Thread.CurrentPrincipal is not set in WCF service called using WebGet -

I have a web site hosted in IIS that uses Windows Authentication and exposes WCF web services.
I configure this service with an endpoint behavior:
<serviceAuthorization principalPermissionMode ="UseAspNetRoles"
and a binding:
<security mode="TransportCredentialOnly">
<transport clientCredentialType="Ntlm" />
When the service is called, Thread.CurrentPrincipal is set to a RolePrincipal with the client's Windows identity and roles provided by by configured provider.
All is well with the world.
Now I've added some additional WCF services that are consumed by REST-ful Ajax calls: Factory="System.ServiceModel.Activation.WebScriptServiceHostFactory" in the svc file, WebGet attribute in the service contract, and the AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed) attribute on the service implementation.
I also add the following incantation to web.config as recommended in MSDN:
<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" />
My Ajax service almost works the way I want it to. When it's called, HttpContext.Current.User is set to a RolePrincipal with the roles I expect. But Thread.CurrentPrincipal remains set to an unauthenticated GenericPrincipal.
So I need to add a line of code to each of my service methods:
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = HttpContext.Current.User
Is there any incantation in the configuration file I can use to get Thread.CurrentPrincipal to be set automagically, like it is for a normal SOAP service?
Here's a blog from someone who had the same problem, and solved it by implementing custom behaviors. Surely there's a way to do this out of the box?
Coming back to add a bounty to this as it's bugging me again in a new project, using a WCF WebGet-enabled service on .NET 3.5.
I've experimented with a number of options, including setting principalPermissionMode="None", but nothing works. Here's what happens:
I navigate to a WebGet URL that calls my service: http://myserver/MyService.svc/...
I've put a breakpoint in Global.asax "Application_AuthorizeRequest". When this breakpoint is hit, both "HttpContext.Current.User" and "Thread.CurrentPrincipal" have been set to a "RolePrincipal" that uses my configured ASP.NET RoleProvider. This is the behavior I want.
I have a second breakpoint when my service's OperationContract method is called. When this breakpoint is hit, HttpContext.Current.User still references my RolePrincipal, but Thread.CurrentPrincipal has been changed to a GenericPrincipal. Aaargh.
I've seen suggestions to implement a custom IAuthorizationPolicy, and will look into that if I don't find a better solution, but why should I need to implement a custom policy to make use of existing ASP.NET authorization functionality? If I have principalPermissionMode = "UseAspNetRoles", surely WCF should know what I want?

This is an interesting question. I don't have the same setup as you, so its difficult to test whether my recommendations will apply exactly to your use case, but I can share what has worked for us with similar projects.
How we keep Thread.CurrentPrincipal and HttpContext.Current.User in Sync
We wrote an HttpModule called "AuthenticationModule" which inherits from IHtppModule.
We then attached to the HttpApplication.AuthenticateRequest event which happens very early in request lifecycle.
In our AuthenticateRequest event handler, we implement our application specific requirements including setting Thread.CurrentPrincipal and if necessary also the current context user. In this way you only implement this code once for your entire application and if it changes (like if you implement a custom Principal IIDentity) you have only one place to change it. (Don't duplicate this code in every service method.)
public class AuthenticationModule : IHttpModule
public void Dispose() { return; }
public void Init(HttpApplication app)
app.AuthenticateRequest += new EventHandler(app_AuthenticateRequest);
void app_AuthenticateRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication)sender;
// This is what you were asking for, but hey you
// could change this behavior easily.
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = app.Context.User;
Ours is actually a bit more complex as we implement a custom IIdentity, create an instance of GenericPrincipal and then assign it to both app.Context.User and Thread.CurrentPrincipal; but, the above is what you were asking for.
Don't forget to register your new HttpModule in your web.config!
For integrated app pools:
<add name="AuthenticationModule" type="YourNameSpace.AuthenticationModule" preCondition="integratedMode" />
For old classic app pools you'd have to put it in <system.web><httpModules></httpModules></system.web>
You might need to play with what goes inside that AuthenticationRequest event handler and/or the order with which you register the handler. Because ours is totally custom it might be different than what you need. We actually grab the Forms Authentication cookie, decrypt it, etc... you might need to ping some built in methods for WindowsAuthentication.
I believe this is a more generic way to handle your application authentication stuff as it applies to all HttpRequests whether that be a page request, an IHttpHandler, some 3rd party component, etc... That will keep it consistent throughout your app.

