AnkhSVN breaks ASP.NET sharing permissions with SVN 1.7 -

The Background (skip to the bottom if you want the question)
Recently I upgraded an SVN repository (hosted on assembla) to SVN 1.7. After doing so, we started to intermittently encounter lots of File Access Denied errors on the ASP.NET site pages that sit in the local working copy of the repository.
Some folders also started to get weird file permissions (they became marked read-only) and user sharing got removed from them. These problems would only start occurring after an update/commit cycle, via AnkhSVN's Visual Studio plugin, but not all the time; it seemed highly temperamental.
The only temp-fix we've found so far is to commit any outstanding changes, delete the local copy and re-checkout a full working copy (with TortoiseSVN). However, that is not a viable fix, and it is seriously impacting on productivity.
This site is an Azure based ASP.NET WebWorkerRole. It has never given problems before the upgrade to SVN 1.7. I tried fiddling with the internal IIS permissions to get around the problem, however, no dice.
My Environment
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate 10.0.40219.1 SP1
AnkhSVN 2.3.10509 (latest version, supports SVN 1.7.1)
TortoiseSVN 1.7.1, Build 22161 - 64 Bit
Running in Debug Mode via the Azure emulator environment
The Question
Is it possible for SVN 1.7 or any of the tools in my environment to break file permissions so that the files become unusable in an ASP.NET site? and more importantly, how do I fix this?
The exact file permission error dumped out is this:
Access to the path '//file//' is denied.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of
the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more
information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the
path '//file//' is denied.
ASP.NET is not authorized to access the requested resource. Consider
granting access rights to the resource to the ASP.NET request
identity. ASP.NET has a base process identity (typically
{MACHINE}\ASPNET on IIS 5 or Network Service on IIS 6 and IIS 7, and
the configured application pool identity on IIS 7.5) that is used if
the application is not impersonating. If the application is
impersonating via , the identity will be
the anonymous user (typically IUSR_MACHINENAME) or the authenticated
request user.
To grant ASP.NET access to a file, right-click the file in Explorer,
choose "Properties" and select the Security tab. Click "Add" to add
the appropriate user or group. Highlight the ASP.NET account, and
check the boxes for the desired access.
But a clean working copy will not generate this error. Comparing the permissions of the two, it seems the working copies that are not bugged are shared (with IUSR and the local account), whereas the broken ones have zero sharing, yet the sharing is never changed by the user.

When subversion updates a file it first creates a temporary version in .svn/tmp/. It then moves the file into the right location. (This to avoid corruptions)
In 1.6 it did this for every directory by itself, but in 1.7 there is just a .svn in the top level directory of your working copy.
If somehow the filesystem permissions of this .svn directory are restricted, it is possible that the restrictions are copied with the file when it is moved in place.
(Subversion doesn't change the permissions itself on Windows)

I solved this by accessing the security settings for the website folder and and clicking Advanced and then Change Permissions for the IIS_IUSRS user. I checked the "Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object" and clicked apply.
Before that, I had given the IIS user full permissions to the hidden tmp folder in the root of the checkout, but I don't know if this helps with anything.
I'm not sure if this is a permanent fix, but in case it is not, you can at least use it to reapply permissions for all the files in a single operation.

Much information is located in .svn folders inside directory where project was checked out. So in my opinion better use SVN separately from advanced integration tools. Also this deals with solving problem like this.

I found this exact same issue happened when I did a 'Revert' using:
Tortoise Svn 1.6.16
AnkhSVN 2.3.11269.1348.
Visual Studio 2010 Professional
Windows 7 - 64 bit.
I was completely puzzled the first time I encountered the permissions error and started off by thinking it was my code. After a while of fiddling about I ended up deleting the whole project and re-downloading from Subversion which fixed the issue.
When this problem happened again I looked more closely at the reverted file, and I found the permissions on the reverted files do not match the permissions of the other files. Specifically 'Users' permissions, for the machine that Visual Studio is running on, is missing altogether.
So I just added it in by:
Right clicking on the problem file. This caused the file properties window to appear.
Then clicked on 'Edit...'. The permission window appears.
Then clicked on Add and the 'Select Users, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups window appears.
Click on the Object Types button and check all the boxes.
Click on the Locations button and make sure your machine name is selected.
Type in 'users' then click the 'check names' button.
Click OK on all the windows to close them.
Your website should now run without the permissions error.


