Security Issue with ASP.NET and SQL Server -

A problem appears when two users are logged on to our service system at the same time and looking at the service list gridview. If user1 does a search to filter the gridview and user2 happens to click to another page user2 sees the results from the search performed by user1. That means one company can see another company's data.
It's an ASP.NET application that was developed in house with C#/ASP.NET 3.5. The data is stored in a SQL 2000 database and relies very heavily on stored procedures to update, select, and delete data. There are multiple user types that are restricted to what data they can see. For example, we have a company use that can only see data relavant to that company.
From what I've seen, the security is handled through If statements in the front end. Example, if userlevel = 1 then do this, if userlevel = 2 do this. These statments are used to show or hide columns in a grid, run queries to return data, and any other restrictions needed. For a company user the code behind gets the companyid assigned to the user and uses that in a query to return the results of all the data associated with that companyid (services, ships, etc).
Any recommendations for fixing this will be highly appreciated.

It's hard to say without seeing any implementation details, but on the surface it appears that there maybe some company level caching. Check for OutputCache settings, DataSource caching, explicit caching with Page.Cache, etc.
This article is a little dated, but at a glance it looks like most information is still relevant in ASP.NET 4.0.
ASP.NET Caching: Techniques and Best Practices

In addition to jrummerll's answer, check the Data Acces Layer of our app and make sure that you don't have any static variables defined. Having a static variable defined could cause this sort of issue too, since 2 contending requests may overwrite the value of the CompanyID, for example.

You basic model should work. What you've told us is not enough to diagnose the problem. But, I've got a few guesses. Most likely your code is confusing UserID or CompanyID values.
Are you mistakenly storing the CompanyID in the Cache, rather than the session?
Is the CompanyID stored in a static variable? A common (and disastrous!) pitfall in web applications is that a value stored in a static variable will remain the same for all users! In general, don't use static variables in apps.
Maybe your db caching or output caching doesn't vary properly by session or other variables. So, a 2nd user will see what was created for the previous user. Stop any caching that's happening and see if that fixes it, but debug from there.
Other variations on the above themes: maybe the query is stored in a static variable. Maybe these user-related values are stored in the cache or db, but the key for that record (UserID?) is stored in a static variable?

You can put that if statements in a thread. Threading provides you the option that only 1 user can access the application or gridview in your case.
See this link:

Here is some sample code that is throughout the entire application that is used for filtering results. What is the best way to fix this so that when one user logs on, the other user doesn't see those results?
protected void PopulategvServiceRequestListing(string _whereclause)
_dsGlobalDatasource = new TelemarServiceRequestListing().GetServiceRequestListingDatasource(_whereclause);
gv_ServiceRequest.DataSource = _dsGlobalDatasource;
gv_ServiceRequest.DataSource=new TelemarServiceRequestListing().DummyDataset();
gv_ServiceRequest.Rows[0].Visible = false;
gv_ServiceRequest.HeaderStyle.Font.Bold = true;


Storing Temp. Data in ASP.NET Core (NopCommerce)

Dear StackOverflow community,
For a project of mine I need to store (Temporary) data somewhere else than a Database. Actually its a little more complicated. I have a checkout page in NopCommerce where users can select them delivery moment or even location for example pickup. This data has to be store temporary untill the user made the payment. Only then I will request the data and store in DB. So that later I can retrieve the data and display in my dashboard, So that I know when the package is scheduled to be shipped.
Endurement: 12-24 Hours.
Store as user specific data.
Data has to be safed for quite a few sessions. Depends on the user. For example. If the user chooses a delivery moment but desides to look somewhere else before paying. This data has to be stored all those sessions.
If possible serverside.
I have quite a few options following Microsoft:
Session and state management in ASP.NET Core
Now I have tried storing data in Memory (Caching data) using 'MemoryCacheEntryOptions'. The problem is that its application wide. And its hard to maintain with hundreds of users.
Other option is 'Session state'.
The problem is that this data only endures a single session. I need to hold the data for atleast 12 to 24 hours.
Then we have 'Temp Data'. This seems like a promising option. Its great since it is kept until the is has been used/read. You even have 'Peek' and 'Keep' Methods to keep the data while peeking. Problem: It requires a controller. And requesting the data is a callback Method that doesnt require a Controller.
'Query Strings' Well its not much is it? This may be not user critical data BUT seems like query string isnt what Im looking for.
'Hidden Fields' Not really suitable either. It is therefore not form data.
'HttpContext.Items' Definetly not suitable. Data is only stored for single request.
'Cache' Way to hard to maintain user specific data.
So my question is. How do I save all this data temporary, if possible server side for a day atleast with hundreds of users at the same moment. And request the data later in a callback, to store it in DB until the order is shipped.
NopCommerce exposes a class called GenericAttributeService in Nop.Services.Common. This allows you to store your custom attribute data, specific to each customer.
To use it, first inject the GenericAttributeService into your class (controller, service class, etc).
private readonly IGenericAttributeService _genericAttributeService;
public MyFancyController(IGenericAttributeService genericAttributeService)
_genericAttributeService = genericAttributeService;
To save the data for current customer, use SaveAttribute and save an key-value pair you need:
_genericAttributeService.SaveAttribute<string>(_workContext.CurrentCustomer, "MyKeyName", "Value to save for this customer")
_genericAttributeService.SaveAttribute<int>(_workContext.CurrentCustomer, "My2ndKeyName",
To get the data use GetAttributesForEntity, where the entity is your key value.
var attribute = _genericAttributeService.GetAttributesForEntity(_workContext.CurrentCustomer.Id, "Customer").Where(x => x.Key == "MyKeyName").FirstOrDefault();
To delete the attribute use DeleteAttribute:
Notice that we used _workContext which helps expose the current customer.
This already works well with other temp functionality already existing in the application, such as managing shopping carts, wish lists, etc, so browsing the source code for other examples can also be helpful.

