Changing Razor View Seems to Restart My Application -

It appears to me that a simple change to a .cshmtl file in my application restarts the application. Honestly I'm not sure it's restarting, but it is painfully slow when I am reloading the page. Does this seem normal? Anyone have any advice to figure out why this might be happening? It makes development a real drag.
I feel like I have time to get up and get a cup of coffee and a cigarette every time I make a change. And I don't even smoke! If this continues, I might have to take up smoking.

If you change your View the Application should not restart. But it takes some time cause your View gets compiled before rendered.
You can set a breakpoint on the Application_Start() method in global.asax to see if your Application gets restarted.

There are so many threads related to Session loss, Cache loss and Application restart. The reason for all of these is that IIS [and yes IISExpress] will restart the app pool when anything in the BIN folder changes. MVC will compile the Razor views of an application on demand. This view compilation will update the BIN folder. The update to the BIN folder will reset the app pool. This clears session and clears cache, and call Application_End.


.NET build slows first page load significantly

I am working on a .NET WebForms application and I have observed that whenever I build, after the build, the very first page load takes longer to load than usually. This happens even if I wait after building before I load a page. Is there a way to increase human workforce performance by changing IIS/.NET to initialize things on postbuild instead of first page load?
Yes you can, like this.
You can use Application Initialization Module which comes in-box with IIS 8.0, like this:
doAppInitAfterRestart="true" >
<add initializationPage="/" />
This will send a request to the root of your app (initializationPage="/") every time your app starts automatically.
You can also configure the Start Mode for your application pool to Always Running which means every time IIS restarts, it will make sure to start your application pool immediately (this if from right click on your application pool then Advanced Settings).
Professional servers have hardly any latency, though it requires quite a bit of tweaking. Also, by default, applications recycle regularly on IIS (as well as when some kinds of exceptions occur, when some files are changed, or when some thresholds are reached). Professional web application hosting is anything but simple :) You might get help with that on Server Fault, perhaps.
Another option is to avoid mixing pre-compilation and JIT-compilation - if you only pre-compile, you don't need to do any compilation when the application is deployed, resulting in faster startup times. If you only deploy sources, the application domain doesn't need to be torn down when you make a change, which means that only the change needs to be recompiled, which is much faster.
And of course, ASP.NET Core is much, much faster in both scenarios - it can do the whole compilation in-memory, unlike the legacy system which uses csc to build multiple assemblies, save them to disk, load them from disk, merge them together, save that again, just to load it again and initialize.

Website stops responding

It stops responding after a few seconds of being idle. I have to restart it every time this happens.
I have tried putting startMode="AlwaysRunning" into my applicationHost config, but nothing changed.
The output of the console is just a bunch of
The thread X has exited with code 0 (0x0).
I don't think this is related to idleTimeOut either, because the website completely stops responding; it just hangs.
applicationHost if anyone is interested (too large to post here):
Let me know if you need further information.
Are you sure it's from being idle? By default, every time you stop debugging, IIS Express unloads the website, and quits entirely if there's no other websites running. You can disable this by unchecking Enable Edit and Continue in the project properties under the "Web" tab.
If it happens more randomly, then IIS Express may actually be crashing. Check in the notification area of the taskbar for IIS Express, make sure it's there, and (by right-clicking) ensure your web project is still loaded (in the list). If it's actually crashing, you most likely have a memory leak, infinite loop, or something similar going on somewhere in your application that's overloading the process. There's no much we can do to help you with that, without being able to examine your entire codebase. You'll just have to trace and profile until you find it.

Application Warmup not working

We have an application which, on startup, populates it's cache from an csv. This takes about 1 minute. We thought putting an application warm up on it would eliviate the problem, but it seems like the requests specified are not being executed. Hitting the application locally will take a minute and then be instant thereafter. I tried several requests, relative (to localhost and application root) and absolute ones, to no avail. It does not work after stop/starting the corresponding app pool, nor recyclying (if there is a difference to application warm up), nor rebuilding the application.
Anyone have suggestions I could try?
Edit: The event viewer does not have anything related to the application warm up (as far as I can tell) and Application_start() is not called
if you're not seeing warmup requests in your logs perhaps you don't have them enabled in your application settings? What language are you using? (Warmup requests are enabled by default for all Java applications.)
I see entries for /_ah/warmup in my logs.

How to restart the IIS Site when re-compiling an website

What is the best way to add into the build/compile script of an project to initiate a IIS to restart the website on DLL rebuild instead of the first request to the site.
Current Process
Compile Project
Hit APSX Page
IIS starts reload
Page loads
Ideal process:
Compile Project & Reload IIS
Hit APSX Page
Page loads
The first way I though of was add a request to just hit one of the pages in the "Post-Build events". Just wondering best practices. This would be similar to "Start" which opens a page immediately on build.
The reason I would like to accomplish this is for just for efficiency. I would the to encapsulate the compile time and the restart time into one batch to save on time on step 4 below
VS: ctrl+shift+b
Wait for visual que "Build succeeded".
Broswer: F5.
Wait for IIS reload. (as well as Hit kbd>F5 in unanswered questions in SO)
Test page
Add ‘iisreset /stop’ into the Pre-Build event and ‘iisreset /restart’ at the end of the Post-Build event.
As David mentioned, you should try to find out what the underlying issue is here. If you are experiencing performance issues when first loading a website, this is quite normal. The initial compilation often takes some time to occur. Resetting IIS is only going to make it take longer. If there is another issue, please post your reason for doing this here, and we can see if we can help you.
A naive way would be to write a shell vb script or PowerShell script to use XmlHttpRequest to request a page from the site, and include that as a post-build task.
Is there any particular reason you feel the need to do this? If you're experiencing performance issues at the first JIT then you may need to consider breaking up your application into smaller projects/DLLs (assuming that size is the issue), or start looking at bottlenecks that occur when your app starts.
Another question: why the IIS reset? That won't cause the DLL to be recompiled until the first page request. Unlike classic ASP, it isn't necessary to restart IIS for DLL changes to be allowed/take effect.
The "wait" you are hoping to remove from the process is most likely the aspx markup pages compiling. When you build in VS by default it will compile all your code, but it will not compile your markup aspx pages. You can get round this by adding a Web Deployment Project to your solution, which allows you to precompile the markup pages. This way the initial load time after deployment should not be very much different to any other load time.

Visual Studio ASP.NET MVC Save Solution Session End?

Every now and then when I am running/debugging an ASP.NET MVC website through Visual Studio and if I am changing some CSS or HTML in a View while the project is still running, the Session will drop intermittently.
I have confirmed this in the Global.asax adding a Session_End method and setting a break point inside it. As soon as I click Save All through Visual Studio after about 10 or so minutes Session_End is called. I don't even have to refresh the actual page which I think is a little bizarre...
I realize that recompiling the app would cause the session to be lost, but I would not think modifying a View while the application is running would cause this.
Any thoughts on why this could possibly be happening?
Since you are clicking Save All, is it possible that you've also modified a code file or the web.config as well. Any sort of change -- even if you removed it -- would make the file dirty and cause it to be saved as well. This may cause the behavior you are talking about.
You might want to think about using SQL for session state in your development environment. I recently switched to this (because I needed to for our production environment) and no longer see that sort of behavior even when I stop debugging and recompile the application. As long as the session cookie is still valid, it is able to pull my session information from the database.
