ASP.NET keep alive page using aspx vs. html -

I have having trouble with my hosted site taking a long time to render the first page when it has not been accessed for a while. I wanted to create a keep alive page that I would call every 15 minutes to make sure the site stays up and running. Can I create an html page or must I create an aspx page for this to work? Will the thread pool recognize the html page that is not part of my ASP.NET project and make sure the site is not shut down?

You're going to have to create a page which hit's the .net process. You can do an html page, but you're going to have to have something on that page that hit's the process.


ASP.Net has very high server time

I have a 32-bit application running in IIS 7.5. I am having an issue with the pages.
Mentioned the issue below.
Open a page. Hit the database through some action in the page.
Open another page in another tab. Now, the second page doesn't respond till the first page responds. The second page has no database hits in page load. It's just plain HTML.
This happens with all the pages in the application. I am not sure if it is because of IIS or my application.
Do you have sessions enabled? If yes, all requests will be run serially. If you can, try to avoid using sessions or only enable it where you need it.

ASP .NET Website; first load of every page is very slow

I'm facing with the following situation:
On an ASP .NET website(this is maybe important, it is not a web app. project, it is a website project in VS) the aspx pages load very slow for the first time; and the key is, that EVERY page is loading very slowly for the first time, not only the very first page after an app pool restart;
Of course I know that the app. pool is stopped after a certain amount of idle time, and after restarting the very first page load can be slow; but I think this is not the case in this site, since every page's first load is slow after deploying the website to IIS.
It seems that every page is compiled at the time when it is first loaded, don't know, if it's possible at all.
Any ideas, what can cause this, and how to avoid?

ASP.NET Session Expires Whenever the markup is changed

I am having strange problem while testing my application. Every time i make change in .aspx page "means change any html", and when i refresh the page it takes me to the login page.
Thus the Session is expiring every time i make change in .aspx page.
I was not experiencing this problem before.
I am using Visual Studio 2012 with TFS
Any Suggestions
Changing .aspx does not mean changing html. If you using and changing server controls you have to rebuild app every time before lunch.
If you don't want Session to drop after recompile you can use StateServer(ASP.NET session state service)
You can check more here: Session-State Modes

How ASP.NET Web Pages Threading / Multi Tasking Works for Single user?

This Might be a very basic Questing. (URGENT)
I have a Web application with multiple pages.
When a user is Logged in using Visual Studio(Development) / IIS (Production )
If the user have opened a Page 1 from home page which is long running process (Lets say few minutes)
Can the same user open Page 2 from home page while Page 1 is still running.
There is no connection between Page1 and Page 2.
Remember I am talking about the same user in the same machine.
Does ASP.NET takes care of this MultiThreading by default for above situation?
Or I Should create Separate Thread for each page?
I my case I not able to open the second page still the first page is Finished.
Please shed me some light.
The answer is yes, if a user is opening Page 1 (which may take a long time to render), other users, or even the same user, can still open other pages in the application at the same time* (including Page 1 again).
(*) Unless database locking or some other explicit mechanism prevents this, however you have to try fairly hard to get this to happen

How to generate ASP.NET page every time when using master pages?

I'm moving an old VBScript web site over to ASP.NET, so I'm starting to use master pages instead of #includeing lots of other files with server side VBScript in them.
How can I stop the pages (as in the ones that are based on master pages) from being generated once and then stored? If I make a change to the master page (or any page based on them) those changes are not visible, because the web server is still giving out the previous versions.
It sounds like you have caching enabled, as normal behaviour without caching is to regenrate.
That shouldn't be the case, are you sure it's not a caching issue?
