I need to color code two GridViews. The color coding should expose data discrepancies between the two GridViews. The data is stored in DataTables. Since the DataTable may be used for different controls, I’d prefer to flag the data discrepancy within the DataTable.
Well, to use the DataTable for flagging, you would have to add an extra column to store the flag, so you could retrieve it in the RowDataBound event of the GridView to change the color. That is certainly possible; however, if for some reason that doesn't work, you could create a wrapper class for each row, that represents the row and has the additional data you need. That makes it more complex to bind, but it would work.
I have a SQLDataSource in an ASP.NET Web Form, bound to a GridView and would like to perform a GROUP BY on the underlying data after it has been bound.
I would like the grouped data to appear in a separate GridView.
How would I accomplish this task?
would like to perform a GROUP BY on the underlying data after it has
been bound.
You cannot do that. Once the data is bound, it is bound. The same data will be displayed in the gridview however it was pulled in query with out without grouping. You cannot change it afterwards.
I am thinking you want something different as your question suggests. You want to be able to group on the fly depending on what field the user select. For that you will need different set of controls. May be a dropdownlist and a Gridview Combination? That will be a different scenario.
You can also bound sql datasource on the fly in C# code rather than in ASP.NET code. In that you would be able to achieve it with some additional controls like if this button is clicked, group by this field or if that button is clicked, group by that field.
Here is my scenario.
I have an objectdatasource-bound gridview where i want to show Students {name, age, class}
name:string, age:int, Class:Foreign key, int
I also want to edit it, but when doing so i want to show a dropdownlist for the class field.
Currently i solve this by
a)creating a view, binding the grid to that view
b) on the editItemTemplate, put a DDL and bind it to the Class table.
What i want to know is if there is a way without involving the view shortcut.
NOTE: this question, Bind column to a different entity source than the gridview is
is somewhat related, but not quite the same thing. in that example, the OP just wanted to show the related data. Since am also updating, i need both the key and the value.
I have a relatively simple Listview that suddenly needs (due to new requirements) to have it's 'layout' extracted to a DataTable so that a common routine can convert it to an Excel spreadsheet for export purposes.
The ItemTemplate is just a series of Table Rows with some text, data-bound labels and textboxes with validators in the cells.
Usually, when trying to pull out a particular value (like what was entered into a text box), I use the ListViewItem's .FindControl method.
For Each objItem As ListViewItem In lvwOptions.Items
Dim objTextHrsLabor As TextBox = CType(objItem.FindControl("txtHrsOptByLabor"), TextBox)
decHours = CDec(objTextHrsLabor.Text)
In this case, however, I'm trying to take all the data displayed - all the 'rows and columns' of the table that was created.
Inside the ForEach / Next loop of ListViewItems, I started a ForEach/Next loop of Controls for each instance's controls but I got some really strange results returned (like controls that had a couple of table cells in them).
I get the sense I'm headed in the wrong direction. All I want is for the nicely-formatted 5-line, 6 column table to be converted to a 5-line, 6-column data table.
Is there another avenue I should be looking at?
I would look at the underlying data source for your ListView.
The data source must be a collection or an IEnumerable and you should be able to iterate through it to build your data table.
If you know that all elements are of the same type then you can use the first element and look at its properties using reflection to determine which columns your table should contain. Then you can add DataRows to your table and fill in the columns using the property names.
This will probably be faster than iterating through the generated html of the ListView.
I used this approach for exporting a ListView to Excel: http://aspalliance.com/771_CodeSnip_Exporting_GridView_to_Excel.
I know it deals with a GridView, but I adapted it to a ListView (as long as the underlying structure is a table) and it worked fine for me.
you can use..
this will be helpful , really simple and easy . You can extract info right on the basis of index & use anyway you want.
I am working on an ASP.NET 1.1 project where the requirement is to create a matrix table where the number of rows and the number of columns are determined by two separate datasets and can vary. Once the matrix is created the page has several buttons that do postbacks that need the data and any modifications made to a cell in the matrix table to be retained.
The <asp:DataGrid />is the obvious option but how do I add columns dynamically to the control?
I am also considering dynamically building <asp:table /> control on the fly but I am not really sure if this is the way to go.
A problem I have with datagrids is that they blindly bind to a dataset. The table I am creating has the first column as the sum and the second one as the weighted average of the subsequent column data. There is also a grouping of the columns.
In this scenario is it better to use a table server control and build the entire thing or do this in a datagrid ?
you can programatically add columns to a datagrid like that :
BoundColumn linkColumn = new BoundColumn();
linkColumn.DataField = "UserID";
linkColumn.DataFormatString = "<a href='UserDetails.aspx={0}'>User Details</a>";
linkColumn.HeaderText = "User Details";
programmatically adding rows is adding rows to datasource that you bind to datagrid, isn't it ?
In my opinion using grid is simpler, grid manages binding and formatting for you. But using table gives you ability to manage cells to you.
Not sure what is the bottleneck. It is possible to retain values in dataset using viewstate or session.
You can create a instance of a column and what you need and add to data grid.Check google for samples instead of posting here,on google you would find sample of how to work with a data grid.Data grid is better.
I know how to use the checkboxlist in ASP.NET to display options retrieved from a database. What I don't know how to do is to make this 2-dimensional. That is, I need a list of checkboxlists where I don't know how long the list is; both dimensions of the checkboxlist will be determined by
list of people (pulled from database)
list of tasks (pulled from database)
and the user of the web page will click in column/row to specify which people will be assigned which tasks.
Right now I'm thinking that my only option is to brute-force it by creating a table and populate each cell with its own checkbox. (yuck)
Is there a more elegant way to create a 2-dimensional array of checkboxes with labels for both rows and columns?
I would use a repeater along with a checkboxlist. Depending on how your database is setup you could have each checkboxlist databound.
I've done this before and resorted to the brute-force method you suggest.
It's not as nasty as you'd think. Other solutions that were declarative and databound would likely be just as convoluted and confusing.
I use the ASPxGridView from DevExpress. It has a control column type of Selected (or something like that) which will display a checkbox in the column with the other column populated from your bound datasource. The User can select any rows desired by checking the checkbox on the row and you can get all the selected rows easily inot a collection to process. DevExpress components really do get rid of a lot of brute-force programming.
You can programmitaclly use a GridView control. It's inherently two-dimensional and you can use databound CheckBoxFields for it.
If you're looking for a quick and dirty way, you can use the AJAX Control Toolkit with the two controls and can populate one based on the other. If that's not what you're looking for, I'd do it the brute force way.