I'm adding the following to my MPDF footer:
<img src="arrowdownred.jpg" width="40" height = "34" />↓
It's showing up fine, and the ↓ character works fine as a link, but the image doesn't!
The cursor changes when I mouse over it, but it doesn't work when clicked.
Anyone got any ideas?
So I found the answer deep in the MPDF forum, so I thought I'd post it up here:
It's a bug with image links to fix it, in mpdf.php, line 18330, find:
if ($this->HREF) { $objattr['link'] = $this->HREF; } // ? this isn't used
and replace with:
if ($this->HREF) {
if (strpos($this->HREF,".") === false && strpos($this->HREF,"#") !== 0) {
$href = $this->HREF;
while(array_key_exists($href,$this->internallink)) $href="#".$href;
$this->internallink[$href] = $this->AddLink();
$objattr['link'] = $this->internallink[$href];
else { $objattr['link'] = $this->HREF; }
For fancybox 3, I can manually create a group of objects with a pattern
src : '' // Source of the content
type : '' // Content type: image|inline|ajax|iframe|html (optional)
opts : {} // Object containing item options (optional)
How can I specify srcset in this case for display different images based on viewport width?
You can use image.srcset option to set srcset attribute, example:
src : 'https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=33&txt=medium_1200%C3%97800&w=1200&h=720',
type: 'image',
image : {
srcset : 'https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=33&txt=large_1600%C3%97800&w=1600&h=960 1600w, https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=33&txt=medium_1200%C3%97800&w=1200&h=720 1200w, https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=33&txt=small_640%C3%97427&w=640&h=384 640w'
Demo - https://codepen.io/anon/pen/aRWpQp?editors=1010
Note: there is an inconsistency across browsers about how this should work, for example, try that demo using Chrome and Firefox, and try resizing window. Firefox works as you might expect but Chrome probably not. Therefore it is planned for v4 to implement responsiveness a bit differently.
So far, I've found a temporary solution. In JSON I added srcset:
var gallery = {
"src" : "https://source.unsplash.com/random/400x300",
"srcset" : "https://source.unsplash.com/random/400x300, https://source.unsplash.com/random/800x600 2x"
Then used afterLoad:
$.fancybox.open(gallery, {
afterLoad: function (instance, slide) {
if (slide.srcset)
slide.$slide.find(".fancybox-image").attr("srcset", slide.srcset);
Everything seems to be working correctly.
Demo - https://codepen.io/anon/pen/oaWBMe?editors=1010
If I am wrong, please correct.
By adding :
.scroll {
-webkit-user-select: text !important;
-moz-user-select: text !important;
-ms-user-select: text !important;
user-select: text !important;
I can select text on desktop browsers except on IE.
I figure out that when I comment my import :
On IE I can select text but I need ionic so I can't comment that line. Also I don't what to touch to ionic.js.
Do you have any idea?
I found an answer here:
forum.ionicframework: How to make text selectable?
Link: Original forum Post
Are you referring to using this technique on mobile or desktop?
On mobile it still seems to be working for me, but If it isn't working for you on desktop, that might be because it doesn't work if the user can use their mouse to click-and-drag to scroll the page. To disable this type of scrolling you can either enable overflow-scroll on your content:
<ion-content overflow-scroll="true">
Or you can disable the mouse click-and-drag-to-scroll events by further changing ionic.js like so...
Add 'return;' to the beginning of this mouseDown function:
self.mouseDown = function(e) {
if ( ionic.tap.ignoreScrollStart(e) || e.target.tagName === 'SELECT' ) {
self.doTouchStart(getEventTouches(e), e.timeStamp);
if( !ionic.tap.isTextInput(e.target) ) {
mousedown = true;
So that it looks like this:
self.mouseDown = function(e) {
return; // <--- This disables all mouseDown events from scrolling the page
if ( ionic.tap.ignoreScrollStart(e) || e.target.tagName === 'SELECT' ) {
self.doTouchStart(getEventTouches(e), e.timeStamp);
if( !ionic.tap.isTextInput(e.target) ) {
mousedown = true;
This change makes it so you can still use the ionic scroll features with your mouse wheel, but disables mouse click-and-drag scrolling so that you can use your mouse to select text.
When messing around in the FireBug css panel, you change the their representation of the original css file. Like:
.myCssClass { width: 100px; }
However, if you add a jQuery line to this,
$(".myCssClass").css("width", "200px");
you end (of course) up with changing the style tag for this element and you see that your original width:100px has a strikethough in the FireBug representation.
So my question is, do you know a way to change the "original" width:100px instead of changing the style tag. I guess you have to through a FireBug extension to access that property, and that is not a problem for me. But I don't know where to start :)
Edit: Have to point out that I am need to change the property by code! Either from a FireBug extension or somehow reload the corresponding css so that FireBug think it is the orginal value.
Here is an old JS function that usually worked well for me (Before Stylish and Greasemonkey).
Note that plain JS has security restrictions from accessing some stylesheets. A FF add-on can get around that, but then you need to also beware of corrupting browser-chrome styles.
function replaceStyleRuleByName (sStyleName, sNewRule)
var iNumStyleSheets = document.styleSheets.length;
var bDebug = 0;
if (bDebug) console.log ('There are ' + iNumStyleSheets + ' style sheets.');
for (iStyleS_Idx=0; iStyleS_Idx < iNumStyleSheets; iStyleS_Idx++)
var iNumRules = 0;
var zStyleSheet = document.styleSheets[iStyleS_Idx];
if (zStyleSheet)
This next line can throw an uncaught exception!