Unable to access the IIS metabase ASP.Net

Hi I know there are a few threads on this but none of the solutions seem to work for me.
I have an ASP.Net website project which I am trying to load and publish in Visual Studio. However when I load the project I get the error:
Creation of the virtuald directory http://localhost:xxxx failed with
the error: Unable to access the IIS metabase. You do not have
sufficient privilege to access IIS web sites on your machine.
This error only occurs when I run Visual Studio as Administrator. If I don't run as admin then the above error does not occur but when I try to publish my app I get:
Please launch Visual Studio under administrator mode to perform this
deployment action
It seems I can't win!
What I've tried so far:
Taking ownership of C:/Windows/System32/Inetsrv/Config
Setting <UseIISExpress>false</UseIISExpress> in my project_name.csproj file
Go back to and old team foundation server check in that didn't have the problem in admin mode and use that configuration.
Running Visual Studio as non-admin (works but note second error above)
None had any luck so far.
Extra Info:
Operating System: Windows 8.1 (64 bit)
Visual Studio: 2013
IIS: 8.5
Permissions on C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config (read only):
Me: Full control
Administrators: Full control
Permissions on Documents/IISExpress/config (read only):
Me: Full control
Administrators: Full control
Note "Documents" is on a network drive
It turns out my Personal Folder was set to a network drive which occasionally went down causing the error described.
To change your Personal folder:
Open C://Windows/regedit.exe
Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
Change the field Personal to %USERPROFILE% or %USERPROFILE%\{a folder of your choice}
This fixed the problem for me.
Note you may need to move over any files from your old Personal folder to your new one as they wont be picked up any more
Have you tried the following fix ?
Here is the Fix that worked.
"I think we encountered a similar problem at work. For us, the solution was to go into Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows Features on or off... inside that, we had to select Internet Information Services -> Web Management Tools -> IIS 6 Management Compatibility -> IIS Metabse and IIS 6 configuration compatibility.
I had the same problem after I mistakenly Cut and Pasted my Documents, Downloads and Desktop folders to my external hard drive, it changed the path of the folders to the F: drive (the external hard drive), I copied the folders back and set the path back to local.
Copy the items back to C:\Local Disk\Users\your_name
Right click on the folder (that isn't working) and click Properties
e.g Documents
Click on the Location Tab
Change the location to normal e.g C:\Local Disk\Users\your_name\Documents
This is what worked for me :D
Maybe a shot in the dark - but have you tried installing the 'IIS Management Console', 'IIS Management Scripts and Tools' and 'IIS Management Service' from Add/Remove Programs - Turn Windows Features On or Off? That may help.
Left click on your project --> properties. Select WEB. Check the link [port] on project url. Click Create Virtual Directory. Should help.
Step 1: Close if Visual Studio Opened.
Step 2: Open Project Folder and find ".vs" folder, it may be hidden
Step 3: Delete ".vs" folder
Step 4: Open Project Again

