Hashtables in ocaml - hashtable

Is it possible to store different types in the same hashtable (Hashtbl) in Ocaml? Are hashtables really restricted to just one type?

Yes, hash tables entries are restricted to one type for each table. This is really a question about the OCaml type sytem and not about hash tables. If it seems odd to require things to be the same type in a hash table, how about in a list?
Without knowing the problem you're solving, it's hard to know what to suggest. However, a common thing to do is to create an algebraic type that has one variant for each of the types you're dealing with:
type alg = A of int | B of float
A value of type (string, alg) Hashtbl.t would store ints and floats, using a string as the lookup key.
# let ht = Hashtbl.create 44;;
val ht : ('_a, '_b) Hashtbl.t = <abstr>
# Hashtbl.add ht "yes" (A 3);;
- : unit = ()
# Hashtbl.add ht "no" (B 1.7);;
- : unit = ()
# ht;;
- : (string, alg) Hashtbl.t = <abstr>
# Hashtbl.find ht "yes";;
- : alg = A 3
After you get used to the flexible and strong typing of OCaml, it's hard to go back to systems without it.


Balanced tree for functional symbol table

I'm doing exercises of "Modern Compiler Implementation in ML" (Andrew Appel). One of which (ex 1.1 d) is to recommend a balanced-tree data structure for functional symbol table. Appeal mentioned such data structure should rebalance on insertion but not on lookup. Being totally new to functional programming, I found this confusing. What is key insight on this requirement?
A tree that’s rebalanced on every insertion and deletion doesn’t need to rebalance on lookup, because lookup doesn’t modify the structure. If it was balanced before a lookup, it will stay balanced during and after.
In functional languages, insertion and rebalancing can be more expensive than in a procedural one. Because you can’t alter any node in place, you replace a node by creating a new node, then replacing its parent with a new node whose children are the new daughter and the unaltered older daughter, and then replace the grandparent node with one whose children are the new parent and her older sister, and so on up. You finish when you create a new root node for the updated tree and garbage-collect all the nodes you replaced. However, some tree structures have the desirable property that they need to replace no more than O(log N) nodes of the tree on an insertion and can re-use the rest. This means that the rotation of a red-black tree (for example) has not much more overhead than an unbalanced insertion.
Also, you will typically need to query a symbol table much more often than you update it. It therefore becomes less tempting to try to make insertion faster: if you’re inserting, you might as well rebalance.
The question of which self-balancing tree structure is best for a functional language has been asked here, more than once.
Since Davislor already answered your question extensively, here are mostly some implementation hints. I would add that choice of data structure for your symbol table is probably not relevant for a toy compiler. Compilation time only starts to become an issue when you compiler is used on a lot of code and the code is recompiled often.
Sticking to a O(n) insert/lookup data structure is fine in practice until it isn't.
Signature-wise, all you want is a key-value mapping, insert, and lookup:
signature SymTab =
type id
type value
type symtab
val empty : symtab
val insert : id -> value -> symtab -> symtab
val lookup : id -> symtab -> value option
A simple O(n) implementation with lists might be:
structure ListSymTab : SymTab =
type id = string
type value = int
type symtab = (id * value) list
val empty = []
fun insert id value [] = [(id, value)]
| insert id value ((id',value')::symtab) =
if id = id'
then (id,value)::symtab
else (id',value')::insert id value symtab
fun lookup _ [] = NONE
| lookup id ((id',value)::symtab) =
if id = id' then SOME value else lookup id symtab
You might use it like:
- ListSymTab.lookup "hello" (ListSymTab.insert "hello" 42 ListSymTab.empty);
> val it = SOME 42 : int option
Then again, maybe your symbol table doesn't map strings to integers, or you may have one symbol table for variables and one for functions.
You could parameterise the id/value types using a functor:
functor ListSymTabFn (X : sig
eqtype id
type value
end) : SymTab =
type id = X.id
type value = X.value
(* The rest is the same as ListSymTab. *)
And you might use it like:
- structure ListSymTab = ListSymTabFn(struct type id = string type value = int end);
- ListSymTab.lookup "world" (ListSymTab.insert "hello" 42 ListSymTab.empty);
> val it = NONE : int option
All you need for a list-based symbol table is that the identifiers/symbols can be compared for equality. For your balanced-tree symbol table, you need identifiers/symbols to be orderable.
Instead of implementing balanced trees from scratch, look e.g. at SML/NJ's RedBlackMapFn:
To create a structure implementing maps (dictionaries) over a type T [...]:
structure MapT = RedBlackMapFn (struct
type ord_key = T
val compare = compareT
Try this example with T as string and compare as String.compare:
$ sml
Standard ML of New Jersey v110.76 [built: Sun Jun 29 03:29:51 2014]
- structure MapS = RedBlackMapFn (struct
type ord_key = string
val compare = String.compare
[library $SMLNJ-BASIS/basis.cm is stable]
[library $SMLNJ-LIB/Util/smlnj-lib.cm is stable]
[autoloading done]
structure MapS : ORD_MAP?
- open MapS;
Opening the structure is an easy way to explore the available functions and their types.
We can then create a similar functor to ListSymTabFn, but one that takes an additional compare function:
functor RedBlackSymTabFn (X : sig
type id
type value
val compare : id * id -> order
end) : SymTab =
type id = X.id
type value = X.value
structure SymTabX = RedBlackMapFn (struct
type ord_key = X.id
val compare = X.compare
(* The 'a map type inside SymTabX maps X.id to anything. *)
(* We are, however, only interested in mapping to values. *)
type symtab = value SymTabX.map
(* Use other stuff in SymTabT for empty, insert, lookup. *)
Finally, you can use this as your symbol table:
structure SymTab = RedBlackSymTabFn(struct
type id = string
type value = int
val compare = String.compare

