How to configure squid to be a Transparent proxy? - squid

I am working with Squid Proxy Server as I have also used cyberoam,Sonicwall and Clear OS.
I want to setup my own proxy like above products ie authentication in transparent proxy.
Actually I setup transparent proxy but at that time my HTTPS site is not working.Then I configure one iptables rule that redirect all http & https traffic to 3128(squid port) only. but here I can access all my https websites but I cant block them.
My requirement is when I am going to access any website at first time it will ask me to authentication and then and only i can access internet. In log reports also I can show its Username and one more thing it will also possible in thinclient(terminal service).
Anybody help me short-out this problem ?

Proxy authentication doesn't work in transparent proxies setups. The browser should have the proxy configured to catch the authentication request from a proxy and to request the credentials to an user.
Another thing is that you can create a transparent proxy for HTTPS. Why? Because when the browser connects, it's connected to the proxy, not the real server. The browser will try to negotiate SSL which is a thing that Squid won't support. There are tricks to do this, but you'll break the SSL security, browser will complain, etc. There are one tool that I used to get this working: u2nl, but it's a hack that tunnels HTTPS trought the proxy.
The best option, is to use a non-transparent proxy. If you want to avoid browsers configuration, have a look at WPAD

As said before, you can't really block HTTPS sites with Squid, and you can't really use authentication with the proxy running at his transparent mode.
As far as I could use and cofigure, you can use an external acl to force a kind of login, but the login requests will not be treated by the proxy, but you can work it with some PERL.
And about the HTTPS thing, you could work it with some hacks, but it is a very sensible question, because the server performance with be punished with this kind of use and you could be pointed as a fraudulent service, which isn't cool... Believe me.


Trying to setup nginx as a reverse proxy for facebook, but getting facebook error

my fathers job requires him to use a VPN to access anything work related (emails, websites, etc) outside his office, and the VPN blocks facebook, currently whenever he wants to use facebook, he has to log off the VPN first. He asked me if I could set up something to try and get around that, so I am attempting to setup NGINX on Debian 9 to act as a reverse proxy, however I have very little experience with NGINX. I have found that if I include proxy_set_header Host $host; then I can get to facebook but see
"Sorry, something went wrong.
We're working on getting this fixed as soon as we can."
But if I don't include it the VPN still blocks facebook.
Any advice?
nginx config
You're not going to be able to reverse proxy Facebook, for a few reasons: isn't going to load from an alternative hostname, such as The browser sends a request header, Host. Facebook's servers won't serve for a hostname that they aren't expecting.
Undoubtedly there's some client-side JavaScript that will be hardcoded to other hostnames you're not proxying (for API access, CDNs for images/video, etc.) that will break, unless you rewrote the page in your code as well (which isn't reasonably possible due to obfuscation).
You can't serve traffic for without having a properly signed certificate for HTTPS. HTTPS is required for due to HSTS.
Even if you managed to get a certificate, it isn't going to work due to key pinning.
What can you do?
Use a proper proxy server.
Use Tor.
Ask for Facebook to be let through on the VPN.

Is it possible to have client certificates with HTTP (not HTTPS)?

I have an application set up like this:
There is a server, with a reverseproxy/load balancer that acts as the HTTPS termination (this is the one that has a server certificate), and several applications behind it(*)
However, some applications require authentication of the client with a certificate. Authentication cannot happen in the reverse proxy. Will the application be able to see the user certificate, or will it be jettisoned by the HTTPS->HTTP transfer?
(*) OK, so this is a Kubernetes ingress, and containers/pods.
It will be lost. I think you need to extract it in the reverse proxy (i.e. Nginx) and pass it in as a HTTP header if you really must. See for example Not very secure as the cert is passed in the clear!
I don't know if we have that level of control over the ingress, personally I'm using a normal Nginx server for incoming traffic instead.

How to Encrypt outgoing https requests

Is there a way to completely encrypt the outgoing HTTPS requests from the software to the server ? i mean there are apps like Charles and Fiddler that can capture the HTTPS traffic and see everything like the Headers,URL,...
i don not want anyone to see or capture the traffic going from my app.
i'm using Delphi 10.1 VCL App
If you're using HTTPS and you are properly validating certificates as a browser would, there is no way for an intermediate to view URLs or headers, or content. All they can see is which server you're communicating with.
The way Charles gets around this is that it presents its own non-genuine certificate, which won't validate, and proxies the communication. If your app is validating certificates it would refuse to communicate with the Charles proxy. If you viewed the Charles proxy with a web browser it would present an SSL certificate error.
If you trust that particular Charles proxy and want to add an exception in your client or browser, you can. But it only allows that particular one - it doesn't mean anyone else can intercept your HTTPS, or read URLs, etc, using their own Charles proxy or similar.

Web app with out SSL integration intercepted by Proxy

My application is based on Spring framework and is used to transmit very confidential data.During testing of the application with with proxy tools like Fiddler, Paros Proxy etc. it was found that these tools are intercepting the request data, and data is easily modified before reaching the server.
My application is not currently not integrated with SSL . We will implement SSL /HTTPS. but is this because SSL has not been integrated ?
Is it normal for Proxy tools to intercept the data from a web application with out HTTPS ?
There are two things here.
1) If you don't use SSL the communication is not encrypted, which means that anybody who is able to intercept the traffic, will be able to see the content. You don't necessarily need a proxy for that.
2) With an intercepting HTTP proxy you can see SSL encrypted traffic as well. What the proxy does is building two separate SSL tunnels one between the server and the proxy and one between the client and the proxy. This way the proxy itself can see the whole traffic. Of course the proxy can only provide a fake SSL certificate which will trigger a notification in the browser for the user, but he will probably ignore it.
Yes. If you don't use https, Proxy see everything that the application send or received.
To prevent that, you must use https.
To prevent sslstrip you must use HSTS.

How can proxy server inform browser to bypass that proxy and make direct connection?

I develop proxy server. It have an internal database of some hosts, with that browser should make direct connection, not through my proxy. Is there any way to inform browser that it should bypass proxy?
For example, I`ve found 305 Use Proxy http header. Is it possible to make what I need with using that header?
You should instruct browser using WPAD or PAC.
It is browser responsibility to decide whenever use proxy or not.
Even large enterprises uses this technology, because it is transparent.