Pass list of ids between forms

I have an ASP.NET c# project.
I have to pass a list of values (id numbers such as "23,4455,21,2,765,...) from one form to another. Since QueryString is not possible because the list could be long, which is the best way to do it?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for all your answers, you are helping a lot !!!
I decided to do this:
On the first form:
List lRecipients = new List();
Session["Recipients"] = lRecipients;
On the final form:
List lRecipients = (List)Session["Recipients"];
You could use Session collection.
In the first page, use:
List<int> listOfInts = new List<int>();
Session["someKey"] = listOfInts
And in the second page, retrieve it like this:
List<int> listOfInts = Session["someKey"] as List<int>;
If your using webforms you can put it into a session variable to pass stuff from page to page. You've got to be concise of the potential performance issues of putting lots of stuff into session mind.
Session["ListOfStff"] = "15,25,44.etc";
There are any number of ways to pass this data. Which you choose will depend on your environment.
Session state is useful, but is constrained by the number of concurrent users on the system and the amount of available memory on the server. Consider this when deciding whether or not to use Session state. If you do choose session state for this operation, be sure to remove the data when you're done processing the request.
You could use a hidden input field, with runat="server" applied to it. This will make its data available server-side, and it will only last for the duration of the request. The pros of this technique are that it's accessible to both the server code and the client-side JavaScript. However, it also means that the size of your request is increased, and it may take more work to get the data where you want it (and back out).
Depending on how much data's involved, you could implement a web service to serialize the data to a temporary storage medium (say, a database table), and get back a "request handle." Then, you could pass the request handle on the query string to the next form and it could use the "handle" to fetch the data from your medium.
There are all kinds of different ways to deal with this scenario, but the best choice will depend on your environment, time to develop, and costs.
For Asp.NET MVC you can use ViewData.
ViewData["ID"] = "";

Flex-Cairngorm/Hibernate - Is EAGER fetching strategy pointless?