Extract nth element of a tuple

For a list, you can do pattern matching and iterate until the nth element, but for a tuple, how would you grab the nth element?
TL;DR; Stop trying to access directly the n-th element of a t-uple and use a record or an array as they allow random access.
You can grab the n-th element by unpacking the t-uple with value deconstruction, either by a let construct, a match construct or a function definition:
let ivuple = (5, 2, 1, 1)
let squared_sum_let =
let (a,b,c,d) = ivuple in
a*a + b*b + c*c + d*d
let squared_sum_match =
match ivuple with (a,b,c,d) -> a*a + b*b + c*c + d*d
let squared_sum_fun (a,b,c,d) =
a*a + b*b + c*c + d*d
The match-construct has here no virtue over the let-construct, it is just included for the sake of completeness.
Do not use t-uples, Don¹
There are only a few cases where using t-uples to represent a type is the right thing to do. Most of the times, we pick a t-uple because we are too lazy to define a type and we should interpret the problem of accessing the n-th field of a t-uple or iterating over the fields of a t-uple as a serious signal that it is time to switch to a proper type.
There are two natural replacements to t-uples: records and arrays.
When to use records
We can see a record as a t-uple whose entries are labelled; as such, they are definitely the most natural replacement to t-uples if we want to access them directly.
type ivuple = {
a: int;
b: int;
c: int;
d: int;
We then access directly the field a of a value x of type ivuple by writing x.a. Note that records are easily copied with modifications, as in let y = { x with d = 0 }. There is no natural way to iterate over the fields of a record, mostly because a record do not need to be homogeneous.
When to use arrays
A large² homogeneous collection of values is adequately represented by an array, which allows direct access, iterating and folding. A possible inconvenience is that the size of an array is not part of its type, but for arrays of fixed size, this is easily circumvented by introducing a private type — or even an abstract type. I described an example of this technique in my answer to the question “OCaml compiler check for vector lengths”.
Note on float boxing
When using floats in t-uples, in records containing only floats and in arrays, these are unboxed. We should therefore not notice any performance modification when changing from one type to the other in our numeric computations.
¹ See the TeXbook.
² Large starts near 4.
Since the length of OCaml tuples is part of the type and hence known (and fixed) at compile time, you get the n-th item by straightforward pattern matching on the tuple. For the same reason, the problem of extracting the n-th element of an "arbitrary-length tuple" cannot occur in practice - such a "tuple" cannot be expressed in OCaml's type system.
You might still not want to write out a pattern every time you need to project a tuple, and nothing prevents you from generating the functions get_1_1...get_i_j... that extract the i-th element from a j-tuple for any possible combination of i and j occuring in your code, e.g.
let get_1_1 (a) = a
let get_1_2 (a,_) = a
let get_2_2 (_,a) = a
let get_1_3 (a,_,_) = a
let get_2_3 (_,a,_) = a
Not necessarily pretty, but possible.
Note: Previously I had claimed that OCaml tuples can have at most length 255 and you can simply generate all possible tuple projections once and for all. As #Virgile pointed out in the comments, this is incorrect - tuples can be huge. This means that it is impractical to generate all possible tuple projection functions upfront, hence the restriction "occurring in your code" above.
It's not possible to write such a function in full generality in OCaml. One way to see this is to think about what type the function would have. There are two problems. First, each size of tuple is a different type. So you can't write a function that accesses elements of tuples of different sizes. The second problem is that different elements of a tuple can have different types. Lists don't have either of these problems, which is why you can have List.nth.
If you're willing to work with a fixed size tuple whose elements are all the same type, you can write a function as shown by #user2361830.
If you really have collections of values of the same type that you want to access by index, you should probably be using an array.
here is a function wich return you the string of the ocaml function you need to do that ;) very helpful I use it frequently.
let tup len n =
if n>=0 && n<len then
let rec rep str nn = match nn<1 with
|true ->""
|_->str ^ (rep str (nn-1))in
let txt1 ="let t"^(string_of_int len)^"_"^(string_of_int n)^" tup = match tup with |" ^ (rep "_," n) ^ "a" and
txt2 =","^(rep "_," (len-n-2)) and
txt3 ="->a" in
if n = len-1 then
print_string (txt1^txt3)
print_string (txt1^txt2^"_"^txt3)
else raise (Failure "Error") ;;
For example:
tup 8 6;;
let t8_6 tup = match tup with |_,_,_,_,_,_,a,_->a
and of course:
val t8_6 : 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e * 'f * 'g * 'h -> 'g = <fun>

