Sharepoint not getting current user NetworkCredential from active directory -

we have strange problem, we have single signon and we are trying to fetch unread email count from Exchange ews webservice, the problem is it always gets same count for all user which is actually for server user.
'it should now get for current user who requested the page
'but its always for server user where sharepoint is installed
Public Sub GetUnreadEmailCount()
Dim errormsg As String = String.Empty
Dim UnreadCount As Integer = 0
Dim esb As New ExchangeServiceBinding
esb.RequestServerVersionValue = New RequestServerVersion
esb.RequestServerVersionValue.Version = ExchangeVersionType.Exchange2007_SP1
esb.UseDefaultCredentials = True
esb.Url = Domain + "/EWS/Exchange.asmx"
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = New RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(AddressOf CertificateValidationCallBack)
Dim biArray(1) As BaseFolderIdType
Dim dfFolder As New DistinguishedFolderIdType
dfFolder.Id = DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.inbox
biArray(0) = dfFolder
Dim geGetFolder As New GetFolderType
geGetFolder.FolderIds = biArray
geGetFolder.FolderShape = New FolderResponseShapeType
geGetFolder.FolderShape.BaseShape = DefaultShapeNamesType.AllProperties
Dim gfResponse As GetFolderResponseType = esb.GetFolder(geGetFolder)
Dim rmta As ResponseMessageType() = gfResponse.ResponseMessages.Items
Dim rmt As FolderInfoResponseMessageType = DirectCast(rmta(0), FolderInfoResponseMessageType)
If rmt.ResponseClass = ResponseClassType.Success Then
Dim folder As FolderType = DirectCast(rmt.Folders(0), FolderType)
UnreadCount = folder.UnreadCount
End If
Label1.Text = vbCrLf + "Unread email count : " + UnreadCount.ToString
' Return UnreadCount
Catch ex As Exception
If Not ex.Message Is Nothing Then errormsg = ex.Message
If Not ex.InnerException.Message Is Nothing Then errormsg = errormsg + " : " + ex.InnerException.Message
Catch e As Exception
End Try
If esb IsNot Nothing Then esb.Dispose() : esb = Nothing
If Not errormsg = String.Empty Then
Label1.Text = vbCrLf + "Error : " + errormsg
End If
End Try
End Sub

We were actually having the same problem, although we were not using single sign on. So I'm not sure this is exactly what you are experiencing.
The problem is that you can not have a user on Machine A give their credentials to Machine B (SharePoint?) and then have Machine B send those credentials on to Machine C
It's referred to as the "Double Hop" problem and is a security feature, however I'm not really into the technical side of it. Our solution was to use Kerberos.
I hope this helps you, if not, that it helps you rule out this specific issue :)

Your server side code is running as the AppPool's identity, which is your sharepoint service account. I'm assuming that's what you mean by 'the server user.'
esb.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
will use the creds of the context. I'm not sure of what's available in the EWS services, so if you can use a higher-privileged account and get based on the user coming in, i.e., HttpContext.Current.User.Identity as a parameter, then that may be the best way.
You could authenticate via javascript directly to the EWS services, skipping server-side code altogether, and write something that consumes & displays the server stuff as you need it.
You'd need to find a way to auth the user directly to the EWS services. Double-hop is an issue with NTLM, as your NTLM ticket is only valid for the first hop. Kerberos fixes that, but you still need to impersonate.


Sending e-mail by System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient causes 'Mailbox unavailable, Spam Rejected'

In a web application using 4.0, I use the class System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient to send email.
This is my code:
Shared Function InviaMail(ByVal toAddress As String, ByVal TestoMsg As String, ByVal TestoSubject As String) As Boolean
Dim from As New MailAddress("", "")
Dim toDest As New MailAddress(toAddress, "")
Dim mm As New MailMessage(from, toDest)
Dim altView As AlternateView
altView = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(TestoMsg, Nothing, MediaTypeNames.Text.Html)
mm.Subject = TestoSubject
mm.Body = TestoMsg
mm.IsBodyHtml = True
Dim smtp As New SmtpClient
mm = Nothing
smtp = Nothing
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
End Function
For some time now, whenever I try to send an email I get this error:
Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.2.0 Jhw61q00C2SXeFl01 Spam Rejected
I searched for hours for a solution, but did not find any information.
Please help me understand what is going on, and why I'm getting this error. If you need more information, I will provide it, but please try to help me.
After more tests, I think the problem is due to the raising of the anti-spam policy of internet services providers. I will ask for this to my provider.