I'm not sure. Maybe this will help
<identity impersonate="true" />


WCF request doesn't flow via pipeline

I have a WCF service hosted in an application.
Here's the service (shortened):
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Required)]
[ServiceContract(Name = Name, Namespace = Namespace)]
[ServiceBehavior(Name = Name, Namespace = Namespace)]
public class WcfMaintenanceFacade {...}
Here's hosting:
RouteTable.Routes.Add(new ServiceRoute("entity/maintenance/5.20", new ServiceHostFactory(), typeof(WcfMaintenanceFacade)));
And here's relevant config section:
<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true"/>
My service instantiates, the requests are coming in, and event HttpContext.Current is not empty.
There are two (major, for me) issues that I can't solve:
HttpContext.Current.Session is empty
Global.asax's Application_BeginRequest is never called
And yes, from the call stack it seems like the request is going through WCF activation pipeline, not pipeline. So what am I doing wrong?
About the session, you handle it with OperationContext.Current.RequestContext instead of HttpContext.Current.Session.
HttpContext: Current is always null when accessed from within a WCF
service. Use
T:System.ServiceModel.OperationContext.Current.RequestContext instead.
Read more here:
Application_BeginRequest are used by ASP.Net applications, but WCF works different from common web applications, thus BeginRequest could not be hit on each request.
The ASP.NET HTTP runtime handles ASP.NET requests but does not
participate in the processing of requests destined for WCF services
.... he WCF Service Model intercepts messages addressed to WCF
services and routes them through the WCF transport/channel stack
So, your problem can be related to this issue. This information is also available at the same link.
Hope it helps with your questions.
And the answer is simple (and, well, obvious):
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">
For me it is clear that these two technologies are not supposed to be working in the same application, and that's why they have two different pipelines. Service by the nature is an isolated thing. Now you just try to find a workaround, relying on the fact they both work on same IIS.
I would recommend you rather start from the goals, from what you want to achieve. If you need new service-like functionality integrated into native ASP.NET application you can
1) use ASMX services (will give you SAOP if you need it) and/or page methods
2) try to integrate WEB API in case you need JSON service.

How to set machineKey on Azure Website

I'm running an Azure Website. Whenever I deploy, everyone gets logged out because the machineKey changes.
I specified the machineKey in the web.config but this didn't solve the issue. I believe this is because Azure automatically overwrites the machineKey [1].
I've found a couple of similar questions here but the answers link to dead links.
So, what's the solution? Surely there's a way to keep users logged in regardless of deployments on Azure.
Try to reset the machine-key configuration section upon Application_Start:
protected void Application_Start()
// ...
var mksType = typeof(MachineKeySection);
var mksSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.web/machineKey") as MachineKeySection;
var resetMethod = mksType.GetMethod("Reset", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
var newConfig = new MachineKeySection();
newConfig.ApplicationName = mksSection.ApplicationName;
newConfig.CompatibilityMode = mksSection.CompatibilityMode;
newConfig.DataProtectorType = mksSection.DataProtectorType;
newConfig.Validation = mksSection.Validation;
newConfig.ValidationKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MK_ValidationKey"];
newConfig.DecryptionKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MK_DecryptionKey"];
newConfig.Decryption = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MK_Decryption"]; // default: AES
newConfig.ValidationAlgorithm = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MK_ValidationAlgorithm"]; // default: SHA1
resetMethod.Invoke(mksSection, new object[] { newConfig });
The above assumes you set the appropriate values in the <appSettings> section:
<add key="MK_ValidationKey" value="...08EB13BEC0E42B3F0F06B2C319B..." />
<add key="MK_DecryptionKey" value="...BB72FCE34A7B913DFC414E86BB5..." />
<add key="MK_Decryption" value="AES" />
<add key="MK_ValidationAlgorithm" value="SHA1" />
But you can load your actual values from any configuration source you like.
If Azure is rewriting your machineKey, you can't do much about it, as it is part of their infrastructure. However, there are other methods.
Override FormsAuthentication
This should not be difficult as you can easily look up for source code of FormsAuthentication and create your own logic and replace MachineKey with your own key stored in web.config or in your database.
Custom Authentication Filter
The simplest way would be to create a filter and check, verify, encrypt decrypt cookies in your filter. You need to do this on OnAuthorization method and create new instance of IPrincipal and set IsAuthenticated to true if descryption was successful.
Enable OAuth and create OAuthProvider. However you will need to host OAuthProvider on server that is in your control as that will need machineKey working.
Enable Third Party OAuth, if you enable OAuth with Google, Facebook etc, it will be easy as user will be redirected to OAuth provider and they will continue to login automatically and a new session will be established.
I had the same issue and in my case I was using the webdeploy to Azure wizard in VS13. I thought I was going crazy as I would set the machinekey in the web.config and then it would be changed on the deployed web.config to autogenerate. It is something in the webdeploy script/settings. My solution was to open the live azure site from within VS13 using the Server Explorer and then editing the web.config and saving changes. This preserved my settings with my supplied keys and all works fine.