HTTP Error 503, the service is unavailable

I'm really new to setting up web servers in general. I've got IIS 8 on Windows 8, and I'm trying to set up a little site locally, while doing some development. In IIS I choose Add Site, give a name, points to a location where I have a index.html file (I've tried different locations, latest in a c:\inetpub\wwwroot\test -folder) and otherwise use all default settings. However, when I try to browse to localhost I get
HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.
I've verified the pool is started, and I've given IIS_IUSRS Full Control on the target folder
I've search around but not found anything that solved my issue, and there's nothing helpfull in the EventLog or in the C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\HTTPERR folder
Could anyone tell me what's wrong?
It could be that the user identity is outdated, especially if you've tried starting a stopped app pool and the next request again fails.
In IIS, go to the Application Pools under the Server, then find the correct Application Pool for your web site, and click on it. On the Advanced Settings menu to the right, select Identity and change it and enter new user and password. Click on your Application Pool again, and select Recycle to restart it.
You can also try looking at the error message in Event Viewer, under Windows Logs, Application, Details tab.
Other answers are fine. But in my case, I was working on a Windows box that already was running some old IIS, IISExpress or any other web site. What happened is urls ACLs where reserved somehow in the system. So, you might want to check this.
Here is the console command to dump all URL acls:
netsh http show urlacl
Check what's returned here, and if anything matches the url you are testing, here is the command to delete one URL acl (for example):
netsh http delete urlacl url=http://localhost:2018/
(beware to carefully note what you do here in case it was not related to the original problem)
In my case the problem was the DefaultAppPool. I changed the "Load User Profile" to false and now it works. However, I don't know if there are side effects to this.
Further reading on setting the Load User Profile option: What exactly happens when I set LoadUserProfile of IIS pool?
Check your application's respective Application Framework Pool - it could be stopped. If it is, start it and check again.
If you're still experiencing issues you can also check out Event Viewer to find the cause of that error in order to troubleshoot more.
If the app pool is running under some specific user identity, then go to the advanced settings and update the username and password again to ensure they are correct.
If the app pool immediately stops after you start it and your event log shows:
The worker process for application pool 'APP_POOL_NAME' encountered an
error 'Cannot read configuration file ' trying to read configuration
data from file '\?\', line number '0'. The data field contains
the error code.
... you may experiencing a bug that was apparently introduced in the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and/or .Net Framework v4.7.1. It can be resolved via the following workaround steps, which are from this answer to the related question Cannot read configuration file ' trying to read configuration data from file '\\?\<EMPTY>', line number '0'.
Go to the drive your IIS is installed on, eg. C:\inetpub\temp\appPools\
Delete the directory (or virtual directory) with the same name as your app pool.
Recycle/Start your app pool again.
I have reported this bug to Microsoft by creating the following issue on the dotnet GitHub repo: After installing 4.7.1, IIS AppPool stops with "Cannot read configuration file".
Microsoft responded that this is a known issue with the Windows setup process for the Fall Creators Update and was documented in KB 4050891, Web applications return HTTP Error 503 and WAS event 5189 on Windows 10 Version 1709 (Fall Creators Update). That article provides the following workaround procedure, which is similar to the one above. However, note that it will recycle all app pools regardless of whether they are affected by the issue.
Open a Windows PowerShell window by using the Run as administrator
Run the following commands:
Stop-Service -Force WAS
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force C:\inetpub\temp\appPools\*
Start-Service W3SVC
Or if none of the current solutions work, look in your website's directory for a file called app_offline.htm. That basically tells IIS that your site is unavailable and to show this page instead.
To fix it, either delete it or rename it to app_offline.htm.bak.
In my case, I added it while showing a colleague how to use that to prevent traffic to the site temporarily and then forgot that I did that on my box. Sigh.
Start by looking in Event Viewer, either under the System or the Application log.
In my case the problem was that no worker process could be started for the App Pool because its configuration file couldn't be read - I had included an extra '.' at the end of its name.
I resolved this issue by removing a URL reservation that matched my app directory in IIS. I had a similar (definitely not the same) issue as outlined in this article:
A Not So Common Root Cause for 503 Service Unavailable
It is possible that your domain requires the account used for running the AppPool to have batch logon rights. In which case you will see this same error message. The way you can tell if that is the case, is by looking at the System events in the Event Viewer. There should be an event saying that the account being used with the App Pool has either 'the wrong password or does not have batch logon rights'.
This is why developers quite often use IIS Express on their development machine, since it by passes the batch logon rights issue.
I ran into the same issue, but it was an issue with the actual site settings in IIS.
Select Advanced Settings... for your site/application and then look at the Enabled Protocols value. For whatever reson the value was blank for my site and caused the following error:
HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.
The fix was to add in http and select OK. The site was then functional again.
For my case, My Default Application Pool was offline.
To troubleshoot the problem, I checked the IIS logs located in C:\Windows\System32\LogFile\HTTPERR. Scroll down to the most recent error logs, this will show you problems with IIS if any.
My Error was "503 1 AppOffline DefaultPool"
Open IIS Manager
Click on Application Pools, this lists all application pool to your right.
Check if the application pools hosting your api or site has a stop sign on it. If so, right click the application pool and click start.
Try again to access your service from the client
Check Event Viewer - Windows - Application. If there is a red Error line made from IIS-W3SVC-WP and the message is like The Module DLL C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\rewrite.dll failed to load. The data is the error. then you are missing some Windows Setup features.
