WPF4 support for MVVM Light Toolkit - mvvm-light

When installing the package, I only get binaries for Silverlight 3/4/5 and Windows Phone, nothing for WPF. What I am doing wrong ?
Thanks guys, sorry if my question was not detailed enough.
I've been using the procedure described at Laurent's Website and in the binaries directory, I have only 5 dirs corresponding to Silverlight 3/4/5, WP7 and WP71. Nothing about .Net 4.
I've tried GalaSoft.MvvmLight.V3.0.2.19 and GalaSoft.MvvmLight.V4beta1. with the same result.
On the v4 beta 1, the install window doesn't show .Net in the binaries nor the Snippets.
Could this be related to the fact that I'm using Studio 2010 Express despite that Laurent said that his package can also be used with Express? I can understand that for the snippets, not for the binaries.

They're labelled as ".Net 4". Should be there along with Silverlight and Windows Phone 7.

As you did not describe how you installed MVVM Light I cannot answer your question as to what went wrong. However, I can describe the easiest way of including MVVM Light into your project:
Install the NuGet package manager.
Create your project (WPF / SL / WP7).
Install one of the following packages
MVVM Light
This installs version 3 of MVVM Light and also configures your project to the conventions used by MVVM Light.
MVVM Light Libraries Only
Installs only the version 3 libraries, but leaves your project untouched.
MVVM Light [Preview]
Installs version 4 of MVVM Light, including the project conventions.
MVVM Light Libraries Only [Preview]
INstalls the version 4 libraries, but leaves your project unchanged.
Alternatively you can use the installer using the installer and the procedure described at Laurent's web site. If you use this approach the libraries should be installed under %program files%\Laurent Bugnion (GalaSoft)\Mvvm Light Toolkit\Binaries or the path you specified during the install.
The installer is good for installing the templates, snippets, etc., however, for production I strongly recommend using the NuGet packages as they usually offer an upgrade path should there be bugfixes.


Installing MVC on asp.net Core in visual Studio 2015

I created an empty ASP.NET 5 to work with .NET Core. I am trying to add MVC package to the application but I am receiving an Error that the Versions are not compatible, although I tried lots of MVC versions.
Anyone has an idea about the problem? thank you!
You need Nuget packages in the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc namespace. You're currently trying to install Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc 5.2.3, which is the traditional MVC package and only works with full .NET.
If you're working with .NET Core you should be using Microsoft.AspNetCore.* packages. (Microsoft.AspNet.* packages target the full .NET framework.)
Your screenshot shows a dependency on DNX. You do realize that's a pre-release technology? I don't mean to be rude but I'm curious as to why you would be targeting the pre-release framework rather than RTM (which has been available for several months).
If you do want to work with the prerelease bits, you may need to tweak your NuGet feeds to be able to see the appropriate .NET Core packages (I definitely had to do this when working with .NET Core betas).

MVVM Light Nuget installation on VS2105

I am installing the MVVM Light Nuget package into a new blank app (Universal Windows) project. I was expecting the viewmodellocator.cs file to be created along with others, but this did not happen and I was wondering if there is a solution for this?
I am using VS2015 Enterprise edition.

Creating an ASP.NET MVC app from scratch

So far i've only been using webforms. But me and my friend would like to try out the MVC architecture. Some questions:
Is there any downside with the free version of visual studio VS professional? I can get the professional version from work but is it worth the effort?
I would like to use Entity Framework and the latest version of MVC + the razor view engine. Does this need to be downloaded separatly?
As far as versioning is concerned; is tortoise SVN suitable for a small project on 2 persons?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
SVN is ok as a repository in my experience. If you are using Visual Studio there is a decent plugin so you can use it from within the IDE, rather than from within Windows. If I am using SVN, it is what I use! More details here.
MVC3 can be downloaded here
Entity Framework can be installed via Nuget (PM> Install-Package EntityFramework ) or a quick google will show the download locations (I think there is version 4.3 and a CTP of version 5)
Free version will work, not sure if there are any differences.
Yes you need to download it seperately
Why wouldn;t it be?
Not that I know of. It's a good way to start. I know earlier versions didn't allow plugins but not sure about the latest versions.
EF will come with the .NET SDK (VS) so no need there. You can get MVC3 from the Web Platform Installer (http://www.asp.net/mvc/mvc3)
I use Tortoise SVN on a team of 4 people with no issues at all. Just make sure you all know good rules for source control management.

Is there any difference between specflow's .msi installer and its nuget package?

On specflow's own instalation guide it says that the only way to install it is using the .msi installer and most of the tutorials I've read on the subject tell me to download and install said file but when I search on the nuget package manager I find there's also an available package for specflow.
The difference is in the tooling. With the MSI you get full item template, syntax coloring and intellisense support in the IDE where as with the NuGet you just get the code generation and runtime support. So I'd say 9 times out of 10 if you're going to be doing any serious work with it you're going to want the MSI for those rich features.
At this point they really should be offering it as a Visual Studio Extension for a lot more integrated install experience using VS Extension Manager.

How to integrate FxRuby framework with Aptana Studio 3?

I want to use Aptana Studio 3 Beta for all my Ruby developments. I am planning to write a Windows appl. using FxRuby framework, but how to integrate this framework with Aptana Studio 3?
I'm not 100% sure I understand what exactly you're looking for here. Studio 3 will index your ruby core, std lib and gems installed on whatever version fo Ruby is on your PATH. It uses that index to generate code assist. As long as you have the fxRuby libraries built and installed into your system, we should pick up the ruby API and offer code assist for you.
Here's the relevants ection of fxRuby's wiki on building their library on windows: https://github.com/lylejohnson/fxruby/wiki/Setting-Up-a-Windows-Build-Environment
I will say a word of caution: installing, building and generally dealing with Ruby binaries on Windows is a difficult task unless you're comfortable with MinGW.
