How to remove WooCommerce plugin dependency from Wootique theme? - wordpress

How to remove WooCommerce plugin dependency from Wootique theme? When I activate Wootique theme and click on "visit site" in wordpress it shows a message "WooCommerce must be installed".

actually, You can't!
you must have to install "WooCommerce plugin", if you are using this Theme,
because the theme's source code is referring to WooCommerce plugin's functionality for displaying category wise products.
see here for details
hope this will help you

There should be a php if ( function_exists('woo-something') call in the functions.php file. Look into it, that's how wordpress themes check for installed products.
You may resolve it easily or may have to do some serious editing, I can't say since I don't have the theme.


Files in woocommerce folder(integrate with theme) is not working after update woocommerce

I have updated woocommerce from version 2.6.8 to latest version 3.3.3. I have so many customization in woocommerce folder that are integrated with theme. But after I update the woocommerce the files is not working.
I have already latest version of wordpress 4.9.4
You need to change original theme woocommerce folder in your current theme folder than recheck your customized code and than check those files in woocommerce template folder, and also check your code and compare with woocommerce template.
I don't know how much you customize in how many files you customize, so i can not say properly that what code you should change.

Creating a hidden wordpress plugin

My question might sound stupid but is there any way where I can create a WP plugin which when placed in Plugins folder does not appear in WP Admin Console and WP Admins/Users can't deactivate it from UI?
What you're searching is called "must-use plugin" or "mu-plugin". An mu-plugin is a plugin that is automatically activated when you install it, and it cannot be deactivated.
Basically, an mu-plugin is like a normal plugin. The only difference is that you will install it in wp-content/mu-plugins instead of wp-content/plugins. I wrote a complete guide to mu-plugins on SitePoint if you're interested.

wordpress plugin automatically will install, when my wp theme someone install

I made a wordpress theme and I take some advantage from advance custom field plugin. Now I wand to distribute my plugin and also wano give on wordpress plugin directory.
But there is one problem. if I want to get all feature of my theme. Than need obviously ACF Plugin.
Now I wan, if anybody install my theme. Than ACF plugin wil automaticlly.
is there ny system/way/function? if anybody intall my theme, than acf plugin will install automaticaly.
You can include the free version of ACF within a theme (or the PRO version if you are selling a premium theme). Check this page.

Edit wordpress Shopp plugin to enable promo-code input

I want to enable a promo-code input box for the Shopp plugin on wordpress.
The documentation says that to get the promo box to show up I need to add the following PHP to the template file:
<?php shopp('cart','promo-code'); ?>
I am new to the wordpress CMS and do not know which template file this this should be added to / where to look. If anyone has done this I would really appreciate the details of where to add this PHP to enable the feature. All the tutorials focus on creating the promotions in the cpanel but do not cover turning on the promo input box with PHP.
Thank you.
This is a Theme API tag that is usually added to the shopping cart template file. When custom templates are setup in your theme the file is located somewheres around wp-content/themes/yourtheme/shopp/cart.php. Note that yourtheme represents the directory name of your active WordPress theme files.
Shopp has starter templates built in that you can copy to your theme files. Editing the template files in the Shopp plugin is not recommended because you will lose your changes with each upgrade.
You can copy the files from Shopp to your theme yourself, or you can use the built-in system for copying them. More information about these templates and how to install them into your theme for customization can be found in the Shopp User Guide documentation in the Theme Templates article.

How to add to a WordPress theme a page but a php file that is loaded separately

This seems to be an answer,
How to add a php file to wordpress theme addition of standard files?
Yet the template option is missing in my WordPress 3.5.1
How to do the same thing now with this currently the latest version of WordPress.
Or could it not be related to the WordPress version and actually has to do with a default setting of the theme not allowing for template choosing? Where could I look up for that in the theme configuration.
WordPress documentation didn't remove the Templates as part of the page attributes
So it could be related to the theme's options of not allowing for template choosing, would need to override that setting then maybe but don't know it's location now.
This is nothing to do with Wordpress 3.5.1, the problem must be in your theme. Your current theme probably just doesn't have any additional templates you can use; try some others (like the default theme that came with your Wordpress installation, which is probably TwentyTwelve if you're running 3.5.1) and seeing if the template menu appears.
Those templates are for (Wordpress terminology) pages, not posts. Posts do not have the "Page attributes" box, only pages.
This plugin appears to expand that functionality to posts.