How to send multiple emails with ASP.NET

How do I set the code below to generate multiple emails like with a reminder every 15 minutes? Thank you for any guidance.
Private Sub SendEmail(ByVal pharmEmail As String, ByVal backupEmail As String)
Dim smtpClient As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient()
Dim message As New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage()
Dim fromAddress As New System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings("EmailFromAddr"), WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings("EmailFromName"))
message.From = fromAddress
message.Subject = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings("EmailSubject")
message.Priority = Net.Mail.MailPriority.High
If (WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings("backupEnabled") = True) Then
End If
message.IsBodyHtml = True
Dim orderURL As New HyperLink
orderURL.Text = "here"
orderURL.NavigateUrl = "http://" & WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ServerName") & "/User/ReviewOrder.aspx?orderID=" & webOrderID
message.Body = "An order was created using the account of " + Profile.FirstName.ToString() + " " + Profile.LastName.ToString() + ". " + WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings("EmailBody") + "<a href='" + orderURL.NavigateUrl + "'>here.</a>"
'message.Body = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings("EmailBody") & " " & orderURL.
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
I agree with comments on the scheduler. If you don't like that you can create a windows service that does this. This will solve if you want to fire the routine every X minutes.
You don't have enough code here to send out emails, so you have to wrap this with some logic that fires the routine with the email information you want. More than likely, this is stored in a database (recipients, email) or some other persistent store.
I do caution the idea of sending reminders every 15 minutes to the same people, as you are more than likely to piss them off (unless that is your intent?).
Thank you all for you contributions. I have decided to create a SSIS package with a SQL and Send Email tasks. The SQL task check for new orders placed and the Send Email task sends reminder to users in a scheduled time.

VB.NET mailto: Run-time error '91'

Can anyone take a look at my code below and recommend how I can stop receiving the dreaded error 91. Error: Object variable or With block variable not set.
I am using the mailto: function to send an email using the native email client and populating the email w/ data from a gridview. After the error pops up, I simply click ok and the email is loaded w/ the exact data I want!
Protected Sub GridView2_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView2.SelectedIndexChanged, GridView1.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim MailFormat, Number, BodyOfEmail, FullName As String
Dim RowValue As Double
RowValue = GridView1.SelectedDataKey.Value - 1
Number = GridView1.Rows(RowValue).Cells(5).Text.ToString
FullName = GridView1.Rows(RowValue).Cells(25).Text.ToString
BodyOfEmail = “SomeTextInTheBody”
MailFormat = "mailto:" & Number & "?" & "subject= A subject here" & "&body=" & BodyOfEmail
End Sub
I can execute the following code from the .aspx page just fine:
a href=""
and outlook opens without issue. It appears to only be an issue when the aspx.vb code up at the top is executed...
<a href="mailto:xxx"/> works fine because it is executing in the user's browser, and will use the user's locally-installed interactive email application, whatever it happens to be.
Process.Start("mailto:xxx") will always fail because it is executing on the web server, which will probably not have a locally-installed interactive email application available, and even if it did, you would not be able to start it interactively on a desktop that does not exist. The fact that it happens to throw error 91 in your test environment is irrelevant. Don't do it, full stop.
What you need to do is arrange for a bit of JavaScript to execute on page render after the server-side event has completed. Something like location.href = "mailto:xxx" may do the trick. Exactly where you should insert this depends on your page design.
Alternatively, if you want to keep the email generation code entirely on the server-side, and you know that your users will always be using Outlook, you could look at calling Exchange Server directly. See here for a starting point.
Have you considered using the SmtpClient class?
Dim SmtpServer As New SmtpClient()
Dim mail As New MailMessage()
SmtpServer.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential("sender address", "sender password")
SmtpServer.Port = 587 'If sending from gmail...
SmtpServer.Host = "" 'If sending from gmail...
mail = New MailMessage()
mail.From = New MailAddress("sender address")
mail.To.Add("recipient address")
mail.Subject = ""
mail.Body = ""

