser in the HTTP header and your MVC app can deal with its own routing without having to worry about domains and hostnames which, in most cases, is the web server's job.
To achieve this on IIS, open your website in the IIS console and select URL Rewrite and follow these steps:
Create a new rule and set the match URL to wildcard and enter the pattern as the IP address as*
Add a condition where {HTTP_HOST} is equal to the site's IP address.
Set the "action type" to redirect, and enter the pattern you wish to redirect to. "{R:1}" in this case would map everything after the IP address to its domain equivilent, so would redirect to
This approach will ensure your subdirectories are mapped and your site remains search engine friendly, with proper response codes being generated.
The screenshot below shows how your rule might look in IIS:
Alternatively, this question on ASP.NET MVC Routing by Subdomain may be useful if you need to do this within the confines of your app.


Configuring Keycloak OIDC with an nginx (OpenResty) reverse-proxy

I am experimenting with a two-service docker-compose recipe, largely based on
the following GitHub project:
After streamlining, my configuration looks something like the following fork
My current issue is, the authorization endpoint ("../openid-connect/auth") uses
the internal origin ("http://keycloak-svc:"). Obviously, if users are
redirected to this URL, their browsers will need to cite the external origin
("http://localhost:"). I thought the PROXY_ADDRESS_FORWARDING variable for the
Keycloak service would fix this, but I'm wondering if I need to do something
like a rewrite on-the-fly in the nginx/openresty configuration.
To replicate, from project root::
docker-compose build
docker-compose up --force-recreate --remove-orphans
Then browse to "http://localhost:8090" to start the OIDC flow. You can
circumvent the origin issue by, once you encounter the aforementioned origin
issue, by replacing "keycloak-svc" with "localhost", which will forward you to
the correct login interface. Once there, though, you will need to add a user
to proceed. To add a user, browse to "http://localhost:8080" in a separate tab
and follow these steps before returning to the original tab and entering the
Under Users > Add user:
username = "testuser"
email = "{{whatever}}"
email verified = ON
Groups > add "restybox-group"
After user created:
Go to "Credentials" tab
Set to "mypassword"
Temporary = OFF
Authorization Servers such as Keycloak have a base / internet URL when running behind a reverse proxy. You don't need to do anything dynamic in the reverse proxy - have a look at the frontend URL configuration.
Out of interest I just answered a similar question here, that may help you to understand the general pattern. Aim for good URLs (not localhost) and a discovery endpoint that returns intermet URLs rather than internal URLs.

How to fetch a web page from a web site with URL using the web browser?

I have an assignment that reads "You want to use your web browser to fetch a web page from a site called "". Its web server is at TCP port 8080, and the page you are looking for is called "horse.html".Give the URL that you enter into the navigation field of your web browser."
My first thought is that I want to write "" and then somehow query the web server for the object and retrieve it if it finds it, but i'm not sure if this is the right approach / how to do this.
I actually entered this site and I think the port is miswritten and it should be 80. I tried making a TCP connection to this site with port 80 and it works. I made a GET request for /horse.html and I got 404 Not Found, which makes me believe the page /horse.html doesn't exist on this site in actuality, but it doesn't have to, the assignment just uses the site as an example. But how would I make such a query/request not in cmd using telnet, but instead using the web browser and entering a URL?
If i'm on the correct path here, then, in other words, what do I type after "" to query for an object (or page) "/horse.html"? I would expect to get a 404 not found in my web browser, but to me it would mean I have a correct solution.
i would write the following:
the is the domain name that is then resolved to an actual ip address (like what comes after the colon would be the port you're attempting to connect to and everything after that would be the path to the file you're trying to fetch.

DNS custom domain to subfolder

I have a SaaS app where every user has a personal subdomain: Every user has a personal blog at
Now I want to accept custom domains, e.g. would be an alias for
If someone browses to, the page should be served.
However, I do NOT want a redirect. The user should still see their address bar.
How can I achieve this behaviour? I have looked into Nginx reverse proxies, DNS CNAME records... but nothing seems to suit my needs. I can access both the custom domain DNS settings and all of the server's config files.
I think what you're looking for is a rewrite. However your described logic doesn't work: ->
appears to be missing a piece of identifying information on the left side. Perhaps After that, it's just a matter of writing out the match/map statements to change the request to match what you've got on the server.

How to make all * subdomains to hit my servlet

We have a web application, say
Now users can come and create pages like, Here 'mypage' is unique identifier for the page he/she has created. So whenever url is requested, it hits our 'pagerequestservlet', which gives out requested page data.
Now what I want is, whenever user hits,, then also we give out the same page related info (that we give out on This would mean, I need to make all my * requests to be handled by 'pagerequestservlet' (or a similar servlet). Then I can just parse the request URL, identify the identifier 'mypage' and return the data.
Now my question is, how to make all my * requests to be handled by 'pagerequestservlet'? I am using GoDaddy as my domain registrar.
You must setup your DNS to allow such wildcards, I don't know wheter GoDaddy supports this.
A servlet is "DNS-agnostic", normally it does not need to know anything about its domain name. This way it's possible to deploy the same servlet on different environments or even with different context roots ( and
You still have access to the domain name via ServletRequest#getServerName(). You could implement a Filter that handles the subdomain part and redirect to the correct page. But be aware - if you run in a clustered environment or behind a load balancer, this would not return, but the name of the host ther servlet was deployed to.

How to change URL address in ASP.NET?

I have a business requirement, where i should show a different URL in the address bar from the actual. Say for ex: I have hosted my site at But for some users, this URL should show up as at the address bar? Is it even possible?
The only way to do this is if you control both domains, and and if you configure your web server to serve the same application for and
If above is the case (you control both domains), you can simply redirect the users to the appropriate domain using Response.Redirect.
This is easily done in Apache via NameVirtualHosts and I am sure IIS offers the same functionality.
Yes this is possible, but it's generally done at the DNS level and not within the application itself. You want the IP address of to resolve to the same IP address as This is how hosting sites such as Google Sites generally work.
To do this you need to own the DNS entry for your vanity domain name (i.e. and you need to ensure that the hosting site is capable of associating requests for with the hosted website.
This can be done by redirect.
if(fUserOfCP && !HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl.Contains("")){
HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl.Replace("", "")
, true);
This code is the idea, probably is better to break the RawUrl, check and reconstruct it on the redirect to avoid the existing of host on file name.
Assume that both names belong to you, and you have setup correctly the dns.
Rewrite is not possible on host name if this is your first thoughts.