SML/NJ - linked list which can hold any types

I trying to create a datatype for linked list which can hold all types at same time i.e linked list of void* elements , the designing is to create a Node datatype which hold a record contains Value and Next .
What I did so far is -
datatype 'a anything = dummy of 'a ; (* suppose to hold any type (i.e void*) *)
datatype linkedList = Node of {Value:dummy, Next:linkedList}; (* Node contain this record *)
As you can see the above trying does not works out , but I believe my idea is clear enough , so what changes are required here to make it work ?
I am not sure if you are being forced to use a record type. Because otherwise I think it is simpler to do:
datatype 'a linkedlist = Empty | Cons of 'a * 'a linkedlist
Then you can use it somewhat like:
val jedis = Cons ("Obi-wan", Cons("Luke", Cons("Yoda", Cons("Anakin", Empty))));
I think the use of the record is a poor choice here. I cannot even think how I could represent an empty list with that approach.
To answer your comment about supporting multiple types:
datatype polymorphic = N of int | S of string | B of bool
Cons(S("A"), Cons(N(5), Cons(N(6), Cons(B(true), Empty))));
Given the circumstances you may prefer SML lists instead:
Which produces the list
[S "A",N 5,N 6,B true]
That is, a list of the same type (i.e. polymorphic), but this type is capable of containing different kinds of things through its multiple constructors.
FYI, if it is important that the types of your polymorphic list remain open, you can use SML's built-in exception type: exn. The exn type is open and can be extended anywhere in the program.
exception INT of int
exception STR of string
val xs = [STR "A", INT 5, INT 6] : exn list
You can case selectively on particular types as usual:
val inc_ints = List.map (fn INT i => INT (i + 1) | other => other)
And you can later extend the type without mention of its previous definition:
exception BOOL of bool
val ys = [STR "A", INT 5, INT 6, BOOL true] : exn list
Notice that you can put the construction of any exception in there (here the div-by-zero exception):
val zs = Div :: ys : exn list
That said, this (ab)use really has very few good use cases and you are generally better off with a closed sum type as explained by Edwin in the answer above.

