Generating sequence in R [closed] - r

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Closed 11 years ago.
I need to generate the numbers from 2 to 100 excluding the numbers (11,21,31,41 etc).
I know to do 2 to 100 is simply 2:100 but I am uncertain how I would go about excluding certain values.
Thanks for any help.

probably not too elegant but works.
c(1:100)[-seq(from=1, to=91, by=10)]
however, your question could have been improved ;)


converting MIAMIA305 to map in R [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have got a little problem. I have data which I want to map but the thing is that I dont have real location names just the short forms like: SANSAN210 OR miamia305 which I think is the the state and the county and the area code phone number. Does anyone how to convert this so I can map it on the us map?
All you need is the area code (or possibly the county-areacode intersection). There are area code maps as shapefiles. Use readShapePoly or readOGR and merge the two.

R statistics assessing probability of cases. What is the chance in bridge ... [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
What is the chance that the first five cards chosen from a deck of 52(bridge/poker) cards will contain Two(only two) cards of the same denomination(two 3's for example)?
How can we solve the following problem by resampling method in R
On Wikipedia, they have the formula for finding the probability for two alike cards, three of a kind, etc.. I'd use that formula.

R: gwidgets: RGtk2: gfile: multi=TRUE is not functional [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I've noticed that multi=TRUE is not functional when used in gfile.
For example look at the following structure:
getfiles <- gfile(type = c("open"), filter=list("txt"=list(patterns=("*.txt"))), multi=TRUE)
Thanks, there is a typo. Try using "multiple" instead of "multi" for now or grab the latest from r-forge.

Finding Loop Invariant Proof, Help Please? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
So I have this assignment:
I need help with question 2.
I thought I knew how to do it, when I realized the factorials are being computed backwards. The algorithm is correct intuitively, but I can't seem to find a loop invariant that holds true before the loop starts.
I'm confused. Thanks.
Hint. It does not change the result of the algorithm if you add z <- y before the loop begins. Does that make your loop invariant easier to find?
This is probably what you're looking for. It doesn't contain only the answer itself but also provides a useful explanation so i reckon it's good learning material.

Can anyone tell me the regex for excluding numbers and special characters in ASP.NET? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
How do I get the regular expression for excluding special charaters and numbers? Thanks in advance.
Try the following: ^[a-zA-Z]*$
possible regex
this will match anything but ()[]{}*&^%$##!
the [^...]+ is a "any character except ..." and the ] must be escaped with \]
