Replace Markers by html content - google-maps-api-3

I have been searching on the Google Map API V3 documentation but I could not find any way to use my own html content instead of an image to create a custom icon on the map.
I would like to display a dynamic marker that can display text or anything I want.
For exemple :
<div class="marker">Dynamic text</div>
I have seen this thread google map api v3: can I use a div instead of an image to create the custom icon? where someone advice to use "Custom Overlays" but in the documentation it only displays an image... I don't see the point of explaning how to display an image with "Custom Overlays" if it is done to display html content.
How should I proceed then ? Should I use Custom Overlays ? There is not anything that seem easier to do that ?

Mano's got the right answer if you're looking to position something on the map that isn't bounded geographically, like a menu or titlebar.
If you're looking to display something geographically-bound, like a city name (pretending for a second that the API doesn't already do this) than you'll be headed the CustomOverlay route. While all the examples use images, that's not a requirement by any means. If you look at the simple overlay example and view the source code around line 62 you'll see the exact lines adding the <img> object to the <div>. You could just as easily add text to the div instead of an image.

Actually you can use float the div over your map using CSS. You have to be careful about the positioning. Check out this post:
div on top of div with Google Maps API

Go to this demo purpose website:
On the map, right Click on map, and you will see a context menu. Within this context menu, there is a input, you can just input some text on the input. Then next generated Marker will have the text you entered there.
To see how it works, you can go to its github:
Mapcover.js is one javascript gadget enabling Developers to Write HTML/CSS to create customized elements on Google Map.


Anchor Tag doesn't work because of animation

Goal: I need to set anchor tags for the wordpress-site:
I am using Visual Composer and there is some animation.
Problem: If I try to set an anchor tag, it scrolls to the right place but does not show the previous parts that are animated like here: or if I use a Plugin "scroll to Id", it just scrolls to a random place, like for example here:
Details: The Wordpress Theme is "Zyen". Ref:
Thanks for your help!
I see that your site is using the Zeyn theme.
That's the first place to look for coding style changes. Here's a demo example doing what I think you are hoping to achieve.
This means don't use the button for an anchor. So, use the Extra id in the rows to correspond with the anchor link (#example).
Here's the directions to do this; just start after the steps about the menu items.

Nativescript: How to overlay one StackLayout over another StackLayout

I have a search suggestion component that is displayed under a TextField. whenever text is entered into the TextField the search suggestion component displays a list of possible matches based on the current entered text... I have more content under the TextField that gets pushed to the bottom whenever the Search suggestion gets populated with results. Is there any way to overlay the search suggestions over the content underneath it instead of pushing the content down? in HTML/css I would apply the position absolute and z-index css properties to the search suggestion component but this doesn't seem to be the case in Nativescript. I see that Nativescript does support the z-index css property but just applying that doesn't seem to do anything. It doesn't look like Nativescript supports the position property... Any idea how I can make this work/what i'm missing?
You have a couple quick options. One is to use a grid as mentioned in the comments. Set the views on the same row/col. This is the same as stacking views on the z axis. Or an absolute layout and use the same positioning of the views within that layout.

Change more than 1 CSS value on click using Javascript?

have a very basic page that I am working on that contains thumbnail images and a main image. When the thumbnail images are clicked I am using document.getElementById to change the main image. Easy to do but I now want to change my main image from landscape to portrait. This will mean that now when clicking the thumbnail I will not only need to change the main image but also the div tag dimensions. I am new to Javascript and was wondering if someone could give me a quick point in the right direction of how to go about this.
Thank you in advance for any help,
I would suggest adding/changing a CSS style class on the element and then configuring that class with all the necessary modifications. There's a lot you can do with just CSS.
You can either use a semi colon in your onclick event and add more javascript calls, or create a JavaScript function that will do all of your neccesary changes and call that method from your onclick event.
function changeStuff(){
<div id="myThing">
<img id="myOtherThing" onclick="cangeStuff();"></img>

MapQuest JS API - How to position custom marker icon

I'd like to position my custom marker on MapQuest, because location is poiting at the middle of the icon, not at the bottom of the icon (icon is a image of "pin").
var icon=new MQA.Icon("/images/market.png",30,70);
Thanks a lot in advance
Disclaimer: I work for MapQuest.
You can position custom icons using the setIconOffset method on your POI. Here's a quick example:
var myIcon=new MQA.Poi( {lat:39.739217, lng:-104.984861} );
myIcon.setIcon(new MQA.Icon('img/arrowicon.png', 72, 87));
myIcon.setIconOffset(new MQA.Point(-43,-72));
The first number you pass into MQA.Point is essentially the CSS left offset of the icon, while the second is the top.
If you need help, don't hesitate to comment back or check out the Forums on the MapQuest Developer Network.

the new facebook like, that open the comment box...+ overlow:hidden

a quick introduction :
facebook has changed the LIKE (count) button
into something like :
LIKE (count)
[ -------------------- clic = open a Big zone bottom / right --------------------]
problem :
Its nice BUT ....
you forgot that a lot of website are using the like button in "toolbars". Page example
Left column Tooblbar, include fb:like -------------------- Right column
Document content
and lot of structured pages/ blocs are using "overflow:hidden" !! So it makes the displayed widget randomly truncated everywhere (right, bottom...) depending of its environnement.
Its impossible to remove all the overflow:hidden from the containers blocks, to satisfy a widget update.
What can we do. Some sites where clean, now they look drafts, with all button opening truncated stuff...
any solution ?
If you want to use the Facebook plugin, the only solution seems to be to change the HTML/CSS so overflow:hidden can be removed. Alternatively, you could try to use a service that forwards the user actions to social networks for you and offers different methods of website integration.
If you're not using overflow: hidden for semantic reasons, you could always change it to overflow: visible or just remove it. I'm assuming that the fix isn't that simple...
A quickfix that wouldn't require you to modify your CSS would be to place your FB Like button outside of any containing elements that have overflow: hidden or overflow: auto and use absolute positioning to get it where you want it.