In Windows Server 2012 go to Server Manager, Add Roles and Features, Web Server (IIS) and add the matching feature. Usually, most of the Application Development section is installed. Here is a complete list of IIS features and their associated DLL to help in diagnosis.
After going through a few iterations of that I ended on the error message above regarding "rewrite.dll". This led to a direct download and install of Microsoft URL Rewrite tool. Finally all websites came to life.
Our server ran out of disk space on Sunday afternoon which led to an application suddenly failing and returning HTTP error 502. The logs were empty so it had to be something that was occurring before IIS even did anything.
A swift look at the event viewer(WIN+R > eventvwr) exposed the issue.
It's a good idea to filter out the output of the System and Application windows to WAS since it can get pretty verbose in there.
The application depended on another one which was disabled. Therefore keep in mind an application can go down indirectly if one of it's dependent processes has gone down. We simply re-enabled the .NET application pool and our other application started running normally again.
If you have IIS URL Rewriting installed it could be to do with that. I suffered issues after a Windows 10 Update.
This StackOverflow post helped me.
Go to Windows Control Panel > Programs and Features > IIS URL Rewrite Module 2 > Repair.
i see this error after install url rewrite module i try to install previous version of it from:
it fixed my error
In my case, the problem was that another application was using the port that I had bound to my web site.
I found it by running the following command from a command line, which lists all of the listening ports and the executable involved:
netstat -b
If you have McAfee HIPS and if you see the following error in event viewer application log:
The Module DLL C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\HipIISEngineStub.dll failed to load.
The data is the error.
Then this workaround on resolved the issue in my case.
Quote from the page:
Click Start, Run, type explorer and click OK.
Navigate to: %windir%\system32\inetsrv\config
Open the file applicationHost.config as Administrator for editing in Notepad.
Edit the <globalModules> section and remove the following line:
<add name="MfeEngine" image="%windir%\System32\inetsrv\HipIISEngineStub.dll" />
Edit the <modules> section and remove the following line:
<add name="MfeEngine" />
After you have finished editing the applicationHost.config file, save the file, then restart the IIS server using iisreset or by restarting the system.
Actually, in my case https://localhost was working, but http://localhost gave a HTTP 503 Internal server error. Changing the Binding of Default Web Site in IIS to use the hostname localhost instead of a blank host name.
tname for http binding
This could also happen if any recent installs or updates happened with .NET framework and/or ASP.NET. If you are unsure of what happened recently and if all your apps use ASP.NET version 4, you can try reset them by running the following commands in command prompt in administrator mode.
cd C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319
aspnet_regiis -i
This makes sure to install or reinstall ASP.NET 4 and updates existing applications to use ASP.NET 4 version of the app pool. It updates both IIS Classic and Integrated mode handlers and script mappings in the IIS metabase. It also recreates ASP.NET v4.0 and ASP.NET v4.0 Classic app pools, and sets .NET framework 4 to DefaultAppPool and Classic .NET app pools.
I changed the port from 80 to 8080, that's why this error occur. I write localhost/ in search bar then this error occur. My problem is resolved by writing localhost:8080/ in the search then local host open.
This happened to me on a server on our intranet. After browsing through blog posts and Windows logs, it turned out that a few days before Christmas 2015 (related to a Windows Update?) my web site application pool wanted to create a config file in folder c:\inetpub\temp\appPools, but access to this folder was restricted. This caused the application pool to be disabled.
After adding Full control to Everyone on this temp folder, I restarted the Windows Process Activation Service and everything went online again.
If I'd been a little more elegant, it would probably had been enough to grant the AppPool user full control to the folder, but I never seem to remember how the app pool name and app pool user relates to eachother...
Same thing with IIS Express 10.0 after upgrading Windows 7 to Windows 10.
Solution: go to IIS and enable all disabled websites and reinstall ASP.NET Core.
Also check the address bar and make sure the page is in the right location.
This error can be returned instead of the 404 (Page not found). In my case, it was a bad link on the page that didn't have a subfolder included.
I was having this problem when cleaning up my IIS on dev machine, and I had somehow created a virtual folder for a subfolder of my actual development web that I couldn't clear and was creating conflicts.
To clear it I had to use
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe list vdir
and then individually remove the problem virtual directories using
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe delete app /"Default Web Site"/{name of virtual directory}
For me the solution is to change Enable 32-bit Applications to False
None of the answers worked for me. So I'd like to share what I found after hours of research..
Keep seeing this message from event logs: The Module DLL C:\Windows\system32\RpcProxy\RpcProxy.dll failed to load. The data is the error. Turns out that dll is 64bit and cannot be loaded into 32bit process.
You can also try the following.
Right-click on the site and 'Basic Settings...'
Click on 'Connect As...'
Click on Specific User and give the new credentials.
Now it should work.
In my case, I had to change my userPass of network because company policies. So, you need to edit your AppPool:
click on Application Pools. Select your pool, 'advanced Settings...' go to 'Process Model' click on 'Identity' and Click on Specific User and give the new credentials.
This might be because of number of connections to the database. I had such a situation and so, wrote a de-constructor and killed db open connection and it resolved.
I had the same problem and found it was caused by permission problems creating the user profile in C:\Users. I gave ApplicationPoolIdentity full permissions to the C:\Users folder, started the site and everything worked, the profile must have been created properly, and my site worked as it should. I then removed access to C:\Users from ApplicationPoolIdentity.
Site wont start on local using ApplicationPoolIdentity, only when using NetworkService: "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable."

