Google clientLogin authentication url responds - 302 The document has moved - http

I am transferring videos from my web server to youtube.
Everything was working great.
The authentication was by clientLogin with my google username & password but now, all of a sudden the url ( is returning 302:
302 MovedThe document has moved
I saw some, but not a lot, of similar issues but nothing that solved this bizarre issue.
At first I thought that the authentication method was deprecated, but it doesn't seem so.
it is just advised not to use it.
I'm searching all day long and I'm still clueless.
Thank you all very much.
We have a big pilot in 5 days and it's a really big problem..
If anyone know of another method of programmatically uploading videos to youtube through an API, the clientLogin is not a problem anymore ;)

The above is not valid.
It should be (without the 'media')
or with a google service name (like 'youtube' in my case.)
Now I know 302 really well


Error when accessing Firebase hosted sites saying "your computer or network may be sending automated queries"

I shared a link with someone to a firebase site that I was hosting, and it worked for some time, but then all of a sudden they said they were getting the message:
We're sorry... ... but your computer or network may be sending
automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request
right now. See Google Help for more information.
I was also getting it, and started checking my other firebase hosted sites and started getting the message on all of them. I didn't understand. I couldn't find a common link to understand why it was happening. So many sites linked it to a reCAPTCHA problem, but my sites don't use reCAPTCHA...
I found this link:
GitHub forum Link
The user recommended making sure the url started with "https". As soon as I typed my url with "https://" at the start, everything came up. At that point, I tried all the other URLs, and they worked too. This may be a rule for all Google-related sites.
I'm not sure if it's relevant that Chrome often trims the url in the "omnibox" or address bar, hiding the protocol, making it easy to miss when copying/pasting? E.g. :
Note, I tried accessing these pages without https (by typing "http://") but my browser now seemed to correct it and force it to be "https://", so I couldn't replicate the problem again.
I don't know exactly why it started, but I know that I wish I found this information sooner, because it was very frustrating, and the info out there wasn't helpful, except for the link I posted above. So hopefully, when someone like me searches for "firebase" and the error text "your computer or network may be sending automated queries", they might see this and possibly be saved a headache.

I've just bought PAW and registered with their site. How do I use PawPrints?

I've just bought Paw and, while exploring the app found a mention of pawprints, which appear to be some sort of saved snippets or requests or something. I registered with the website and it tells me I have no saved pawprints. I've searched all over the help files and documentation and can't actually see how to create a pawprint, or even a clear definition of what a pawprint actually is.
So my questions are, what are pawprints and how do I use them?
Okay thanks Micha,
From the Blog Post (which Google couldn't find when I searched)
Last May, we launched Pawprint, a quick way to share the requests you tested in Paw. The idea of a getting a short link that you can paste anywhere, sharing what you just see on screen, was very appealing and something we wanted to do almost since the beginning of Paw.
That's handy to report bugs to the API provider (often those backend guys sitting on the other side of the room), or to show to the consumers (often the client folks playing with smartphones and web browsers) how your PATCH endpoint works.
In Paw, just hit ⌘/, and a permalink will be copied. Paste it anywhere from Slack and GitHub tickets, to StackOverflow answers.
You'll also get client code generated in many languages, plus cURL or HTTPie command lines, to run the same request from code.
Apparently the Paw website is being updated now to make this clearer.

How to redirect page from HTTP to HTTPS(IIS and Code methods)?

I was searching on web for this solutions and found so many solutions. Some of you might merge this with other question as duplicate(i dont mind), but there are some general questions i have as newbee which help me to understand this process and also other can use this. So my website works on both http(80) and https(443). I want my login and edit profile page to always redirect to HTTPS. I dont care about other pages.i binded the SSL and works fine with http and HTTPS.My application is in and server is Windows server 2008 with IIS7
So there are two ways i found through which you can do this. 1) Through IIS and 2) Through Code (Other methods are welcome)
My first question is which option is more feasible or optimal? I saw some of the comments with IIS and MS URL redirect module says they have problem redirection in some IE. And for code based solutions i am wondering is this the best method you can use.
I saw some commets which says if you have dynamic URL then IIS method might give you error for some URL with data.
Second is pros and cons of these two methods? So other can use one of those method according their needs
here are some of the answer i got from web
This is IIS method
and i can go on with these solutions. But what i am asking is which is better way, ISS or code? You are welcome to post your ideas and your solutions which help me and other to understand this problem better.
Thanks in advance.

is there a way to dowload netflix catalog?
doesnt work anymore (it says inactive account). Is there a way to download full catalog? wanted to create app for my use.
Netflix shut down their developer program last year, which was the only way to get the proper credentials to sign a REST request URL and download the catalog... They are not going to be issuing any new developer keys, either. So, if you don't already have one, I am afraid you are out of luck.
If it is saying "account inactive" you are not authenticating your call--you cannot just paste that into a browser. There is a lot of information on the Netflix developer site about this here
I have the same question. I'm able to begin downloading the entire catalog, but due to the size it crashes my browser.
I started reading through this link ( but to be honest I don't really understand it.
Anyone care to enlighten me on how to set up a request, add Accept-Encoding headers, and then parse the output? Sorry for thread highjack...
Having the same issue, 401 for what used to work fine. Seems to be a Netflix issue, not sure what we can do.

My hosting is messing up my urls

Usually when I get the url of a request i use Request.RawUrl.
This gives /default.aspx for example.
However recently my host changed something and now the name of the application directory is displayed as well so i get /appdirname/default.aspx.
Now why does it give me the directory of the application? It looks as if my website is a subapplication of another website. So when you go to the rawurl will be:
I believe each domain has it's own website defined in iis or am i mistaken.
I am not asking for a workaround, which should be pretty straightforward, I am asking why this is happening and how, what kind of IIS setup causes this to happen?
And the worst part is i had this issue with godaddy and i was happy my host didnt have it but now both hosts have the same problem.
The Request.RawUrl method returns everything after the domain declaration, so if your full url is:
then the method will return
That's all it does. That's all it claims to do. As you say, your hosting provider must have changed something, which is very naughty, and the workaround should be easy. There is a good chance that they have introduced some kind of url redirection, but the best way to find out is to get in touch with their helpdesk and ask them what is happening. I find that most successful hosting companies tend to respond in good time to this kind of question. Otherwise they tend to become formerly-successful hosting companies.
Ric Strahl has this to say about it:
