web user control persisting properties (viewstate, session, context) Am I missing something - asp.net

Maybe someone can help me out. I have created a simple web user control, a date and time picker, to be dropped onto my webform. This all works very nicely, I can set properties, usee the control satisfactorily for ui etc.
When it comes time to "use" the controls selected_date_time property, I just cant get it to persist. Nothing.. I have researched and tried endlessly using viewsate, context and session. Onbiouosly session works, but its dirty, and I am using two copies of this control (start and end time), so session vars really needs to be hacked to maket his work.
Am I missing something? The control gets initialized every time something happens, and obviuosly loses its state information. The ui keeps its state tho, as I can select a date, write that date to a label, and that persists. But when I try to access my properties of the control to retreive the selected combined date and time, (that is already persisting visually), its nothing. I debuggeed and it gets initialized everytime I do any form of post on the page.
Can someone please shed some light on this for me? Its really starting to be an issue now.
Thanks in advance.
Example: (simple components)
UC _ save_method
ViewState("var_time") = "My veiwstate text"
form _read_method
dim str as string = ViewState("var_time")
form sees nothing in the viewstate var.
I have also tried it with normal properties and values, which wasn't working, which is why I moved on to viewsate var's for my properties. Right now, I am just trying to get the viewstate to work even without properties.
Seems my form and the control must have two seperate viewstates? I am a bit of a n00b concerning viewstates.
You have to explicitly reset your properties on the prerender method of the control. My misunderstanding was that the page and the control share the same single viewstate. Turns out the control and the page that its on, has its own independant viewstates.
So absically, on your property set function in the control, set your value in the viewstate, and upon prerender, take that viewstate value, and set the property get variable =- the value in viewstate.
You can now access the property from your page as if everything was normal and the world is not ending... pheww
Thanks to cnay for directing me.
'Usr control xyz
Protected Sub Page_PreRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.PreRender
my_time = ViewState("var_time")
'my_time is the get variable for property date_time
End Sub
'page use

Perhaps, you should post the complete control code to get the better answer but speaking in general terms - view-state (or control state) is a typically correct approach to persists control state such as properties. Each control instance get the different view-state bag and hence collisions are easily avoided.
Now, coming to your problem, a typical editable control first restores its state from view-state and then uses the request data to modify the state as needed. For example, a simple text-box control would persists its text value in view-state. On post-back, the text value will be restored from the view-state and then gets overwritten by the value present in the request (looked up by UniqueID property).
Now, for user controls, typically you can use child controls values (or properties) to derive the control value/properties - so these may not use view-state. However, if you add properties/state that is not backup by child controls then you may have to back them up in the view-state. So let's say your user control has two child controls - one for Date and other for time then can combine their values to get the selected date-time value for your control.


Using a class in PostBack

I am totally new to classes and OOP, so please bear with me.
I am creating a large scale web app which I'm trying to keep tidy by creating my own classes.
For instance I have a Public Class Product which has several properties. One way I am using it is on page load a product ID is assigned to the ID property which in turn gets the details for that product and assigns the various data to the other properties. So within my code I can used for example product.price or product.description and get the appropriate values. This has worked fine, but I found that because the class was initiated on page load it was getting the data from the DB each time that the page refreshed. I stopped this by using an If Not IsPostback to initiate the class. This meant that the data was pulled in only on the initial page load. So far so good.
I then needed to compare a value in a textbox with a property of the product. I have a textchanged event with
If textbox1.Text <> product.description Then....
but here I get a wavy line under product.description and VS2010 is saying that the object is not defined. Its Dim'd in the page.load so I moved the Dim statement outside the page class so that it will be accessible to all events on the page.
The dim statement is Dim product as New product
In my not ispostback chunk of code I have for example product.ID = 1 which will get all the product properties for product 1
The wavy line has gone but when I run the page all works fine on page load. Data is displayed so my product class is working fine. As soon as I make a change in textbox1 and the event triggers product.description is nothing. It got reinitalised.
How do I stop this from happening...
Your "Product" is not persisted between postbacks.
Only control objects in aspx page are persisted/restored automatically.
To remedy this there are multiple approaches.
If Product is loaded via setting "Product.id=1" then what I woudl do is have a hiddenfield that receives the value of the product.id during prerender event (to save it in the page) and in an init event I would restore the "Product.id=hiddenfield.value" but only when it is a postback to reload your object.
Thanks for picking my answer. I'll elaborate a little on the various ways to deal with this and why I suggested my answer.
Store Key in HiddenField Reload from DB:
PROS: Product is always Fresh/Correct/Current values. Corresponding to the database. Databases are very efficient to return a record based on a primary key. Very little data is sent to and posted back from the client browser. Low complexity. Each page opened by the client is safely isolated.
CONS: Multiple database transactions. If the DB is already strained or extremely massive you may need to consider even the smallest efficiency gain, but this is not common or likely on a primary key based record
Session State (store entire object):
PROS: Lowest time to "load" object since it's available in memory already once loaded. Less DB Transactions. No data piggy backed to the client and back again.
CONS: Object can become "out-of-date" if altered in the DB. Users who open multiple pages of your application can end up getting the wrong object if both require a different "Product", so instead to be totally safe you need a more complex structure in place to store more then one product or store them based on some kind of key (such as the product ID). Server Memory is used, if serving thousands of users or your product data is large it can become an issue, especially if you do this in many pages with many objects.
Serialization (store the entire object in the page in a field, similar to event state):
PROS: Once loaded, the Database is accessed only once for a specific product, then the product is held, in it's entirety inside the page, it is recreated by the server from the data in the field or via viewstate. Each page opened by the client is safely isolated. Is fairly easy to implement storing in ViewState of the Page.
CONS: Object can become "out-of-date" if altered in the DB. ALLOT more data is added to your page responce and the users next page request. Is more complex to implement because the object needs to be designed to be serialized correctly. Complex objects require allot of manual code to be serialized successfully.
again, there are many other ways to deal with this, such as storing items in a synclocked dictionary style object global to the application, but is considerablby more and more complex as you go.
This is likely the standard ASP.NET page life cycle problem.
After you initialize the page, it gets sent to the user's browser. When the user clicks on something, the browser sends a postback request back to your application. The view state allows the textbox1 object to remember what was in its Text property. However, your Page_Load ran from scratch, and, yes, everything including your product object got recreated from scratch.
If you want your product object to "remember" what it knew before the postback, you'll have to remind it. One way would be to store the initialized value in Session state, and then refresh your product object during the postback section of the Page_Load method.
Every time you do a postback, you're working with a new instance of your page class. The prior copy of your class was thrown away and probably disposed before your browser even rendered the page to the screen.
If you want to persist a value across http requests (of which postbacks are just one type), then you need to put it somewhere like the Session.

