Detail view in Visual studio 2010 -

I have a detail view control in my aspx form.
I have the following field in my detail view:
But i dont want to allow the user to edit the "NameId" field.
So i set it as READ ONLY and INSERT VISIBLE.
But setting it dosent allow me to update.
If all the fields are set to be allow for editing, the update work successfully.
How should i go about doing it?

Are you trying to pass that NameID field in the UpdateCommand?
Setting the field to ReadOnly=True won't pass the value to the underlying datasource. So you may need to remove that field from the UpdateCommand.
See this link for some more information:


Contact form 7 file field related query

We have required conditional file field that depends on another dropdown field. If dropdown field value YES then file field will show and added required option but if dropdown value NO then file field not show and remove the required option.
We have done the hide show logic in file field but not able to do required option on off. Can anyone please suggest how to do that?
Without the exact website link, it is difficult to explain perfectly. However, from what I understand what you need to do here is to implement a custom validation.
You can refer this link to understand how to implement custom validation.
Basic flow of code:
1. Give ID to the drop down so that you can bind an onchange event with it
2. Bind an onchange event that hide/show the file field
3. Create custom required validation which checks your drop down value and decides whether the other field is required or not
This should do your job... Feel free to ask other questions and post your website uRL and code to get a better answer.

Cannot filter a view based on the field value

Drupal 7
Problem statement: Cannot filter a view based on the field value
I have a content type called support ticket
It has a field called assigned-to which has the list of users to whom the ticket will be assigned
I created a view for support ticket content
I have added a contextual filter Content: Assigned to, configured display based on “User ID from logged-in user”
Works fine for admin but not for other users
Can anyone please help me resolve this
The setting you're using in the view are perfectly fine. Couple of checks that you could do:
Make sure that the field assinged-to is a user reference field or an entity reference field reffering to the user entity.
Make sure there is value in the assigned-to field in some nodes for the current user you're logging in as.

Can anyone tell me how to add fields in drupal webform result?

The Defalult fields are #,SUBMITTED,USER,IP ADDRESS...
I need to add an extra field as Deal Title & Expiry which are the fields I have added for my webform, can anyone suggest a way to do it?
There is a module named - Webform MySQL View
Enable the module
URL: Base_URL/admin/content/webform/mysql
Click the MySQL Views tab
Check the boxes next to the names of the Webforms for which you want to create MySQL views
Submit the form.
Once you have created a MySQL view for a given Webform, the view will be automatically updated whenever you add, remove, or reorder the components for that Webform.
Try this, it's easy.

How can I use current user (default membership) as a data field in DetailsView?

I am new to I have a details view control on my page. I use linq to sql. My details view is an admin panel for data entry page. So some members will enter some news to my database. I want to use "Writer" Data Field to be filled automaticly with the current logged user. How can I do that?
You will simply need to inject the username into the field at some point.
There is not a point-n-click drag-n-drop solution to this case, and there are many ways to accomplish this and to go into further detail is likely not necessary.
Just get the value into the textbox or field as the page is served where L2S can pick it up on the postback.

How to create a custom ASP.NET control with automatic validation

I am building an ASP web site that contains a large section that represents a database front end. I need to build forms to manipulate the database and obviously there would be much repitition i.t.o the type of input field and rules pertaining to the field. For example there are many tables where I have take on varchar(n) fields that could be required or not.
I was thinking to build a set of custom controls that would contain a label naming the field, an edit control (text box for example) and validators for the edit control. The custom control should automatically get the field length and set the MaxLength property as well as determine if the field is a required one and ad a RequiredFieldValidator etc. So when I create the custom control I would do something like this:
<user:UserControls_TextFieldEdit LinqObjectType="Franchise" FieldName="FranchiseName" runat="server" />
There must be a way to achieve this but I haven't I been able to find any controls/libraries that do this. I don't know how to get the field information armed with only strings representing the Linq entity name and field name.
Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.
I am using ASP.NET 3.5 and Linq.
Is Dynamic Linq what you need?