I will try to be as concise as possible. I'm using Flex/Hibernate technologies for my app. I also use Cairngorm micro-architecture for Flex. Because i'm beginner, i have probably misunderstand something about Caringorm's ModelLocator purpose. I have following problem...
Suppose that we have next data model:
USER ----------------> TOPIC -------------> COMMENT
1 M 1 M
User can start many topics, topics can have many comments etc. It is pretty simple model, just for example. In hibernate, i use EAGER fetching strategy for unidirectional USER->TOPIC and TOPIC->COMMENT relations(here is no question about best practices etc, this is just example of problem).
My ModelLocator looks like this:
public class ModelLocator ....
//private instance, private constructor, getInstance() etc...
//app state
public var users:ArrayCollection;
public var selectedUser:UserVO;
public var selectedTopic:TopicVO;
Because i use eager fetching, i can 'walk' through all object graph on my Flex client without hitting the database. This is ok as long as i don't need to insert, update, or delete some of the domain instances. But when that comes, problems with synchronization arise.
For example, if i want to show details about some user from some UserListView, when user(actor) select that user in list, i will take selected index in UserList, get element from users ArrayCollection in ModelLocator at selected index and show details about selected user.
When i want to insert new User, ok, I will save that user in database and in IResponder result method i will add that user in ModelLocator.users ArrayCollection.
But, when i want to add new topic for some user, if i still want to use convenience of EAGER fetching, i need to reload user list again... And to add topic to selected user... And if user is in some other location(indirectly), i need to insert topic there also.
Update is even worst. In that case i need to write even some logic...
My question: is this good way of using ModelLocator in Cairngorm? It seems to me that, because of mentioned, EAGER fetching is somehow pointless. In case of using EAGER fetching, synchronization on Flex client can become big problem. Should I always hit database in order to manipulate with my domain model?
It seems that i didn't make myself clear enough. Excuse me for that.
Ok, i use Spring in technology stack also and DTO(DVO) pattern with flex/spring (de)serializer, but i just wanted to stay out of that because i'm trying to point out how do you stay synchronized with database state in your flex app. I don't even mention multi-user scenario and poling/pushing topic which is, maybe, my solution because i use standard request-response mechanism. I didn't provide some concrete code, because this seems conceptual problem for me, and i use standard Cairngorm terms in order to explain pseudo-names which i use for class names, var names etc.
I'll try to 'simplify' again: you have flex client for administration of above mentioned domain(CRUD for each of domain classes), you have ListOfUsersView(shows list of users with basic infos about them), UserDetailsView(shows user details and list of user topics with delete option for each of topic), InsertNewUserTopicView(form to insert new topic) etc.
Each of view which displays some infos is synchronized with ModelLocator state variables, for example:
ListOfUsersView ------binded to------> users:ArrayCollection in ModelLocator
UserDetailsView ------binded to------> selectedUser:UserVO in ModelLocator
View state transition look like this:
So when i click on "Details" button in ListOfUsersView, in my logic, i get index of selected row in ListOfUsers, after that i take UserVO object from users:ArrayCollection in ModelLocator at mentioned index, after that i set that UserVO object as selectedUser:UserVO in ModelLocator and after that i change view state to UserDetailsView(it shows user details and selectedUser.topics) which is synchronized with selectedUser:UserVO in ModelLocator.
Now, i click "Insert new topic" button on UserDetailsView which results in InsertTopicView form. I enter some data, click "Save topic"(after successful save, UserDetailsView is shown again) and problem arise.
Because of my EAGER-ly fetched objects, i didn't hit the database in mentioned transitions and because of that there are two places for which i need to be concerned when insert new topic for selected user: one is instance of selectedUser object in users:ArrayCollection (because my logic select users from that collection and shows them in UserDetailsView), and second is selectedUser:UserVO(in order to sync UserDetailsView which comes after successfull save operation).
So, again my question arises... Should i hit database in every transition, should i reload users:ArrayCollection and selectedUser:UserVO after save in order to synchronize database state with flex client, should i take saved topic and on client side, without hitting the database, programmatically pass all places which i need to update or...?
It seems to me that EAGER-ly fetched object with their associations is not good idea. Am i wrong?
Or, to 'simplify' :) again, what should you do in the mentioned scenario? So, you need to handle click on "Save topic" button, and now what...?
Again, i really try to explain this as plastic as possible because i'm confused with this. So, please forgive me for my long post.
From my point of view the point isn't in fetching mode itself but in client/server interaction. From my previous experience with it I've finally found some disadvantages of using pure domain objects (especially with eager fetching) for client/server interaction:
You have to pass all the child collections maybe without necessity to use them on a client side. In your case it is very likely you'll display topics and comments not for all users you get from server. The most like situation you need to display user list then display topics for one of the selected users and then comments for one of the selected topics. But in current implementation you receive all the topics and comments even if they are not needed to display. It is very possible you'll receive all your DB in a single query.
Another problem is it can be very insecure to get all the user data (or some other data) with all fields (emails, addresses, passwords, credit card numbers etc).
I think there can be other reasons not to use pure domain objects especially with eager fetching.
I suggest you to introduce some Mapper (or Assembler) layer to convert your domain objects to Data Transfer Objects aka DTO. So every query to your service layer will receive data from your DAO or Active Record and then convert it to corresponding DTO using corresponding Mapper. So you can get user list without private data and query some additional user details with a separate query.
On a client side you can use these DTOs directly or convert them into client domain objects. You can do it in your Cairngorm responders.
This way you can avoid a lot of your client side problems which you described.
For a Mapper layer you can use Dozer library or create your own lightweight mappers.
Hope this helps!
What about your details I'd prefer to get user list with necessary displayable fields like first name and last name (to display in list). Say a list of SimpleUserRepresentationDTO.
Then if user requests user details for editing you request UserDetailsDTO for that user and fill tour selectedUser fields in model with it. The same is for topics.
The only problem is displaying list of users after user details editing. You can:
Request the whole list again. The advantage is you can display changes performed by other users. But if the list is too long it can be very ineffective to query all the users each time even if they are SimpleUserRepresentationDTO with minimal data.
When you get success from server on user details saving you can find corresponding user in model's user list and replace changed details there.
Tell you the truth, there's no good way of using Cairngorm. It's a crap framework.
I'm not too sure exactly what you mean by eager fetching (or what exactly is your problem), but whatever it is, it's still a request/response kind of deal and this shouldn't be a problem per say unless you're not doing something right; in which case I can't see your code.
As for frameworks, I recommend you look at RobotLegs or Parsley.
Look at the "dpHibernate" project. It implements "lazy loading" on the Flex client.