paypal nvp .net sdk error

We have a web site that uses PayPal Express Checkout for Digital Goods to make software sales. It has been working fine for 5 months. Last week we started getting an error "The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.” off the live site. When I run the site off my development server it runs fine and we can process a transaction. All these are against the live paypal site. In looking at many questions on this forum and others the main problem appears to be using the wrong endpoints. I am using the .NET SDK and the nvp methods. I checked the endpoints and they are the current ones provided by paypal for nvp transactions. Even looked in the dll to make sure we did't have an older version. We are good there.
Then I thought it might be that the hosting server could'd establish a secure link to paypal so created a test page with a url with query string to the endpoint like(
This worked and returned the expected transaction token. So we can connect from the hosting server. Then thinking our credentials or credential retrieval code might be the problem I pulled the credentials out of our database and ran the test as follows.
Test Query string with server data code======================================
This worked so credentials and endpoint are good on the hosting server.
( Dim sCEnvironment As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("Environment")
Dim dtsettings As DataTable
dtsettings = Dac.ExecuteDataTable("GetCredentials", Dac.Parameter("#Environment", sCEnvironment))
'// Set up your API credentials, PayPal end point, API operation and version.
Dim sAPIUsername As String = dtsettings.Rows(0).Item("UserName").ToString
Dim sAPISignature As String = dtsettings.Rows(0).Item("Signature").ToString
Dim sAPIPassword As String = dtsettings.Rows(0).Item("Password").ToString
Dim sEnvironment As String = dtsettings.Rows(0).Item("Environment").ToString
Dim QS As String = "" & sAPIUsername & "&PWD=" & sAPIPassword & "&SIGNATURE=" & sAPISignature & "&VERSION=60.0&PAYMENTACTION=Authorization&AMT=1.95&RETURNURL="
I then moved on to testing the token generation using the sdk dll (paypal_base.dll). See code below. As each line is generated I added to it a string that writes out to the test page so I can get an idea what is going on our hosting server. We use the express checkout for Digital Goods process. I got the basic code from and added the Digital Goods query parameters per the online documentation. This works on my development server and returns the Token. It worked on the hosting site for about four months until sometime between January 27 and January 30 when I got the first notification that a customer could not purchase a product.
When run on our hosting server we get the “The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.” error message on the line of code highlighted below. The query string is generated by the encoder and held in the variable pStrrequestforNvp so the encoder works.
I am at a loss. What could be different on the hosting server than on our development server? Is there a method in the dll I could use to write out the actual call to the paypal server? I put the same dll file we used in development on the hosting site, but something is different.
Test the sdk generated query ===========================
Dim caller As NVPCallerServices = New NVPCallerServices
Dim profile As IAPIProfile = ProfileFactory.createSignatureAPIProfile
Dim sCEnvironment As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("Environment")
Dim dtsettings As DataTable
Dim sMsg As String
dtsettings = Dac.ExecuteDataTable("GetCredentials", Dac.Parameter("#Environment", sCEnvironment))
profile.APIUsername = dtsettings.Rows(0).Item("UserName").ToString
sMsg = "APIUserName = " & dtsettings.Rows(0).Item("UserName").ToString & "<br/>"
profile.APISignature = dtsettings.Rows(0).Item("Signature").ToString
sMsg = sMsg & "APISignature = " & dtsettings.Rows(0).Item("Signature").ToString & "<br/>"
profile.APIPassword = dtsettings.Rows(0).Item("Password").ToString
sMsg = sMsg & "APIPassword = " & dtsettings.Rows(0).Item("Password").ToString & "<br/>"
profile.Environment = dtsettings.Rows(0).Item("Environment").ToString
sMsg = sMsg & "Environment = " & dtsettings.Rows(0).Item("Environment").ToString & "<br/>"
caller.APIProfile = profile
Dim encoder As NVPCodec = New NVPCodec
encoder("VERSION") = "65.1"
encoder("METHOD") = "SetExpressCheckout"
encoder("RETURNURL") = ""
encoder("CANCELURL") = ""
encoder("PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT") = "1.95"
encoder("PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMAMT") = "1.95"
encoder("PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC") = "Software"
encoder("L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0") = "Test"
encoder("L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NUMBER0") = "123"
encoder("L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0") = "1"
encoder("L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0") = "1.95"
encoder("L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC0") = "Download"
encoder("NOSHIPPING") = "1"
encoder("SOLUTIONTYPE") = "Sole"
Dim pStrrequestforNvp As String = encoder.Encode
sMsg = sMsg & "pStrrequestforNvp = " & pStrrequestforNvp & "<br/>"
Dim pStresponsenvp As String = caller.Call(pStrrequestforNvp) ***Error occurs here***
sMsg = sMsg & "pStresponsenvp = " & pStresponsenvp & "<br/>"
Dim decoder As NVPCodec = New NVPCodec
Dim Token As String = decoder("TOKEN")
sMsg = sMsg & "Token = " & Token & "<br/>"
Me.lblResponse.Text = sMsg.ToString
Catch ex As Exception
sMsg = sMsg & "<br/>" & ex.Message.ToString & "<br/>" _
& ex.StackTrace.ToString
Me.lblResponse.Text = sMsg.ToString
End Try
I'll answer my own question. After many back and forths with the web hosting service and PayPal we narrowed the problem to the Server not authorizing the Security Certificate. Had to put a trace on our page to find this and prove it was on their side. As I suspected it was an MS update that screwed things up. One day the site was working the next it wasn't.
For further reading on the subject see the dialog at!-(paypal-checkout-not-working-any-more)/msg39498/#msg39498
To their credit the Arvixe folks tracked down the problem and eventually resolved it after we went back and forth a few times on whose problem it was.