Function with different argument types

I read about polymorphism in function and saw this example
fun len nil = 0
| len rest = 1 + len (tl rest)
All the other examples dealt with nil arg too.
I wanted to check the polymorphism concept on other types, like
fun func (a : int) : int = 1
| func (b : string) : int = 2 ;
and got the follow error
stdIn:1.6-2.33 Error: parameter or result constraints of clauses don't agree
[tycon mismatch]
this clause: string -> int
previous clauses: int -> int
in declaration:
func = (fn a : int => 1: int
| b : string => 2: int)
What is the mistake in the above function? Is it legal at all?
Subtype Polymorphism:
In a programming languages like Java, C# o C++ you have a set of subtyping rules that govern polymorphism. For instance, in object-oriented programming languages if you have a type A that is a supertype of a type B; then wherever A appears you can pass a B, right?
For instance, if you have a type Mammal, and Dog and Cat were subtypes of Mammal, then wherever Mammal appears you could pass a Dog or a Cat.
You can achive the same concept in SML using datatypes and constructors. For instance:
datatype mammal = Dog of String | Cat of String
Then if you have a function that receives a mammal, like:
fun walk(m: mammal) = ...
Then you could pass a Dog or a Cat, because they are constructors for mammals. For instance:
So this is the way SML achieves something similar to what we know as subtype polymorphism in object-oriented languajes.
Ad-hoc Polymorphysm:
The actual point of confusion could be the fact that languages like Java, C# and C++ typically have automatic coercions of types. For instance, in Java an int can be automatically coerced to a long, and a float to a double. As such, I could have a function that accepts doubles and I could pass integers. Some call these automatic coercions ad-hoc polymorphism.
Such form of polymorphism does not exist in SML. In those cases you are forced to manually coerced or convert one type to another.
fun calc(r: real) = r
You cannot call it with an integer, to do so you must convert it first:
So, as you can see, there is no ad-hoc polymorphism of this kind in SML. You must do castings/conversions/coercions manually.
Function Overloading
Another form of ad-hoc polymorphism is what we call method overloading in languages like Java, C# and C++. Again, there is no such thing in SML. You may define two different functions with different names, but no the same function (same name) receiving different parameters or parameter types.
This concept of function or method overloading must not be confused with what you use in your examples, which is simply pattern matching for functions. That is syntantic sugar for something like this:
fun len xs =
if null xs then 0
else 1 + len(tl xs)
Parametric Polymorphism:
Finally, SML offers parametric polymorphism, very similar to what generics do in Java and C# and I understand that somewhat similar to templates in C++.
So, for instance, you could have a type like
datatype 'a list = Empty | Cons of 'a * 'a list
In a type like this 'a represents any type. Therefore this is a polymorphic type. As such, I could use the same type to define a list of integers, or a list of strings:
val listOfString = Cons("Obi-wan", Empty);
Or a list of integers
val numbers = Cons(1, Empty);
Or a list of mammals:
val pets = Cons(Cat("Milo", Cons(Dog("Bentley"), Empty)));
This is the same thing you could do with SML lists, which also have parametric polymorphism:
You could define lists of many "different types":
val listOfString = "Yoda"::"Anakin"::"Luke"::[]
val listOfIntegers 1::2::3::4::[]
val listOfMammals = Cat("Misingo")::Dog("Fido")::Cat("Dexter")::Dog("Tank")::[]
In the same sense, we could have parametric polymorphism in functions, like in the following example where we have an identity function:
fun id x = x
The type of x is 'a, which basically means you can substitute it for any type you want, like
So, as you can see, combining all these different forms of polymorphism you should be able to achieve the same things you do in other statically typed languages.
No, it's not legal. In SML, every function has a type. The type of the len function you gave as an example is
fn : 'a list -> int
That is, it takes a list of any type and returns an integer. The function you're trying to make takes and integer or a string, and returns an integer, and that's not legal in the SML type system. The usual workaround is to make a wrapper type:
datatype wrapper = I of int | S of string
fun func (I a) = 1
| func (S a) = 2
That function has type
fn : wrapper -> int
Where wrapper can contain either an integer or a string.

How should I implement a Cayley Table in Haskell?

I'm interested in generalizing some computational tools to use a Cayley Table, meaning a lookup table based multiplication operation.
I could create a minimal implementation as follows :
date CayleyTable = CayleyTable {
ct_name :: ByteString,
ct_products :: V.Vector (V.Vector Int)
} deriving (Read, Show)
instance Eq (CayleyTable) where
(==) a b = ct_name a == ct_name b
data CTElement = CTElement {
ct_cayleytable :: CayleyTable,
ct_index :: !Int
instance Eq (CTElement) where
(==) a b = assert (ct_cayleytable a == ct_cayleytable b) $
ct_index a == ct_index b
instance Show (CTElement) where
show = ("CTElement" ++) . show . ctp_index
a **** b = assert (ct_cayleytable a == ct_cayleytable b) $
((ct_cayleytable a) ! a) ! b
There are however numerous problems with this approach, starting with the run time type checking via ByteString comparisons, but including the fact that read cannot be made to work correctly. Any idea how I should do this correctly?
I could imagine creating a family of newtypes CTElement1, CTElement2, etc. for Int with a CTElement typeclass that provides the multiplication and verifies their type consistency, except when doing IO.
Ideally, there might be some trick for passing around only one copy of this ct_cayleytable pointer too, perhaps using an implicit parameter like ?cayleytable, but this doesn't play nicely with multiple incompatible Cayley tables and gets generally obnoxious.
Also, I've gathered that an index into a vector can be viewed as a comonad. Is there any nice comonad instance for vector or whatever that might help smooth out this sort of type checking, even if ultimately doing it at runtime?
You thing you need to realize is that Haskell's type checker only checks types. So your CaleyTable needs to be a class.
class CaleyGroup g where
caleyTable :: g -> CaleyTable
... -- Any operations you cannot implement soley by knowing the caley table
data CayleyTable = CayleyTable {
} deriving (Read, Show)
If the caleyTable isn't known at compile time you have to use rank-2 types. Since the complier needs to enforce the invariant that the CaleyTable exists, when your code uses it.
manipWithCaleyTable :: Integral i => CaleyTable -> i -> (forall g. CaleyGroup g => g -> g) -> a
can be implemented for example. It allows you to perform group operations on the CaleyTable. It works by combining i and CaleyTable to make a new type it passes to its third argument.
