Asp.Net SecuritySwitch & SSL Load balancer -

I am trying to use SecuritySwitch ( on an website.
On secure pages I get an error of: This web page has a redirect loop
I assume that SecuritySwitch is trying to detect if the request is https and redirecting if it is not. As my host uses some kind of SSL load balancer which uses the http header HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO to detect if the request is https I think that it is not recognising that the request as valid and trying to redirect again.
Can anyone think of a way to solve this?

There was no solution to this, but the good people on the project released a new version within 2days of a request being made making it possible.
SecuritySwitch (
Highly recommended!


How to create a HTTPS->HTTPS subdirectory redirect using subdomains?

I am currently having issues with setting up an HTTPS domain redirect. I have a DNS URL redirect entry that points a few sub-domains to same-server URLs. For example: -> ->
The issue I am currently experiencing is that when using the subdomains, it mostly works, but it can only use HTTP. If I attempt to use HTTPS (like for example the redirect won't work and will get stuck apparently waiting for the HTTPS certificate (I think, but I don't know for sure, since it loads forever and gets a time-out).
So my DNS provider does its job for the most part as I want, but I am not sure how to add the HTTPS encryption to these redirects. Is there maybe even some DNS configuration or even middle-man service for redirects I can use, where these HTTPS encryptions are built-In? Since receiving a "Warning: Insecure connection" every time someone uses the sub-domains is a massive problem for me.
Note though that considering I am hosting on a GitHub Pages server, I am unable to do these redirects on the server side myself, as I can't use any code in this case.
I would greatly appreciate any ideas for fixing this or what I could use to achieve this another way.
Thanks in advance!

Schemeless URLS and misbehaving crwalers

I am using schemeless urls for loading few external libraries.
The problem i am facing is that few crawlers are treating them as relative urls
How can i handle such links for crawlers.
I am using Nginx server but i am fairly new to Nginx.
is some kind of rewrite possible?
Your URL is actually valid, it's the crawler's fault for not handling this case while crawling, I would just ignore it.
Also the 404 response is also valid from your server, because the crawler is requesting which really doesn't exist.

ASP.Net MVC3 - Is there a way to ignore a request?

I have an ASP MVC3 website with a rest API service.
When a user passes in an invalid API or they have been blacklisted i wish to ignore the response.
I know I could send back a 404 or pass back an 503 but if someone keeps polling me then I would ideally like to ignore the response causing a time-out their end. Thus delaying the hammering my server gets.
Is this possible within MVC3? If so any help would be most appreciated.
Thank you
For what you want, you still need to parse the request, so it will always consume server resources, specially if you have an annoying user sending a query every 500ms...
In this situations you would block the IP / Header of the request for a period of, for example 10 minutes, but it would be a very good idea to block it on your load balancer and prevent that request that even reach your application, this is easily accomplish if you're using Amazon Services to run your Service, but all other cloud provider do support this as well, if by any means you are using a cloud hosting.
if you can only use your web application, and this is a solution that is not tested, you could add an ignored route to your routing mechanism like:
routes.IgnoreRoute("{*allignore}", new {allignore=#".*\.ignore(/.*)?"});
and upon check that the IP is banned, simple redirect using for example Response.Redirect() to your site, to a .ignore path... or, why not redirecting that request to just for the fun of it?

Redirect loop in ASP.NET app when used in America

I have a bunch of programs written in ASP.NET 3.5 and 4. I can load them fine (I'm in England) and so can my England based colleagues. My American colleagues however are suffering redirect loops when trying to load any of the apps. I have tried myself using Hide My Ass and can consistently recreate this issue.
I'm stumped. What could be causing a redirect loop for users in a specific country?!
The apps are hosted on IIS 6 on a dedicated Windows Server 2003. I have restarted IIS with no luck.
I should have made it clear that unfortunately I do not have access to the machines in the US to run Firefox Firebug/Fiddler. The message I get in Chrome is This webpage has a redirect loop..
When you say "a redirect loop", do you mean a redirect as in an http redirect? Or do you mean you have a TCP/IP routing loop?
A TCP/IP loop can be positively identified by performing a ping from one of the affected client boxes. If you get a "TTL expired" or similar message then this is routing and unlikely to be application related.
If you really meant an http redirect, try running Fiddler, or even better, HttpWatch Pro and looking at both the request headers, and the corresponding responses. Even better - try comparing the request/response headers from non-US working client/servers to the failing US counterparts
you could take a look with Live HTTP Headers in firefox and see what it's trying to redirect to. it could possibly be trying to redirect to a url based on the visitor's lang/country, or perhaps the dns is not fully propagated...
if you want to post the url, i could give you the redirect trace
What could be causing a redirect loop
for users in a specific country?!
Globalization / localization related code
Geo-IP based actions
Using different base URLs in each country, and then redirecting from one to itself. For example, if you used in the UK, and in the US, and had redirect accidentally to itself for some reason.
Incorrect redirects on 404 Not Found errors.
Spurious meta redirect tags
Incorrect redirects based on authentication errors
Many other reasons
I have tried myself using Hide My Ass
and can consistently recreate this
I have restarted IIS with no luck.
I do not have access to the machines
in the US to run Firefox
The third statement above don't make sense in light of the other two. If you can restart IIS or access the sites with a proxy, then you can run Fiddler, since it's a client-side application. Looking at the generated HTML and corresponding HTTP headers will be the best way to diagnose your problem.

Is there a way to ensure that an ASP.NET application is (only) running on the HTTPS protocol?

I'm wondering if there is a way to ensure that an ASP.NET application can only be run using the HTTPS protocol
I'm fine with any code (defensive programming measure perhaps?) that can do the trick, or possibly some IIS/web server setting that can get the job done.
IIS will definitely allow you to require HTTPS. The instructions are here.
Edit: I had to go dig for it, but there's also Request.IsSecureConnection for defensive programming.
The only problem with enforcing the SSL on the IIS level is that the user receives an ugly 403.4 page error
"The page must be viewed over a secure channel"
To make the transition seamless, you could redirect the user to the secure site using the Request.IsSecureConnection if they do not generate the request over SSL.
There is a nice article that has some good information and a helper utility class on this subject over at
