I have one application which is using 837P Muliple achema.Now i have another application which needs to use 837P single schema.but how to use 837P Single schema.As both have same namespace and root node.so i cant use schema from that application also and i cant deploy my schema also.Is there any solution for this situation.
Don't believe this is possible... BT's EDI repository can only hold one schema for each document type.
This should be per Biztalk Application. It will match to the schema in your application; hence you should be able to have one application with multiple and another application with single - but not within the same application.
I have more than 50 namespaces used in my Marklogic API's .The count can go on increasing further - I am looking for a way to find the feasibility if there is any way to utilise or store them in database or add them in app-server and later on how to invoke them in all the Xquery files- where they have been till now are updated manually in case of any new addition.
Yes! If you go to the Admin API (port 8001) and go under either your Group or App Servers, you'll see a Namespaces section on the left and in there you can enter your commonly used namespaces. After that they'll just exist in all the code automatically.
I have crated schema project and use consume adapter service wizard to generate schema for SQL DB table to perform insert operation. (Filename Prefix : Batch_)
How to overcome with issue when I tried to reuse schemas and build new schemas (Common) out of existing types ?
So, when I check Request schema node and try to find data structure type I got nothing ?
It's not totally clear what you're trying to do. But...it probably doesn't matter.
While technically possible, you really shouldn't be trying to craft your own schemas, just use what the Wizard emits directly.
With one exception, the common types, those you can consolidate because the xsd is the same for all generated Schemas.
More here: BizTalk Server: Reducing and Consolidating WCF Serialization Schema Types
Sorry, I'm a little unclear on the web2py manual explanation.
as an example, given app1 and app2
I want to have app2 share the database I have built in app1
So do I change the app2/models/db.py file to show: db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite',migrate='false') ?
and include all other myModel.py files in app2/models directory as well?
if the database is in app1/databases/ how does app2 know how to find the correct database file?
This Thread begins to answer the question but I'm still unclear on how to define where the shared database lives.
Note, DAL(..., migrate=False) just sets the default value of migrate for each table -- it will not have any effect on the migration status of tables whose define_table() calls include their own explicit migrate argument. If you want to completely disable migrations for an entire db connection (regardless of the individual define_table() calls), instead use:
DAL(..., migrate_enabled=False)
Also, to share model definitions between applications, rather than simply copying the model files, you could put the definitions in functions or classes within modules and then import the modules. Another option is to use auto_import:
DAL(..., auto_import=True)
Note, auto_import will import the field names and types, but it will not include DAL-specific attributes, such as validators and defaults, so its usage is somewhat limited.
I can't test this right now but the answer should be:
you can override the folder in the DAL:
So both apps should point to the same file.
(see the docs and this thread).
db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite',folder='path/to/app/databases')
yes, should need the model files in both apps too, otherwise the apps won't know how to access the db.
If I want to call a web service or wcf method from an orchestration, I can do it by either adding a service reference to the project or adding a generated item. What is the advantage of either approach - is there a best practice?
Steef -Jan Wiggers answers a similar question here
TL;DR - Always use the Generated Items wizard.
My 10c - Although the .xsd files imported by Add Service is added as a schema and set to BtsCompile, there are some limitations such as:
Add Service Reference will add the client proxy, which isn't needed in a BizTalk project (and which might 'tempt' your devs to do silly things like using this proxy from a Custom assembly)
Service Reference makes a mess of importing complicated WSDL (e.g. with Generics or dependencies on other Schemas), See Considerations when consuming Web Services
Using the Add Generated Items wizard does extra work for you:
Adds in a Port Type for accessing the service, already preconfigured for the correct message types. Note however that it adds the Port type to a dummy .odx - i.e. don't delete the odx until you've moved the Port type elsewhere.
Allow you to create the Send Port bindings at the same time.
One thing I would recommend with the Wizard, is to create a folder for the WCF reference and always import all the artifacts into the folder (i.e. don't do the usual separation of Schemas from Ports and leave the dummy .odx there as well). This way, if you need to regenerate the items, just delete everything in the folder and start again (sadly, the wizard doesn't have a Update Service Reference equivalent.
Also note that if you do move the generated Schemas and Port Types into a separate assembly, that you will need to change the type modifier access to Public (it is internal by default)
I have an existing schemas assembly from an already deployed BizTalk application. This assembly contains a property schema containing some properties which are promoted from the message body.
The problem I am having is that I want to configure a send port in a different BizTalk application with a subscription based on the value of the promoted property from that assembly.
However, I can't use this property for filtering because it doesn't show up in the list of properties in the send port filters dialogue.
There seems to be some "blocking" going on - because I am trying to filter based on a schema which is defined in a different application.
Is there any way around this? Has anyone got any suggestions.
OK I worked out that you can do this by manually editing the bindings file and adding in your filter expression there.