Completely custom authentication in ASP.NET MVC: losing HttpContext.User

I have my very own authentication system ( which doesn't use any of the standard ASP.NET stuff (<authentication mode="None" />).
It uses plain IHttpModules to do its job: BeginRequest inspects incoming cookies and sets HttpContext.Current.User and Thread.CurrentPrincipal upon successful authentication
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = HttpContext.Current.User =
new GenericPrincipal(tokenIdentity,new string[] { });
whereas EndRequest issues all the required cookies for an authenticated user.
This has been working fine for months now, but on some systems (and I really cannot tell how are they different from ones this actually works on) ASP.NET seems to be losing the value of HttpContext.Current.User, replacing it with whatever default values there are (GenericPrincipal aggregating GenericIdentity with IsAuthenticated set to false, etc).
So the question is: how and why is HttpContext.Current.User getting lost?
It sounds like there is another module that is modifying HttpContext.Current.User after BeginRequest. I would recommend setting it instead in PostAuthenticateRequest.
I've had this problem before with ASP.NET enabling the RoleManager module. Adding the following to the system.web section of web.config fixed it.
<remove name="RoleManager"/>
Here's some amplifying information about what I did to fix this:
1) Figure out what other modules are running. Here's an article that provides some code for doing this.
2) Make sure you are setting HttpContext.Current.User in the correct place. BeginRequest isn't a good place to hook in. PostAuthenticateRequest is usually the best (and recommended). This won't prevent the problem if another module is also using PostAuthenticateRequest and it happens to be run after yours, but in many cases it will resolve the issue (use the web.config snippet above).
3) Selectively disable each installed module and test your application until your custom Principal object is not overwritten.

How do I Resolve an application URL from a background thread in ASP.NET MVC?

The app splits off into two threads; the main web app and a secondary thread used for asynchronous event handling. The secondary thread receives an event where it needs to send an email with a fully qualified URL of the main app (plus additional route arguments) inside it.
Of course the background thread does not have the luxury of using HttpContext.Current to resolve a Url, because there's no request. No HttpRequest, no HttpContext...
I discovered that most of the methods ASP.NET (even with MVC) uses to build URLs rely on HttpContext. Does there exist a way to build a fully qualified application URL in ASP.NET without using HttpContext or any of it's derivatives?
I'm looking for a thread-safe method like:
Any Ideas? Your suggestions are much appreciated.
I had this exact problem. I ended up storing the url in the web.config file. I did mine like so:
<!-- Urls -->
<add key="AppDomain" value="http://localhost:1273/" />
<add key="ConfirmUrl" value="http://localhost:1273/Auth/Confirm/?code={0}" />
and called it like this in the service layer:
string confirmUrl = string.Format(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConfirmUrl"], confirmCode);
If you can't just use the configuration file, when creating the Thread, use the ThreadStart delegate to provide the base information you need to the new thread.

Can't get FormsAuthentication to properly work with WCF

I have both the wcf and project together in the same project. (I'm running on Azure, so this is more convenient).
I have this set in the web.config:
<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" />
My wcf service is decorated with:
RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
With those attributes set, shouldn't the HttpContext.Current.User be automatically set for me when I run methods in my wcf service? Currently, HttpContext.Current.User is null and not being set for me automatically.
I thought if I used aspNetCompatibilityEnabled then the Application_AuthenticationRequest method would fire in the Global.asax when the wcf method is executed, but, it does not.
The .aspxauth cookie is getting correctly passed to the wcf service, and I'm able to manually decrypt the cookie and set the current user.
Suggestions of why this is not working the way I expect?
Are you getting the expected user identity in the
field which is available inside your server method's code?? It should be some form of an IIdentity descendant giving you the user info, if available.