Do I need to worry about session state?

Hi all hope you can help.
I am primarily a windows developer (winforms and wpf/mvvm) and it's been 10 years since my last web application, so this is probably a daft question.
I have just redeveloped a customer satisfaction questionnaire and as I had to figure out this from scratch thought I would use MVC 3 and Razor.
The Questionnaire is a single page web site with a controller that looks something like this.
Function Index(BrandName As String, CaseID As Integer, EventID As Integer) As ActionResult
ViewData("Scores") = Scores
Dim questionnaire As New Questionnaire
questionnaire.CaseID = CaseID
questionnaire.EventID = EventID
questionnaire.BrandName = BrandName
//Get Some specific branding from the database
questionnaire.FullBrandName = "FullNameFromDatabaseTable"
Return View(questionnaire)
End Function
Function Save(questionnaire As Questionnaire) As ActionResult
If TryUpdateModel(questionnaire) Then
Return RedirectToAction("Index")
End If
Return View()
End Function
I have stripped out some database code and some stuff to get a signed image url as i don't think its relevant.
I am not sure I fully understand the magic that is happening between view and controller which is the real reason for my question.
This is going up into azure along with everything else, I am asking the question about session state because this will be load balanced accross two instances. No authentication is required to access the page as it can only be completed once.
Many Thanks
p.s I couldn't get vb style quotes to work so put in the c# one.
It doesn't look like you are doing anything that touches the session, so there's no concern about which server the post goes to. All the information to process the request is submitted with the form.
You can take a look here (specifically section titled Implementing Add New Product ) to remove some of the mystery of how form data is mapped back to server side information.
If you have any content that needs to be shared / accessed across instances, simply use the AppFabric Cache, which went live about two weeks ago. I provided a link in this SO answer. The nice thing is that you can use the cache provider with just a few lines of code to set up, then call Put() and Get() for serializable key/value pairs. When you set up the cache, you can also enable a custom session state provider with a simple web config change - the Azure portal will auto-generate the xml for you.

Creating Global Variable For Web Application - ASP.NET

i'm building my web application to connect with db.
so far i have managed to deal with it, (although i didn't build BLL & DAL).
i have a table which has column "id". i know there is a way to declare it in the SQL Server to be incremented automatically. ( but i don't want it).
i want to declare a global application variable that will hold the value.
i have 2 questions:
how i declare it?
where i create it and initialize it ? (i have several login pages).
it would be helpful if someone will tell me how do i build the DAL with my stored procedures?
and for what i need yo use BLL which i cant do in the DAL?
You can use the Application object - it is part of the HttpContext and is directly accessible on any page.
If you don't want to use it, you may want to write a Globals class (or whatever name you like) that holds static members.
public class Globals
public static int Counter { get; set;}
// accessed from other classes:
Either approach will not work of you have a web farm or several web applications and will not survive restarts.
Regardless of these options, the right solution (even if you don't want to use it - can you explain why?), is to use the ID field with the IDENTITY clause.
Storing the variable is the easy part. Managing your own ID generation and the contention and concurrency issues is the hard part. Good luck.
There really is no such thing as a global variable in ASP.NET. Remember, HTTP is stateless.
The closest you can come is storing something in the Application object:
Application["myvar" ] = x;
x = Application["myvar"];
But even here, this variable is lost when the app needs to restart, which it can do from time to time.
A much better solution for what you describe is a database value.
Incrementing an integer and then throwing that incremented ID into the db is fraught with danger. Multithreading? What happens when the application bounces? Do dev and prod deployments share the same set of numbers?
It sounds like you need a globally unique identifier and can be created outside of the database. That sounds like a job for a GUID. Sure, it takes up more space in the db, but it probably isn't the worst thing you are going to do to the database.
