I want to install Lifty.
I have created c:\sbt\plugins\build.sbt with the following single line:
addSbtPlugin("org.lifty" % "lifty" % "1.7.4")
When I execute sbt lifty in the project directory, I only get the following error:
[error] Not a valid command: lifty
How do I configure sbt for the plugin?
The global plugin definition has to go into the .sbt subdirectory of your home directory:
Actually the name (plugin.sbt) does not matter as long as the suffix is .sbt.
I have in my kibana directory a custom plugin "custom_plugin"
My impression from reading this portion of the elastic docs is that the directory needs to be zipped.
So based on that, I do:
zip -r custom_plugin.zip custom_plugin
Then, adhering to the elastic doc example, I run:
mkdir plugins
bin/kibana-plugin install file:///custom_plugin.zip -d plugins
I get the following output:
Warning: Using the -d, --plugin-dir option is deprecated, and is known to not work for all
plugins, including X-Pack.
Attempting to transfer from file:///custom_plugin.zip Error: ENOTFOUND
Attempting to transfer
from https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/kibana-plugins/file:///custom_plugin.zip/file:///custom_plugin.zip-6.7.2.zip
Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "No valid url
The command bin/kibana-plugin install file:///custom_plugin.zip will look for your file at the directory /custom_plugin.zip, so your root directory.
Try instead with an absolute path to your zip file as:
So, the title basically covers my question. I've created a project using virtualenv, e.g. I have to
source ./env/bin/activate
to run my script.
When I try creating an executable using:
pyinstaller --onefile <myscript.py>
None of the virtualenv packages are included; just the ones that are installed globally. I have a requirements.txt file that contains all of the modules I need. Is there a way to have pyinstaller point to that for the needed modules, or is there another way?
As Valentino pointed out by looking at How can I create the minimum size executable with pyinstaller?
You have to run PyIntaller from inside the virtual environment:
(venv_test) D:\testenv>pyinstaller
How to solve the not importing modules from the virtual environment
The virtual environment saves modules in a different directory than the global module directory. If you are using Windows like me, you can find the modules directory here:
C:\Users\<your username>\.virtualenvs\<your project name>\Lib\site-packages
When you find your virtualenv directory, run this command instead of this simple command(pyinstaller <script>.py):
pyinstaller --paths "C:\Users\<your username>\.virtualenvs\<your project name>\Lib\site-packages" --hidden-import <module name that should be import> <your script name>.py
To export just one file you can add this: -F or --onefile
As many modules as you can add to be imported by adding more --hidden-import flags and module name
Flag description
--paths: The pyinstaller will search for imports here
--hidden-import: Which modules should be imported by pyinstaller from the path
My sbt version is 1.1.5
I read readme in git,and add addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-git" % "1.0.0") in plugins.sbt .
When I use enablePlugins(GitVersioning), it's red, "Cannot resolve symbol GitVersioning"
New user to sbt, cannot figure out where did I missed.
Reload project and error will dissapear.
Every change to sbt build definition (e.g. build.sbt, plugins.sbt) requires sbt project rebuild.
If working directly from sbt, type reload or from console sbt reload
If working from IntelliJ, then right click on sbt project and choose Refresh sbt project (rebuild once) or Auto-import (rebuild on every change).
You have to add addSbtPlugin line to project/plugins.sbt file (create it if doesn't exist). Then add enablePlugins(GitVersioning) to your build.sbt (in the root directory of your project).
I am running grunt server after a clean install of Yeoman, using the Webapp generator and I get the following error:
Warning: Errno::ENOENT on line 441 of /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/pathname.rb: No such file or directory - /Users/nfento/Sites/test/app/bower_components
Run with --trace to see the full backtrace Use --force to continue.
Any idea what would be causing this? I have been able to reproduce the error on two machines. I'm completely new to using grunt, but have used it as a server with livereload previously.
Maybe is a bit late but:
check if you have a app/bower_components folder
if not check if there is a bower_components folder in the root
if it exists move it in the /app folder
create a file .bowerrcand paste this in:
{"directory": "app/bower_components"}
I've recently installed PHPUnit on a Mac (10.8.3) (running PHP 5.4.7). When I attempt to a run a test phpunit testfile.php for example, I receive:
Warning: require_once(File/Iterator/Autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or
directory in /Users/myusername/pear/share/pear/PHPUnit/Autoload.php on line 64
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'File/Iterator/Autoload.php'
(include_path='.:') in /Users/myusername/pear/share/pear/PHPUnit/Autoload.php on line 64
The file, /Users/myusername/pear/share/pear/File/Iterator/Autoload.php exists.
php.ini correctly lists the pear directories in the include path:
Yet when I var_dump(get_include_path()); inside of the PHPUnit/Autoload.php file, it prints .: as if it's empty.
Dumping the value of php_ini_loaded_file instead, simply returns false.
Using php -i |grep php\.ini and php --ini only show one php.ini being used/loaded:
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /usr/local/apache/lib
Loaded Configuration File => /usr/local/apache/lib/php.ini
I repeated the var_dumps of the include_path and the loaded_ini_file from a simple test.php file I ran from the command line and they print out the correct info. So something involved with phpunit is not loading the right/any php.ini.
I'm not using any configurations that are different than default - phpunit was just installed on this machine today.
Make sure the php.ini file you are using is the one loaded for cli php. At least on my install of PHP on Linux, I have two php.ini files, one at /etc/php/cgi-php5.4/php.ini, and the other at /etc/php/cli-php5.4/php.ini. If you change the cgi version, it won't by default affect the cli version, and would cause the include path to be empty.
Another place to check is the phpunit.xml file. It has a section to specify the include path. See here for options available. I'm not sure why phpunit would reset the path but this might be a way to solve the issue.
The solution was:
After running
`pear config-get php_bin` -i | grep -E Configuration\ File\|include_path
It showed that Pear was using a different ini path than php-cli was:
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc
Loaded Configuration File => (none)
include_path => .: => .:
Turns out, Pear had been configured by the original/default Mac OS copy of PHP, not by the custom version I had installed later on.
A quick fix that may not be best long-term was to symlink the ini file it was trying to find:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/apache/lib/php.ini /etc/php.ini
Afterwards, phpunit FakeTest commands are work, and the tests run.
Eventually I need to re-install/re-configure Pear to work with the version of php I've loaded.