How bindable controls (GridView, Repeater) maintain source data between postbacks

I use GridView & Repeater (and other like DropDownList) controls extensively in my application along with ObjectDataSource components and classes that serve data for ObjectDataSource (TypeName / SelectMethod attributes on ObjectDataSource). I recently noticed that SelectMethod is only called when
IsPostBack == false
Also, when I bind manually, I always bind when !IsPostBack. I never was curious how controls maintain their data between postbacks, until now (I have to create GridView with sorting/pagination etc and I want to do it efficently).
Could you explain / provide some links with descriptions how it's done?
Also I don't get one thing: when working with GridView and I iterate over rows, sometimes I need to access its GridViewRow.DataItem property in order to get backing object (usually to get some kind of ID). And sometimes it's null - sometimes not. I couldn't figure out why. However then it's null, I still can access (for instance) GridViewRow.DataKeys.
EDIT: know when answers say that it thanks to ViewState, I have another question: If I data bind 100 business objects which are pretty heavy and I only use a few properties while data binding (let's say I also use OnRowDataBound event to render some additional data), does it mean that whole objects are serialized?
ASP.Net uses ViewState a hidden variable in the all HTML pages to maintain state of a page.
Reasd this for more understanding
They store it in a hidden field on the page called ViewState (or more precisely "__VIEWSTATE"). If you do a View Source on your ASPX page, you'll see it.
You too can store and retrieve state information for your page in the ViewState by accessing the ViewState property of your Page.
I'd start here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms972976.aspx
So, yes, if you store a large number of large objects, there is a large amount of data being transferred to and fro to the client in the page cycle. Used carefully, Viewstate can be useful, but used carelessly, it can have negative effects.

Retain Dynamic dropdown values

I have 3 dyanmically generated dropdowns in this aspx page. The 2nd and 3rd one are populated as per the selected value of the first one (I've the code for creating the 2nd and 3rd dropdown in 1st one's selectedindexchanged event)
How do I write the code in a such a way that when I traverse back to the page, the dynamic dropdowns retain their selected values?
I'm assuming that what you mean when you say that you "traverse back" to the page is that you navigate to a different page on the site and come back to this page that it's dropdown values will be filled in with what the user selected.
Remember that HTTP is an inherintly statless protocol in that it won't remember data in between postback to the servers. In order to overcome this limitation ASP.NET and other web frameworks use various ways of saving data between request. Currently you are relying on "ViewState" that is stored within the page as a hidden variable called __VIEWSTATE (look at the page source sometime to get an idea of what field looks like) this scope of this hidden variable is when the page first gets loaded and everytime you do a postback to the same page. From your description you probably need a longer term persistance called SessionState or Cookies that will store values for a particular Session.
Here is a link from MSDN that contains interesting information regarding all the possible ways of saving state in an ASP.NET application. Let me know if you've got any other questions.
Here's a link to the MSDN article on Session State. My recommendation is to be careful with Session state and only store things that are absolutely required. Also I'd recommend you have a Class that contains the a bunch of constant for the Session Keys. It's easier to manage
ie instead of
string value = Session["Key"];
//Create a class SessionKeys
Class SessionKeys{
public const string SESSION_KEY = "Key"
//Now that string is strongly typed and you don't have to worry about misspelling it
string value = Sesssion[SessionKeys.SESSION_KEY];

How to save value across postbacks for a composite control without using viewstate

