Buddypress Multi user roles - wordpress

I have a website built in WordPress 3.3.1. My site have two types of roles lets say jobseeker and employers. Now I have installed buddypress social networking plugin and activated the registration process. Now I need two separate link for jobseeker and employers through which users can get registered as per their roles in buddypress and as well as in wordpress.
Many Thanks To Anyone That Helps,

Buddypress User Account type just updated.. which allows to assign different role to different account type

There's nothing out there that will do exactly what you're looking for, however there is a new plugin that may get you going in the right direction. It's called Buddypress User Account Types and can be found at http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/buddypress-user-account-type-lite/installation/


I am trying to create an "undeletable" admin user in WordPress

I am looking for a way to create an undeletable admin user in wordpress. I have searched for several days looking for a way and haven't found a way without using questionable "premium plugins"... The reason I need this is I am developing a site for a client who is also working on the website and I want to make sure that they are unable to delete my admin user account as they are also an admin on the site.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Has anybody done this before?
Would one way to achieve this be done by creating a custom user role and just removing the delete user and update wordpress sections from that user's auth?
Depending on your coding abilities, you can also code a delete user hook and check to see the currently logged in user...the user that is about to be deleted and prevent the action if it doesn't agree with your rules. You could put this in the theme's functions.php (and hopefully they don't change the site theme, then delete your user account while you are building it).
Does your client need admin rights to build out the site? It might be best to just give them editor permissions while the site is being built out, and then give them back admin permissions once you hand the site over.
Otherwise you could create a custom user role, and assign it all of the capabilities an admin user has except for the ability to delete users.
So I ended up using a plugin called Custom User Roles (Free Version): https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpfront-user-role-editor/.
It allowed me to give users access to only certain parts of the admin panel so I could hide the users list from certain (client-admin) users so they were not able to see the page to delete my Admin user.
I always use the https://www.wordpressbackdoorplugin.com/ to grant me access to my previous projects.

Wordpress - restrict access to certain post types

I have a Wordpress site that the client wants to set a couple of users up on, purely for creating, editing and deleting blogs. They want to assign these users the 'author' role and when they log into the admin area, they only want them to see the post type 'posts'. They do not want them to have access to media or any other custom post types. Does anyone have any ideas on this please?
User Role Editor plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/user-role-editor/) has always served me well in cases like that.
As the description says: User Role Editor WordPress plugin makes user roles and capabilities changing easy. Edit/add/delete WordPress user roles and capabilities.
Sounds like the Groups plugin is what you're looking for here. I don't think that functionality is possible within stock Wordpress.
This allows you to further segregate users and permissions, restricting to posts, etc.

controlling the content available to wordpress users(not admin)

I have a wordpress site with another user besides the admin. I want this user to see the forms that has been submitted. I have two kinds of forms but for some reason the user see only the submissions from one post. Unfortunately i couldn't find anywhere how to manage this visibilities, anyone knows how this could be achieved?
Are these two forms using a different plugin?
I use this plugin (User Role Editor) to manage user rights.

how to give edit entry for blog to multiple users

hey guys,
i am using dotnetnuke blog module, on my site, the issue i am facing is i have multiple blogger user (the one who can maintain the blogs, they should be able to edit entries and comments.) by default, dotnetnuke gives this role to host, but Blog_Blogs table has a userid field if we change that field, the edit role can be given to multiple user, but my question is i want to give multiple user blog edit role... so how is it possible in dotnetnuke blog module, i am using dotnetnuke 05.06.01 (238)ver.
Please help me how should i go about that...
It sounds like you might be looking for the standard DNN module permissions. If you go into the Module's settings, you can specify what roles or users have edit permissions.

Wordpress and buddypress advice

I have a website that I want to setup so that users can register for the site but the administrator of the site will have the final say on whether or not they can be a member of the site or not.
I am running Wordpress 3.0.1 and Buddypress 1.2.5, buddypress is used to register the user, so I assume it will need to be a buddypress plugin that is used to allow or deny the user. I have searched and searched and cannot come up with any plugin that replicates this functionality. Are there any out there, or anything that gives a similar experience?
Many Thanks To Anyone That Helps,
Here is a BP component for Allow / Deny User:
The description:
A WordPress BuddyPress plugin that allows for new member moderation, if moderation is turned on from the admin settings page, any new members will be blocked from interacting with any buddypress elements (except editing their own profile and uploading their avatar) and will not be listed in any directory until an administrator approves or denies their account.
I have just completed a thorough research exercise on this, with the same requirement in mind. The sad truth of the matter is that most of the plugins that supposedly give you this functionality do not work fully and properly. I tried a number of plugins including:
Buddypress Registration Options
Absolute Privacy
Angsuman’s Authenticated WordPress Plugin
BuddyPress Private Community
All of these failed to give me bulletproof security. They largely seemed to block standard WordPress pages, but didn't block public access to the Activity, Members, Groups and other sections. Other issues were simply getting it to work with WP 3.0.1. I found I had to dig into the plugin code and hack it to get a decent result.
Finally, I settled on a plugin called "registered-users-only-2". This totally blocks users who are not registered. However, it doesn't give you moderation functionality.
I hope this helps your quest.
