CSS element outside of static position? - css

I'm having a weird problem at here: http://www.princessly.com/about-us/
See the bottom of the page where there's the "Get Princess Newsletter".
The newsletter <form id="newsletter-validate-detail"></form> is no where to be found by Firebug in Firefox. It seems to be out of the static flow but its children, namely h2, .newsletter-text, and .newsletter-paragraph are all displaying fine, yet OUTSIDE of their parent, the white box of .footer-newsletter.
This is causing me problem because I can't position the form inside .footer-newsletter which is a 2px border white background box with 2px border-radius, its parent.
Thus far I tried:
overflow:hidden for .footer-newsletter
position:static for #newsletter-validate-detail
position:relative for #newsletter-validate-detail
display:block for #newsletter-validate-detail
But none of them worked.
Any idea what the culprit would be? Thanks a lot!

You're not properly clearing your newsletter section. Add this to fix it:
.footer-newsletter:before, .footer-newsletter:after {
display: table;
content: "";
zoom: 1;
.footer-newsletter:after {
clear: both;
And your form is not being found because the ID does not exist in your CSS. Define it and it shall appear:
#newsletter-validate-detail {
display: block;
float: left;
margin: 0 0 10px;
width: 100%;


Div positioned absolute not showing up in firefox

I have a div (#socmed) with an ul containing li's which i have positioned at the top right of my page. You can find the div inside the header tag. These are social media buttons by the way.
As you can see, it only shows up in chrome and safari (haven't tested in IE yet).
I have tried changing the z-index, because I felt like it got overlapped by the parent div, which is colored pink. But that didn't seem to work. I have no idea what to do.
Thanks in advance for all help.
In your main.css:Line 73
Add a width to the <li> item.
#socmed li {
list-style: none outside none;
margin-top: 5px;
width: 25px; /* Add this width..! */
This seems to fix your problem.
Your outer #socmed div has width: 25px, but your <li> within it does not, and by default it is larger then the 25px as specified on #socmed, so would not display.
2 CSS adjustments you can make. First make a relative container (not fully tested on your page, but usually a good practice...
header {
Second, define a width for your ul list items in your header...
#socmed ul {
Hopefully this helps
This issue is related to the width of div#socmed:
width: auto;
height: 125px;
position: absolute;
right: 40px;
Originally, you set width to 25px, and this was not wide enough to show your icons.
This question from:
ul, ol {
margin: 0 0 10px 25px; // to margin:0
padding: 0;
please don't in the ul,ol such values margin: 0 0 10px 25px; It is a gobal.
I have put relative div in relative container. It worked.

Why does my nav bar move slightly when going to the resume tab

So I and pretty new to coding and have been coding this website from the ground up for professional use. The problem is, when users click the Resume section, the whole navbar moves over to the left. I have tried to correct this by adding a left:x px. But it doesn't seem to work. Any help?
The scrollbar causes the slight difference. You can enable scrollbar on all the pages with:
html {
overflow: -moz-scrollbars-vertical;
overflow-y: scroll;
This makes the scrollbar always visible and only active when needed.
Or another solution would be:
html {height: 101%;}
use margin: 0 auto for nav to align center
Try this:
nav {
position: relative;
width: 800px;
height: 17px;
margin: 0 auto;
text-decoration: none;
header nav ul {
width: 800px;
margin: 0 auto;
In the html for resume.html, check this line :
< nav style="right:10px;">
Remove that style attribute and give it a try.

Stubborn Nav-bar not centering?

I have been trying to center a Navigation bar on my Vbulletin website for a few days now. I've tried changing the parent class, the child class, manually inserting CSS in the html element, but it seems that something is overriding the style somewhere. Firebug does not seem to identify the problem for me.
Link to the forum: http://www.mobileassaultgroup.co.uk/forum/
The navbar is just underneath the banner image.
I have tried
display: block-inline
margin-left: 50%;
margin-right: 50%;
horizontal-position: middle;
On both the <ul> and <div> to no avail; it just sticks there slightly off to the left.
It is not the search bar on the right hand side either as I deleted that from the page and it still stays on that position.
Any ideas?
Something like this will work if you remove the search box.
#navtabs_container {
display: block;
width: 600px;
margin: auto;
#vbtab_forum ul {
left: 50%;
margin-left: -260px;
This css of yours won't work. This this instead.

Where's that margin below my footer coming from?

I have a margin below my footer in most browsers. Not in Chrome though. See enter link description here
Both body and my page wrapper have margin: 0. Wrapper is also height: 100%.
Here's the footer code:
#colophon {
clear: both;
display: table;
width: 960px;
max-width: 960px;
background: #131313;
border-top: 3px solid #0099cc;
border-collapse: collapse;
Adding margin: 0 there doesn't help. Shouldn't be necessary anyway. What am I missing?
In the bottom of your code I found this
<img alt="" src="http://stats.wordpress.com/g.gif?host=atlanticsentinel.com&rand=0.059020346471435614&blog=28342037&v=ext&post=0&ref=" id="wpstats">
If you remove that it works. What you should do is add display: none to that image in the CSS.
I saw that you have added visibility: hidden. When you do that it hides the image but the image will still take up room in the DOM.
Your wordpress stats tracker image is set to visibility: hidden, and follows your body tag. It is this image which creates your extra footer spacing, as you can see by changing the image like so img#wpstats { display: none; } (don't leave it like this - see below)
I'd move that image within your main footer (ie #colophon) somewhere it won't cause a problem. Alternatively, you could set it to position: absolute to remove it from the flow entirely. You can't set it as display: none as the browser needs to load the image in order for your tracking to work.
the issue is caused by your latest image img#wpstats because its visibility property is hidden
if you set display: none to that image (or make it absolutely positioned adjusting negative top or left properties) you solve the problem

float: left; Not working in IE?

(I'm looking at this site in IE 8.) As you can see the content floats center knocking the sidebar below it. It works perfectly in Chrome. I can't think why the float:left; command isn't working in IE.
#content {
margin: 5px 0 5px 5px;
font: 1.2em Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
Thanks for your help.
If you add overflow: hidden to your ul#list-nav then that will prevent the floating navigation messing up the rest of the document.
As for why the navigation is displaying strangely, it's because you're specifying your widths and layout badly. What you should be using is this:
ul#list-nav {
overflow: hidden;
ul#list-nav li {
width: 16.66%;
float: left;
display: block;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
ul#list-nav li a{
display: block;
margin-left: 1px;text-decoration: none;
padding: 5px 0;
background: #754C78;
color: #EEE;
text-align: center;
That way, the width of each element is exactly 16.66%, rather than 16.62% + 1px
what i currently see in IE8 is:
the problem is that menu links are too wide in IE. You've set the width to 16.62% to each anchor in the menu and that's too wide for IE. Since the width of your content is fixed I suggest you set fixed width in pixels (132px) for these links so they fit on one line and look consistent across browsers, also removing li style setting margin: 0.5em 2em to fix positioning problem in IE.
After my fix I see this:
To me it looks like theres nothing really wrong with the content.
In ie6-ie9 the menu seems to be failing in some way.
and also the menu goes in two rows which pushes everything down. I'm not sure if that is all due to the s letter or not at this point..
Note that the extra letter s seems to be somewhere between #menu and #content .containers.
Edit2: the problem is clearly the menu a width which is too much and the menu goes into two rows.
The way menu is often done is that the ulor outer div holds the color and then the menu li are either centered within that or just plain floated to the left. this way you get the full height feel without the tourbles of the menu braking like this ( though if you do it without ignoring the width.. it is possible with too many menu items and so on. )
add clear:both; on menu container.
note: is broken in Firefox to