I have a composite control that has a couple of private fields that reference values in the cache and these private fields are called during the constructor method. Since a string key is used to identify the value in the cache, I must have a way of storing that string key in such a way that it is available at the time the control is instantiated, and I have to be able to reference it on postbacks without it changing.
In addition, this key is generated the first time the control is loaded, but it should not be changed again after that first time.
How can I accomplish this?
I have already tried saving it to viewstate, but that doesn't work because viewstate is not yet available at the time the control is instantiated.
I have tried using a private field and then checking against Page.IsPostback in the constructor and if it isn't postback, I assign a value to the private field, but on subsequent postbacks it looses it's value, and I can't reassign it in the Page.IsPostBack again because it is an autogenerated GUID.
This has got to be something folks have had to do before....
There isn't a lot of state info available during control construction at all, so this could be difficult. Is there some reason you can't move your code which accesses the Cache'ed info into the control's Init event?
I assume you can't use Session because the information stored is related to that specific request/postback. If it's not specific to that request, using Session could be a possibility - but I think you may encounter other problems trying to deal with control state so early in the lifetime.
After seeing your comment to the other answer; you should be able to move your code that checks for the cached datasource into the control's Init or even Load event, so the state will be available.
Also, incidentally; are you sure you really need to cache this data? That could end up taking up a lot of server memory.
Have you tried Session?
You can store anything you like in the session object for one particular user, maintaining the value / object between postbacks.
If you want to store on a global basis and not per ser basis, try Application
Although this isn't the best solution (rearranging your logic to fit the lifecycle model generally is), have you tried accessing the Request directly? I once really wanted to get the selected value off a DropDownList very early in the lifecycle so I could adjust some elements in the building, and I did it like this:
myDropDownList.SelectedValue = Page.Request.Form[myDropDownList.UniqueID];
So instead of waiting for the viewstate to load the server-side proxie's values, I just got it myself from the client-side control value that was passed in on the post. I probably would do things differently if I redesigned that page, but it seems to have worked out alright for now and it solved the problem I was having.

Should I store a database ID field in ViewState?

I need to retrieve a record from a database, display it on a web page (I'm using ASP.NET) but store the ID (primary key) from that record somewhere so I can go back to the database later with that ID (perhaps to do an update).
I know there are probably a few ways to do this, such as storing the ID in ViewState or a hidden field, but what is the best method and what are the reasons I might choose this method over any others?
It depends.
Do you care if anyone sees the record id? If you do then both hidden fields and viewstate are not suitable; you need to store it in session state, or encrypt viewstate.
Do you care if someone submits the form with a bogus id? If you do then you can't use a hidden field (and you need to look at CSRF protection as a bonus)
Do you want it unchangable but don't care about it being open to viewing (with some work)? Use viewstate and set enableViewStateMac="true" on your page (or globally)
Want it hidden and protected but can't use session state? Encrypt your viewstate by setting the following web.config entries
<pages enableViewState="true" enableViewStateMac="true" />
<machineKey ... validation="3DES" />
Do you want the end user to know the ID? For example if the id value is a standard 1,1 seed from the database I could look at the number and see how many customers you have. If you encrypt the value (as the viewstate can) I would find it much harder to decypher the key (but not impossible).
The alternative is to store it in the session, this will put a (very small if its just an integer) performance hit on your application but mean that I as a user never see that primary key. It also exposes the object to other parts of your application, that you may or may not want it to be exposed to (session objects remain until cleared, a set time (like 5 mins) passes or the browser window is closed - whichever happens sooner.
View state values cause extra load on the client after every post back, because the viewstate not only saves objects for the page, but remembers objects if you use the back button. That means after every post back it viewstate gets slightly bigger and harder to use. They will only exist on he page until the browser goes to another page.
Whenever I store an ID in the page like this, I always create a property
public int CustomerID {
get { return ViewState("CustomerID"); }
set { ViewState("CustomerID") = value; }
Public Property CustomerID() As Integer
Return ViewState("CustomerID")
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
ViewState("CustomerID") = value
End Set
End Property
That way if you decide to change it from Viewstate to a session variable or a hidden form field, it's just a case of changing it in the property reference, the rest of the page can access the variable using "Page.CustomerID".
ViewState is an option. It is only valid for the page that you are on. It does not carry across requests to other resources like the Session object.
Hidden fields work too, but you are leaking and little bit of information about your application to anyone smart enough to view the source of your page.
You could also store your entire record in ViewState and maybe avoid another round trip to th server.
I personally am very leery about putting anything in the session. Too many times our worker processes have cycled and we lost our session state.
As you described your problem, I would put it in a hidden field or in the viewstate of the page.
Also, when determining where to put data like this, always look at the scope of the data. Is it scoped to a single page, or to the entire session? If the answer is 'session' for us, we put it in a cookie. (Disclaimer: We write intranet apps where we know cookies are enabled.)
If its a simple id will choose to pass it in querystring, that way you do not need to do postbacks and page is more accessible for users and search engines.
It would be a little safer and essentially offers the same mechanics as putting it in the viewstate
I tend to stick things like that in hidden fields just do a little
<asp:label runat=server id=lblThingID visible=false />