Classic ASP suddenly giving me permissions (401.3) error

Background: I support a classic ASP environment. I have a development setup locally on my machine as part of that support. I am running IIS7.
To access my environment, I use "http://localhost:99999/" (port # faked for privacy purposes). I have not had a problem with this -- until today.
I built an application that is intended to run in this environment. The app is ASP.NET v.4.0 (for sake of example, I'll say it's called "http://localhost:99999/DotNetApp/"). Of course, in order to run this, I had to set up my environment application pool to support it (which it now does).
Problem: after configuring this, I am now getting:
Server Error in '/' Application.
Access is denied.
Description: An error occurred while accessing the resources required to serve this request. You might not have permission to view the requested resources.
Error message 401.3: You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied (access denied due to Access Control Lists). Ask the Web server's administrator to give you access to '[filepath]\SourceFiles'.
I did NOT get this before I set my IIS configuration. Why am I getting this now?
Note: this ONLY happens with "http://localhost:99999/"; this does NOT happen if I try "http://localhost:99999/default.asp" (the page comes up with no problem).
Anyone have any insight?
Thanks in advance . . .
Edit: Additional symptoms: I tried playing with the application pool settings. The problem goes away if I change the .NET Framework version to either 2.0.50727 or to "No Managed Code." Changing it to 4.0.31319 breaks it. Of course, if I use any of the other two versions, my ASP.NET app won't run.
Edit #2: This problem occurs on ALL links that go to a folder or directory (e.g. "http://localhost:99999/somefolder/"), not just the web root.
Edit #3: I have a workaround: set "http://localhost:99999/" and "http://localhost:99999/DotNetApp/" in separate application pools. The first runs in .NET 2.0, while the latter runs .NET 4.0. (I'll post this as an answer once my 8 hour limit is up.) Probably not the best answer -- I'd prefer something that isn't as much of a kludge -- but for the time being, it'll get the job done. However, if anyone has a solution that enables me to run everything in the same app pool, by all means, post away!
You probably must specify "default.asp" as allowed in your "Default Document" settings in IIS7
EDIT: Check if ASP has been installed: Control Panel -> Programs and features -> Windows Features -> Internet Information Services -> Www services ->Application Development Features-> ASP
EDIT Final solution: The IUSR account is missing from the folder the website is in.
Set the default page for your site in IIS.
Try to set permission "Everyone" for directory "[filepath]\SourceFiles/" or/and "Allow" for other user names and groups in folder properties.

IIS 6.0 and ASP.NET - Could not write to output file ... The directory name is invalid