Error: uncaught exception:
[Exception... "Access to restricted URI denied" code: "1012"
nsresult: "0x805303f4 (NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI)"
location: ... ...]
//--- try/catch for cross domain access issue.
var zRules = zStyleSheet.cssRules;
if (zRules)
iNumRules = zRules.length;
catch (e)
{// Just swallow the error for now.
if (bDebug) console.log ("Style sheet " + iStyleS_Idx + " has " + iNumRules + " ACCESSIBLE rules and src: " + zStyleSheet.href);
//for (var iRuleIdx=iNumRules-1; iRuleIdx >= 0; --iRuleIdx)
for (var iRuleIdx=0; iRuleIdx < iNumRules; ++iRuleIdx)
if (zRules[iRuleIdx].selectorText == sStyleName)
zStyleSheet.deleteRule (iRuleIdx);
if (bDebug) console.log (sNewRule);
if (sNewRule != null)
zStyleSheet.insertRule (sStyleName + sNewRule, iRuleIdx);
//return; //-- Sometimes changing just the first rule is not enough.
//--- Optional: Punt and add the rule, cold, to any accessible style sheet.
if (iNumRules > 0)
if (sNewRule != null)
zStyleSheet.insertRule (sStyleName + sNewRule, iRuleIdx);
{// Just swallow the error for now.
Sample Usage:
replaceStyleRuleByName ('body', '{line-height: 1.5;}' );
replaceStyleRuleByName ('#adBox', '{display: none;}' );
replaceStyleRuleByName ('.BadStyle', null );
Just right click on the property in question and then edit [stylename]
Look for the "Computed" tab, it displays the actual values used of the properties of an element. The "Style" tab only displays the "stylesheet values" that affects a particular element, which may or may not be actually used by Firefox due to CSS' cascading rule and other layouting considerations.
I am using SimpleModal and i am opening an Iframe (using ff)
it seems to work ok in ie9 but in ff it is calling the iframe src twice
Thanks for any help
the code i am calling looks like
function addNew(){
var src = "/php/ftp/parsehome.php?dir="+userDir+"&idx=new";
$.modal('<iframe src="' + src + '" height="445" width="800" style="border:0">', {
modal: true
I ran into the same problem. Looking at the plugin code...
// add styling and attributes to the data
// append to body to get correct dimensions, then move to wrap
s.d.data = data
.attr('id', data.attr('id') || s.o.dataId)
.css($.extend(s.o.dataCss, {
display: 'none'
data = null;
You can see the data is added to the page body with the line .appendTo('body'); to calculate the correct dimensions for the modal. If you comment out this line, it will prevent the iframe being called twice.
// add styling and attributes to the data
// append to body to get correct dimensions, then move to wrap
s.d.data = data
.attr('id', data.attr('id') || s.o.dataId)
.css($.extend(s.o.dataCss, {
display: 'none'
data = null;
Not sure if this modification will cause your modal size to have the wrong dimensions, but my iframe was set to width=100% and height=100% so didn't affect me.
I'm trying to print iframe content.
This code works in IE, Firefox and Safari. But don't work in Chrome and Opera. These browsers print entire page.
I tried to use this topic How do I print an IFrame from javascript in Safari/Chrome. But it didn't help me.
Could someone help me?
This is a known bug in Opera. In addition to the above ideas for workarounds, you may want to play with something like this:
var clone=document.documentElement.cloneNode(true)
var win=window.open('about:blank');
win.document.replaceChild(clone, win.document.documentElement);
I have not tested this but it should create a copy of the page in a popup window and print it, without having to load the content a second time from the server or loosing any DOM modifications you may want printed.
As I understand, it's impossible to implement iframe printing without opening new window.
My print function:
if ($.browser.opera || (/chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()))) {
var href = contentWindow.location.href;
href = href.indexOf("?") > -1 ? href + "&print=1" : href + "?print=1";
var printWindow = window.open(href, "printWindow", "scrollbars=yes");
else {
Also I added the following code to the end of the body (when print==1):
<script type='text/javascript'>
function invokePrint() {
if (document.readyState && document.readyState!='complete')
setTimeout(function() { invokePrint(); }, 50);
else if (document.body && document.body.innerHTML=='false')
setTimeout(function() { invokePrint(); }, 50);
else {
I cannot reproduce your problem with Chrome. Opera, however, does indeed still print the entire outer page when trying to only print the iframe.
I have devised a workaround and although it does work mostly, it is not 100% failsafe (amongst others because Opera wraps lines for printing; I don't know how to calculate the correct height in such cases). That said, the following code works at least reasonable (using jQuery for convenience):
if ($.browser.opera) {
var ifr = $('#youriframe');
var ifrbody = ifr.get(0).contentDocument.body;
var sheet = $([
'<style type="text/css" media="print">',
'body * {',
' display: none;',
'#youriframe {',
' border: none;',
' display: block;',
' height: ', ifrbody.scrollHeight, 'px;',
' margin: 0px;',
' padding: 0px;',
' width: ', ifrbody.scrollWidth, 'px;',
Hope this helps.
I tried above code and after making changes to the above codes I came with conclusive code as follows
var win=window.open('about:blank');
win.document.write('<iframe frameBorder="0" align="center" src="'+window.location.href+'" onload="test()" style="width: 619px; height: 482px;"></iframe>');
win.document.write('<scr'+'ipt>function test(){window.focus();window.print()}</sc'+'ript></body></html>');
if (window.focus) {win.focus()}
try this one