Div hover not working when scrolling in chrome - css

Please take a look at this code: http://jsfiddle.net/6JnJb/1/
My problem is that in chrome, the divs doesn't change their color if the mouse is over them, when scrolling. If I move the mouse over a div 'manually' (not when scrolling) than it changes it's color to red.
In Firefox it works perfect, but not in Chrome.
Can I solve this problem or simply this how Chrome works?

Chrome does not propagate mouseover events right away when scrolling. There really isn't any way around this issue, since it is giving priority to the scrolling event rather than the hover event on a particular element.
The behavior I see is that the hover effect doesn't move with the still mouse on scroll but catches up when the scroll speed is sufficiently low.


Background center with transform 3D and filter blur on Firefox

inb4: Sorry for the horribly oversized images that takes super long to load, click on the links and read the question after if you dont like to wait!
So I'm making this prototype of a site where I make a fake 3D effect with 2d images moving with the mouse. I wanted to use the filter blur when the user click on one of the triangles to make a focus on a pop up.
My problem is that it completely breaks in firefox when I add the blur. I have no problem with the blur in chrome but for some reason in firefox, the background image that's supposed to be centered become right aligned and cropped by its own div and if I change in the inspector the background position it moves out of the buggy area.
here's a screen shot of chrome followed by what I get in firefox.
I'm not exactly shure what to do at this point beside giving up the whole blur idea. Any ideas of solutions are apreciated
So I've had to set completely to 0 the rotate X Y and Z before changing the parents filter blur settings via javascript (only when Firefox is detected). Here's what it looks like as of now. Click on the animated GIf to blur and then click anywhere to remove the blur. works both on Chrome and Firefox!
It basicaly works like this:
var isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1;

Safari on Mac not updating / redrawing after hover effect

I've got a safari-specific problem with a hover effect:
When the user moves over a circle, another circle should appear over it (offset).
This works, but when the user moves his cursor off the circles, parts of the hover-circle still remain until the browser redraws the site (not sure if "redraw" is the right term) . You can do this with Cmd+A to select all text, for example. The hover--leftovers will disappear then.
I think an example shows it the best:
<div class="wrap">
<h1><span>Reply<span>Our services</span></span></h1>
The example works flawlessly in other browser I tested, so you need a Mac Safari (I tried 8.0.6).
This is a repaint/redraw issue with Safari / webkit (not sure why it's only on Safari and not Chrome).
I worked around this issue by attaching a jQuery event to the hover element that forced it's surrounding/parent elements to redraw (in my case, a hide() and then a show(0)).
Make sure you use show(0) not just show(), for some reason plain old show() doesn't get fired without an animation argument.

hover state disappears in ie8

I have a bit of a IE8 problem (sound familiar?)
I have a button. when you hover over the button the hover state produces a larger box that has html inside. in this particular case, it's a small music player.
so it goes like this, when you hover over the button it produces a small music player with clickable links and some text. you can move your mouse anywhere inside this box, but as soon as you leave the box/music player, the hover state goes away again.
sorry but I don't know how else to explain it.
this all works a treat except for IE8.
in IE8, the hover state disappears as soon as the mouse leaves the original small button. so navigating around the music player becomes impossible.
now I have noticed that when there is no html in the hover box, it works fine, but when there is html (in this case an iframe) it loses the hover as soon as I touch any html inside the hovering box. so it looks like the problem is not the hover box, but the code inside the box that makes it lose focus
what I would like to know is, is this a known issue in IE8, or could it just be bad coding from my side. in which case i can post the css.
I've had problems with :HOVER states in IE8 too and I noticed that the same CSS (even pointing to the same external CSS file) worked on some pages but not others. The solution for me was to consistently add a DOCTYPE to the top of all pages (above the starting HTML tag).
It seems obvious now, but sometimes (especially when editing old sites) the DOCTYPE is not always specified.
I hope this helps!
Your problem doesn't seem to lie in hover itself. Firstly you assume some window height and your project just look weird if the height is different. Assuming you did some very exact calculations on such assumptions your problem is probably the box model problem. box-sizing:border-box might help, but you would have to recalculate everything.
Also you can use timeout before the elements gets hidden/drop down so that micro mouse movements don't shake elements and maybe allow to "catch" them.
Having both things in mind all hovering problems should be fixable.
EDIT: For iframe hover have a look at: Iframe hover not working in IE (all versions).

dropdown menu not working in safari

can't seem to find what the problem is. firefox works fine - but safari doesn't.
a simple css dropdown menu but in safari the dropdown drops down but as soon as you try to place the mouse on the dropped down element it goes away - only if you move your mouse extremly fast on the dropped down element it doesn't hide.
hover your mouse "DER CHOR" and try to navigate on a child element with safari.
i can't see what the problem is. any help appriciated...
The problem is that the element is not tall enough. The mouse stops hovering over the element before it can reach the subelements. It can be quite simply fixed by applying a "height" css style of around 30px.

Webkit rendering quirks for element with "position:fixed" and "-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;"?

Recently I encountered a rendering issue in Webkit which I suspect to be a bug with the Webkit engine. But I am not confident enough to say so. So I would like ask here and see what you think.
It'd be a bit difficult for me to describe the case in plain text, so I prepared a snippet here:
First you can see a yellow background with red border. This is not a background of the <body> tag but a <div> with id "backdrop" which has 100% width and height. By default it links to the "backdrop-no-problem" class. Also there is a horizontal list with some images. The list is surrounded by a green border. Inside the list there are some Wikipedia logos wrapped with a dotted red border.
I tested the page with the following 3 devices:
1. Chrome 21 on Windows 7
2. Mobile safari on the first generation iPad (running iOS4, I'll call it iPad1)
3. Mobile safari on the "new" iPad (running iOS5, I'll call it iPad3)
Try clicking "right" or "left" to scroll the list. Pretty good.
To reproduce the my problem, first click on "Issue #1". This will change the backdrop div from "position:absolute" to "position:fixed". Then click "Issue #2". This will add "-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;" to the element (The reason for adding this style is to ensure smooth animation on the iPad).
Now click "left/right" to scroll the list. You should see a strange behavior in all three browsers:
The green div is scrolling properly and smoothly, but not its child elements. The child elements simply "out-sync" with the position of the scrolling parent. The movement not only looks laggy, it sometimes even stuck. And the child elements will stop at a wrong position when the scrolling animation finishes. You have to move your mouse over the picture (or tap on it in a tablet) to trigger an update to have the element re-drawn at the right place. Even Chrome shows this weirdness makes me feel that it is a Webkit issue.
Things gone worse in iPad3. In iPad3 you don't need to add "-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;" (Issue #2) to see this weird behavior. Just add "position:fixed" (Issue #1) will do. The strange thing is that this doesn't happen when you view the snippet in jsFiddle. In case you are interested I have put the source in a single file at pastebin:
When writing this question I saw quite a number of questions regarding backface visibility. I've checked some but none of them matches my problem.
Ideas or suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
(Post updated to fix many typos)