Exception thrown when using GData .NET Analytics API

I am facing an issue while trying to fetch data from GoogleAnalytics API on piece of code that has been working well just a couple of days ago.
For this I am referencing the following DLL's:
And I am using the following code:
Dim visits As String = String.Empty
Dim username As String = ""
Dim pass As String = "mypassword"
Const dataFeedUrl As String = ""
Dim query As AccountQuery = New AccountQuery()
Dim service As AnalyticsService = New AnalyticsService("MyWebAnalyticsService")
service.setUserCredentials(username, pass)
Dim accountFeed As AccountFeed = service.Query(query) ''----------> Exception thrown in this line: GDataRequestException Execution of request failed:
I thought it had to do with a blocking to the account I was using but it wasn't the case because I verified registering the site for another analytics account and is still not working.
This code has been working flawlessly as I've said but all of a sudden has stopped doing so yesterday.
Could you please help me figuring out what's wrong?. Maybe the way the user credentials are set has changed and I am missing something.
Thank you very much for your help.
I managed to make it work and now I can query the visits for a desired domain. The code goes as follows:
Dim visits As String = String.Empty
Dim username As String = ""
Dim pass As String = "mypassword"
'Follow the instructions on (Create a Project in the Google APIs Console) to generate your key
'Once you have it set it as part of the querystring to request our GA service
Dim gkey As String = "key=yourkeystring"
'Set the new URI to retrieve the feed data and append it the generated key
Dim dataFeedUrl As String = "" & gkey
'Create and authenticate on our service instance
Dim service As AnalyticsService = New AnalyticsService("MyAnaliticsService")
service.setUserCredentials(username, pass)
'Use the profile id for the account you want to get ths visits from, you can find it
'logging in your analytics account, select the desired domain on your list (blue link)
click on the administrator button and on the profiles tab find the profile
'configuration subtab, right there you will find the profile id in this case the eight characters long id 12345678
Dim query1 As DataQuery = New DataQuery(dataFeedUrl)
With query1
.Ids = "ga:12345678"
.Metrics = "ga:visits"
.Sort = "ga:visits"
.GAStartDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1).AddDays(-2).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
.GAEndDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
.StartIndex = 1
End With
'Use the generated datafeed based on the former query to get the visits
Dim dataFeedVisits As DataFeed = service.Query(query1)
For Each entry As DataEntry In dataFeedVisits.Entries
Dim st As String = entry.Title.Text
Dim ss As String = entry.Metrics(0).Value
visits = ss
I have the same problem and it looks like google recently shut down the feed. It is answered in another post. Issue Not Found with Google Analytic
Please make sure you registered your project in the APIs Console and you are sending the API Key with your requests.
If that is not the issue, inspecting the inner exception will give you more details about the error. As an alternative, you can use Fiddler to capture the HTTP request and the response. The latter will include a more descriptive error message.