I'm running IIS 6.0 on Windows 2003 and started getting this error:
Compiler Error Message: CS0016: Could not write to output file 'c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\7382c13f\ea9b3ff7\App_global.asax.zodyof_q.dll' -- 'The directory name is invalid. '
I've checked all the permissions, and everything is as it needs to be - plus, the error message doesn't mention permissions. I've tried the following already:
Following the instructions from this [outdated] KB article:
Repairing the .NET Framework v3.5 installation, then rebooting
Deleting the contents of c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root, then running iisreset
Resetting the permissions on c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root, then running iisreset
Resetting the permissions on c:\WINDOWS\TEMP, then running iisreset.
Any suggestions?
Other notes/responses:
The Indexing service is disabled.
I've found an answer that is applicable if you've installed ANTS profiler and it crashed while profiling. This KB Article describes one of the solutions:\ANTS_Profiler\KB200903000362.htm
Create a temporary folder under %SystemRoot%, and then name it Temp.
Grant full permissions on the Temp folder to the aspnet user account in .NET Framework 1.0 or to the NETWORK SERVICE user account in .NET Framework 1.1.
Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
On the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.
Select the TEMP variable under System variables, and then click Edit.
Type %SystemRoot%\TEMP in the Variable Value box, and then click OK.
Repeat steps 5 and 6 to edit the TMP variable. Click OK two times.
Click Start, and then click Run.
To reset Internet Information Services (IIS), type iisreset on the command prompt.
Use SysInternals FileMon (or ProcMon if you like) to see the real file it is bitching about. You can restrict it to just monitoring IIS if you have a busy server, although I'd start with all processes and just capture a couple of seconds of output.
Before running, ensure IIS has been reset using iisreset /restart so that the error is not cached from before.
To every body who still has the problem!
Mine is solved by the followings
I had the same error running IIS 7.0 / Vista Ultimate / .NET 2.0 Web App. I tried setting "Full Control" permissions on temporary folder for NETWORK SERVICE user (right-click on folder c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727, Properties, Security tab) and turning off antivirus and UAC, but it didn't help.
But this worked as magic: Open IIS Manager -> Select "View Application Pools" from right menu -> Select "Advanced Settings" -> Set your username (and password) in "Identity" property -> Restart IIS
If this doesn't work, check additionally that you're an owner of c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727 folder (right-click, Properties, Security tab, Advanced, Owner tab)
OK, when you repaired the installation do you mean ASPNET_REGIIS -u / ASPNET_REGIIS -i ? that would fix disk permissions.
It might be your virusscanner; exclude your .net temporary folders / inetpub if you can and if its safe.
Have to tried disabling windows Indexing Service for the temporary files folder
I received the same error. The anti-virus/security software (McAffee Viruscan Enterprise) was preventing visual studio tool csc.exe to dynamically compile code and create the entity data model dll in the directory folder above which falls under the windows directory folder. There is a section in McAffee called access protection that has a rule called Maximum Protection that prohibits creating executable files in the windows directory folder. Simply temporary disable the rule or access protection to compile the website successfully.
Here is the final solution :)
First give all the permission to ASPNET account , NETWORK SERVICE account to "ASP.NET Temporary files" folder under whichever the framework it is using.
like C:\windows\\framework\\ASP.NET Temporary files.
Check the temporary folder configured for your machine under environment variables for TEMP and TEMP.
For that folder also give all the permission to ASPNET account , NETWORK SERVICE accout. Reset the IIS
It should be working fine.
From windows server 2003 x64 , IIS6 , net 4.0 , asp application I was presented with the error:
Compiler Error Message: CS0016: Could not write to output file 'c:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\7382c13f\ea9b3ff7\App_global.asax.zodyof_q.dll' -- 'The directory name is invalid. '
It was resolved when I created the DIR
No idea why D:\temp was important but I will update this answer with a reason as soon as I know.
Permissions on the DIR were:
admin full
creator owner special
system full
users read&execute / list / read
No IIS specific user permission was defined.
Working to migrate to IIS7 host but thought this answer maybe helpful for someone.

ASPNET user does not have write access to Temporary ASP.NET Files

I get the following error when running my Visual Studio 2008 ASP.NET project (start without Debugging) on my XP Professional box:
System.Web.HttpException: The current identity (machinename\ASPNET) does not have write access to 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files'.
How can I resolve this?
Have you tried, the aspnet_regiis exe in the framework folder?
I had the same problem. This is what I did:
Go to c:\windows\\framework\v2.0.50727
right click on "Temporary ASP.NET files"
Security tab
Select "Users(xxxxxx\Users) from Group
check "Write"
Either grant that user the level of access to that directory, or change the identity that the application's application pool runs under - in IIS Manager, determine what App Pool is used to run your application, then in the App Pool section of IIS Manager, look at the properties for that pool - the tab you want is "Identity" I think (this is off the top of my head).
You can set it to another user account - for example, Crystal Reports .Net requires update and delete access to C:\Temp - so we have a "webmaster" user, with administrator access, and use that identity for those applications.
You can try to fix it using the automated regiis utility aspnet_regiis.ext available in c:\windows\\framework\v2.0.50727
Otherwise just manually add the needed file permissions as noted in the error.
you can right click the Visual Studio & select run as administrator.
I had this problem when trying to build a Web Deployment Project (*.wdploy).
Simply creating the folder on the framework path solved the error.
Just because the most recent answer is 5 years old, what had to be done in our environment was to delete the app, app pool and recreate them.
We evidently have some security under the hood with recent changes to it.
Doing this re-created a folder in Temporary ASP Net Files with all the correct permissions. Why the one site I happened to just get from source control, rebuild, etc. failed this way, no idea. 2 others recently set up where Get Latest Version was downloaded, rebuilt, etc. they just worked.
But ripping out the app, app pool and just recreating them with the same IIS permissions as the 2 other known working sites recreated all the needed objects and now it all works.
Make sure the ASPNET user has permission to write to that folder. Right click on the folder, Properties, Security tab.
